Coquille D. F. DEAN, Herald. PROPRIETOR County Official Paper. WEDNESDAY, AUG. 10 1910. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Flouncing Embroidery at Robin­ son's store. Ladies you cap still finde dusters at Robinsons Store. Bathing suits, for men and boys at Heors Lorenz’s. Camp supplies at AndersoD’B Second Hand Store. Oo to Skeels & s o d for shoes that wear—-the price is right. J. C. Hays, of Myrtle Point, was a Coquille visitor on Monday. Economy, Mason and Knowlton fruit Jars at Lairds Furniture store. T. P. Hanley, the progressive dairyman, was up from Lampa on Saturday. 'f i t i b fv rn A A J l-Y rio jjiL r. -¿e r r k ., A ju l a fine : L ine : or BLD 5 £ M ^ T Iie sale and re lia b le tw in - mfM NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. screw Notice is hereby given that the under- sighed, executor of the Estate of Flora fj^^T he New and 8peedy ® K. Skelly, deceased, lias filed his final OPTEM ETRIST account in the office ol the County Clerk of Coos County, Oregon, in the matter At I)r. Richmond’s oflice the 24th ol said Estate, and the County Court C a p t. O lsen, M a ste . named Monday, the 15th day ol and 25th of each month. Don’t has August, A. D. 1910. as the day and the Will make regular trips between Court room at the Court House in Co­ forget the date. quille, Coos County, Oregon, us the place C o q u ille R iv er an J 1 an lor hearing object ions to said final ac­ count and for the settlement of said NOTICE. F ran cisco . F. J. HAYES Str. E liz a b e th The most exteusive experiment in the way of grazing the logged-oti Ol Establishment of tirade of Spurgeon N o S t o p - o v e r a t W a y P o it s Dated this 13th day o( July, A. D. land has been conducted by Colonel Street uml the Extension of Spurgeon j 1910. EIcctlic Lights. Everything in Kiist J. J. LAMB, Coach, one of the owners of the Street in the City of Coquille. Class Style. Executor. Cody Lumber Company, and who Notice is hereby given that the Coin- j has extensive timber holdings in mon Council of the City ol Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, has deemed it j Coos county. At Lampa creek, on necessary and expedient, nnd has de­ the Coquille river, Colonel Coach clared its intention to establish the owns about 5000 acres of timber grade of Spurgeon Street and the Ex­ land from which the company is re­ tension of Spurgeon Street in said City 22 YEARS EXPERIENCE moving the timber. As the timber of Coquille from the east end of said Spurgeon Street westerly as a whole to is taken off he has burned over the Fly Killer and Sprayers at the west end ol the Extension of Spur­ logged-off land and planted it to Knowltons Drug Store. geon Street in said City, according DEFECTS OF THE VISION, SCIENTIFI- grass. Capt. Emery, inspector of U. S. to the plans anil specifications thereof cally corrected. 13 years experience. Colonel Coach has studied the Life saving stations, arrived here by the city engineer now on file in the matter carefully. His plan is to Monday on his way to Bandn to office ol the City Recorder, and to which reference is hereby made as a part of burn the underbrush after the land look after bis duties toward that Prices reasonable and absolute satisfaction guaranteed S', so \ 'why noTVeiTT tliia notice. is logged off and to plant the grass station. Broken lenses duplicated, bring me the pieces and I Any and all objections and remon­ seed the same Fall. He has inves­ will guarantee to furnish you a New Lense exactly strances to said proposed grade and Try Slagle for dry cleaning. tigated the different grasses and Work guaranteed. the establishment thereof must he filed * like the old one. says that he finds a mixture of or­ in the office of said City Recorder on or Miss Dorathy Brockman and before the 2nd day of September, A. D. chard grass and clover is best adapt­ brother, Jas. Brockman. They came 1910, for consideration by the Common ed to this kind of land. This year as far as Coquille with J. L. Lew- Council. he bought about 200 head of cattle ellen in bis automobile. Her many Notices ol said proposed grade were which were brought up from Curry posted on the 2nd day of August, A. D. friends hope for her early recovery. OUR MOTTO. OUR RAME. county and turned on the the tange 1910, pursuant to law. Go to Skeels A Son for your gro­ A. W. KELLEY, where they grazed in grass up to ceries. Only the best kept. City Recorder. their knees. He also raises a large Mrs. E. Ame8on, of Myrtle Point, amount of swine on the range. GUARDIAN’S SALE OF REAL who hns been sorely afflicted for Colonel Coach says that the big PROPERTY. some time with gall stones, was mistake that some have made in ex ­ In the County Court of the State of Or­ periments with this kind of land is taken to the Bay Monday for an op­ egon for the County of Coos. eration. She was accompari ied this In the matter of the Guardianship of that it is overstocked. He thinks the persons and estate of Bertha M. great care must be taken to give the far by her husband, two sons and a Ogle and Alfred L. Ogle, Minors. niece. Notice is hereby given, that the un­ grass a chance to get a good stand dersigned, Guardian of the above nam­ When looking for fine table linen and then not overstock before the ed minor Allred L. Ogle, under and pur­ and sileoce cloth Remember Robin­ The best quality of gof^ls at the lowest suant to an order of the County Court pasture is well established. of said Coos County, Oregon, made and sons Store. For fruit raising the land of entered in the probate journal ol said price is always to be had this store. B. F. Smith started for Roseburg Court on the 8th day of July, A. I) course must be cleared and the ex­ 1910, authorizing and empowering the Help us to make this the kinHxif a store pense to do this is considerable, but Monday with J H. Smith’s stage, said undersigned guardian to sell at pri­ the little girl of the latters being ill vate sale, lor cash in hand, ten per cent for grazing it only needs to be burn­ you want. of which to be paid at the time of sale ed and seeded and left in its rough and be could not go as be intended. nnd balance at the time of confirmation Mr. Smith will bring back with him of sale, all the right, title and interest \ condition.— Oregonian. of said minor in and to the following his cousin, Mrs. Sarab J. Bryant, described real property, to-wit: I’ort Crford Tribune. from near Eugene. The undivided one-half interest YOURS FOR A BIG BUSINESS and to the North-east quarter ol Section George Wilson, with his gasoline Look! Cluett shirts are the ones thirty-two (32) in Township Twenty- COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHER boat the Wanderer, arrived here to wear, new and up-to-date line, five (25) South of Range ten west of the from Coos Bay Friday on his way Robinson’s Store. SHERIFF’S SALE OF RFAL PROP­ Willamette Meridian, in Coos County, Oregon. A da D y e P a s a e s A w a y to Rogue Riyer for his annual hunt ERTY. That under and pursuant to said Or­ We aro in receipt of a postal card having with him the following peo­ Notice is hereby given, that by virtue der ol sale the undersigned will on and Miss Ada, daughter of Mr. and from W. J. Fairman which was post­ after the 18th day of August, A. D.1910, ple from Empire City, to wit: Mr. C. W . Dye, formerly of this of an execution duly issued out of hlghSrt Wddi’ l S ed at Sebastopol, California. It Mrs. ., . «. «a . 1 Circuit Court of the stilt© of Oregon, foi ..ogii i« hand wn ten tier to he At and Mrs. Victor wickman, Mr. An­ now residing near Myrtle n casn m -» nana, per upnt. ceni 10 dc ohk pani I ai seems that be has left StaDfield Ore­ city, J ° J the County of Coos, and to me directed time ol sale; balance ------- at time ------ of confirm — — drew Wickman and sisler. On ac­ gon, and has gone to California to Point, died at the private hospital on the 14th dav of July) 1910 upon a ation of eale, all ol the right, title and count of wind the boat lay inhere interest of said minor in and to said reside. He has owned some good of J. D. Wilson in ibis place, judgment i nd decree duly rendered, real property aliove described. Offer until Saturday morning when she entered of record and docketed in and for the purchase of said real property property at that place for the past Thursday, August 4. 1910, at the ran down to the river— the ladies will be received at the office of the un age of seventeen years, from a com­ by said Court on the 12th day of Feb­ dersigned year or eo. Guardian or residence at Two ruary, 1910, in a 'certain suit then in going overland by stage. The par­ plication of diseases probably not said Court pending, wherein Clyde A. Harbors, Minnesota, or at the law office Go to Skeels & Son for chicken ties are our old Empire friends of John T. Long, at Roseburg, Oregon feed, rolled barley, bran, shorts, fully understood. The immediate Barker was plaintiff and Emil Ander­ on and after the 18th day of August, A. C O Q U IL L E , - - O R E G O N whom we are glad to meet. cause of death apparently being son was defendant in favor of plaintiff D. 1910. wheat millings, etc. We had one of the surprises of PATRICK J. WELCH, from heart failure. She had been and against said defendant by which : Guardian of said Alfred L. Ogle. '0 O O O e O O O 0 O O O O O O O O O O C O O O < R Mrs. Ellen Peterson, of Arago, our life last Friday, when Wm. failing in health for some time from execution I am commanded to sell the j Hurst Jr. gaue us a box of berries went to Empire Monday to see her which some pronouuce cancer of the property in said execution and herein- j - called “ Phenomenal” which they father, David Roberts, who is yet on stomach, and gradually weDt down after described to pay the sum due the j SUMMONS plaintiff of $487.41, with interest there- certaiuly were in size, beauty and the sick list, showing little or no till the end came. ■ I on at the rate ol eight per cent per an- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE II flavor. The box was 10 inches long, signs of improvement. She expects STATE OF OREGON FOR COOS Ada was a bright and lovnble num from the 12th day of Feruarv, 3 inches wide and 1 Inch deep and to return in a short time and bring girl who will be greatly missed in 1910, until paid, an attorney fee of $75 COUNTY. it bad just I4’berries, each 2 inches her Bister, Mrs. John Morgan, now the home circle as well as the com­ together with the costs and disburse­ Charles Denison Plaintiff, ments of said suit taxed at $48.50, and long and 1 inch in diameter. They of San Francisco, with her for a munity in which she lived. vs. -costs and expenses of said execution. Myrtle Alma Denison were the first of the kind v/e had visit. The family have the sympathy of I will on Thursday, the 8th day of Sep­ Defendant. J ever stem and with cream and su­ LyoDs A Jones always try to have of many friends in there bereave­ tember, 1910, at the hour of te n o’clock To Myrtle Alma Denison, the above Té named Defendant: gar they were just, Yum! Yum! something nice on hand for you for ment. a. in. of said day at the front door of They are seedless, big enough to your Sunday dinner. the Court House in the City of Coquille, In the name of the State of Oregon : You are hereby commanded to ap­ f .r n i m l H K 'a l S u r e I ' . j c s C m r o l l Coos County, Oregon, sell at public auc­ sell by the dozen and are the King, Thirty people from Portland and pear and answer the complaint of Plaint­ tion to the highest bidder for cash in "For twenty years I suffered iff, filed against you in the above enti­ I Queen and Empress Dowager of all Wnsbington points arrived here by hand oil the day of sale, all the right, berries. Thank you “ Billy” , come Monday afternoon’s train on their from a bad case of graulated sore title, interest and estate which said de­ tled Court and cause, within Bix weeks from and after the date of this summons. eyes, Martin Boyd of Henrietta, Ky. fendant, F.inil Anderson, and all per* You are further notified that if you again. way to Lakeport. There were sev­ Last Saturday was a busy day in eral ladies' in the crowd, and many “In February, 1903, a gentleman sons claiming under him subsequent to I*'I so to appear and answer for want & . . ? , . thereof, tiie plaintiff will apply to the SUPPLIES AT Port Orford harbor. The U. S. carried rifles, which would sndicate asked me to try Chamberlain's plaintiff 8 mortgage hen in, of and to p our[ for j(,e reijef demanded in his $ Light house tender, Manzrnita Capt. that these people had a better idea Salve. I bought one box and used said real property. Said premises here- complaint, that is to say : For a decree inbefore mentioned are described in said forever annulling and dissolving the Ellilcott, the steamer Baudon, and of that section of the country than about two-thirds of it and my eyes execu-ion as follows, to-wit: Begin- 1 r' frl1 nA° wtexi8ti"? between have not given me any trouble Plaintiff and Defendant upon the ground S2 8 S8 S 8SS3 the gasoline boats Ranger, Coast those who went expecting to find mng at a point on the quarter section of cnlel anil inlmman treatment ren and Wanderer, were all at the wharf largo brick banks, stores, hotels and since.’’ This salve is for sale by line 10.16 chains north of the center of dering life burdensome. R. S. Knowlton. section 24 in thwnship 27 south of range For the sole and exclusive custody, during the day. The day is not the like. 12 west of the Willamette meridian in care and control of Plaintiff and Defend­ distant when Port Orlord will be ant’s child Floyd Earl Deni For Sale Ooos County, Oregon, and running son and minor For Rent— A newly finished 7 for such other and further re­ tho urminis of more than one trans­ thence north 5.08 chains along said lief as shall be agreeable with equity. room bouse within 2 blocks of post- continental railroad, and our great Nine year old mare weigh about quarter section line; thence west 10.67 You are further notified that the date office. See J. E. Quick. chains more or lees, to the quarter h irbor, the deepest on the coast and one thousand fifty pounds, and a quarter section line; thence south 5.08 of this summons is the date of the first E. L. Sherman of the U. S. Light brand new buggy and single har- chains along said quarter quarter sec­ publication thereof; that this Sum most easily protected, will be visited mons is served npon you by order of t he by the biggest ships of the world; Bureau, 17th Dist., came down from ness, liither or all at a bargain. For tion line to a point west of the place of Hon. John S. Coke, Judge of the above Sails From Ainsworth Dock Portland, July 8, 13. 18, 23, 28 l»eginning; thence east 19.67 chains, nur battle ships will coal here were Portland arriving here Monday on further particulars see or write more or less, to place of beginning, con­ entitled Court and is dated July 18, 1910; that the time prescibed for the Sails from Coos Bay July 10, 15, 20, 25. 30, at seruicc of t ie t'e'ays and risks of crossing the his way down the coast on official A. R. Bennett. Grayo lford Oregon. taining ten acres of land more or less. publication of this summons by said or­ Said sale being made subject to re­ bars, where expensive pilolcharges, business, lie iufortned us that-all tide. demption in the manner provided by der is for six consecutive weeks from and tort tous channels are, andjwill date of first publication. Ladies if we cannot fit you with law. coast lights sre being changed from W. F. MILLER Agent, Marshfield, Oregon ever be, unknown. Dated this 8th «lay of August, 1910. Dated July 20th 1910. a tailored suit from stock, we will the old style to the incandescent va­ Geo. Watkins. W. W. GAGE, H. J. MOHR, AGENT. COQUILLE, PHONE NO. 181 take your measure and have one Illll'M IM ) C 'o l i f l i J ’ Attorney for Plaintiff Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon, por lamp which will greatly increase made to order. Robinson's Sto o. Marshfield, Oregon. By C. A. Gage, Deputy. •For some years I suffered from the intensity of the lights over the intense colicky pains which would old ones. The new lights will be N E W coine on at times and from which I lit at Blanco, Umpqua, Heceta Head eo'dd lind no relief,’ says I. S. Ma­ son, of Beaver Dam, Ky. "Cbarn- RDd Yaqnina Hept. 15lh. 1> rhiin’s Colic. Cholern aud Dir. For Sale— 8 good work horses, rlioea Remedy was recommended to 1300 pounds and up. Enquire of me by a friend. After taking a few Fred Lowery, on Disher place. Having bought out the stock of tools of Cox & Cox and the shoe-i We take pleasure in announcing to you that we have received our stock of doses of the remedy I was entirely aud nails of S- H. McAdams, we believe by doing a special Sboing busi­ relieved. That was four years ago An unfortunate iocident occurred and there has been no return of the late Friday night as Collier boys, ness, we can please our customers. First-claas work guaranteed. symptoms since that time.” Thisis Clyde and Jim, who belong to the for sale by R, S. Knowlton. railroad bridge gang started away and are now located in the First National Bank Building and will be pleased Second Street, Coquille, Oregon. Quick A Curry make the galvan­ from the Johnson mill, when their to meet you and quote prices. ized screen door; standard sizes on speeder colided with a handcar car­ hand; spetial sizes made in short rying a bunch from Beaver Hill. order. Also handy, adjustable win­ It was a party of men and women ; R. S. KNOW LTON, President GEO. A. ROBINSON, V. Pris. dow screens, ironing boards, sleeve who took the handcar and came 1 R. H. MAST, Cashier boards, bread boards, drain boards through cuiiosity and did not carry . and meat safes. We will take all your produce allowing you CITY QUOTATIONS. the regulation lights, which waa * 1 Foil S ai . e — 16O acres, 40 in grass; o ij 4.000,000 ft of good timber. Price ) the cause of the acci lent. The Col­ lier boys were both badly bruised S3000 $1000 down, balance on! time at 8 per cent intetest. See B. up and their speeder broken up. Folsom 9APITAL STOCK $25,000 Stock Sheep For Sale. — A bon j Try the New Catchem Fly trap. thirty-five number one ewes and \ Reasonable Share of Your Business Solicited Drane has them on sale, at 15c or latnbs lor sal«. Inquire of C- A. First Class Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent two for ¡¿5o, Pendleton. T H I S W E EK V. R. WILSON - Watchmaker V. R. WILSON Engraver V. R. WILSON yeaïï you a ïe oveï old you heeolleetionb oß dayb— tfie old ehildehood’b home ïojye ledô'filinÿS^ stïaw mattïeô^eô' may oï have giteli je a th eï tiek. tube ^uïnituïe^ The Golden Rnle ouï twentieth een~ Sïatâ wiïe ô'joïinÿô'^ h a iï eious Optometrist. Sedb^ woven DRY GOODS and SHOES mattïeàû^ ±joï~ d ïeteeï^ elothes eto&eU a n d . wa^h-ïtandô' w i l l make health a n d eom joït jo ï you. yuy now. H a little now a n d then. W . C. L A IR D C. H. Cleaves FRED SLAGLE 'T A IL O R a I ! Daylight Development Makes Kodaking Easy No Dark Room NeccesLary ? 4 w I LET THE CHILDREN KODAK J KNOWLTON’S DRUG STORE Portland and Coos Bay S. S. Line BREAKWATER I * -r ANNOUNCEMENT. HORSE SHQING SHOP flour, feed, fancy and Staple Groceries à E v ia n d & M cAdams. SPECIAL PRICES TO LOGGING CAMPS AND BIG CONSUMERS __________ Fa rm e rs C. A. M. Sc M. CO. COQUILLE, OREGON ai)d of M erchants Coquille B H