* LO CAL N E W S . Social dance Friday evening. McCalle' patterns 10 and 15i. W. E. Crane was up from the lower river on Saturday. Mrs. Black, of Sumner, visited friend« in (JoquiMe on Thursday. Springs stretched and furniture mi nded at the Second baud Store. The Dime (home of the Imp) to­ night. Dr. Taylor, the Marshfield den­ tist, was a Coquille visitor on Fri­ day. Silk hoods for the babies, Robin- eon’s Store. 011 n post card. The Bandou Eagle appeared on onr table today Mrs. Arthur Johnson, of Bandon, Long and short winter kimonos is visiting in town, lor a few weeks just in at Robinson’s. The W. C. T. U. will meet at 2:30 Cash Goodman, of Prosper, was! Friday Nov. 11th in the M. FJ in town one or two days last week. Church. Nobody can deny that the col­ H. II. Brownson, of Bridge, had onel is advertising bis paper succor- business with the county court one fully. or two days last week. Attorney Chas. B. Salby, of We have just received a nice line Marshfield, was a Bandon visitor on ot Ladies short and long kimono’s Monday. Rose’s Cash Stose. Shark steak is now on the menu Married— In Roeeburg, Nov. 7, of a Broadway restaurant. Lawyers 1010, O. M. Mattoon and Miss Mar­ dine there. garet Krewson, both of Drane. “The Golden Rule.”— C. H . Cleaves. none higher Rose’ s Cash Store Come to the Scenic tonight fun for everybody come Your potrait Desns Studio. T NE W F A L L H goods Our fall line of Gents Shoes are arriving on every boat and the Ladies line will be in in a few days. P. 8 . Robinson, of Norway, wen Be sure and don’ t miss the fun to tbe Bay on business wbiob call­ to be had at the box social at Fish- ed him to the Bay Thursday. Wm, Oallier, ol Bandon, who trap Friday evening. Nov. 11th. has been ill for some weeks is em« Try Slagle for dry cleaning. Found— A watch. The loser will Work guaranteed. proving. inquire of W. H. Mansell. Fred Nosier, of Bridge, was a If you want pictures for the holi­ T. W. Drane, of Parkersburg, had Coquille visitor on Thursday of days, come now. Dean’s Studio business pertaining to road matters last week. open every day except Sunday. with the county court Thursday. Some of Robinson’s fall dress Judge Coke and Herbert Lock­ You can find Ladies Skirts, Coats goods have arrived. hart, of Marshfield, were Coquille Ladies and ohidrens sweaters, fancy valley visitors the first of the week. W. W. Faust was over from Coal scarfs etc. at Rose’s Cash Store. cdo Thursday with a lot of fine Bell­ New hand bags, the kind they all A fine lice of Silverware and cut want at Robinson's. flower apples. glass at M. H. Hersey’s Store. A grand time is certain to be en­ Beautiful scarfs in tbo latest de­ Born— In Coquille, Oregon Oct. joyed by all who attend tbe box signs at Robinson's. 29, 1910 at the home of J. B. Fox, aocial to be given at the Fistrap Furniture mended and springs to Mrs. Chas. Myers, a daughter church next Friday. stretched at H. O. Anderson’s Sec­ The rainy season is here we have Fine line of Tardiniers and flower ond band store. Umberellas for everyone. All pots at tbe Racket. Come and Bee. Best values in school tablets at sizes, all prices Rose's Cash Store. Knowltons Drug Stre. There will be services at the Scarfs in silk and wool all colors H. \V. Holvcrstott, of Fairview, Presbyterian Church Coquille, next for ladies at Roses Cash Store. was a business visitor to Coquille Sunday morning at 11 and in tbe Look— Ladies you can have any on Saturday. tbe evening at 7.30. kind of a silk petticoat plain or The latestsin pillow tops, ruffles Have you tried a pair of tbope fancy, any color. The latest. Rose’s and cords at Robinson's. Newport hose? 25c a pair at Lyons Cash Store. & Jones’ . Miss Galon Machado, of Myrtle Msrried— At the borne o f tbe Now is tbe time, to get your hol­ Point, visited Mrs. Nosier, of this bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 3 . iday pictu 68 . Dean’s Studio. Hours city, over Sunday. Belieu, in Roseburg, Nov. fi 1910, 9. to 12 a m. 1. to 5. p. m. Open Silkolcnes in dainty and beauti­ Preston linker and Miss Cora Belieu. every day exetpt Sunday. ful désignant Robinsons. II. B Guthrey and R. E Doan, Lyons A Jones have the pun Albert Bright and wife, of Gravel two primiict week tie. A nice cool drink- day on their way to the Bay for a looking over the field for invest­ William B. English, o f Parkers­ visit. ment. burg, had business at the count' Umberellas Umberellas for little New fall waists have arrived. seat Monday, and made the H erald big old and young, at Roses Cash Call and see them. Robinson’s office r pleasant call while in town. Store. Store. “ A oent W anted .— For the Pheo- Albert Garfield, of Bandon, who J. N. McVay recieved »letter re­ nix Mutual Fire Insurance Comp­ recently sold out bis iron foundry in that place, was a Coquille visitor cently from Joe Bledsoe which in­ any of Oregon. formed him that he and Mrs Bled­ on Thursday. McCalls’ Magagine only 50c a soe would be at El Monte, California, year including a free pattern. Gar­ Round thread art, also butchers’ D ied.— In Coquille, November 7, and unbeleached linen at Robin­ for a short time. ments made by McCall’s patterns son’s. , Wanted,— All kinds of Furs and look like the picture. We have 1910, Mrs. S. T. Johnson, nged 69 years. F u n tn l today at Fairview The new Peoples’ Co-Operative skins by Geo. T. Monition Coquille them. Rose's Cash Store. Oregon. by Rev. Thomas Barklow. store is now open and doing busi­ It is only seven waeks until We can take good pictures on ness, but not us much as they would Try the-New Catchem Fly trap' Christmas. What can you get that d«rk days but it takes longer to fin­ Drane has them on sale, at 15c or if all their goods were here. will go farther or be more appro­ two for 25c. ish them up. Get your holiday Miss Agnes Tuppcr returned priate than than a dozen nice Cabi­ work now. Dean’s Studio, open The Educational League will home last week, from a visit with net portraits. Now is tbe time ot get everyday except Sunday. meet at tbe school heuse Friday af­ her sister, Mrs. Kenneth Perkins, them. Dean’s Studio. ternoon The pro'ram will New Hosery— You will find tbe who lives on the coast, below Ban- Dr. Elgin, sage and Postmaster qcst bosery in town at Lyons & b j as follows: Mrs. McDonald, bon. of Sixes was in town Monday night Jones’ . paper; Mrs. Tyrrell, solo; Fred Sweaters all sizes and colors for on business connected with the set­ Redding, recitation; Thelma LyoDs, Geo. S. Fisk, attorney and cap­ both women and men at Roses Cash tlement of the estate of Capt Wat­ recitation; Naomi Knowlton recita­ italist, and Herbert D. Wise, cap­ Store. ers, of which the doctor is adminis­ tion. Willian Berry, of Loon Lake, was italist, of Oakland, Cal., were in trator.— Port Orford Tribune. Coos County several days lately. a passenger to the Bay Monday For Sale.—Thoroughbred Shrop- W Oman’s Christian Tem perance on his return from a visit with rela They are lookibg over Coos Coun­ soire rams. A,ddress C. H. Nosier U nion C outest tives and friends in the Myrtle Point ty with the idea of making pur­ A Sou., Bridge, Oregon. chase of valuable properties. The W . C. T. U. Juuior Medal section We learn that this «’as a new Contest held last Thursday evening For a good second-hand Singer You can get pictures in any finish bridge having just recently been of style at Dean’s Studio. All work sewing machine, call at the H er ­ completed, and that tbe cause of was a decided success. There were ald office. five contestants, Mary Fussone, gnat antoed, the catastrope was fire. The young Merlon Tyrrell, Gladys Howe, Olive K. F. Wilson, of Portland, who Mrs. Clarence Harris came up men came to tbe bridge and found Howey, and Vera Kelsey. They from Lampa la«t Saturday and went spent several days in town lately, it burniDgdown and at once began all did tbeir part» creditably. to the Bay by tbe morning train. went down to Lakeport last week to work to save tbe structure when The judges, Mr. Anderson, Mr. She goes to see her parents, Mr. with the intention of making tbe it collapsed, precipitating them to Adams ned Mrs. Mace, decided in owners of that paper ao offer for the rocks forty or fifty feet below and Mrs. J. Mills and friends. favor of Vera Kelley. F or fruit, ornamental trees, ber­ tbe Lakeport Banner. We have with tbe results mentioned. Mrs. MeCray, the county W. C. not learned whether a trade has ries, rose bushes aud shrubbery Try a pair of those Newpo T. U. County Supt. presented the been consummated or not. hose. They will wear longer than give Geo. T. Moulton your order. medal after which Mrs. Watkics Wanted— Men and women to any other hose on tbe marxet. A gave a short talk on Medal Contest Frank Ray, of the Bay side, came Lyons A Jones. have clothes cleaned, pressed and over last week and spent a couple repaired Slagle the tailor. A B 'X Social and Moving Pioture Work of which she is Supt. The piogrom was interspersed of days, having business at the entertainment will be given at tbe Start Church.— The Seventh Day with music consisting of a chorus, county seat in regard to road mat­ Fisbtrap church Friday evening, song by the little folks, duet, solo, ters. He visited his niece and Adventists today started the con­ Nov. 11th. Admission to tbe enter­ trio und contest roily song. nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Alva W arner struction of their new church at tainment, 10 cents. Boxes will be the corner of Seventh and West M eth od ist E p isco p a l Church. while in town. sold at one cent for of the weight of Commercial avenue. It will occu­ You will always find what you the owner. The proceeds sre for All boys from 13 to 17, may com­ py a ground space of 26 x 70 feet. arc looking for in gentlemen's up- tbe benefit of the church and will pete for the gold prize in the con. Rev. T. G. Bunch and his father. ot-date clothing at Robinson’s Storr. be used to purchase an organ. test that closes Nov. 19. A list of W. H. Bunch county superintendant You will en­ questions in tbe competition can be C . O . Crosby, the Fairview nurs­ of schools, purchased the site for Everybody welcome. eryman, was in town Thursday and the church which will be rushed to joy this. secured from the pnster. The Big M oney—We want an agent Judges for the contest are, Judge informs us that he has a large lot of completion. in every town; salary and Commis­ E. D. G. Holden, Principal Hoi ket fine trees in stock, free from all in­ For Rent.— A Small house near sion; references required; for full and Mrs. Chase. Boys Day Dec. 11. sec* pests, which it will be to the tbe Christian Church at $4 25 per particulars, address subscription The Subject for next Sunday intrest of those setting out orchards month. Inquire at the Peoples Co- Dept., National Sportsman, In c, 75 morning at 11 o ’clock. The Saddest to examine ’■ efere buying else­ operative Store. C. A. Pendleton. Federal St., Boston, Mass. Question Jesus Asked. where. * Miss Rose Lilly and Miss Beulah A^Voting Contest is d > w running The evening subject at 7,30 The Prepare— the time is here. Rob­ Hess, teachers, went to Bridge the at tbe Dime Theatre. With each 10c Jury Verdict. inson’s Store have opened up tbeir Prof, and Mrs. H . O. Anderson rubber and aquapelle goods Get last of tbe week where they will be­ ticket you get a coupon for 50 votes your size while tbe stock is complete^ gin an eight-moDtbs’ term of school and with each half ticket 25 votes, will entertaiu the League next Fri­ ^ Miss Hess wbo taught this sum­ which should be cast for ths most 1 day evening at their home. Mrs. William Morras who bal mer atfSunny side, opposite Riv­ popular young lady of Coquille.! The Ladies Aid Society meets with been at Mercy hospital for several erton, resigned at that place a few This contest will run 4 weeks at the Mrs James Nosier on Thursday P. woeks, during which time she suf- days before tbe expiration of the end of which time the lady receiv- M. fertd tbe amputation of one foot, terra, but left Miss Jessie Sweet to ing the most votes will receive $10 j Mrs. E. 8 Mace gave an address and later tbe amputation of tbe same take ber place, which wss satisf»c- as the first prize. A prize of $5 wil; last Sunday at the mornning service, limb above the knee for gsogreene tory all round. be given tbe one receiving next to j *'•** has so recovered that she was Books!! Books!!! At the the greatest numberof votes. Every W ood W ood W ood Books brought home Saturday by her son ~ ~ Mark Morras, who has been by her the Racket store, M. H. Hersey bss Saturday night there will be a prize given to th. one leading in the' Lay in your w.nlers supply, while side during her illness. Her many tbe largest assortment of books for contest, the prixe can be seen L .ird ’s y° ° Alder- ,h# best «be friends hope to see her her up up in a | the young snd old ever brought to Furniture Store window < “ ,r k e t 1 , 00 * dcllv,r* M Coquille Phone 353, short, time. We are sole agents for the Florsheim Shoes for Men and the Utz and Dunn shoes for the Ladies. These two lines will give us the strongest shoe line in the county. D ry Goods and Groceries. ..Flour and Feed.. ■/ Give us a trial order and we will do our best to please you. f LYON <& JONES Second Street, Coquille Phone 251. Fuhrman’s AUCTION SALE W afers are the thin edge of the wedge for a split­ ONE THE LOTS IN ting headache. Easily Taken. COQUILLE, ORE. There is a whole lot of concentrated relief in each wafer. 25 cents a package. THURSDAY and FRIDAY Fuhrman’s NOVEMBER 17=15 I will sell at Public Auction on the above dates the following described Property. About 60 lots in Notley’s Addition These lots are all 50x100 feet and are located in that part of the tract commencing at the School House, running three blocks east and two blocks north, in the most desirable resi­ dence district in the city. Term s o f Sale: One third cash and the balance secured by mortgage, one and two years at 8 per cent interest. ^ s ." - f - r . -»— :----- Tjf 533¡S¡3U3t¡¡£ flOUR MILLS CO. GIVE YOURSELF A CHANCE PHARMACY Church of Christ The safe and reliable tw in -,^ 0 screw The New and Speedy,.^^ Str. Elizabeth * Capt. Olaen, Maate. Will make regular trips between C oquille River an.J San Francisco. No Stop-over at W ay Porta. Electric Lights. Everything in First Class Style. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that George A. Gilman, the undersigned, has been appointed administrator of theestate of William Harvey Gilman, deceased; all persons having claims against said estate arc hereby directed and required to present the same to the undersigned at the office of A. J. Sherwood at Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, properly verti- fled, together with the vouchers there­ for, w ithin six months from the date of this notice. Dated this 19th day ofOctotier, A. D. 1910. G eckos A. G il m a n , Administrator. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the un­ dersigned lias lieen appointed adminis­ tratrix of the Estate of Roliert J. Dean, deceased; all persons having claims against said eitate are required to pre­ sent the same properly vertifleil, to­ gether with the vouchers therefor, to the undersigned at the office of A. J. Sherwood at Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, within six months from the to make the very liest biscuit, bread ami pastry you know how. The best flour you can get hold ot will produce the best baking you can accomplish. You have got to know the flour—so it is best to use a brand that you know « ill be the same—al­ ways. One tlral sack of Snow Drift will open lip a new field of successful baking for you. It’ s an uu- bleached flour. Made from selected Northwestern grown Blue Stem Wheat. The flour that proves. Ask for Snow Drift Flour. Take no substitute. date of this notice. Dated this 19th day of October, A. D. 1910. H. W. PAINTER A g e n t , M a r s h fie ld , O re g o n M avis A. D ban , Administratrix,