Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, October 12, 1910, Image 2

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    Coquille Jerald.
WEDNESDAY, OCT. 1 2 , 1910.
Horrible Mai Trertment of Pa­
Below will be fouuud a portion of
the report of the Portland Evening
Telegram in regard to what has
been lately discovered at the Crys­
tal Springs Sanatarium as regards
to the treatment of a patient
former resident of Coos county
which reads as follows:
Brutally beaten and kicked by
Walter Arnold, day head nurse at
the Crystal Springs Sanitarium, un­
til his body and arms were a mass
of bruises sickening to behold, his
eyes discolored and the bones of his
lower jaw splintered, Dr. Laurel A.
Stemler, a mentally weak patient,
was strapped to a cot so tightly that
the cruel thongs left vivid marks in
his flesh, gagged with a towel to
prevent his making an outcry and
teft in awful physical torture for
hree hours
he would give me a box o( cigars.
‘ •They have ktpt me by myself
m o t of the time and I never got
to see how they treat other in­
mates there, but many ol them have
told me of awful things that have
happened. I have been told by
other patients that men have been
killed there. They said a man was
kicked to death in the bathroom a
long time ago and that another was
thrown down a stairway and in­
jured so badly that he died.”
On Dr. Stemler’ s left side, about
midway between the aim and the
hip is a bruise as large as the palm
of a man’s hand, where he evident­
ly was kicked. The flesh is dis-
clored, livid red showing against
black and blue. His right side and
his chest and stomach are also dis­
colored. His arm is badly bruised
and swollen to almost double its
normal size at the elbow, these in­
juries, he says being received while
the member was pressed against
his side to protect himself from the
kicks ot the brutal guard. His left
jaw has an indeuted wound, »he
bone probably having been splinter­
ed, which is covered with a large
scab and the discoloration has only
half faded from under his eyes.
"Our brother was once a foremost
dentist of St. Louis, M o.,’ ’ said At­
torney J. O. Stemler, "but he had
two strokes o f paralysis, which
affected his mind. In December,
I 908 , I went to St. Louis and
brought him back here, where he
could be under our supervision. He
was placed in the Crystal Springs
Sanitarium December 1 3 , 1908 . His
age 29 years. For
one year we
paid Gillespie and Tuttle $100 a
month to care for him. and since
that time we have paid them $75 a
The frightful treatment accorded
the unfortunate inmate o f the in­
stitution conducted by Dr. Henry
Waldo Coe. Dr. Robert L. Gillespie
and R M. Tuttle, which was inves
tigated by the county grand jury
and the United States Government
about a year ago, was discovered
yesterday by his brothers, H. E-
Stemter, manager o f the typewriter
agency conducted by L. & M. Alex
ander & Co., and Attorney J. Os
Stemler of Myrtle Point. At the.
very time they were demanding to
see their brother, he was writhing
in agony while bound to a couch
in an upstairs room, and had their
suspicions not been aroused by the
nervousness displayed by Arnold it
Big Scow Upsets
is probable the crime prepetrated—
one of many which have caused the
Chas. W. Ashton’s large covered
private madhouse to be called a scow which he lately put into his
"hell-hole” —might never have been freighting service between Bandon
and Coquille, sank near Hanley’s
The maltreated patient was taken landing last Thursday with a large
before the grand jury at noon today cargo of freight on board. The
by Chief Deputy District Attorney cargo consisted of a mixed lot of
Fitzgerald, and its members rose to merchandise, a part which was bad­
their feet in horror when they saw ly damaged, while a portion— can­
Dr. Stemler’s condition. Order ned goods— were not damaged ex­
were issued for an indictment of cept as» to looks, the labels being
Arnold to be prepared immediately, soiled. A lot of barley was dispos­
and it was announced that a thor­ ed to certain creamery men who
ough investigation will be made of can make good use of it feeding
the shocking methods in vogue at bogs’ as a matter of course, at a
large discount.
Crystal Springs.
In the meantime,accompanied by
H. E. Stemler, Mr. Fitzgerald hur­
ried to the Police Court, where a
charge o f assault and battery,
sworn to by Attorney J. O. Stemler,
was filed and a warrant procured
for Arnold’s arrest on the charge.
This procedure was taken in order
to hold Arnold, who it is suspected
might flee to evade the consequenc­
es of his deed, until the grand jury
can file a true bill directly in the
Circuit Court.
Despite the corruption of witness­
es, who in previous cases have been
hurried out of the state, despite the
former apathy of officials and de­
spite the white washing administer­
ed to the institution as the result of
political influence, it would seem
that the whole truth, in all its nak­
ed details is now about to be made
known as regards the practices pur­
sued in the treatment of insane
patients at the sanitarium. Both
District Attorney Cameron and his
chief deputy declared this morning
that at last the scales have fallen
from their eyes and they will do
everything in their power to bring
those responsible for wanton bruta­
lity to book.
"I have been beaten badly sever-
al times,” said Dr. Stemler. "About
a week ago I did not get out of bed
early enough in the morning and
Arnold came and dragged me out.
The loss is variously estimated
at from $1000 to $ 1500 , which falls
heavily on Mr. Ashton at the very
outset of his enterprise.
The cause of the trouble was the
working out of a plug below the
water line which caused the scow
which was heavily loaded to take
water, a fact which was not noticed
while the scow was uoder motion,
being towed rapidly through the
water by one of Mr. Ashton’s heavy
gasoline boats, until there was a
considerable water in the hold when
she took a lurch, the water of course
runuing to lower side which caused
her to take water on deck, and be­
fore it could be stopped the rush of
water on deck carried away the
hatch and as she filled she rolled
over losing the entire load in the
S. F. Dow, the wholesale man, of
Marshfield, was the heaviest shipper,
portion amounting to up­
wards of $500, which was insured.
There were a number of others
having smaller amounts, the condi­
tions as to insurance were not ad­
vised, but it is thought that $1500
will cover the entire loss.
j ®tRn H erald .
1 Sea that mi ne(u rota
a ,e'* r
wok about mi going to hear that
Additioual Local«
W eddid-
In San Francisco California, Oct,
2, 1910, at the home of Mr. and Mrs!
Frank Pepper, Mr. Jasen Machado
and Mrs. Mary Morris, both of
Myrtle Point were united in mar-
riage by J. G. Smith J. P. The
wedding which was carried on in
perfect splendor took place at
8 o’clock p. m. in the bansomely
decorated parlor, which told of the
good taste of a bevy of girls led by
Miss Yoakam, daughter of the
The latests in pillow tops, ruffles
and cords at Robinson’s.
The Golden Rule has a splendid
assortment of blankets. All prices.
^ New stock of allover trobroi-
dery at Robinsons Store,
The Coquille foot ball boys have
received a fine set of uniforms and
are doing some good practice work.
Silkolenes in dainty and beauti­
ful designs at Robinsons.
You Expect Your
Watch to do thus
and so for You
Lands For Sale
S tr . E liz a b e t h
R 8 . KN OW LTON , President
R. H. MAST, Cashier
of Your Business Solicited
Deposit Boxes For Rent
Apple Boxes
Apple and Fruit
Boxes and Crates
of all kinds are
now on sale both
at the factory and
at Skeels’ store.
For large or spec­
ial orders call at
We have an excellent line o f DRESS
the family.
The best assortment o f Flannels in town.
We are Agents for the R. & G. Corsets;
variety of patterns and prices.
Fish B ox Factory
Ladies’ Hair Goods and Notions.
Here is the House o f Best Quality and
Lowest Prices. Try Us.
The Golden Rule
A Reasonable Share
First Class Safety
Ladies, Attention
Comrades: Iu
accepting the
candidacy for the County Judge-
ship, I realize the struggle between
the capitalist class and the tanner
and labering class and that their
interests are not identical; that
someone mnst be exploited to make
interest and profit,
therelore it
falls on the producers of wealth to
be exploited.
The capitalists own and control
the greater part of the timber and
coal lands as well as the machinery
with which to operate them.
I will therefore pledge myself to
use all my power to have the tim­
ber lands cruised and the coal
lands appraised so there can be au
equable and just taxation placed
upon them.
That there should be a systemat­
ical and uniform road buildlug
throughout the county under a com­
petent superintendent. That I am
in favor of a port commission when
the timber and coal lands are pay­
ing their share of the taxes, the
same as the farm lands are doing
now, and the commissioners are
elected by the people as the coun­
ty commissioners are at present.
J. E. Q uick .
of Coquille
Quick Acceptance.
Men you can get the beat in woo
umlerwi ar at The Golden Rule.
A man named Pickett lrom Myr­
Amos Hatcher was up from Ban­
tle Point created some excitement
don a day or so last week for the
this morning. A young woman
purpose of transferring some Bau-
who is understod to be his wife is
dou lots to our townsmau, Doc
working as waitress at the Chandler
But what'about your sidejof the
hotel. It seems that Pickett was
Try the New Catchein Fly trap 1
question? Do you give it the
angry and met her this morning on
has them on sale, at 15c or
attention it deserves?^
> the street along the side of the hotel.
He pulled a gun on the woman, so
It isn’t as though this watch care
witnesses say. The gun was taken I ^ - T I iii safe and reliable twin- m tW
would cost you much, because it
away from the man and nothing
f 0 r ”V\\e New and Speedy,
j further happened
Just the other way, in fact—one of
it was understood tha» a com-
the wisest strokes of economy that plaint would be made a altlS*. the
Capt. Olsen, Maste.
anyone can practice is to let a com- the inau but no steps hau 1 n ta-
Wil! make regular trips between
petent man take a peep into his or
¡n o o n — Marshfield Times.
Coquille River an i San
her watch occasionally.
Their first gam« wus
was pulled off 1
N o S top-over at W a y Ports.
You ask how frequently.
with the Myrtle Point boys on the
16tb, and will meet the Marshfield Electric Lights. Everything in First
gridiron on the 23rd.
Class Style.
Once a year, anyway—oftener
wouldn’t hurt.
G. W. Marshall, the genial repre­
sentative o f the Weyerheauser
Roses, carnations, sweet peas Lumber C o’ s interests in this sec­
and chrysanthemums, with hitckle- tion, made Coquille a business call
bery and asparagus turn, was used last week.
in decorating. The bride wore a
New stock of ladies’ and children’s
gown of cream crepe-de-cbine, el­
wool hose just in at Robinson’s
aborately trimed with costly lace,
The W. C. T- U. will meet at the
and carried a boquet of white car­
M E- Church on Friday at 2:30 p.
nations. The groom wore the con.
m. Arrangements will be made
ventioDal black. After the ceremony for a silyer medal contest at this
We are well fixed to look after all
an elegant repast was served by the time. A full attendance is desired.
your repairing needs.
hostess which well befitted the oc­
Stamped and drawn work pieces,
also felo and Royal silks at R >b in-
After luncheon was over the sou’s.
happy couple was taken in an auto­
mobile (which wasin waiting) show­
ered by old shoes and rice. They
were driven to the Good Friend
Hotel, where they remained until
the following morning when they
Cruised Four Million feet by a well known
took an auto for San Jose and
other parts of the state where they
cruiser. Two Million feet o f which Is
wid spend a short honey-moon and
Port Orford White Cedar. A ll located in
will then return to their home iu
Coos County, Oreqon.
Myrtle Point where Mr. Machado
is owner and proprietor of one of the
largest mercantile establishments in
Coos County and he with his estim­
able wife have a large circle o!
triends who extend to
their heartiest congratulations.
Valuable Timber
Flash Gun on W Oman
X>OOOOOOOOOOQ< >000p0000<>00<
V. R. W IL S O N - Watchmaker
V. R. W IL S O N Engraver
cally corrected. 13 years experience.
Prices reasonable and absolute satisfaction guaranteed
Broken lenses duplicated, bring me the pieces and I
will guarantee to furnish you a New Lense exactly
like the old one.
The Farmer’s Union at this city
had a very interesting session on
Saturday. There was a fairly good
attendance, there beiDg several
from the Fishtrap section. Eight
new numbers were initiated and
business of importance transacted.
As the busy s'-ason for thb farmers
is drawing to a close and great-r
attendance will be the rule in the
future, as it should be. Tin re is
much to be done and this fall and
winter will be the time to look after
it. It is too bad that the mirket-
ing of apples was not looked after
in time to bane made better dispo­
sition of this fall's crop. There is
no question but there are many
hundreds of bushels
here that
could have bei n ma-keted to good
advantage bad they began a little
We Carry the Lar
gest and Best As
sortment of
Ik- threw me to the floor and beat w,,men Precher at 11,0 M E Chprch
Gets His First Deer.— Deputy
and kicked me in the manner yon he hez D0 fxcU8e f,,r h,x bsd
Game Warden Cal Wright lias shot
see and then tied me
to the cot. fur he went ‘ “ I“ 1“ »«1 11
bis first deer this season. As much
Yesterday 1 stayed in the wash- he W08 1 0 0, d
• Hlca Skool
as he has been out looking after hisi
room longer than he liked and he Marra
Now >'u wil 1008 >ure riP
duties as warden he has not had a !
came and dragged
me out. He ,,aUn *7' 8 1 ,i*or or y ure wife R8 8
chance to kill a deer, in fact bad j
handled me very roughly and told pruf reeder- if J " Prinl 8ny mor-
not even seen one to shoot at. He |
me to eat. The food offered me
moves about in different parts o f j
nki . f . Z f . f . k .
was putrid and I rejected some of
the county and does not take the
It and refused to eat any more.
Red and black («tent leather time to wait lor a deel, so had miss- *
"Then he tied me down to the belts, fancy lace collars, sets and ed the game all around. He had j
cot, after kicking trie in the side and everything of a fine grade, at The just returned from a trip to Havnes |
causing me to suffer terrible pain, Golden Rule.
slough with Jay Tower. They j
and forced the rotten stuff down
Try n pair of those Newpo went after ducks and were aimed!
my throat with a big spoon. I was hose. They will wear longer than only with a shot gun. They saw a
tnere for about three hours, I think,
other hose on the roaraet. A deer near to them and killed him,
when Arnold come and released
* done8,
it required shooting a number of
me and took me down to meet my
Wanted.— A position as book­ times. Cal had his shotgun loaded
brothers. On the way downstairs keeper. Would like steady position with No. 74 shot and it required a
he told rae that if I said a word to with large firm
Would take two good deal of shooting, but he and
them of what had happened to me or three smaller sets or books.
Tower finally got txe deer. It was
he would cut my throat, but that if
L.E. E achi - s .
a fine, fat, three point buck,— The
I remained quiet and said nothing
Coos Bay Times.
In the County
All Sizes,
All Prices.
'B A I L O R
^ ooocoooooooooooooooooo< i
Daylight Development
Makes Kodaking Easy
No Dark
Necces. ary
Sails from Ainsworth Dock. Portland,
at 8 P. M., euery Tuesday. Sails from
Coos Bay euery Saturday at service o f
tide. Reservations w ill not be held
later than Friday noon, unless tickets
are purchased.
Phone Main 181