Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, September 07, 1910, Image 2

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    ■fSfjT'jr* ' ' ^ i w
Coquille tyerald.
M rs.
A llre d
A w ay.
Mrs. Allred Johnson, the wife of
the well-known lumberman of Co­
quille, who has been a ({rest suffer-
er for the past two or three years
passed away at the family residence
in this city on Sunday, September
4, 1910, from a complication of di-
saases which has baffled the skill of
the physicians here and at San
Francisco and Oakland, and the end
was not unexpected.
The deceased, formerly Géorgie
Anna McClintock, was born Febru­
ary 8, 1852, in Point Fortune, Can­
ada, where she lived until 1862,when
her parents moved to Waukesha,
Wisconsin, and lived there until 1868
when she came to Manistee, Mich­
igan, and was married to Alfred
Johnson on June 19, 1869.
this union were boro the following
children : Ida Delle, Alfred George,
Everett Elsworth, Charles Clintock,
Katherine May, Ethel Margueret
and Esther Irma, all of whom were
born in Manistee, Michigan.
In 1889 they came west to Cali­
fornia, where they lived until 1897
when they moved to Coquille. Thev
all survive to mourn her sad demise.
The funeral was conducted
at the M. E. Church, South, today,
by Rev. C. H. Cleaves, and attend­
ed by a large number of sorrowing
friends and acquaintances. The in­
terment took place in the Masonic
cemetery, to where the remains were
followed by a large concourse of
friends, and when the last sad rites
were performed bv her sisters,
menbers of the Eastern Star, of
which order she was a highly
honored and respected mem-ber.
of A1 W illard
On Monday, Septenber 5. 1910,
the life of A1 Willard, a well-known
pioneer citizen of the Coquille val­
ley passed to the great beyond, after
a lingering illness from lung troub­
les, at his farm home near Prosper.
The deceased was born in Shan-
nabon, Illinois, October 23, 1870,
and was 39 years, 11 months and
22 days old at death.
Mr. Willard lived many years at
the old home in the Boy settlement.
He leaves a wife, formely Miss Mo-
Cue, and two sons, eleven and
twelve years old, beside his mother,
Mrs. O. B. Willard, two brothers
Capt, O. R. and Frank Willard,
sister Mrs A. G . Miller to mourn
his untimley taking away.
The funeral services were conduct­
ed at the M. E. Church, South at 11
a. m. today, by Rev. C. H. Cleaves.
The body was laid to rest in the
Masonic cemetery, followed th^ye by
a large number of friends and rel-
Union M eetings Continue.
The Union Revival Meetings, led
by Kvanglist Yan Mnrter and Had-
ley, are still continuing every night
at the Masonic Hall, and good crowd
are always in attendance. The ser­
vices are thoughtful, interesting and
much good is being done. Sunday
morning Van preached on. fullness
of Christ.
In the afternoon, there was a
men’s meeting at the Hall, and Van
gave an excellent sermon to the laige
and enthusiastic audience.
At night his theme w as‘ The Judg­
ment.” The sermon was searching
and powerful. Van spoke of the
two eternal vexities of the world,
Death and the Judgment, and
many men deeply impressed. There
have been many conversions the
past week. The Meeting will con­
tinue through next Sunday. Remem­
ber Hadley sings an appropriate
solo at every service.
: j£i
Died in M e rcy « H ospial
Flouncing Embroidery at Robin­
son’s store.
Try 81agle for dry cleaning.
Work guaranteed.
Socialist Assembly.
by Mrs. Lewis Strong of Myrtle
Duriug the afternoon the visiting
members were eutertaiued in various
way, and in the evening a netting
was held, at which the North Bend
lodge was admitted to the associa­
tion, and Myrtle Point was decided
upon as the place for the next an-
ual celebration. The following o f­
ficers were elected: Presic’eut, Mrs.
Mabel Roberta,' of M jrtle Point;
Vice-President, A. W. Myers, of
North Bond; Secretary, Mrs Short,
of Myrtle Point.
»«•» *
Roy Fox, the steamboat engineer,
bad business at the Bay Friday.
O. E 8 Natal D ay
The members ot ihe Order of
George Sigaby was down from
We, the undersigned, duly elected committee, submit
Star of Coos county held
Arsgo yesterday and informed us
Men, The Golden Rule has an ex- that Mrs. Sigaby is still improving the following resolutions for your consideration:
the annual Natal Day celebration in
cellent line of golf and negligee in health, being able to be up and
this city last Wednesday. This was
participated in by all the lodges of
look after household duties to an
The Socialist party of Coos county, State of Oregon, in the county in eluding Coqille,
Attorney R. H. Smith arrived extent.
endorses the National platform o f the Socialist Marshfield, Myrtle Point, Bandon
from Dallas Sunday to be here dur­
M. C. Embroidery cotten two
party as its guide in all national issues, and submits the and North Bend.
ing the approaching term of circuit skeins for 6<f at Golden Rule.
Grand Master, Judge Tboe. F. following state declaration o f principles as the platform j This celebration is to com memo
rate t|je birthday ot Robert Morris,
Oregon City, and Grand o f the Socialist party of Coos County, Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Strang, Jr.
Patriarch, Lee Wimberly, of Rose­
Therefore, we call upon all workers o f the county to the founder of the order.
came up Friday and met Z. C.
burg, spent Thursday in this city
There was a large attendance, all
Strang, of Gravel Ford, who they and attended the I. O. O. F. lodge organize under the banner of the Socialist party of Ore­
of the different points being well
accompanied home for a visit of a in the evening. There was a large gon for the purpose o f conquering the public favors for
attendance and a general good time
few days.
the working class as follows:
At the neon hours a splendid
was enjoyed.
Ripe and green olives in bulk
banquet was served at which 150
Ole Samuelson, of Baucrof», was
Fruit jars at Lairds a big suply,
at Robinson’ s store.
persons partook.
a Coquille business visitor Monday.
Mrs. Anna Levtrich, a sister of
We especially demand the enfranchisement o f all citi­ The address of welcome was de­
J. V. L»ep, of Bancroft, was a
Judge J. W. Hamilton oonvened
Oscar and Clark Bunch of Dora,
zens over 21 years of age regardless of sex, color or prop­ livered by Mrs Geo. E. Peoples, of ! C oq u ille visitor OU Friday of last
died at the home of her mother,
this city, and the response was made | week.
erty qualifications.
Mrs. Geo W. Bunch, at Roseburg in order to hear several matters in
which Judge Coke is disqual­
Sunday evening.— Enterprise.
ified, having been an attorney
Camp supplies at Anderson’s
The democrtic organization and management of all in­
in the cases. The regular session
Second Hand Store.
convenes next Monday.
dustries by the workers.
The protracted meeting of the
Economy, Mason and Knowlton
Adventists being held in the tent
fruit Jars at Lairds Furniture store.
near the courthouse, suspended on
That all lands be assessed equally that have equal
Capt. C. M- Forest, of the three
Sunday evening to be closed till
masted sehooner Ester Buhne, car­ values, and that each householder be exempt on personal
Friday evening, when they will
rying lumber out of Coos Ray from property to the amount of 5300.00
be resumed again.
the Johnson mill, was in town yes­
Ladies you can still finde dusters
terday. The Capt. went up to see
at Robinsons Store.
the ruins of the mill from which he
That all county work shall be performed by the county,
M,. Skt-els, the merchant, start-
had been hauling lumber.
eight hours per day and at union scale o f wages, and
ed Monday for Portland with Mrs.
all contract work be abolished.
Skeels whose health has been fail­
sewing machine, call at the H er -,
The socialist party when in office shall always and every
ing for some time, for the purpose ald office.
of consulting physicians. The trip
A. E. Howey received a letter where (until the present system is abolished) make the
which was made to Roseburg by J.
from bis son. Leland Howey, who answer to this question its guiding rule o f conduct: Will
S. Lyons’ auto, and she was very
we mentioned lately as being on this legislature advance the interests o f the working class
week on her arrival there, but was
his way to the Philippines. The let­ and aid the workers in their class struggle against capita­
feeling better the next morning on
ter was written from Honolulu, at lism? If it will, the Socialist is for it.
If it will not, the
resuming her journey by train.
which point the steamer on which
Wanted—Cbittim bark, hides, he was going had stopped for a
wool and furs. Geo. T. Moulton.
In accordance with this principal the Socialist party
short time. He reported that he
Mayor L J. Simpson, oi North was having a very enjoyable trip pledges itself to conduct all the public affairs placed in its
Bend, was over this way recently There were 260 cabin passengers on hands in such a manner as to promote the interests of the
and putchased some thoroughbrad the boat, among whom were a bunch
working class alone.
Jersey heifers from the dairy farm of San Francisco Examiner people,
J ohn H ayden
of J. C. Watson, on Cunningham. and all were having a nice time.
J. L . F o s t e r
They were beauties and Mr Simp­
For Sale— Good high pressure
son expects to get more of them in donkey boiler, eighteen or twenty
R. M. H a y t e r
the near future. Mr.| Wetson is borse-power. S. H. McAdams.
gaining a reputation tor growing
Report o f the Condition of
fine stock and fowls.
On Friday, Sept. 2 nd Mr. and NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT.
Af >PIIe !Boxes
Apple and Fruit
Boxes and Crates
of all kinds are
now on sale both
at the factory and
at Skeels’ store.
For large or spec­
ial orders call at
Fish B ox Factory
X>00000000000< >OOOOOO0OOOO<
Try the New Catchem Fly trap.
Drane has them on sale, at 15c or
wo for 25c.
Mrs. Alex McIntosh and daugh­
ter, who have resided in the past at
Walla Walla, Washington, passed
through town the latter part o f the
week en route to Lakeport, where
they will join Mr. McIntosh who
has been at the new town since in
They were accompanied by
Mrs. Stafford, also of Walla Wall«,
who goes to Lakeport on a brief
business trip.
We are in the box business you
will find boxes o f all kinds at Fishs'
Box Factory.
Married.— At the residence of the
brides parents in this city, J. C. Fry,
Wednesday at high noon, Mr.
George |B. Glenn and Myrtle E.
Frye, Rev. C. H. Cleaves, officiat­
ing. This war a quit home wed­
ding, only a few immediate relatives
and friends. The happy young
couple went to the Bay for a few
days, after which they will make
their home in Coquille. The H e r ­
a l d joins a large circle ol friends in
Look! Cluett shirts are the ones
to wear, new and up-to-date line,
Robinson’ s Store,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Mundy, of Ban-
don, came up Saturday to see friends
and attend the revival meetings of
Rev. Vau Marter. They were
guests of Mr. and Mia. Chas Moo-
maw. Mrs. Mundy brought with
her a very large, and we believe
the most beautiful bouquet of
dahlias we have ever seen There
were twelve distinct shades in col­
or beside several varigated ones,
the flowers were large, rich and per
feet in form, and, by the way, the
one which struck us as the most
perfect and beautiful o f all was a
sedling, propagated by Mrs. Mundy
D. Jones, one of the old pio­ When looking for fine table linen
neers of Coos county and a resident and silence cloth Remember Robin­
sons Store.
of Empire, died early this morning
Mrs. E. A. McDuffee brought
at Mercy Hospital. He was 74
our office one day last week
years old Mr. Jones went to the hos­
pital several days ago. Bowel troule samples of peaches grown on their
property in the north part of town.
was the cause of death.
Mr. Jones was a widower and bad They were perfect in form and col­
no children. He was a native of, or, and wsa absolutely free from dis­
Whales and came here many years ease or blimiah of any kind, and the
ago « id worked in the Libby mine. flavor was equal to those gTown in
Later be moved to Empire and had California or the valley sections.
lived there the rest of his life. He While it is not claimed that Coos
was known to all of the old resi county is a peach country, yet with
the proper selection of the location
Mr. Jones was an uncle of Mrs. the orchard and and the proper cul­
R H. Oleson, who is a daughter of tivating of this particular variety,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Williams of Em- they would be a much greater suc­
cess than it ie generally supposed
that they would be.
At Coquille, in the State of Oregon, at the
close o f basinesa Septem ber 1, 1910.
Loan« and discounts..........................$80,240 45
Orerdraft*. secured and unsecured
82 42
U. S. bonds to secure circulation. . 12,500 00
Bonds, securities, e tc......................... 81,833 36
Banking house, furniture and fix­
tures .................................................. 39,209 78
Due from National Banks (not re­
serve agents)...................................... 2,733 99
Dne from S tate and private Banka
nnd Banker», Trust C A m p a n ie s
and Savings B an k s..................... 8,503 10
Due from approved reserve agents. 61,278 56
Checks and other cash items........3,834 13
Notes o f other National B a n k s ....
655 00
Fractional paper currency, nickels
and cents...........................................
I/awful money reserve in bank, viz:
S p e c i e ....................... $30,195 85
Legal-tender n o te s .. . .
2,095 00 32,290 85
Redemption fund with U . S. Treas­
urer (5 percent of circulation)
625 00
T o ta l.....................................
Mrs. J. P. Messer celebrated their
Notice is hereby given that the under­
golden wedding. This was a bril­ signed, executrix of the Last Will and
liant affair, given at their home Teetament of David Mstfaers, deceased,
and was a complete surprise to the has filed in the County Court of the
old folks, being given by their State of Oregon for Coos County her
daughter, Mrs. M O Hawkinr, and i final account sa such executrix, and the
aaid Court has appointed Thursday the
several Iriends,
they knowing fith day af October, 1910, at the hour of
nothing of the affair until they re­ ten o ’ clock in the forenoon of said day,
turned from the picture gallery at the County Court Room in the Court
where they had been to have a House in the City of Coquille, in the
County of Coos and State of Oregon, as
picture taken, and found their home the time and place for the hearing of
crowded with guests. There was a objections to such final account and the
settlement theieof.
light lunch served and ail enjoyed
Dated this 7th day of September,
a very nice visit. Theie were large 1910.
oumber of very nice present in
Executrix of the Last Will and Test­
evidence, of which they are exceed- ament of David Mathers, Deceased.
J. J. Stanley, Attorney for Executrix,
ingly proud.
Coquille, Oregon.
V. R. W IL S O N - Watchmaker
V. R. W IL S O N Engraver
cally corrected. 13 years experience.
Prices reasonable and absolute satisfaction guaranteed
Broken lenses duplicated, bring me the pieces and I
will guarantee to furnish you a New Lense exactly
like the old one.
$323,901 13
Capital stock paid in ..........................$50,000 00
Surplus F u n d ...................................... 5,500 00
Undivided profits, less expenses and
taxes paid......................................... 1,370 33
National Bank notes outstanding.. 12,500 00
Due to State and Private Banks
and Bankers...................................... 1,706 89
Individual d e r a ils subject to check 222,840 35
Demand certificates of deposit........ 29,983 56
'P A I L O R
C O Q U IL L E .
j E
!XO O O O O 0 0 O O 0 0 © O O 0 0 O O O O O O O < &
T o ta l................................................. $323/101 13
State o f Oregon, >
C ounty o f C ooa, ( 8 *
I, L . H . Hazard. Cashier o f the above
named bank, d o solem nly swear that the
above statement is true to the best o f my
know ledge an d belief.
L . H . Hazard,
flakes Kodaking Easy
No Dark
C o bbsct —Attest:
A. J. S herwoop * } j D
L . H a b i . o c k b r
« e . . a . l
B bal
Subscribed and f worn to b e ­
fore me this 2nd day of
f j"
l9 l° -
J . S. B arton ,
N otary P ublic
You Expect Your
Watch to do thus mXb. homeCoveX:-
and so for You
J ih iU t .* «
novi lb the time to yet jjfa. hoube Portland and Coos Bay S. S. Line
Butjwhat’about your siilefof the
question? Do you give it the
attention itfdeserve»?;
It isn't as though this watch care
would cost you much, because it
Just the other way. in fact—one of
the wisest strokes of economy that
anyone can practice is to let a com­
petent men take a peep into hi* or
her watch occasionally.
You ask how frequently.
Once a ye*r, anyway-oftener
wouldn't hurt.
We are well fixed to look efter all
your repairing needs.
& CO.
Xeady ^o\ jaCl and winteX.
He have
ouX btoXe juCC o^ SeautijuC thinyb
that HiCC make youX home SmiCe.
you Cove a CeautljuC home^ don't
Sails from Portland at 9 a. m. Thursday, Sept. 1st.
The next dale on
which she will sail from Portland will be Tuesday, September 6tb at 8
p. m.; and at the same hour every Tuesday thereafter. From Coo* Bay
every Saturday at service of tide after September 1st.
you^ bo nky not bjyend borne o^ the
money you have haXvebted to make
youX home hajopy.
eome and bee ub.
R S. KN OW LTON , President
R. H. MAST, Cashier
aijd Merchaqts
of Coquille
A Reasonable Share
First Class Safety
o f Your Business Solicited
Deposit Boxes For Rent