Coquille îiefdô. V ol . 27: No 46 Entered as second-class matter May j 8, 190.5, at the postotfice at Coquille, Oreuon, under act of Congrega of March 3, 187». SI.50 P er Y ear COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1910 DEMOCRATIC Loving Remembrance. COUNTY COURT E E Weekly, contract work R D No 18............................ 1200 00 Albert Barklow, cotrsct wrk R D 25............................... 150 00 Leonard Hartley, contract work R D 26................... 1000 00 E N Harry, contract work R D 12....................................1500 00 A E Bettys, contract work R D l l ............................... 1800 00 Road Diet. 6, special Joseph Larson,28 days fore­ man.................................... 81 00 John Sanden, 27 days labor 51 00 Martin Nystrom, 27 days labor.................................. 51 00 Alfred Sund, 25 days labor 50 00 Carl Johnson, 9J days labor 19 00 Chas. Johnson, 22 days labor 11 00 Frank Johnson, 22 days labor................................... 14 00 Audrew ICaino, 20 days labor................................... 10 00 Alfred Rodine. 17 J days labor... ............................. 35 50 Mrs John Sanded, cook one month................................. 40 00 Finish Co-Operative Co. mdse................................... 155 00 P E Larson, mdse................ 17 65 C A Smith Lumber A Mfg Co, lumber........................ 14 50 G A Bennett, printing notice................................. 1 95 Alfred Tyberg, butter...... 18 09 Enterprise Meat Co, meat 20 98 Pioneer Hardware Co., mdse powder etc, $222 86 con­ tinued. A N Gould, amended profile North Fork rd, R D 11 7 50 A N Gould, surveying A mileage Brewster Valley rd, R D 12........................ 15 40 A N Gould, surveying & mileage R D 18................ 16 00 Elbert Allen, assisting R D 18....................................... 4 00 Harry Brownson, essisting 18............................. ......... 1 00 H E Wilcox, services spec­ ial rd master, R D 11...... 20 50 H E Wilcox, services spec­ ial rd master, 11 D 12....... 20 50 H E Wilcox, services spec­ ial rd master, R D 30...... 23 62 Miller, Ingram A Mast, con­ tract work, R D 30.......... 600 00 Roads, bridges & ferries Julius Larson, improving Kentuck Slough highway 500 00 A asen Brothers, lumber R D Nos 5 A 20.................. 903 73 J A Collier, boat hire, by Commissiohers, R D 2 0 ... 5 00 East Marshfield Ferry Pioneer Hardware Co. sup­ plies furnished................. 8 86 William Holland, paint, brush, etc.......................... 2 25 C A Smith Lumber A Mfg Co. lumber........................ 7 33 John L Coontz, labor A sup­ plies.................................... 21 25 Coos Bay Oil A Supply Co, oil....................................... 33 72 Geo T Coleman, material furnished............................ 6 60 C- A. Johnson material fur­ nished ............................... 1 90 Alex Hall, salary as Capt 2 months cash paid ou t..... 133 75 Warren C Andrews, salary 2 months engineer........... 110 00 Geo Rhoda, salary 2 months deckhand........................... 70 00 R .^ .S H IH E ,J fl« a P re i A J. SHERWOOD P r i t . 0. C SANFORD, A u t . Cashier I . H. HAZARD, Cashier Our well known townsman, Hon. E G. D. Holden is justly proud and happy, on account of a letter which DR. RICHMOND Session of Central Committee Held he has recently received from his Synopsis of the Proceedings of the PH YSICIAN AND SURGEON. old home oity for 47 years: Grand County Court at the Regular op C O Q U l I l b B , O R E G O N . at Coquille. Officers Elected; Office over Hose's Store, Front 8 t.f Rapids Mich. July, 1 9 1 0 , Term. Resolution Passed. C o q u il l e , O regon . It is a hearty, personal letter T r a n s a c t s a G e n e ra l B a n k in g B u s in e s s There was a meeting o f the Dem­ from the general, and executive Offlo » Pbone Main 211. In re of vacation expenses May ocratic central committee heid in committees of that city, who have and June, 1910. Coquille on Thursday o f last week, in charge the 6oth anniversary cel­ Officers’ salaries................... $1573 31 B oa rd o f D lre e to ra . | C o r re s p o n d e n ts . Dr. C. IN. Endicott at which there was a good attend­ ebration of the incorporation o f Circuit Court....................... 211 00 q. Dement, A . J. Sherwood, National Bank o Commerce, New York Cl L Harlocker, L. II. Hazard, Crocker Woolworth N ’lBank, San Fran it ance and business of importance that world wide famed town; famed Indigent ............................ 320 00 D k . n tist Inaiali Hacker. R. E. Shine. Finit N ati Bank of Portland. Portland. was transacted. on aacount o f its many mammoth County scalp bounty........ 223 00 Office over First National Bank The meeting was called to order furniture manufactories; and for Indigent soldiers................ 161 00 80 00 by the chairman, J. T. Hall, of which product, ranks as the largest Janitor................................... Phone Main 431. Coquille, Oregon In re Justice Court expenses — Marshfield. There were a few furniture manufacturing city in State vs Gilurdi. precincts which had sent no repre­ the world. I O O C O O C n 6 70 sentatives, aud appointments to fill It is also the home of the “ Bis- Wm Doyle, witness.......... State vs Crawford. these vacancies were made, after sell Carpet Sweeper” whose inven­ E. D. SPERRY 6 20 which the election o f officers was tor the judge says be knew, when C L Pennock, J P fees...... Attorney and Coancellor at Law. taken lip. Hugh McLain, of Marsh­ he carried the whole thing round W B Cox, constable.......... 1 20 Office in Robinson Building State vs Robertson. field, was elected chairman and W. in his hat, soliciting bis friends to J. Rust, of the same place, was elect­ take a little stock, and help start C L Pennock, J P fees__ 6 60 C O Q U IL L E . - - O REGO N ed secretary. W B Cox, constable,....... 1 20 the thing. Thos. Coats, Supsr R. Mr. Bissell died a millionaire, A committee on finance was ap­ IN. C. CHASE, D. 19 vs Sargent. pointed consisting of one member and the factory which he put on ATTORNEY-AT-LAW 22 85 from each precinct, who will collect its feet, is the biggest thing of the E G D Holden J P Fees Offlo in ltobinson Building, Upstairs State vs Graveley. “ The Bissell” the necessary funds to conduct the kind in existance. 6 65 leads everything in its line, the E G D Holden J P Fees campaign. E M Blackerby Cons...... 7 95 There was nothing said about world over. State vs John Doe The Judge informs us that when C. R. BARROW candates for office. It being the 2 95 consensus of opinion that the direct the city was incorporated in 1850 E O D Holden J P Fees... Attorney and Counsellor at Law State vs Chase its population was 4.500, and that primary would take care of that, Office Plione 335 Main 1 60 he became a resident, as a school­ E A Dodge J P Fees...... and theu was the following: Residence Phone 340 Main State vs Matthews boy in 1852 and this residence con­ IlESOLl'TION ADOPTED. C oquille C ity , O k * 2 60 tinued until he came to Oregon in E A Dodge J P Fees...... M. D. SHERRARD, PROPRIETOR The following resolution was 2 70 June, 1899: eleven years ago. It Guy Euchos Witness...... Rose Building, Second Street, I adopted by the committee: 2 70 had then a population of about 90- W H RCorbin, Const...... We believe that it is necessary 000; which is new supposed to be L A Liljeqvist Deputy Pros J. J. STANLEY for the public welfare and safety Atty mileage etc.......... 16 00 between 125,000 to 150,000 people. that every practical guaranty shall LAW YER In re Coroner’s Court Ex- And this is the city which invites be provided by law to assure the A re prepared to do all kinds of repairing in ma­ our townsman; though its general, penses Inquest Sigbert Martin Building - Front Stree people generally as well as the and the executive commettees to a Martin. C o qu ill *, O regon chinery—large and sm all—in a scientific and members ot the several parties that J nrors grand “ homing” in the old town. political parties shall be fairly, I__________________I workman-like manner, Special attention given But we will let a few excerpts from John Longstaff................... 1 00 freely and honestly conducted in the letter speak for themselves: J N Nelson......................... 1 00 A. J. Sherwood, to Donkey and Gasoline Engines, Automobiles, etc appearance as well as in fact. “ ‘ Home Coming Week’ we call J 13 Mulloy....................... 1 00 A n n a s a r - a t - L a w , We believe that the method of it. August 22nd to 27th are the J W Carter Witness......... 1 50 N o t ib y P u b lic , naming candidates for the various dates. Historically it commemo­ E Mingus Exam Phys...... 10 00 Coquille, : : Oregon elective offices by the direct pri­ rates the sixtieth anniversary of D L Rood ........................... 1 00 mary law is the best method yet Grand Rapids’ incorporation as a Robt D Hazen................... 1 00 found for this purpose. city. Sentimentally it is dedicated Walter Condron ............... 1 00 Walter Sinclair, The reform measures which have to you and to others who once Edwin Dolph Wit ............. 1 50 A t t o b b e t - at - L aw . found their way upon the statute claimed dear old Grand Rapids for R E Golden Coroner............ .15 35 N otaby P u b l ic , books of the State of Oregon and their home Actually it is a week Investigation Lars Stam which are known as the "Direct Coquille, : : Oregon. of continuous euterlainment — the Witnesses. Primary Law,” Statement No I,” s o .t that you will never forget— A M Bobell ....................... — I ~ 1 50 COCHRAN, Proprietor “ The Recall and “ Corrupt Practices prepared for y o u . Wm H irsfall....................... 1 50 Act” are measures adopted and sanc- Hall & Hall, * You will hear from us again. Charles Boostrom............... 1 50 * — * tioned by a large majority of the A ttornkys - at L a w , This is just a suggestion to you R E. Golden Coroner..... 9 00 ¥ voters of the State of Oregon re­ D ealei in U kal E s t a i « of a ll kinds. (J) Hot and Cold Baths, Hair Cutting and Massag- ^ that Grand Rapids expects to have In Re Stationery A priot- gardless of their parly affiliations. Marshfield, Oregon. the honor and the privilege of en­ ^ ing a Specialty. ^ ing. These measures have grown uiore tertaining you next August. We Bushong A Co Records Etc 184 42 popular since the date o f their adop­ want you to save the dates. We Irwin Hodson Company ^ One o f the Most Up-to-Date Shops in the City tion, and have placed Oregon in E. G. D. Holden are preparing such a week of 'some­ \i/ * ^ Anglers & Combination the very front rank in the matter thing doing every minute’ as the L awyer , License ..................... 17 00 of reform legislation. JUBTICK OF THK PEACE state of Michigan has never seen. D F Dean Pub Co Court While we urge rigid economy U. S. Commissioner, General Insurance More about that later. Proceedings etc ........... 51 10 and strict business methon in the Agent, and Notary Publio. Offloe “ For the present just remember The Sun Printing and fur- expenditure of public monies, we in Robinson Building. that your old home city—the city nisbing Registration believe in a liberal policy in exten­ Coquille Oregon. that entwines itself with so many 87 50 blanks............................. sion and construction of perman­ happy memories for you is prepar­ C O Drydeo, Job printing 13 00 ent public highways. ing to give you a royal welcome— W W Gage postage........... 2 39 We believe that it is a commend­ welcome borne—the fourth week of A. F. Linegar, 4000 able ambition for every qualified next August. No son o f Grand 86 96 stamped envelopes ...... MRS. G. R. WICKHAM elector whether he be Democrat, Rapids ever left it bnt to love it Fubrmans Pharmacy pens Proprietress Republican or Socialist, to deaire more alter his separation. ‘ Home Phone Main 13X. 3 00 ink. etc............................ to serve his commonwealth in pub­ Coming Week’ is dedicated to that James W’ atson, Postage, lic office and that under the law he Freight, express .......... 20 00 Board by Day, WeeK or Month has an equal right to [exercise this sentiment,and the reciprocal thought that Grand Rapids never forgets T J Thrift Stamps............. 7 35 ambition and regardless of his place her old residents, aud her old friends. A N Gould, map for assor Sanjple Hoonjs Nice Batljs of residence submit his name and “ We want you to be with us. Will 11 85 stamps suiveyor’e office his chances to all the electors in you? It is more than a case o f the In re Indigent and in- Special Attention Paid to his respective party in the fitst in­ latch-string being out. It is a case sane, Wilson Undertak- stance, and if nominated by his o f the door standing wide open. Coquille Eerry the Traveling Public. ____ ing Parlors burial of party to submit hig name and his You will be welcome—a thousand J N McNair, extra help, sup 20 00 Sigbert Martio............... chances to all electors o( his elec­ times welcome— and Grand Rapids plies, 2 months salary..... 123 60 Jeff D Wilson care of Co. tion district. H. E. Shelley will take pride in doing her pretti-J hospital patients .......... 5 60 301 00 J A Lamb A Co. nails, etc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . est in your honor. Collier Pile Driving Co. Mercy Hospital care of r r n p r r T r e a tm e n t Fur, IH s e n te r j “ Meet us in Grand Rapids, the piles and driving same.... 20 75 Mary T Cimino............. 80 00 null fourth week o f next August.” Coquille Concrete Works, A Ellingson Burial of Tbos When six months old the little This letter bears date June i6tb, Coquille Ore. material.................. 3 93 20 00 Heaton............................ daughter of E. N. Dewey, a well and was received by the Judge on R W Bullard, 2 months Insane known merchant of Agnewvdle, Vs., First Class Work Guaranteed. He has not yet decided M. O. Stemmier examining salary, Bullards Ferry 120 00 had an attack of cholera infantum. the 23rd. what he will do about it. Sophia S nyder............... 5 00 Ira A Albee, 2 months Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and M. K. W H ITM O RE. K. F . MOKKISSY — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- »>M - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - salary South Slough County Infirmary Diarrhoea Remedy was given and I ionc W h o lln vn S to m ­ Coos Bay Paving and Con­ effected a complete cure. This rem­ H e l p for T ach Ferry.................................. 100 00 54 70 P E Drane Mdse............... Trouble*. Roads 20 52 After doctoring for about twelve Land & Lyons Mdse......._ edy has proven verv successful in struction Company. Beall A Co. 2 No. 1 T S 16 00 W Culin med Attendance years for a bad stomach trouble, in cases of bowelcomplaint in chil­ GENERAL CONTRACTORS wheel scrapers, R D 16 77 50 45 07 dren aud when given according to and speudiD g nearly five hundred Skeels A Son Mdse........... 5 00 20 15 Dave Adams, labor, R D 1 Plans and Estimates Given the plain printed directions can be dollars for medicine anti doctors’ R 8 Knowiton Drugs...... Alfred Tvberg, balance due Geo. A Robinson Mdse... 17 9 j fees, I purchased my wife one box Concrete Bricks Stone an 1 Timber relied upon with perfect confidence. board of men, R D 6 .... 26 45 When reduced with water and of Chamberlain's Stomach nDd Liver Coquille Valley Packing Contractor. W H Thomas, feed furnish­ Company meat............... 22 15 Tablets, which did her so much ■ weetened it ts pleasant to take* Phone 151-J ed for R D 20................... 47 92 4 10 Offices 117 Front Street, Marshfield Ore. which is of great importance when ' good that she continued to use them S II McAdams Smithing 4 05 L Strong, material furnish­ ! a medicine must he given to young | and they heve done her more good J A Lamb A Co Hardwaro MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN ed R D 20......................... 54 50 children. For sale by R S. Knowl- than all of the medicine I bought Coquille Hardware Co. Hardware....................... 10 60 R O H o b e rg , supplies etc, before. — Samuel Boyer, Folsom, I tow. construction Bear Creek Iowa. This medicine is for sale by Allan McLeod Salary aa Incorporated, hill R D .................................... 566 00 Two good homesteads to be bad I R. S, Knowiton. Samples free. SUP‘ ................................. 108 33 mfacturera of . ♦- Huling, Lundy A Sons, 21 45 N Lorenz Mdse ................. for a small amount paid for the ir * powder, ins freight, etc 973 22 School Dis. No. 3, of Arago, Coos M II Hersev Sundries...... 2 85 - Cjlebrated B era man n Shoe provements; you c»n then tile cn Io re roads, bridged and ferries. "****’ Cooper Bridge-Dora Uoul i Strongest and iiearest Water them for $16. apiece. There ate will receive sealed bids for paiding A N Gould, surveying, re- OREGON C O Q U IL L E , of sho» m i le for log.era, miners buildings on each. For informa­ the School House and out buildiDgs. I Special Improvements. Bids to be poened July 27th, 1010. prospectors and mill men. | ports, etc................................. 43 20 1 Braden A Hanley, contract tion inquire of T. J. Thrift, Coquille, ; Board of direotors reserve the right Thurman Street work R D No IS ............. 75 00 (Continued on page foro.) to reject any or all bids. Oregon. i m W ic k h a m House COMMITTEE MEETS PROCEEDINGS FIR ST N A T IO N A L B A N K IjF R E D S L A G L E T A IL O R i NEW MACHINE SHOP ' Coquille I - - - - Oregon THE O. K. BARBERSHOP L p Coquille, ^ = = Ore go W . h . S c h ro e d e r JEW ELER C o q u ille, - O re g o n Bring me your W atch and Jewelry repairing. I will treat you right. Carpenterand Builder , A G o o d L in e o f W a t c h e s Alw aVvS o n H a n d J. h . O E R D I N G LUMBER» LATHS, SHINGLES MOULDING, CEMENT BRICKS AND BLOCKS, SAND AND GRRVEL P ortland . O rko O n . | |