Coquille Jerald. Local advertisement* among lo »1 reading five cent* per lino each inser­ tion. Cards c i thank« 50 cents each. Obituary poetry five cents per line. Resolutions oi Condolence and lodge advertising five cents per line. A D D IT IO N A L L O C A L Late Patterns in cretonne and gilkoline at Robinson's store. J is Walstroui, of Bandon, made our office a pleasant call while in town yesterdav with E. S. Micbel- seti, of San Francisco. Gentlemen, Remember we carry W . H Hunt, of Bandon, was iu up to date suits, Robinson's store. town ou Saturday. Ripe and green olives in bulk Chris Long, of Bandon, was in at Robinson’s store. Coquille yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Magill, who J. D. Saunders sod family arrived have spent the past few months in ' here from Kennewick, Washington, this section, start'd for their home Monday. Mr. Saunders is delighted in Eden valley M m Jay. Mr. Mn-i with the appearance of this country gdl took out some machinery for! aud will locate as soon ns he can haying. fiud a place to suit him. James Mutheny, of Myrtle Point was a Coquille vistor on Saturday. For S a le .G o o d Inquire Farmern am! Merclinnts Bank 13 1910. Ol REAL of Evland A nf Otsiullle. « t Oixiuille in tlie State of < Ire- soll, at tlie ckxw ot IraaineJS, June ¡10, 1!U0. Honda, Hoouritioa. e in ................ Knnking houwi. (urnitnre nml LM® Notice le hereby given, that tho un­ dersigned, Guardian of ihe above mim­ llue froln Lanka (not reeerve Sank*) l OB ed minor Alfred L. 0*1», under and pur- One fiom approvud reaerve hauka 32,933 24 euunt to an order of the County C ourt Ctiouks anil other oaah items M i 55 0| «»id Coos County, Oregon, made and Casti unhand......................... 7,160 06 entered in the prohate journal of said 126 66 1, A d i anee Rents................... Court on the 8th day of July, A. I*. Total - - - - - » V l » 10' authorizing and empowering the said undersigned guardian to sell at pri- lilADlLlTIKH' | f ■ - | *.>r linft nn v«kt“ mil**, lor cash in hand, ton per cent tixlnrea ...................................... 6, WB l>7 J unes Wbelstone who has been Robinson Store ban received a new line of Ladies skirts. filer at the Gardiner mills for some months, is visiting his family and The steamer Elizabeth arrived in I friends in this city for a few days. M o n e y Should S t a y In O regon Teachers Wunted to teach in! Ladies you can still finde dusters, the Coquille on Sunday at 2 p. m , For a Self computing cheese cut- Dis. No. 3, of Arago. at Robinsons Store. br ugiiig freight and passengers The one sure way lo upbuild the j * « . po to H. O. Anderson's Second C. E. Bchroeder Dit, Clerk, J. W. Mast, Bandon’s new mayor, Cap*. G. W. Lenve who is on the State oi Oregon, said Mr. Milton E Ham* Store. L. Cochran, proprietor o f the O. Favorite for a short time, informs | was a Coquille visitor '.lie last of Kahu, Special Representative of Miss Zella Richey, of near Des Capital st.K-k paid m .................. ®» Undivided profits.......................... Otegrn Life Insurance Co., is to M o i n e s , Iowa, passed through town K Barber shop, went to San Fran­ us that K D. Gorham, who has' the week Individual deposits subject to purchase en every possible occasion Monday enroute to Bandon. She cisco by the last Fifield to be with been under the weather fi r some time Mrs Mary Smith, o: Bandon, vis- (Jheok.......................... 70,raw Oregon made goods whether it is 3 . 1 his wife who went down some has been at his home latlv, is im-1 ¡te(j her s o n , L H. Smith and family, Demand certificates of deposit... life insurance, woolen goods or was met here by a 1 rtend, Mrs. Lit* , weeks ago to enter a hospital for I s)q.*.]y W e hope to see the old gen- of this city sevral days last week Havings dcp mitx................ 1,850 food products. Sending money to tie, of that place. W E D N E SD AY, JULY SALE PR O PE R TY. In the County Court of the State of Or­ egon for the County of Coos. In the matter of the Gunrdianthip of usaoURcas the person* and est Ce of Iterili» M. blacksmith’s Loans aud dtsoiiunts..................ftu.lOo .17 Ogle nnd Alfred I . Ogle, Minors. Fur specifications call on C. E Scbroeder Dis. Clerk. drill-press. McAdams G U A R D IA N ’S Report of tho condition of ))( w h ic h ***' *•» p aid . . , . tll„ tilIle uf . und balance at the „m e of eonhrmation 75 of •**•» all the right, title u .«1 interest 8.5)08 45 of slid minor in and to the following .87 described real property, to-wit: -------- | The undivided one-half interest in returning Saturday- T o t a l ........................... |102,850 0*2 j an,j t0 the North-easi quarter of Section thirty-two (32) in T »u nship Twenty- Bishop Head ding, of the Episco­ S tate of O regon , C ounty of C oon — bh : I, U. H. Mask, cashier of the above i five (25) South of Range ten we-t of the pal church, is expected here in a few named hank, do solemnly swear that the above Willamette Meiidtan, in Coos County, lavs. statement is true, to the best of my knowledge Oregon. R. H . M aht , Cashier. Miss Vera Nelson and Miss Anna and belief. Thnt under and pursuant lo said Or­ Subscribed ami sworn to be- Leneve, of Bandon, visitied the for­ 5 fore me this «2d «lay of July, der ol sale the undersigned will on and ( 1910. after the 18th day of August, A. I). 1210, mer’s sister, Mrs. George Lorenz, 8KAL i J ames W atson , ________ j County Clerk. offer for sale to the highest bidder for of this city, several days lately, re cash in hand, ten per cent to he paid at C orrect Attest: turning Saturday. R . H. K nowlton 1 Directors. time of sale; balance at time nf confirm- (J ko . A . R obinson I ation of sale, all of the right, title ami Mrs. Alva Lee. of Myrtle Point, interest of said minor in and to raid went to the Bay yesterday to con Report of the Condition of real properly above described. Offer suit physicians. for the purchase of said real property THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK will be received at the office of ihe un­ F or S ale At CnquUle, in the State of Oregon, nt the dersigned Guardian or residence at Two Cheap work mare H A. Todd clone o f buxines. June ¡11, 1310 . Harbors, Minnesota, or at the law oltice R ESOUBCIS, of John T. Long, at Roseburg, Oregon, ; Arago, phone 5 7 Loans and disc units...................... 574,442 55 i>n and after the 18th day uf August, A. Ove rdrnftx. secured and unsecured ¡11 27 D. 1910. U . S. bonds to secure circulation... 12,500 00 PA T R IC K J. WELCH, Bonds, securities, ete..................... 72,224 24 Guardian of said Alfred I.. Ogle. the Eastern states for life insurance Save your table Linen by ue< ing trea,ment | Ueman out agaiu soon has been a steady drain on the silence cloth, 58 in. wide 50c yd a Miss A vis Hunt, who formetly Have you got s Pair of those New finaces ol this state, but this flow of Robinson’s Store. lived at Bandon, died in Tacoma, shoes at Robinsons Store. money to Wall Street has been chec School Dis. No. 3, of Arago, Coos j Wash., June cist. She was the The Ftefield anchored in our ked. People are realizing all over will receive sealed bids for painting youugest daughter o f S. N. B. smooth harbor Saturday night, and the State that it is the best business policy to purchase life insurance in the School House and out buildings. Hunt, who is a mother lo Hrray early Symday morning landed the a company that confines its opera­ Bids to be poened July 27th, 1910. and Robert Hunt o f this place.— saw mill machinery and engine for tions to the State of Oregon and in­ Board of direotors reserve the right Bandon-Recorder, the new mill on Elk river, which vests every dollor of its assets in to reject any or all bids. Farmers Union’ meets at Coquille will be sawing by August first.— Oregon. For Sale— Good high pressure the 2nd and 4 th St turdays of each Port Orford Tribune. Oregon Life at the present time is donkey boiler, ten or twelve horse­ month at 1, 30 p. ra. the holder o f a number of Coos power. S. H. McAdams. Take Ease and cumfort in a pair Mrs. Mathers and son David, of Robinson’s new shoes. county securities and will, in all C- A. Smith, the Minneapolis probability invest further in the lumberman, arrived in Marshfield who have been visiting in California Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Monmaw same class of securities. Loyal Ore­ for several weeks, returned to theit started for Portland, going to Myrtle gonians are realizing that they can Saturday and be there enjoying not build up the State ol Oregon bv Coos county’s fine summer weather home near Riverton recently. They Point the last ol the week to visit a sending their money east to New till the new mill of the C. A. Smith were accompanied home by Mrs. few days. Mr. Moomaw goes to York, or to Pennsylvania, or to mill at Eastside is started up. Barrett, o f San Francisco, their improve some property which he I New Jersey. daughter and sister, who will be For Sale— a new second hand purchased some time since, and will The best business men of the state bicjcle for sale at half price or trade with them some days. W hile on be absent for about 3 months. are giving their home company the on a buggy. Inquire at this office. this trip Mrs. Mathers saw some ol preference whenever they puechase New line Sweaters, Gents Ladies Allen McLoud, supcrntendent of her relatives she had not seen for 27 A childrens Robinsons Store. life insurance aud for that reason Oregon Life wrote more lile insur­ the county poor farm, came in this years. H. D. Wagnon, of Portland, a re­ ance in the year 1909 than any m im ing and brought with him a F or S a l e . — Registered Birkseire other company in the state. Mr sample of oats whi -h grow on the pigs both sex. W rite or come and presentative of the Mutual Fire In ­ surance Co., was in town Satur­ Kahn will stay in this community farm. The stalks stand full seven b . J. C. Watson. some few days in the interests o f his feet high and have very lurge and day. He had been to Lakeside to Coquille. Ore. fully devclloped heads of grain company. adjust a loss and came over to Co­ E. E. Johnson went to Roseburg The shoes for woodsmen; Tozier’s quille to further acquaint himself Albert Johnson, the soda watei — S. F. Shoes. The gloves for wear by automobile to meet his parents, with this part ot the state. man, is looking for a large and one Logger Fear Gloves. E. L. Tozier. Mr: and Mrs. Alfred Johnson, who Gentlemen look at our new stock of the best cider presses made, and Two good homesteads to he had were returning from Oakland, Cal­ of hats just in Robinsons Store. is preparing to do a big cider busi­ ifornia, where Mrs. Johnson has ness when the season comes. T lrs for a small amount paid for the im­ Captain Edgar Simpson left bden for Medical treatment. She provements; you can then file on is a good move aud one which all Tuesdiy for San Francisco with the is somewhat improved, and ,-tood who have apple trees should make them for $16. apiece. There are tug Columbia. She will be over­ the trip in from Roseburg very well, a note of. There are hundreds of buildings ou each. For informa­ hauled and put in shape to pass in­ considering the road whice is very bushels of apples which go to waste tion inquire of T. J . Thrift, Coquille, spection. The tug Gleaner from rough iu places; in lact, so much here each season thnt should he util­ Oregon. Umpqua river is now doing the bar so that a forward spring on the ma T tz ie r ’s Celebrated L o gger ized for cider and vinegar, and Mr. to ving here. Marshfield Sun chine was broken. However, much Jonson should be given proper en­ Shoes have won popularity with the When looking for fine table linen woods boys. E. L . Tozier maker, work is being done on that road, couragement in this enterprise. Coquille. particularly so on the Coos county and silence cloth Remember Robin­ sons Store. M . E C hurch S ou th , While passing near the big end. Otto Muetzel who is blacksmith- For a job of first-class Mending, Sunday morning the Pastor will schooner Advance one Jay last week use as hiH theme "T h e Social needs tho steamer Dispatch swung under Dying or Cleaning, or a Dew suit ing at Cody’s camp, celebrated the of the chrch.” At night the subject her bow, her anchor caught in one tailored, call on K. Holvetson, at 4th at Lakeside with his parents the rear of the Pharmacy building. and friends, passed through town will be ‘‘ To whom shall we g o .” You are cordially invited to meet of the windows of her lower cabin Capt. and Mrs. T. D. White, of Friday on his return He had with with us. A warm welcome awaits and literally tore its way out, tak­ Bandon, returned yesterday from a him a catch o f about 40 trout which ing everything in its way. y ou. sojourn ot several weeks at Port­ he secured at the lake They were land where they had visited funds. beauties being about 16 inches in The Capt was out at the hot springs length a portion ol the time. Am ong! Sharp’ <••-8 cream separator- first those whom they visited were Mr. class « " i k guarantied II. O. And­ and Mrs. Fred Webber, former erson'- Second Hand St"! e. Coos county rtsidents They ted Mesdimes Richmond and Rar- I os Mr, Webber is well while Mrs. ker, of thi ciiy, were pa-sengers to | Webber has stiff« red a stioko of the Bay by Satuidav’s afternoon paralysis, and is almost entirelv train They went to see their helpless. gia’ulmother, Mr». Tourtillott, of Price 25 to 30 p-r ceot lower I an San Jose, California, who is expect­ traveling optitiaus, ed up to see their father, Mr Gould, V. 1!. Wilson Opt. Dr. ¡•■I Coos river, and family. The old Coquille, Ore |laly will be over to ree thtm later. G. T. Robinson, o f the Fi-li *1’ I For Ren'— V newly finished 7 Results F o r P o lic y h o ld e r s F. J. HAYES At l)r. Richmond’s office the 24th and 25th of each month. Dou’ t forget the date Fresh Milk and Cream Delivered anywhere in town by the month or on special orders. (jeorge Lorenz NOTICE OF F IN A L ACCOUNT. Notice is hereby given that the under­ signed, executor of the Estate of Flora K. Skelly, deceased, has filed his dual account in the office of the County Clerk of Coos County, Oregon, in the matter of said Estate, and the County Court has named Monday, the 15th day of August, A. P. 1910. as the day and the Court room at the Court House in Co­ quille, Coos County, Oregon, as the place (or hearing objections to said final ac­ count and for the settlement of said estate. Dated this 13th day of July, A. D. 1010 . J. J LAMB, Executor. Is the O N L Y Consideration in T h e P o lic y h o ld e r s ’ C o m p a n y T h a t ’s w h y d i s c r i m i n a t i n g buyers o f Sire in s u ra n c e give Q regonlife preference. T h at’s w h y no other life insur­ ance c o m p an y did so large a business in O re g o n in 1 9 0 9 as Qregonlife section, came into our ofliee on ihe room house within 2 blocks o! post- 7th o f this month (July,) and ha d office. See J. E Quick. ed us several samples of apples from j H. H. Brownson, of Bridge, was his place, some of this yeat’s growth down the last o f the week to see and some o f last year’s. While his son in law and daughter, Mr. those of last year’s crop had nut and Mrs. Ohas. W. H ill, before been kept in the kind ol a place their departure for Portland. They they shoo'd have, they were still in went to accompany Miss Hooton, a very good sia;e of preservation also of Bridge, to one of the hot and treated very nicely and would spring« health resorts near Pottland, have been fine cooked, while the the young lady leiu g a great suf­ j q,ew ones were ripe and delicious, ferer from rheumatism. Her many I being of two varieties, the early friends will hope for her speedy re­ Transparent and read variety re covery. sembling the Red June to an extent A F Estnbro k C<*. of Bandon but somewhat earlier according to i Mr. Robinsons figures. The yellow aro in the market for large quantities Transparent was large and fully de­ of Port O 'ford Cedar telephone veloped and without a blimisb. Thus polis. Rest prices piid. Full par­ Call | it can be plainly seen .hat all is re­ ticulars nt office in B indoli. J H JoHNsrox. quired to furnish this section with or write. I delicious fresh fruit the year round is to plant the proper varieties in j sufficient qu,mint s an I give ihe trees the necessary attention. T h at’s w h y in 1 9 1 0 O fCKQIlIift is surpassing m onth b y m onth I f you love Art, hut thick you its m agnificent record o f last | h ive no taltDt, rail on Mm. „.aud i McDonald, ou« block east of the year. northeast corner of the Court house Qregonlife, the only life in suran ce co m p a n y exclusively O regon . and talk it o fer S! « gives lessons in china painting, water-color» and oil, at 5<> cents for three hours. • • • - * 4 l i a * „ t o r l » , t , 's »'.«,,»1 , I t e m « «1» ,:.«• BEST FOR OREGONIANS Horn« Office, Corbett Bldg., Fifth and Morrison, Portland A. L Mills L Samuel Milton F. Kahn PRIMO ENT GEN. MANAGER SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE I'll.nip la in '» 4' itiv- i I 't 'i i il. o .iv » i i lie •• cured u tn a »hntr nme recommend it liiiscti'.s ltw .ll" Knowlton .vlu u :>I once .«ml I a view > ,«p xlnn ily f or «ale |>, N t(. Due from National Banks (not re- serve agents) ............................ 1,181 53 lin e from State nnd private Hanks and Bankers, Trust Campauies 10.570 75 and Savings R ank s........ Due from a* »proved reserve a;jrents. 92,115 54 4.017 07 ( 'hecks ami other cash items. 890 00 Notes of "tlier National Banka — For the establishment ami alteration of grades ami for the improvement and repair of streets, prescribing the meth­ Demand certificates of de|s>sit....... 10,106 02 od of procedure ami for remonstrances and defining term- used ; providing for . .*341,105 11 the levy ami collection ot assessments Total to defray the cost and expenses thereof the method, amounts, and procedure State o f Oregon, ) thereof, and the creation of liens and County o f Coos, i * I, L . H . Hazard. Cashier o f the above sale of property therelor. T H IR D . named bank, do solem nly swear that the above statement is true to the best o f iny For the construction, maintenance knowledge and belief. L . I I . Hazard, and repair of eidewa ks ami establish­ ( ’ashier. ing the grades there >f; prescribing the method of procedure and for remon­ C orrect — Attest: strances and providing f *» the levy and collection of aa^es-oneii:.** to defray the L . H ablockeu Directors I. H acker eost and expenses th-not. the creation A . J. S herwooi uf liens and ‘ ale of prop» rtv tier, lor; tor the condom tuition «»! |i\»pi*rtv tor rowers and the const»netion, mainte­ Subscribed and sworn to bo nance nnd r-'ia r t l i e i e a n t 1«» the fore in« this 1st day o b vy and roll»-« »ion o' as ••moment* to de­ July. I » l). S kal J. S. P ar t , n , fray the cos mi d i xpeiuiH the e f; the Notary Public creation of liens an i the .-a e ot property therefor. FOURTH OUR MOTTO. OUR NAME. The Golden Rule DRY GOODS and SHOES The best quality of goods at the lowest price is always to be had at this store. Help us to make this the kind of a store E STAB LISH M EN T OF GRADE. Spurgeon Street and Extension Thereof. YOURS FOR A BIG BUSINESS C. H . C le a v e s SERPI Ah I’ll IP'S To LOOPING PAMES \ND BIO CONSUMERS ____ your produce allow r-r For res see B6 no nt ami for Mtft and actions. FIFTH For the repeal of iction« >no 1 » lif- teen inclusive, of Article V a t I ail of | Articles V II, V III and IX o: an act 'enacted b> the ive \ .4 mli'y of the M «te of Oregon, en it f t \i Ac. to incorporate the City of C^njunle, and to piov.dea charter tbereh r, an . to re­ peal an act entitled ‘ An Act to incor­ porate the town of ( oquillc City, Coos County, Oregon,* filed in the ofliee of the Secretary of rtate, February 19, 1891” approved February 20th, 1901, and to repeal all acts and parts ot acts amendatory of the Sections or Articles above named or any portion thereof. Voting polls at City Hail. Dated this 15th day of June, A.D. 1910. A. W. K E LLE Y, City Recorder. NOTICE OF you want. and are now located in the First National Bank Building and will be pleased to meet you and quote prices. all SECOND. Due to State and Private Banks ami Bankers.................................... 1,873 30 Individual deposits subject to check 226,423 07 Flour, Feed, Fancy and Staple Groceries take FOR National Bank notes outstanding.. 12,500 00 We take pleasure in announcing to you that we have received our stock of We will NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION PROPOSED AMENDAI ENTS TO C H A R T E R OF TH E C ITY OF CO­ Q U IL L E . Notice is hereby given that a special election of the qualified voters of the City <>i Coquille, C hop County, Suite of Fractional pMpor currency, i,i kola i Oregon, will be hel i in mid city on the lot 90 and cents 18th day of July, A. D. 1910, between Lawful money reserve in bank, viz: the hours of 8 o'clock A. M. and 5 o’clock Specie .................... $25,743 8» p. ni. of »«hi dav, for the p irpose of Legal-tender notes. 120 00 25.108 85 voting upon a measure amending the Redemption fund with IJ. S. Treas­ charter ot the City of C< «piide and pro­ urer (5 perceut of circulation) Ö25 00 viding, anion« other things, in brief: FIRST. T o t a l................................ W4I.M B 11 For the condom nation of property for LIABILITIES. streets, alleys, and other highways, the Capital stock paid i ll.. . . ■ .$50,000 Ik) method of procedure thereof, the pay­ Surplus F u n d ................................. 5,000 00 ment of compensation therefor and for Undivided profits, less expenses and for a appeal therefrom, and providing j taxes paid.................................... 3,21)0 65 record of Citv Surveys. ANNOUNCEMENT. H c » f «»,, ih i* V la r le e t . “ I have used Chamber I un’.* Cough Remedy and hnd it t. l»e the best on the market.’’ »ava E W. Tardv. editor of in • S, n inel, G. in» huh , I ci. i. < >ur lnl>> li„d -evnal cold* the p i t •» ;|U» and Banking house, furniture and fix­ tures ..............................................¡16,461 35 O P T E M E T R IS T you C IT Y QUOTATIONS. tvs. CO. COQUILLE, OREGON Notice in hereby given that the Com­ mon Council has duly declared it-< in­ tention to establish the grade ol Spur­ geon Street and the extension of Spur­ geon Street in the City of Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, which intention h on tile in the office of the City Recorder and is hereby referred to as a pa it ol this notice. Said proposed grade is as n llows: Commencing at the east en I *• said Spurgeon »Street and in tin* ‘‘inter thereof at an elevation of 39.0 feet at »ove mean low tide as fixed by the U'.itel »States bench mark in the north«eet cor­ ner of I lock 29 of Elliott’s additi * i to Coquille City. C( k s County, Oregon. f°r the s'ibgraile ol said Spttrg' on Stiei t; thence we terly along the center line of said street with a plus (».875 he* per 100 feet to an elevation of 52.75 feet at sta­ tion 2 established by the City Engineer; thence westerly with a pin- 4.375 feet per 100 feet to Station 2 pin - 40 to an el­ evation of 54.» feet; thnee westerlv with a minus 0.973 feet per 100 feet to staiion 3 to an elevation ot 53.910 'eet: thence with a minus 2.04 feet to Sint ion 0 to an elevation of 40.0 feet ;thenee with a minus 1.0 feet per 100 feet to Scat on 7 to an el­ evation of 45.0 feet; thence with a plus 0.333 feet per 100 feet to Station 10 to an elevation of 40.00 feet; the ce with * minus 0.5 feet to Station 13 to an ele­ vation of 44.5 feet. The true gra le **hall be one ft al»ove subg’-adc as above given. The curb grade slm’l b » at »he same elevation as the renter "f the Street, and gutters on either eide of the street am! on street side of <*i !°wa K shall be one foot below true grade . Common Council will meet, at < ,,i o’clock p. tn. <»n tb 29.h d aro I). 1910, in the council chain »er for tne purpose of hearing object i ns to sal proposed establishment of said grade, Dated July 13th. 1910. f A. W . K E LLE Y. City Recorder.