Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, August 10, 1910, Image 1

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    Coquille Heroik
V o l . 27: No 4i)
Entered uh second-class matter May
8, 1906, at the poatofftce at Coquille,
Oregon, under aet of Contres» of March
1, 1871).
Electric Light
Office over K usü ’ b store, Front Slt.,
Plant and
Dr. C. W. Endlcott
D kstiht
Office over First National Bank
Phone Main 431,
Coquille, Oregon
Attorney and Couuodlor at Law.
Office In Robinson Building
Offio iu ltobiaaoa ltailüin«, Upstair«
Attorney and Counsellor at Law
Office Phone 335 Main
Residence Phone 346 Main
C o q u ille C i t y , 0 $ r
On Friday evening at about six
o ’clock fire broke out in the John­
son Lumber Co’s mill Ibree miles]
from Coquille, totally destroying j
the mill and a large amount, of I uim
ber as well as the electric light
plant of the Coquille River Electric
O''., of which Frank Morse is man­
ager, and whiob furnished lights for
Coquil'e and Myrtle Point.
The fire stai ted iu the dust, etc.,
on the timbers directly over the
front of the boilers of the light
plant, and was noticed by the night
watchman, John Dimmitt, and Fire­
man Lloyd Laird who wore to­
gether and hut a lew feel away at
the time, but so rapid was the
spread of the fire that all efforts
within their yower were futil. They
procurred the hose kepe for fire
purposes and turned a stream on
the blgie but in spite of their eflorts
the ¿re spread so rapidly that it
wq« with difficutly that they made
their escape.
Rt. Rev. Charles Scadding, D. D.
In a very short time it was plain­
Bishop Scadding, of the Episcopal Diocese of Oregon, will pre
ly to be seen that the entire mill
and yard would be swept, as well as in St. Jrmes’ Church Sunday morning and evening.
H. E. Shelley
There is to be held at Baudcn on
the 20 th instant a concatenation of
of the Coos County Hoo Hoos. T he
Vicegerant Snatk will be presevt
Coquille, Ore.
and the meeting will be of more
First Class Work Guaranteed.
than ordinary importance, and a
grand good time is anticipated.
M. E. W H ITM O RE. E. F. MOKRISSY All lumbermen in this section
should arrange to be present, and
Coos Bay Paving and Con­
eacn do his full share to make this
a grand success in all ways.
struction Company.
gf . n e b a l
< ■■»■■il>rrlialM'i> « » l i e , X ' l i n l r n i i i m I
T H firrltnea
I t r i n c <lj
l i li o w n to F u ll.
Bricks Stone and Timber
"I have used Chamberlain’s Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
Phone 151-J
since it wrh first introduced top b e
Offices 117 Front Street, MsrshfieldOre.
public in 1872, and have never
found one instance where a cure was
not speedily effected by itr. use. 1
have been a commercial traveler for
eighteen years, and never start out
on a trip without this, my faithful
Manufacturers of
friend,’’ says H. N. Nichols of Oak­
The Celebrated Berqmann Shoe land, Ind. Ter. For sale by R. S.
The Strongest and Jiesrest Water Knowlton.
Proof shoe made for lop era, miners
prospectors and mill men.
For Sale — t new second baDd
bicycle for sale at half price or trade
621 Thurman Street
on a buggy, Inquire at this office.
P o r t l a n d , O reooi *.
Theo. Bergm
an Sho« Mf^.Co.
Work Within
Sixty Days
the dwellings near by, so all who
were near set to work to save what
they could. There were several
cars on the switch in process of
loading, aod one of these with great
\f.rH- Uvi11*. J * -
Front Stree
effort and difficulty was rolled to
CoQDintH, O b io o n
safety, but the others four or five in
number weDt with the rest. There
was some six to eight hundred feet
A. J. Sherwood,
of the main track and trestle des­
A t t o b n h t - a t - L a w ,
troyed beside the two switches pass­
N otaby P u b l ic ,
ing through the yard which makes
the I obs to the railroad company
Before the fire reached the ware­
Walter Sinclair,
house ai d store at the south side of
A tto bn e y - at - L a w .
the yard, the steamer Myrtle which
N ota by P u b l ic ,
reached Ccquille about six o’clock
with the crowd lrom the picDic,
reached the mill on her return and,
procuring a hose about the mill
Hall & Hall,
connected it to her pump and from
A t t o r n i ; va- at L a w ,
the river furnished stream with 100
pounds pressure back of it which
Dealer in U eat , E staik o f all kinds.
saved the store and warehouse men­
Marshfield, Oregon.
I ____
Most of the houses occupied by
the employes of the mill burned,
E. G. D. Holden
hut the greater part of the furniture
L awyer ,
J ustice o r toe P eace
was saved. One, that of Bert H ol­
0 . 8. Commissioner, General Insurance lenbeck wag destroyed with all its
Agent, aod Notary Pablio. Office
contents, it being closest to the
in Robinson Building.
Coquille Oregon.
The loss falls heaviest on the
Johnson Lumber Co. Beside the
mill there was three-quarters of a
million feet of first class lumber on
the yard, all of which was consumed
making a total of $35,000.
Mr. Morse had just put a $2500
Phone Main 13X.
switch board into his plant beside
other improvements which makes
Board by Day, WeeK or Month
his loss heavy, the estimate being
placed at $ 10 , 000 .
Sanyple f^oonjs
Nice Batljs
This is a severe blow to the entire
community, throwing about 150
Special Attention Paid to men out of employment and stop­
ping a payroll of $15,000 a month.
the Traveling Public.
To Begin
Sixty Thousand
Offlo * Phone Main 211.
We Repair
We Do
Dollars’ Loss.
S I .5 0 P e r Y e a r
Farmers' Picnic.
members of his famiy.
Then came the races as follows:
The first farmers’ Union and
Trotting race for buggy horses,
Orange co-operative celebration and came out in following order:
basket picnic of Coos county was
George B, H. L. Stephens.
held at the beautiful oak grove at
Jim, Schroeder Bros.
Arago last Friday under most favor­ i Sjlvia, Jas. Laird.
able circumstances in all ways.
Black Flag, Jno Myers.
The day was beautiful and the peo­
Saddle Horse race.
ple turned out well, there being
Daisy, Hall Bros.
present, according to conservative
Black Te Idy, Thos. Kinnicutt.
estimates, from 8 oo to tooo of Coos
Blue Dick. J. L, Laird.
county's good citizens who came
Rowdy, W. W . Kinnicutt.
out for a good time and they surely
Rhodondo, Horace Ames.
bad it. Upon the arrival of the
Pony Race.
train from Marshfield the steamers
Lady, Geo. Wilson.
Myrtle, Limit and J. Warren pull­
Maud, Geo. Wilson.
ed out for the grounds with full
Sharkey, J. L. Laird.
complements of passengers, while
Match race tor made-up purse of
the wagon road was lined with au­ ten dollars.
tomobiles and rigs of various kinds
Daisy, Hall Bros
till the hour o f opening the exer­
Black Teddy, Thos Kinnicutt.
cises had arrived. The meeting as­
The awards were given as follows:
sembled to the music of the Coquille H. L. Stephens’ George B. trotting,
Brass Band and was called to order first, $8 buggy robe; Shroeder Bros,
at about n a. tit. when Mr. Burk­ second, $4 50 roho.
Saddle race,
holder took the platform and gave Hall first, $5.50 bridle; Kinnicutt
the address of welcome in a most second, $475 bridle, Pony race,
pleasing manner which made each Wilson first aod second, $4.25 and
and every one present feel truly $3 00 bridle*.
welcome and free to do his or her
There were several foot races run
part to make it truly a picnic, the full particulars of which we did
wholy worthv of the name.
not get. The races for hoys under
Rev. B. B. McDonald then took
the stand in behalf of social feature
of the Union and held the attention
of the crowd for half an hour, with
pleasing and instructive remarks
along that line of argument, which
were well worth listening to.
Mrs. Elton Tyrrell then gave a
solo The Gypsy’s Love song, in her
excellent voice and pleasing manner
to the delight ol all present.
C. R. Bartow was then called to
the platform and on the subject of
co-operative held the undivided at­
tention ol the crowd till it was time
to announce dinner.
The committee then took charge
of the tables which had been pre­
pared, and the baskets which the
people had hrought, and with the
aid of a number of the ladies goon
had a spiead ready which was fit
for a king, to which all did ample
justice, there being a great plenty
for all,
After dinner George E. Peoplea
took the platform andgrve a splen­
did talk on practical dairying which
was highly appreciated by the dairy
P. S. Robison, on the eubject of
the ‘‘ Importance of Farmers Organ­
izing" held the attetion of the crowd
until the time for the races. All
were sorry that the time was not
longer, but the fullness of the pro­
gram made it necessary to cut this
part of the exercises short. Mr
Ilobison regretted that be had not
the time to dwell cn the apprecia­
tion of the people of the valley for
the preservation and use of the
beautiful oak grove in which this
picnic was held, by the late Hon.
J. Henry Schroeder and other men
Just a little over three years ago
the proposition ot building an elec­
tric system between this city and
Marshfield was taken up, and The
News warmly advocated the matter
at that time, with the result that
something like $ 150,000 was sub­
scribed to help the improvement
along in event it materalized. Vari­
ous difficulties arose which prevent­
R. E.SHINE, Ylee P ro
ed the people getting the ultimate X. J. SHERWOOD Pre«.
advantages of such a road, and the
0. C. SANFORD, Asst. Csshler
L. H. -HAZARD, Cashier
project was abandoned. Other rail­
way schemes have been proposed,
hut none have presented them­
selves which seemed to have the
proper backing. At the present
OP CO 9 UIL 1 I 1 H, ORBQO|*l.
time, however, there is a move on
foot to build a road from Rosebttrg T r a n sa c ts a General B anking B usiness
to Marshfield that apparently is
well founded. Its promoters are
men of known financial standing,
Board of Directora.
National Bank o Commerce, New York Ci
and no one was aware of their R. O. Dement,
A. J. Sherwood,
Crocker Woolworth N’lBank, San Frano!
L. H. Hazard,
L. Harlocker,
plans until everything was in shape
R.E. Shine. First Nat’l Bank of Portland, Portland.
Isaiah Hacker,
to present to the public, which fact
is evidence that the project is mer­
itorious and deserving of due con­
sideration. Mr. George F. Averill,
one of Ban Francisco’s well known
financiers, is at the head of the cor­
poration, and the guarantee offered
for the protection of parties purchas­
ing bonds o f the company is gilt
Rose Building, Second Street,
edged. The Coos Bay Traction Cor­
poration, as the company is styled,
is not asking for any bonus, but
only that people in the section to
Are prepared to do all kinds of repairing in ma­
be served by the road subscribe for
five thousand bonds at one hundred
ch in e ry -la rg e and small—in a scientific and
dollars each. The Marine Trust
workman-like manner, Special attention given
and Savings Bauk of San Francisco,
one of the stongest financial institu­
to Donkey and Gasoline Engines, Automobiles, etc
tions on the coast, guarantees this
investment, and the bonds draw six
per cent interest. The whole mat­
ter was fully explained to the public
in Friday’s issue of the News. The
investmant is good; the guarantee
which goes with it makes it attrac­
tive to those having money to in­ *
L. COCHRAN, Proprietor
vest, or to the farmer or business
< -g —
man living along the proposed route
or in the section to be served by
* Hot and Cold Baths, Hair Cutting and Massag- ^ *
the system who desires to not
ing a Specialty.
only help the company but to at the
same time bank a little money where
One of the Most Up-to-Date Shops in the City ^
it will surly grow. Mr. Averill
and associates ask the candid con­
sideration of every business man
C o q u ille ,
O rego
concerning their proposed electric
railway. The News believes it to be ?IOK t IOK
0 )t\ /tOK 7 K
>!OI0 K
a feasible and sane project, one that
will more than meet with the de­
mands of the possible and probable
investors. We believe our people
should step up and shoulder a share
of the financial burden by subscrib-j
ing lor the bonds. The people of
Coos Bay sections will also be ask­
ed to give the project moral and tan­
gible support, and right now is the
time for this section of Oregon to
get a road that will do much toward
developing the natural resources of
the Southern part of the state. It
is not enough that one railway al­
ready has a line surveyed from the
coast to this city. That proposi­
tion may bang in balance even as
the building of the Drain branch
has, with nothing certain. Here is
a plain stated offer, and backed by
good and a gilt edge guarantee. It
is up to us to show that all our rail­
road talk has been sincere, and that
we are willing to back our faith
in old Roseburg and Southern Ore­
gon by our cash.— Reseburg Even­
ing News.
All Work Guaranteed
E. C. Barker & Co.
Graft in High Places.
Muskogee, Ala., Aug. 4.—Vice-
President Sherman was named by
Senator T. P. Gore in connection
with what are known as the Mc­
Murray land eontracts, nil investiga­
tion of which was being heard here
today by a special committee of the
House of Representatives.
Senator Gore, after declaring
that be had been approached by
Jacob Hammon with an offer of a
bribe of $25,000 to remove all Con­
gressional opposition to the con­
tracts, asserted that a roan “ higher
up’’ in the Government was “ inter­
ested" in the contracts.
Senator Gore at first said he was
reluctant to name the man mention­
ed as a “ higher up,’’ but later on
being pressed by Congressman
Burke, chairman of the committee,
declared that Hammon had usod
the name of Vice-President Sher­
Senator Gore said Congressman
C. E Dreager (Republican of the
Third Oklahoma District), also had
been approached in connection with
the bribery offer.
“ Mr. Creager told me so,” said
Senator Gore. “ He also told me
. to go ahead and make these charges,
! and he would stand hr, giving bis
: testimony.’ ’
The bribery offer, Senator Gore
explained, followed his opposition
| to the approval by Congress of
wbat are known as the McMurray
contracts which affect the Choctaw
and Chickasaw tribes of Indians.
By these contracts, he said, J, F.
McMurray, an attorney and his as­
sociated, were to receive the 10 per
cent of the profits of the sale of
450,000 acres of coal and asphalt
lands, belonging to the Indians
-- *—
14 aDd 12 were both won by Geo.
Belloni, aged hut 9 years
W . h. Schroeder
C o q u ille,
O re g o n
Bring me your W atch and
Jewelry repairing. I will
treat you right.
( Im lcri, liila n tiim C n rril.
• Something like two years ago
my baby, which was then about a
year old, was taken Beriously ill
with cholera infantum, vomiting and
purging profusely, writes J. F.
Dempsey of Dempsey, Ala, 1 did
what I could to relieve her but did
her no good, and being very much
al irmed about her went for a phy­
sician but failed to find one, so came
back by Elder Bros. & Carter’s
store and Mr. Elder recommended
Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and
Diarroea remedy. I procured a
bottle of it, went home as quickly
as poaaible and gave the baby a
dose of the remedy. It relieved her
in fifteen minutes and soon cured
her entirely.’’ For sale by U. S.
G o o d L in e o f W a t c h e s
A lw a y s on H and
We Carry
Fresh and Salt Meats.
We are headquarters for euerythlnq in the meat line.
wants always recelues prompt attention.