/ *—^ LOCAL N E W S . Houselining at Laird’s. Fruit jars at Laird’s, the House “ The Golden Rule."— C. H. Cleaves. Furnisher. Mel Ha} ter was up from Riverton New silks o f every description at one day last week. The White House. Best values in school tablets at Fall millinery now on display at Knowllous Drug Stre. The White House. # Dr. Stemmier o f Myrtle Point, Try Slagle for dry cleaning. Work guaranteed. went to the Bay on Monday. If you want photographs call ut Deans' Studio. Jno Lamb, the abstracter, made a business trip to the Bay Monday, Mr. and Mrs. John MeVay return­ ed from tber trip to California last week. The steamers Fifield and Eliza­ beth came in Monday and sailed W. J. Tennison, of Bandon, bad yeeterday. business at the county seat Friday. Dr. Endicott, the dentist, started Mi s lames Ray, 8 trong and Wy laud, of Myrtle Point, were passen The Messrs. Crowley’s, o f Ban­ gers. MrB. R. F. Shannon, of BandoD, don, were Coquille visitors on Sat­ was in Coquille on busiuess last urday. Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. R, McGee, of J. L- Bean, the Lamps merchant Riverton, were Coquille visitors on and postmaster, bad business in Thursday. yesterday for a trip to San Francis- 00 , to be absent for a week or ten days. Frank Guilliam» who formerly- conduted shoot'ng gallery in this city, was over from Sumner Friday town Wednesday. J. C. Varney went to Riverton afternoon of the gallery fixtures. First Class photographs made at John Epperson was up from R iv­ Friday to see his daughter, Mrs Deans’ studio. Old Tollman stand erton one day last week to change J. M. Elwood. The Misses Maurv, Emma and his place of votiug to that precinct. Pete Fux, the genial clerk at the Bessie, went to Marshfield Monday Baxter Hotel, took a run over to Mrs. Charles Marsh and d lugbterl Marshfield by Saturday’s afternoon Miss Inis, of Marshfield, had busi­ for a short visit. ness at the county seaton Saturday. Orchestra music furnished for train and returned Monday. Mr and Mrs. J. M. Elwood who have lived near Riverton the past year or two, are moving to the Bay side. Oh that Fly Catchum at Drone’s S ore Catchum. Mrs. E M. Hermann and daugh­ ter, Mrs. Gus Deitz, of Myrtle Point, returned from a trip to the Bay on Saturday. Long and short white kimonos all occasions. For terms see E. D just in at Robinson’s. Busby at O. K. Barbershop. Mrs. Wilbur Hayter who is up Mrs. Rogers returned Monday from a month’s stay at Marshfield, from California on a visit with lela- tives and friends, spent a day or so which she enjoyed very much. with Mrs. R. S. Knowlton in thiB R. C. Dement, of Myrtle Point, city last week. returned the last of the week from his 500-acre tract near Portland. anS Mrs. J. B. Pointer Mrs. Howe, of this city, went to Bandon Fish's box factory erSkeels’ store Tuesday and had a day on the beach. Or apple boxes. School supplies at Knowlton’s S. H. Crouch, of the Bay side, Drug Store. visited his son, E. A. Crouch and There will be services as usual family of this city last week, return­ next Sunday morning October 9tb, ing Friday. at the Presbyterian Church Ooqu lie. Grass Seeds at Kuowlton’s Drug­ store. The steamer Elizabeth sailes to­ day for San Francisco. She carries o full cargo of freight and a large passenger list. Fruit boxes of all kind? at Fi sh’ Box Factory. Jay Mulky, o f Gladstone, Oregon, who had been here for a visit ot a couple of weeks, returned home by Saturday’s Breakwater. Robinson Store 1ms received a ntw line of Ladies skirts. County Judge Hall who has been somewhat indisposed of late, was able to transact business at the county seat on Monday. _ Wanted—Two girles at the Co­ quille Steam Laundry. Ray Flanders and family are m ivin » ba?k to this city from Bandon, having touud that the health of their little boy is better here. Beautiful scarfs in the latest de- signs at Robinson's. Earnest Endicott, o f Eugene, who had beeu visiting relatives and friends in Coos county, went to the Bay Friday where he took the Breakwater Saturday for Portland. New Hosery— You will find the b st bosery in town at Lyons A Jones’ . J. S. Cole and daughter, Miss Anna, of Norway, went to the Bay Friday to catch Saturday morning’s Breakwater for Portland. Mr. Cole had business which called him to that city. Something new— Kaola at Lyons Jones. Cheaper and better than lard. 25 cents per can. fi Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Williams, of Catching slough, came over last week and attended the funeral of R. J. Dean which took place at Nor­ way on Friday. Mr. Dean and Mr. Williams were cousins. Lyons fi Jones have the pure pineapple juice at 25 cents per oot- tlo. A nice cool drink- Henry Climens, a pioneet resi­ dent of Coos county, who moved to California a couple of years ago, was in Coquille Saturday. He lias been residing at Vacaville, Cal., which is the home of our friend, Joseph Windle, whom ho reports well, al­ so the family, and particularly the little one; for whose health they moved to that part, of which their friends heie will be pleased to learn. Ten choice Barrel Plymouth Rock roosteis for salu at one dollar and 50cts each, 4 at $1.25 each. Must, be sold this month. First come first served, J. Quick,Coquille, Ore. D i e d —In Coquille, Oregon, September 29, 1910, Pauline Sher- rard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Sherrard, aged four years and six days. This sweet little flower budded and bloomed to gladden this home for only a short time, but its memory will ever be green with her sorrowing parents through life. They have the sympathy of all. W a n t e d — A party to locate on government timber claim. Four million feet- Location fee $250 Folsom, Coquille. For a good second-hand Singea sewing machine, call at the H er - ald office. Rev. W. T. Golder, of Medford, the minister who will be in charge of the M. E. Church South pastoral in this city, will be here and hold services next Sunday. "" ' ' ■■■' 1 —' 1 '■ ■ ■— 1 ■ ■ .1 — new f ä T T g T ods ^ Our fall line of Gents Shoes are arriving on every boat and the Ladies line will be in in a few days. We are sole agents for the Florsheim Shoes for Men and the Utz and Dunn shoes tor the Ladies, These two lines will give us the strongest shoe line in the county. Dry Goods and Groceries ..Flour and Feed.. S. L. Lafferty will deliver good dry wood in Coquille for $1.75 per Mrs. W. S. Jess was taken to the tier Phone 111 Farmers exchange. Have you tried a pair of those Bay Monday by her husband for treatment, having taken ill a few Newport hose? 25c a pair at Lyons