Coquille toroid. The Large assortment of Umbrellas to Pacific Monthly's Special choose from at Robinson’s. Introduetry Offer The Pacific Monthly, of Portland. Oregon, is a beautifully illuHtrated, D. r T o B A N , P R O P R IE T O R monthly magazine which gives very [full information about the resources C ounty Official Paper. ami opportunities of the country ly­ ing West of the Rockies. It tells D e v o t e d t o l b * m i i e r i a l b e d >001111 op ■»ildingoMhe Ooqaill« VAlley particularly all about the Government Reclama­ « * d o f Oooa Oounty generally. tion Projocts, free Government land 'oobaorlptioD. p a r y e e r . i n adver.oe. 1 «) and tells about the district adapted Local advertieements among local reading five cent« per line each inser­ in fruit raising, daiiying. poultry tion. Card« c I thanks 50 cents each. raising, etc. It has splendid stories Obituary poetry five cent« per line. Resolution« ol Condolence and lodge by Jack Londos and other noted authors. advertising five cent« per line. The price is $1.50 a year, but to Phone, Main 354. ntroduce it we will send six months for fifty cents. This offer must be A L etter. accepted on or before the February September a8, 1910. 1, 1911. Send your name and ad­ D ear A unt J a n e : I went tu | dress accompanied by fifty cents in Cherch las Sun day with Unci zeek stamps and learn all about Oregon, tu hear that wumen precher. Washington, Idaho, and California He wus tuken up with her Style. Address, The Pacific Monthly, Portland Oregon. You no that he dozent go any 011 She preachers enyhow. The best plaster. A piece of flan­ So when she tuk her tex Sum nel dampened with Chamberlain’s whar in the 3 teen chaptor ov the Liniment and bound over the affect­ corinthens and red it Luv insted ov ed parts is superior to a plaster and charity and it plezed him so he sed costs only one-tenth as much. For sale by all dealers. Sbela. You No he always sayes a men, T o r Sale tu the things the Preacher sez that he lik. Nine year old msie weigh about She say that luv is the Best thing 1 one thousand fi'ty 1 ounds, and a tu hav, then she giv it tu the wuman brand new bug y and single har­ cherch, members. Uukle sed. Sbela. ness. Either or ad at a bargain. For Another .Thing thet plezed him further particu’ars see or writ wuz. She didunt go up in tu the A. R. Bennett. Graye Iford Oregon« pulpit but stood on the floor, he sed Silk hoods for the babies, Robin- she didunt make hurselt equil with fo n ’ s Store. men. (Yu no he is very techy.) PUBLISHED EVKKY WEDNESDAY. Try the New Catcbem Fly trap. He sed her standing on the floor had 1 draw back and that wuz the Drane has them on sale, at 15c or w i for 25o. womans in the seats had sich Big Try a pair of those Newpit Hats thet he culdunt se hur. hose. They will wear longer than I wil hov tu wach unkle coz the any other hose on the marxet. A W. C. T. U. hav orgorized hure an I Lyons & Jones. hed a big meatin las Friday an Neckwear! Neokwearl! Neckwear!!! unkle wus out at thet time an as he ; all the latest, just selected from one sez Shela so do I. of the largest wholesale houses in Your til next time. San Francisco: You cant help but Luvingyour Nefu. be suited. Robinson's Store. Biliousness is due to a disordered | Quick A Curry make the galvan­ condition of the stomach, Cham­ berlain’s Tablets are essentially a ized screen door; standard sizes on stomach medicine, intended espe­ hand; spetial sizes made in short cially to act on that organ; to cleanse order. Also handy, adjustabla win­ it, strengthen it, tone and invigorate dow screens, ironing hoards, sleeve it, to regulate the liver and to ban­ ish biliousness positively and effect­ boards, bread boards, drain boards and meat safes. ually. For sale by all dealers. W ebfoot flour at Lyons A Jones $1,(15 per sack. Try one sack and you will want another. Never a line in town before of trunks, suitcases and bags, like Robinson's. If you intend seeding you land this fall, call at Knowlton’s Drug store and get prices on seeds. neat T reatm ent n H urn If for no other reason, Chamber­ lain's Salve should be kept in every household nn account ol its great value in Ihe treatment of burna. It allays the paiu almost insliiut y , and unless the injury is a revue one, heals the parts without leaving a scar. This salvo'is also unequnled for chapped bands, sore uipples and diseases of the skin. Price, 25 cts. For sale by K S. K now ltou A N N O U N C E ME N T . We take pleasure in announcing to you that we have received our stock of folur, peed, fancy and Staple Groceries and are now located in the First National Bank Building and will* be pleased to meet you and quote prices. If you do not want one of our ready made kimonos, just took at Gentlemen, do you want n new at the new goods to make them of tie? RooinBou’s Store is the place to Robins Store. find the stock to select from. NOTICE OF FINAL SP E C IA L PRICES TO LO GG IN G CAM P S A N D BIG CONSUM ERS SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that the under­ signed, executrix of the Last Will and Testament of David Mathers, deceased, has filed in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Coo« County her final account a« such executrix, and the aaid Court has appointed Thursday the 6th day ai October, 1910, at the hour of ten o’clock in the forenoon of said day, at the County Court Room in the Court Bouse in the City of Coquille, in the County of Coos and State of Oregon, as the time sod place for tiro hearing of objeclio'.- 1 ■ -m b final actount and the settlement thereof. Dated this 7th day of September, 1910. BESSIE MATHERS Executrix of the Last W ill and Test­ ament of David Mathers, Deceased J. J. Stanley, Attor„ey for Executrix Coquille, Oregon. COQUILLE RIVER STMR. PLYIN G We will take all your produce allowing you CITY QUOTATIONS. LINE FIFIELD C. A. M. 8c M. CO. BETW EEN BANDON AND COQUILLE, OREGON SAN FRANCISCO SAILING E V E R Y EIGHT DAYS Passenger?, Freight Low Rates and Excellent Accom­ modations. Our Interests are your Interests. m . FR ANZENBACH. Sculptor Contractor in Marble, Granite, A. F. ES1ABR00K CO. Agents 8au Francisco and Stone, Concrete and T ile Bandon Vaults, Monuments, Headstones, Tab­ lets, Iron Fences and all kinds of Call and See Us and Hear the Music. Cemetery ami Building Work. Carving and Lettering a Specialty M AR SH F IEL D . OREGON Something New In K itc h e n W a r e ! W. H. BOYLE The "1 8 92 ” Pure Spun Aluminum Ware is rapidly coming into use for cooking purposes. It is taking the place of agate and enamel ware because while its first cost is a trifle more than ordinary ware, it is really much cheaper in the long run, as it is guaran­ teed for twcnty: five years and will last practically a life time. The genuine “ 1892” Ware, made only from pure SPUN (not cast) Aluminum, will not crack, scale, peel, break, scorch or bum. It looks like silver but weighs only about one- quarter as much, is easily cleaned and handled, and will not rusti corrode or tarnish. Absolutely pure, non-pojsonous and wholesome; save6 money, time and doctor’s Fills. fW* it ir * vAu tfet »he o rig in a l and gen» B uilder and Contractor,... ¡j Estimates gladly furnished. I Aretino Talking Machine FBEE with $25.00 ca«h [trade and a cash payment of $2.50 on delivery of machine. One 10-inch record FREE with $10.00 in caeh trade. O do 10. inch record FREE with $5.00 in cash trade every Saturday. Remember the Aretino record fits all kinds of disc talking machines. Call C i on or address at Coquille it P. E. Drane A, W . Varney H. L. Varney Varney Bros. OENBRAL HOUSEflOVINO DEALER IN L a d ie s ’ and G e n ts’ F u r n is h in g s F a n c y a n d S t a p le G r o c e r ie s , F lo u r a n d F eed. COQUILLE, OREGON Does a general Housemouing Foundation repair business T fz r T H E IS * NOW ON TIE MARKET LYING JUST EAST OP THE SCHOOL HOUSE AND IS THE FINEST A D ITlON EVER PLATTED PER LOT AND UP GOOD TERMS B. F O L S O M COQUILLE, OREGON