Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, October 12, 1910, Image 3

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    Houselining at Laird's.
“ The Golden Rule.”— C. H. Cleaves.
School supplies
Drug Store.
I f you want photographs call at
at Knowlton’s Deans' Studio.
\V. B. Neathery and family have
Andrew Smalley was down from moved to Arago.
Arago on Monday.
Fancy work Materials at Tbe
William FraDzenbacb, the sculp­ White House.
J. P. Tupper went to the Say
tor, was in this city Monday.
G. C. Welch, of Lamps, wis a
Qiass Seeds at Knowlton's Drug­
“ Reddisode’’ cotton bato
at The
Golden Rule,
Mrs. D. Matheis was up from R iv­
erton Monday.
F ob S ale — Black breasted
games, inquire at tbis office.
red Coquille business visitor yesterday.
Amos Corson was up from Ban­
Couoty Clerk James Watson has don Monday and extended bis visit
gone to Portland for a few days.
to Myrtle Point.
Get your patterns at Tbe Goldeu
Pat Rooney came over frem the
Rule. They aratbe Standard.
Bay Monday and proceeded to Ban­
Scarfs in silk and wool all colors don for a visit.
was up from
for ladies at Roses Cash Store.
For Sale— A complete 6$X8}
Mrs. Ralph Hunt was here from
Empire Monday.
Mrs. D. S. Rouse
Riverton yesterday.
J. H. James returned Irom a trip
to the Bay Monday.
Judge H all came ovei Monday to view camera. Good as new.
look after duties at the county seat. at Dean’s Studio.
f ~ N E W FALL G O O D S ^
Our fall line of Gents Shoes
are arriving on every boat
and the Ladies line will be
in in a few days.
J. P. Tupper was & passinger to
Some of Robinson’s fall dress
William Norris went to Bandon
the Bay by Saturday’s morning goods have arrived.
for a trip on Friday.
Mrs. V. R. Wilson aod children
W . H. Hunt, of Bandon, went to
started for Haywards. California,
Myrtle Point Monday.
on Sunday on an extended visit.
Mayor Quick had business at
Look at the New overcoats for
the Bay, returning Monday morn­
turned Thursday from a business men at Robinson’s.
The steamers Fifield, Elizabeth
trip to Portland
John Donaldson, o f Prosper, was
and Washcalore, and the schooner
a business visitor to Coquille on
Ruby sailed from Bandon Friday.
signs at Robinson's.
Albert Barklow was down from
W. B. Anderson, of the Myrtle
Henry 8 engstacken‘ of Marsh-
Point section, was a Coquille visi Myrtle Point Monday.
fi.dd, was a county seat visitor on
tor ou Monday.
W . W. Faust was over from
Fish's box factory crSkeels’ store Coaledo Monday. He was accom­
A . E- Tyrrell was up from the
panied by E. B. McLeod, a step­
or apple boxes.
Randolph Xjumber Co’ s mill the last
W. O. Cooper, the Myrtle Point son, from Hoquiaro, Washington,
of the week
merchant, passed through tbis ctiy who is down to see his mother.
J. H. Shields, of Bandon, was in
L on g and short white kimonos
en route home from the Bay on F ri­
town Monday on his return from
just in at Robinson’s.
San Francisco.
The ferry boat at this city was
Ask to see tbe silk waist pattern
Fruit boxes of all kinds at Fi sh’
found swamped on Friday morning,
at Robinso’s.
Box Factory.
A number of large flight of geese and the people over the river was
Hugh Hastings and sister, Miss
are passing over, which reminds us made to realize the convenience of
Maud, were passengers to Ban-
that the raining season is drawing the ferry, as well as to emphasize
don by Friday’s Dispatch.
the greater convenience that a
Oh that F ly Oatchum at Drane’s
good bridge would be.
Store Catchum.
First Class photographs made at
The W hite House.
Born - A t Brawley, California,
Deans' studio. Old Tollman stand
James Hervey had business at
September' 2G, 1910, to Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Drcishbacb,
County seat yesterday. He re­
Mrs. B. b . Nosier, a daughter.
ports everything nicely at Gravel of San Francisco, who had bpen
S. E. Appleton was down from
visiting the latter’s parents, Mr
the upper river last Wednesday and
and Mrs. R. W. Lundy, of Myrtle
Fall millinery now on display at
shook hands with old friends.
Puint, started for their borne last
The White House.
Wanted— Tw o girles at the Co­
week. They were accompanied to
Mrs. A. J. Lamb, of this city, who
quille Steam Laundry.
Bandon bj Mr. and Mrs Lundy.
bap been visiting at her old home
W ill Anderson, the violinist, re­
For a good second-hand Singer
at Medford, is expected home iu a
sewing machine, call at the H er ­
turned from Port Orford Friday
few days.
ald office.
whither he had been to play for a
Everything in the line of grocer­
L . E. Tetters was in from Fairview
ies at Drains Store.
one day last week and war offering
Robinson Store has received a new
A1 H iie got in from Roseburg for sale a very fine bear hide. With
line of Ladies skirts.
Saturday with his automobile, and the assistance of Mr. C. O. Crosby’s
Jud Mills was over from the Bay
on Sunday had a breakdown near varmint dogs he had succeeded in Methodist Episcopal Church
The Golden Rule orrries a full
on Friday. He shook hands with a
the McAdams place.
and complete line of rubbers for
number of old friends while in
next Sunday
Autumnal Day,
Up-to-date assortments of allover ity, the coat of fur of which was
men, women and children, you need
Oct. 16 . All Day.
lace at Robinson’s.
we have them.
very nice.
Best values in school tablets at
Tbe First Quarterly Conference
Miss Gertrude Miller, the steno
Church will be closed Oeto- j
Have you tried a pair of those and meeting Oct. 22 and 23. The
Knowltons Drug Stre.
grapher, returned to Marshfield Newport hose? 25c a pair at Lyons
her lfith and 23d as the pastor will
new District Superintendent will
The funeral o f the little daughter Friday sfter a visit of a few days
lie away at Presbytery and Synod
ft Jones’ .
preach Sunday morning the 23rd.
of Mr nnd Mr-*. W H. Smith, of with relatives nnd friends.
On October 30th Sunday morning
Bandon, took place at the Fishtrap
services will be resumed.
The infant o f Mr, and Mrs. T. B, from a hurt while braking on the
Oct. 23rd.
Lane is quite ill, and Mr. Lane is on
P. at Drain, and who had an at­
Rouud thread art, also butchers’
Married by the Pastor at the
L . J. Cody, the lumberman, was his way from Gardienr, where he
tack of typhoid afterward, waa here Wickham Hotel Mouday the 10th, and unbeleaehed linen at Robin­
up from Bandon Friday.
has|been working for some time.
yes terday for a visit with his folks Mr. Vivian Sanford and Miss Min­ son’s.
V. L . Arrington, of M yrtle Point,
W. S. Jess returned from North and friends. He is still weak but ex­ nie Myers. A number o f friends of
Allen Randleman, of Parkers­
went to bandon last week to see bis Bend yesterday and reports his
pects to be able to return to work the bride and groom witnessed the burg, was adjudged insane by the
n6w grandson, that of Mr. and MrB. wife ss getting along nicely, and
county court on« day last week and
in a week or so.
G. R. Hancock, of that place.
that she will he able to return
The Methodist Episcopal mar­ on Monday guards came from Salem
You can get pictures in any finish
After finishing its part of the home the last of the week.
riage ceremony is both beautiful and took charge of tbe young man.
of style at Dean’s Studio. A ll work
work of makiug the fill for the rail­
This is a very sad case, and biB
For Sale.— Thoroughbred Shrop- guaranteed.
and solemn.
road where the Johnson mill trestle
At the Autumnal service next many triends hope for his recovery.
was burned out the steam shovel soire rams. Address C. H. Nosier
W illiam FraDzenbsch, the sculp­ Sunday in the morning the pastor
was taken through this place to & Sou., Bridge, Oregon.
Sweaters all sizes and colors for
tor, has the foundation laid at Ban­ will preach on the subject A both women and men at Roses Cash
Marshfield Friday.
Miss Jeanett Dollar, a niece of D.
J. M. Elwood whom 'we reported H. Dollar of this city, arrived from don for a new shop and headquar­ Basket o f Summer Fruit.
ters. Mr. Eranzenbach is a first- There will be other features such
There now stands a beautiful
moving to the Bay last week, had Portland Thursday to be with Mrs.
leased the dairy farm of Mrs. Jane Dollar who has been quite ill for class workman im concrete as well as speeial music, The Presentation monument at the grave of the late
Gilman near town and will not several days, but who is improving as in marble and granite, and will otPromotion certificate from Cradle Chas. A. Peterson, the Riverton
figure with you on foundations or
move to the Bay. Mrs. Gilman and
Roll to Beginners Department. One pioneer, who was laid to rest iu the
son George, and daughter, Miss at present.
any work in that line you may re­ or two recitations by some children. Masonic Cemetery at this city. The
Gentlemen, do you want a new
Florcence, will go to Arizona.
A pretty and permanent souvenir work was dune by Wm. Franzen-
tie? Robinson’s Store is the place to
Lyons & Jones have the pure
bach, who is establishing e shop at
find the stock to select from.
the day to each one present.
pineapple juice at 25 cents per bot­
A t night there w ill also be a Bandon.
J. B. Davis was down from N or­ all occasions. For terms see E. D.
tle. A nice cool drink-
Busby at O . K. Barbershop.
most interesting
service. Mrs.
Umberellas Cmberellas for little
Jno. S. Jackson, of the city Res- way a day or so last week. The old
The Bandon Recorder is Keep­ Bandon, Miss Ullmann, Mrs. And­ big old and young, at Roses Cash
taurent, started on Saturday for gentleman returned recently from a
Van Couver, Washington, where trip to Portland and Salem, attend­ ing pace with the general growth erson, Mrs. Mace and others will
he goes on a business mission, and ing tbe state fair at the latter place, and forward movement of tbe lower take part.
This is the great meet. You are
river by increasing its issue by com­
will be absent for a shot time, after which he reproted very good.
which it is his purpose to visit the
For Sale.— Regestered Jersey
My stranger friend, come and
south, going first to southen Cali­ bull, thrie year old— $50. Inquire showing the true spirit of the en­
terprise of the town and its efforts meet with us that day.
fornia and Mexico.
of Fred Low ry, Coquille, Or.
I f tbe Pastor can be of any ser­
will be appreciated by its many
Something new— Eaola at Lyons
H . T . Smith, wife and aon, ef Ban- readers and patrons
vice in anyway come and see him.
are the thin edge of
A Jones. Cheaper and better than
don, m ale Coquille a visit the latter
lard. 25 cents per can.
8 . L. Lafferty will deliver good He is here to help.
the wedge for a split­
part of the week to acquaint them­
The babies of our Cradle R oll
dry wood in Coquille for $1.75 per
Mrs. J. T. Jenkins and daughter,
selves with tbis city and its localit), tier Phone 111 Farmers exchange. are invited to service next Sunday
ting headache.
of Bandon, passed through town
with which they were highly pleased.
something for each of them. What
Thursday en route to Myrtle Point
Mr. and Mrs. CBas. Radabaugh,
Easily Taken.
Smith made our sanctum
and vicinity to *e» relatives and
of West Milton, Ohio, who had could we do without the babirs.
a friendly business call while in
E. ScrroN M ace , P astob ,
There is a whole lot
friends. They tell us that Mr. Jen-!
been here several weeks visiting
ins and son Stanlev, are in C alifor-!
their cousins, Joe, Andrew and
n iF .n .
o f concentrated relief
Wanted— Men and women to Henry Radahaugb, started for their
nia, and that if they find a location
in each wafer.
o suit them the familv will proba- have clothes cleaned, pressed and home last Wednesday. They go
In Coquille, Oregon, October to,
, .
repaired. Slagle the tailor.
bly move down later.
by way of California, in which state 1910, Mrs. J. F. Schroeder, o f par­
25 cents a package.
__ Ten choice
Barred Plymouth
Mr. end Mrs. Chan. A. Peterson. they will visit a week or so.
alysis, at the age o f 66 years. 11
Rock roosters for sale at one dollar of Riverton, passed thiougb this
If you want summer goods, ¡now months 25 days Obituary next
.and 50cts each, 4 at $1.25 each, city last week, the former on his
time to get them. G. A . Rob­ week.
M ust be sold this month. First come WBy to Eureks, California, whether
fall goods are arriving and
first served, J. Quick.Coquille, Ore he gocg to congult wjth the 0WDerg
Grandma Tenmsou who has been
he baa to make room for them.?
ill lor some time remains very low.
Mark Morras returned yesterday c i the coal mine, of which be is at
Mrs. Joe Bledsoe, of this city,
Jfrom the Bay where be has been present manager. Mrs. Peterson
wenMo M yrtle Point Friday after­ F if s t - C la s s
F e e l « a t «11 H o u r«
Wwith his mother since her opera- goes to Edgwood, California, where
F r o m 6 a m to 9 p m .
S ervi««.
noon to catch the auto stage for
t o i. I t will bs remembered that she will vist her parents, Mr. and
Roseburg on her wsy to San Fran­
> the old ladv suffered the lose of Mrs. E. J. Parce, formerly of River-
cisco, where she will join her
■ one foot by amputation for gan- ton, who have been located at that
husband who has been in that city
grene some weeks ago. He reports place the paet four or five years,
for a month past, sfter which they
A . H A R R IN G T O N , Proprietor.
her getting along nicely, and that
Prepsre— the time is here. Rob-
will visit Mexico for a short time It
M the limb is almost healed up, and ineon’s Store have opened up their
S p e e i a l A t t e n t i o n G i v e n te
Wm F e k e R a t « « to
will be several weeks before they
that she will be able to return home ^ rubber and aquapelle goods.
COCnm ereittl M en !
regu la r B oarder«
We are sole agents for the Florsheim Shoes
for Men and the Utz and Dunn shoes for the
These two lines will give us the
strongest shoe line in the county.
Dry Goods and Groceries
..Flour and Feed..
Give us a trial order and we
will do our best to please you.
Phone 251.
W afers
Second Street, Coquille
Notley Addition
On The Market
Just East
School House and is the
Finest Addition ever platted
Skookum Restaurant,
J. h . O E R D IN G