——1 Coquille Ijerald. WEDNKSDAY, N()V. 1*. A Tew E le c tio n 1910. N o tes. Owing to the great length of the tick ole, counting in neoeaHury slow It will t>o evening before the Marsh tlohl prsoiuotaare eouuteil, but froti all repora, no far aa we have been able to gather lufomation frou llioae bringing in returns from the precincts wliero the count linn been made it would indicate that C ook eounty will elect, for Circuit Judge John S. Coke, County Judge, John V. Hall; Sheriff, W. W. tinge, Clerk Jan. Wataon; Treasurer, T. M. Dim miok; Surveyor, A. N. flould. • ••• • lien I ii of K ik -I ihc I Wtlnon lUohel NVilaon was born January 10th 1854 in Allen County Ohio Her mother died when ehe was linen week« old and her father when ehe had came to the age of two years. About the time of her fa liter’s death ehe contraetep typhoid fever which checked the develop ment of her mind so that ehe ' never more than a child in intellect. Of shell ie the Kiugdomof Heaven She died Nov, Oth 1910 and woe buried the next day from the horn« of her brother-in-law, Mr. David Fulton. Many lloral offering* ever were brought to the foneial. At its close they were very thoughtfully sent to brighten the rooms of the sick throughout our ciiy. When Itnehcl Wilson's mother knew that she was about to die she entrust! 0 the l>aby to the care of her sister, now Mrs. David Fulton of Ccquille. The frithfulness wirh which that trust hns been executed is one of the glories of the Chrislnin life snd will entitle m r beloved neighbor to a place very near the throne. Inasmuch as ye did it tin to one of these my brethern, even these least, ye did it uuto me. IN T ill', COUNTY COURT OK THE Tichenor to Alice Margaret G u e r in .S B And your petitioners will ever prey, COUNTY OKOOOH. «TATE OK ORE­ Thomas D. Guerin GON. Anns T. Guerin In tlie Matter ol the Petition o Petitioners Thomas 1>. Onerili and Anna T. Guerin A. J . Sherwood snd L. A. Liljesjviat, Attorneys for Petitioners. Ills wife, lor leave to adopt ALICE MARGARET TICHENOR, s State ol Oregon,( County of Coos,I female child, Thomas D. Guerin, being duly sworn does depose and say: that he is one of State of Oregon, ( ( County of ( ’ous I the |M>tttioners aforesaid: that he has THOMAS D. GUERIN anil ANNA read the foregoing petition and knows T. GUERIN, having tiled their petition the contents thereof and that he be­ herein piaying for leave to adopt ALICE lieves it to lie true. Thomas D. Guerin, MARGARET TICHENOR, a female child, und daughter ol Herbert E. Subscribed and sworn to before me Tichenor snd Mabel Tlchenor his wile, this 6th day of November A. D., 1910. amt it eppesring to the Court that ller- (Notarial Seal) A. J . Sherwood, Notary tiert E. Tichenor the father of such Public. clillil bus not consented to sudi adop­ State of Oregon,! ■s County of Coos,) tion It is therefore. Anna T. Guerin, being duly sworn, ORDERED That a copy of the said does d«|x>se anil sav ; that she is one of petition herein and of this order lie the petitioners aforesaid: that she has served upon said Herbert E. Tichenor read the foregoing petition and knows personally If found in this state, and if the contents thereof, and that she be­ not Unit It he published once a week lieves it to be true. for three successive weeks in the Co- Anna T. Guerin umu.K H kh . i i n a newspaper printed In Hubtcrlbed and sworn to before me the County of Coos, and that the last this 6th day of November A. D., 1910. publication lie at least four weeks from (Notarial Seal) A. J . Sherwood. Notary the time appointed for the hearing of Pul lie. •aid petition, which hearing is set for Said |>etilioii is endorsed as follows; the lini day of Jsniiary A. D., 1910. at In the County Court of the County ol It) o’clock A. M. of said day. Coos, State of Oregon. Ami in addition to said publication it In the Matter of the Petition of is ordered that n copy of said petition Thomas D. Guerin and Anna T. Guerin, and.of this order he mailed postnge pre­ his wife for leave to adopt, paid to said Herbert E. Tichenor, ad­ ALICE MARGARET TICHENOR. a dressed to him at Oakland, California, female child, or that in lieu thereof personal service Petition of Thomas D. Guerin and ol n copy of said petitiou anil of this or­ Anna T. Guerin for adoption of Alice der I h ' Iliade on said llerliert E. Tich­ Margaret Tichenor a female child. enor, outside of the Slate of Oregon at Filed Nov. 7th 1910. least four weeks before the time ap. James Watson, County Clerk. la'inteil (or liesring this petition By Roliert Watson, Deputy. Done In open Court this 7th ilav of November A. D. 1911. Flnhtrap And V icinity - J ohn F. H ail , County Judge. Oue day last week, John Hanoi- Said order is endorsed as follows ger bad (be misfortune to out his In the County Court of the County of foot quite severely with an ax. Coos, State of Oregon. Her. William Lyon has moved In the M atterò! the Petition of Thom­ as D. Guerin and Anna T. Guerin, his his family to Myrtle Point. wife for leave to adopt, H . L. Stephens has bought him a ALICE MARGARET TICHENOR, a new driving horse which he expects female child, ORDER KIX1NG TIM E AND PLACE in on the Bren k water this week. OK HEARING AND FOR SER V IC E He tbinks s single driver should be OF H ERBERT E. TICHENOR. rather large ss he tips the scsles at Filed and entered Nov. 7th 1910 just 3ßo pounds. Mr. Stephens .fames Watson, County Clerk, also bought two eolts of the same tty Robert R. Watson, Deputy, breed, which are full blood Shet­ lands. The little fellows have beeu expressed from some point in Ne braska. The infaut son of Mr. and Mrs J. li. lladabaugh has beeu quite siek. Quite a number of our middle aged, stay at home people were out till a late hour, Hallowe'en night, the occasion being a surprise on Mi. and Mrs. Lewis Pinkston which we think was a success. The party comprised about 35 ghost like fig­ ures who brought lunch with them, and to which all did ample justice after playing games till a late hour. They all returned to their homes feeling they had had a very enjoy­ able evening indeed. N E X T M O N D A Y MORNING, NOV. 7th We will open our new store. We wish to thank our many customers for their appreciation, ou our part, have tried to please you and be of service to you. The true measure of progress is service, and we recognize that, just as we are of service to you—Ju st to that extent will our Company prosper. A handsome Souvenir will be given to each customer, customer as the supply is limited. E. C. Barker & Co JEW ELERS Rchimond-Barker Building. The W ashcalore CAPT. PETERSON. Master Will make regular trips between Bandon and San Francisco \ iHir THE BAXTER HOTE New management, new service and a new system. It is the hope of the present managers to make of the B A X T E R a first class hotel in every sense of the word. Your patron­ age is solicited and, if given, your wants will be cared for in he most satisfactory manner possible. H A R R IN G T O N &. R O B ER TS, Props. Formerly of the Skookum Restaurant C a rry in g Preight, Etc. Valuable Timber Lands For Sale Cruised Four Million feet by a well known cruiser. Two Million feet o f which is Port Orford White Cedar. All located in Coos County. Oreqon. FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS WRITE OR CALL ON C0QUILLE, OREGON /n v o J fu s i (Tî Ò E. G. D. HOLDEN, — v-\ 1 U 1 ' : R. S. KNOWLTON, President GEO. A. ROBINSON, V. Pres. R. H MAST, Cashier ^ Farmers ai)d Merchaqts of Coquille Bai)H CAPITAL STOCK $25.000 A Reasonable Share of Your Business Soliciter First Class Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent J J ^¿"oset 'liow o) fùok üt n^' ou\ {inc of fine eftiffonit\± rtitfi ci- ha d'iartc'ts and Kanyina aceontmo- Salmon for winter. {M. H Heraey has the stone crocks ot all a € '~ - Just the thing you need Call uÎd dations, a { { eont{inct a„wove* o» sm-b 0 * ^ - * ber writte . o wnt thereto t fileil here- unanuiiouaiy that the cx'iralrT sur­ ■ Uh. That H rrV rt K. TWheiwe the rounding el'll* Hay is the best in fsthcr st said cbikt r* a non rvekteal of the state At they wended their and »hee-.it n-r,' tlie Mate ol Oregon, wars homeward they were more sn.t is ss yvur petitioner* are mtiinoeit order. Also handy, adjustable win- »ivi V r\e a resi-fent ,if the O ty of dow screens, ironing hoard*, aleee« than chav meed that the newly or iVak'.an.' Mate of i V .f e r n s that he boards, bread boards, drain k y ir lt board* (fan red cluh will l>e N'th a literary ha* niW g vr* hi* conseM U' such •d°r- 40vj m ti! sates- and social success Uva. No matter how large or small the purchase is we can only give one to each 1N TH ECO U N TY COURT OF TH E COUNTY OK COOS, STATE OF ORE­ GON. On the ifitli of October the stir In thè Matter of thè l'etilion ot denis of Albany College from Coos THOMAS D. GUKR1N and ANNA T and Curry Countiea met at the resi UUKK1N, bis w ile for leave tu miopi ALICE MARGARET TIOHKNOR deuce of Miss Winnifred Root for the purpose of organising a elul Iemale rhihi. To thè Honorahle thè County Court There were ten persons present, aforesaid : eight from Coos County, and two The ieen pose of having social good limes to­ husliantt and wife; that they are and gether, and for instruction along for more than leu years tasi bave beco inhabitants. citisene ami residenti ol literary lines. thè State ot Oregon, and during said The names of the persons who timo bave resideil and do now reside al formed the club are as follows: A. Myrtlc Paint in thè County of Coos in H. Hodge, H. K Hodge, and Myr­ said State of Oregon. J ohn D o k . V- * «•* • That Alice Margaret Tiohenor is a tle Hodge, all of Arago, A. R. Jones Under Two Flags ' L. A Jones, of Myrtle I’oint; T. S. temale chili! of thè ago of tour years and npwards. Tliaf she w as barn al Kasti'ii. of Sitkum; I,. Osborn, of U .e Angeles. I alitomia, on the lotii T h is grand production will be Handon; Winnifred Hood, of North lav of September. V. D.. 19i>\ and is . .. , . . , .. , . , . given in it* entirety Ntturdav. Nov Rend; Rthel Cheevsr, Fanglois. till- daughter of Herbert R. Tichenor and Mabel Tichenor, Ins wife. Tiiat **■ in ,h * M«*onic Opera House, Magu'ba White, IN rt Orford. said Herbert K. Tichenor is the brother i even the horses will be on the The following officers were elec­ i» f your petitioner Anna T. G uerin,1 stage. ted: (‘resident, A. Hodge; vice that said Herbert K. Tichenor on or The play is under the auspice pre».. A Jones: secretary, Wraui- about tho month of November. 1907, at . . v* .* « .» . w .» of Heulah Chapter No. 6, O. H. 8 . the City of Portland, Mate of Oregon. . . . frvd Bin'll; treasurer, 1. Osborn. M ami abamlon«Kl hi« «aid wife the d»reetioo is in the hand* of Two committees were sppointed: ami hi« ?aul child, and al*o another ^ E- Graham the same gen tle- T F.sston. F.thel Cheever, and L. . child and ai your petitioner* are ir.u man that staged the Girl of the Jo nes were on • com mittee for form- | f„rnwj , B.t verily twlieos ever since Hour a short time ago iug a con stitution. M agnolia W hite *aul month ol November l'.X'T. said1 , , ' t i . I>. O aborn. and Myrtle Hodge were Herbert K. Tichenor bos wilfully de- , ¿ ° U " * n J* ^ * '*y’ wrted hi« «awl child, Aik« Margaret 1 nber T t u ' H ap« 1 « tbe one placed on an cutsrtairmcut commit Tichenor and wilfully neglected to pro-. The sandstorm in Ibe fourth act. tws ride proper care snd maintensnce for the great steeple chase, in the first It was decided to hav* the club I t,or j,’;, ¿ ¡ j child, 1 act, the thrilling sword fight, and meet during the first week of each Thai for more than fourteen months the execution are some of tbe prio- month, special meetings to be held last past said Alice Margaret Tichenor scenes. during holidays. haa K-cn in the care and custode oi t -, . . , . . . . . . . . ,, • .. The comedy of tbe plav is rich r • When all business had been fin­ cour petitioners: that during all said, , and mirth provoking to the ex­ ished the meeting was adjourned pertest ot fourteen months she has resi- disi and does now tv«.le with voar ! freme. and tbe remainder of the evening | petiUcners al Myrtle Point. UV>* There is thre* eiever comic char- s l'eut in a social way I OountT. Oregon • and tias Iw n and is acts in th» cast of thè phty. thè Uhi Wednesday, the second of ¡wholly snpivrled and carni for by Jew, tbe Irisbman and thè on- That for moie than fonrteen November, the first regular meet ' !>eui genue. ing of tbe club was held, at the re«- m" n,h* Freesdì«*'U'* i n » oI •I- " Under Two Flags" is recog I ms ibis l'etilion said Herbert K. Tich- ideace of Miss Ethel c'heevrr At enor haa w'itfnllr deserteii. and ne m iei thè world over ss ooe of thè tbts meeting thè eonstitutn'n. which j |>rv, Tt>|, ,w p , T m strxragest and best plays ever - r i t j b /t f l t f ’T j bad l e i n drawn up by tbe conim i!- ; and mainlenanes for his said chili!. ten. it is armai biwtory, and tbe kind J I o apponiteli (or thè purpose. wa> Alice Margaret Tichenor: that Tour that will giTe food for tbe adopted A fter play rag * f , , P*tino«mrs areof sufBcien» a b ility to 4a . », \ . bnnf n«M hl fhìKI. iih I h irttik to ber kind of thinkin g thè p a tir coltro U nì in KO I tb ' 1 » . T % «aitarne mutar* ami eilneat job . ami Salt down some of those nice F r a r a g rv'o» when a Ivu ntiful r*- , iih to Sifi'pl ss - 1 child A!»Ce Ms-ga-et TVbe- Ten head dairy costs in good coo tff t i S i llC l k . N itcl. a vegvtatdeoil fo re o o k ia g , aor s i p ro mt an «d ee and decree o( d iticn and g -r ra c m ilk Am setì- g-.'Oit for shortening enkes and evok- I . 1 rt «.' ibe C*,xt that from the , ng th* «>»*■ ltN nl" «*■ F o r sale at Q uick A C u rry'a c o u r i e r s h o u s e f u r n is h e r ns.-.-e be charged fri-ea A I k * Ms-gare W P R o P skts . Rtrertoa Ore. I W. C. LAIRD / ft'it* et^ The Tuttle Hotel REOPENED REMODELED Generally Renovated Beds a« good as the best. Good Table Service R o te s* R e a s o n a b l e A. L. H I S S E L L , P r o p .