Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, October 26, 1910, Image 3

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F. J. Hayes, the optometrist, was
over from the Bay Mouday
Scarfs in silk and wool all colors
“ The Golden Rule.’’— C. H. Cleaves
for ladies at Roses Cash Store.
■ Ginss Seeds at Knowlton's Drug
William Rem , the foundryman,
was over from North Bend on
Best values in school tablets at Monday.
Knowltons Drug Stre.
J. C. Taylor, of Prosper, was a
, Hardy Mast was dawn from the
county seat visitor on Friday of
North Fork on Monday.
last week.
■ Andrew Smalley was down from
George Gilman -and sister, Miss
Ar ago on business Friday.
i J. F. Chaney, of Riverton, had Florence, went to Bandon for a
day or so Monday.
business in town Thursday.
Albert Barklow was down from
Myrtle Point Monday.
Ask to see tbe silk waist patterns
at Robinso's.
Rev. A. Haberly, of Bandon, had
business at the county seat Monday.
Some of Robinson’s fall dress
goods have arrived.
E. H Divilbiss, of Part Orford,
registered at the Baxter on Friday.
000 D S ^
Our fall line of Gents Shoes
are arriving- on every boat
and the Ladies line will be
in in a few days.
Father Keveney, of Bandon, pass­
ed through town yesterday in route
Married— Wednesday evening, at to the Bay side.
Houselining at Laird’s.
Kennedy Baker and wife, of
‘ Mrs. C. T. Cessna, of Riverton Bandon, Harry Armstrong and
returned home Monday af­
was up shopping on Friday.
with relatives and friends
School supplies at Knowlton
Up-to-date assortments of allover
at Lee.
Drug 3 tore.
laeo at Robinson’s.
Long and short winter kimonos
Attorney Bennett SwantoD, of
R O B. Zeek, of Bandon. was
just in at Robinson’s.
county seal visitor on Mouday.
Mrs. William Morras who sub­
■ Robinson Store has received a ihw county seat on Saturday.
lino of Ladies skirts.
Look at the New overcoats for mitted to a second operation upon
a limb for gangreene, is getting
£ Mr. and Mrs, E. E. Johnson men at Robinson’s.
For Sale.— Good 6 cap range along as well as could be expected.
were up from Prosper on Sunday
Wanted,— All kinds of Furs and
30-gallon tank, pipes, etc. Eu
Hilkolenes in dainty and benuti-
skins by Geo. T. Moultion Coquille
quire at the H erald office.
ful|designs at Robinsons.
Beautiful scarfs in the latest de­
, E. N. Harry was dowu from
Mrs. M. Nosier went to Bandon
Brewster valley the first of the signs at Robinson’s.
one day last week and returned
Capt. Alva Lee, of Myrtle Point
Monday, having enjoyed a visit
been at the wheel on the steam­
* The latests in pillow tops, ruffles
with Mrs. Art Johnson and other
er Coquille for several days.
and cords at Robinson’s.
E. C. Barker, the jeweler, went
... The steamer Fifield arrived in
Mrs. George Laingor, of Lake
the river on Friday ami sailed again to the Bay on Friday.
creek, who had been visiting rela­
For fruit, ornamental trees, her
tives and friends in this valley for
A New stock of allover embroi­ ries, rose bushes and shrubbery some time, started home Thursday,
give Geo. T. Moulton your order.
dery at Robinsons Store.
taking the train for Marshfield.
F ob S a l e — Black breasted red
' Pearly Crowley of Brewster, val­
Have you tried a pair of those
ley, was a business visitor to the games, inqnire at this office.
Newport hose? 25 c a pair at Lyons
Frands Thomsen, of the Star & Jones’.
'county seat on Saturday.
'•Z Now stock of ladies’ and children’s ranch below Bandon, was in town
J. A. Boomer, a late arrival from
Friday ou his return from a busi­ Missouri, is here looking at the
..wool hose just in at Robinson's
[ Umherellas Umberellas for little ness trip to Portland.
country with a view to locating in
big old and young, at Roses Cash
The Golden Rule has a splendid case he finds conditions to suit. He
assortment of blankets. All prices. is highly pleased with the appear­
F. J. Hayes Optometist will be at ance of the country as tar as he has
: James I. Watson, of Riverton,
made our office a pleasant call on Dr. Richmonds Office Coquille Ore. seen.
Saturday, while in town on busi- on the 24th of Nov. The testing of
For Sale.— Thoroughlfted Shrop-
childrens eyes a specialty.
soire rams. Address C H. Nosh r
Men you can get the best in wool A Son , Bridge, Oregon.
Round thread art, also butchers’
and unbeleached lineu at Robin­ underwear at The Golden Rule.
On Saturday, the 29H1 inst, J. !
Mrs. E. D. Sperry, of this city, B. Fox, the auctioneer, will con­
J. N. Langlois, of Bandon, was went to Marshfield on Thursday, duct the sale of the household
• in town Monday and secured a nice accompanied by Mrs. D J. .Lowe, goods of Mrs Florence Baxter, be- !
lot of Coquille apples before re- returning the same day.
ginning at 10 a. m. These goods*
Get your patterns nt The Golden are new and nice and will no doubt
be sold at great bargains to thè
Sweaters all siz*-s and colors for Rule. They are the Standard.
Hboth women and men at Roses Cash
Happy (Henry) Smith, the Coos purchasers.
■ Store.
county ball player, who played the
Lyons & Jones have the pure
' !*
Mrs. S. A. Yoakatn, the model past season with Broklyn, New pineapple juice at 25 cents per oot-
C; dairy woman of Coos river, was a York, is on his way home with a tle. A nice cool drink-
ness and prosperity as ever falls to j
F ish trap and V icin ity.
| Coquille visitor a couple of days bide. They are t xpected here to­
Mrs. P. J. Lindberg, of Poit
tbe lot of mortals on this earth.
H last week."
Orford, who has been here for sev­
Married at home of the bride’s
Ladies Aid Society will meet on |
You can get pictures iu auy finish
Orchestra music furnished for eral days helping take care of her parents, Mr. and Drocket Krantz, Wednesday 26 th at the home of I
of style at Dean’s Studio. All work all occasions. For terms see E. D. little granddaughter, the child of on Sunday, 23 rd, at high noon. Mr.
Mrs. Albert Schroeder.
Busby at O. K. Barbershop.
Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Lane, started Elton Robins and Miss Luda Krantz
The presiding Elder, Rev. E- B. j
Mrs. Capt. Levi Snyder, of Port- for her home Thursday, the little were joined in holy wedlock, Rev.
Ed Luke, formerly of this city,
wll prerch at the M. E.
but who has spent several months land, who had been here during the one having so nearly recovered that Thomas Barklow officiating. This
past at Bandon was in town two or last illness, death and burial of her she feft she was safely out of dan­ was a quiet affair, only relatives Church South next Sunday at eleven i
being present. After the ccren.ony o’clock a. to. Rey. Mr. Lyons will j
mother, the late Mrs. J. F. Scbroe- ger.
three days last week.
a gumptious dinner was served at hold services every evening this,
week at the M. E- Church, South at 1
Attorney W. C- Chase and Sur­ der, started on her return home
Judge Geo. P. Topping and fam­ which all did ample justice.
May the whole community join half past Beven.
veyor Gould left the first of the Saturday by going to the Bay to ily returned Wednesday from their
J ohn D o e .
week for the lattei’s old home on take the steamer Breakwater.
automobile trip to Grants Pass and the writer in wishing the happi­
Eugene Peirce, of Denmark, Our. other points. Mr. Topping was
Coos river for their final hunt for
ry county, was in Coquille and paid looking after some legal business in
the season.
a short vis’t to his brother-in-law,
that section and took the opportuni­
Something now— Kaola at Lyons Jeff Wilson, while in town.
it Jones. Cheaper and better than
ty to visit his mother at Grants
Ed. McAdams who has been sup­
lard. 25 cents per can.
to make fine and dandy bread, biscuit and pastry
Pass while away.-Bandon Recorder.
plying the Coquiile market with
Capt. C. E. Edwards, of the
all tbe time unless you use a Hour that is the same
Try a pair of those Newpo
steamer Alert, plying on Coos river, salmon for some time, caught a hose. They will wear longer than ï ¿)<atiand
in every sack. If you use Olympic Flour week in
small sturgeon in his net near town
had business which called him to
any other hose on the marxet. A
and week out, yon know that all your bakingB will
last week. This is the highest up Lyons & Jones.
Coquille on Saturday. He shook
prove satisfactory. Often the stove is blamed
the stream we have ever known
hands with many old fiiends while
Mr. and Mrs. Z. C. Strang, of
sturgeon to he captured. The fish
when the Hour is at fault. If the flour is the same
In our city.
was between ‘ hree and four feet in Gravel Ford, were in town Mon­
every sack your baking wiU always be the same.
Prepare— the time is here. Rob­
day, having come down with their
inson’s Store have opened up their length.
little daughter, Zelma, whom they
rubber and aquapelle goods
The posters are out for a ball to
That’s the beauty of using Oiympic Flour. You
your size while the stock iB complete. be given at Riverton, Saturday, Oc­ were sending to Bandon where she
know it will always make the same good, tasty
will attend school. She will make
O. C. Harry, of the Brewster val­ tober 29. Good music will be fur­
her home with her uncle and aunt,
bread, biscuit and pastry, because Olympic Flour
ley section, who has spent the past nished by the Riverside Orchestra,
Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Strang, Jr. On
never varies. It is made of selected, Northwestern
three years lumbeiing in Douglas and a good time is assured all who
their return home they were ac­
grown, Blue Stem wheat.
The steamer Wolverine
county, was in town Monday. Col attend.
companied by Mr. and Mrs. Frank
is looking fine but has concluded will leave Coquille at 7:30 p. m.
Kistler who had recently arrived
to relocate in the laud of Myrtle and return after the dance.
from California and had been en­
ets, $l.oo
nuts and big spuds.
joying a visit with Mr. Kistier’s
Mrs. Nelson Smith, of this oity,
Gentlemen, do you want a new sister, Mrs. D. P. Strang, of Ban­
visited her sister, Mrs. M. D. Cut- tie? Robinson’s Store is the place to don. After their visit in Coos they
find tbe stock to select from.
lip, of Coos liver, last week.
will extend their trip northward.
William Candlin, the general
If you want summer goods, now
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hedges, of agent for a uumber of leading Port­
Vancouver, Washington, are in land and eastern wholesale houses, is tbe time to get them. G. A. Rob­
Coquille taking a look at our city. has moved his office to the new inson’s fall goods are arriving and
be has to make room for them.
Mrs. Hedges has met an old-time brick of W. C. Laird, the house
friend here in ihe person of Judge furnisher. The rooms are being
E. G. D. Holden, with whom she fitted up jn nice shape and he is
was acquainted when a child. Al­ getting in a fine and extensive lot
though they had not met in fifty of samples of various kinds.
years, they are thoroughly enjoy­
Ten choice Barred Plymouth
ing this visit.
Rock roosters for sale at one dollar
L. H. Hazard, cashier of the and 50 cts each, 4 at $ 1.25 each.
irst National Band of this city, re- Must be sold this month. First come
urned the last of the week from a j first served, J. Quick,Coquille,Ore.
We are sole agents for the Florsheim Shoes
for Men and the Utz and Dunn shoes tor the
Ladies. These two lines will give us the
strongest shoe line in the county,
Dry Goods and Groceries
..Flour and Feed..
Give us a trial order and we
will do our best to please you.
Phone 251.
It Isn’t Possible
W afers
rip to Lor Angeles, California, | The machinery of the steam
where he'attended the convention of laundry is rapidly being transferred
¡the Araerecan Bankers’ Association to tbe new building, where this
vhich took place in that city, and week’s work will be done. This
at which Mr. Hazard reports hav- j new building will be a great im-
ing had a very nice time. There 1 provement Over the old one, as
were 3000 deligates, being ftom all there will be more room and all
arts of the union in attendance, tbe work will be done on one floor,
and Los Angeles did herself proud ( and the new building has a hea­
Excursions were vier and more substantial founda­
made to Riverside, the Catalina tion. With certain new machinery
Islands nnd other places of special ' being installed, the laundry will be
interest for the benefit of the dele- in better shape to turn out first
i class work with dispatch.
are the thin edge of
the wedge for a split­
ting headache.
Easily Taken.
There is a whole lot
of concentrated relief
in each wafer.
25 cents a package.
The Golden Rule
Second Street, Coquille
Notley Addition
On The Market
Lying Just East of the
School House and is the
Finest Addition ever platted
, ’ Has received a nice line of
Ladie3 Voile and Panama
Also a fine Selection
Baby Coats
We are agents for the celebrated
R. and G. Corsets
Shoes for all the Family
C. H. Cleaves