Coquille îientlà V ol . 27: No 5 tereil äh »ecoiul-class matter May *5. at the postolliee at Coquille, in, umlor a :t of Oonureaa of Mardi I». PRIZE FIGHTING S e es M enace in P ic tu re s COQUILLES London^ July 7,— Sir Howell NEW BUILDINGS Davies has given notice of his in­ tention to ask the Home Secretary On Account ot Flagrant Fakes Ring in the House of Commons “ in the Substantial Structures Replacing interest of publlcy,” to prohibit the Contests it is Thought Will Soon Old Wooden Shacks Keop exhibit of the Jefferies-johnsoo Be Thing of the Past. Good Work Going. moving pictures. GETS SOLAR PLEXUS DR. RICHMOND 'll YHICIAN AND SURGEON. *e over Koae’ a Store, Frout SI., Ooquiu.1, $1.50 COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, W EDNESDAY, JULY 13, 1910 O kkoon . Lynchburg, Va„ July 7.— The Iieno, Nev., July 6.— Was Jef While Coquille is not taking on tries disqualified or was he knocked Jefferies-Johnsou pictures will be the proportions oi a boom, still her barred here. out, is the point Tex Rickard is be­ Dr. C. hV. Endicott Cincinatati, July 7.— Reports building goes on a pace, and her ing asked by telegraph from several new buildings are taking on a very Eastern cities to decide. Rickard from all tire important towns in Ken­ much substantial uature than those I bntiht tucky show that in only two, Cov­ hnds it difficult to make an official of former years. The big schooner •Ilice over First National Hank ruling on the technical points in­ ington and Frankfort, will the pic­ Advance lately brought up from Sau volved, hut is disposed to rule that tures be allowed. ne Main 431. Coquille, Oregon Francisco the brick for the doub­ Hollidaysburg Pa., July 7.— The the interference of Jeffries seconds le structure which is to occupy by helping him to get up alter the Jeffries-Johnsou pictures will be the old Ben Ton corner and will second knock down constitutes dis­ permitted here on the promise of belong to and be occupied by the qualification. Jeff, however, con­ the motion picture houses to separ­ Farmers and Merchants Bank and E. D, &PERRÏ tinued ou his feet and was knocked ate the shows for whites and blacks. Dr. Richmond and E. C. Barker Attorney and Coonoellor at Lavr. down a third time. Rickard says and Co., the jewelry firm, and the Offloe in Robinson Building Langford to Fight J a ck “ The pictures will show I got be­ last of the week or the forepart of tween them, when this third knock­ New Yoak, July 7.— Joe Wood­ next, the brick walls will begin to down came and gave the fight to man, manager of Sam Langford, grow, this somewhat depending Johnson before the timekeeper could W. C . CHASE , telegraphed here to-day accepting upon the ability of Mr. Perham to count ten. I was trying to get be­ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW the offer of Jack Johnson to meet secure bricklayers— he is expecting tween the fighters after the second Langford for a $20,000 side bet, two or three by the first steamer. lo in Robinson Building, Upstairs knockdown but could not on ac­ and asked Johnson to post his forfeit Tire la rge building of W. C. Laird count of the interference of Jeff's is going along in nice shape. The on his arrival here next Monday. seconds, when Johnson again hit walls are,up to the upper joice and C. R. BARROW him, sending him to the floor a Ram saur S eed W edding. roof timbers, being within about third time.” Attorney and Counsellor at Law four feet of their full height. The A very pretty home wedding oc. Regarding the agitation against tee Phone 335 Main lathers and plasterers will soon be tlie pictures, in which he holds one- curredSunday afternoon at the home at their part of the work, as it is aidence Phone 34G Main sixth interest, Rickard says he did of the brid’s parents, M. and .Mrs. ex.iected that the roof will be on in C o q u illb C i t y , O k * not think it would amount to any­ J. A. Seed, of 612 West Locust a very short time. thing except to adertise the pictures. street, when Miss Veva Seed and Mr. The bungalo on the dairy farm Ban Francisco, July 7.— While at Fred Ramsaur were united in wed­ of C. E McCurdy near town takes J. J. STANLEY present it is not possible to make lock by the Rev. H. W. Thompson. the lead in the way of homes which known the exact sources of informa­ The bride was beautifully dressed have been constructed here lately. LAW YER tion regarding the report that Jef­ in white meesaline. The groom This is certainly a model residence |ti Building • Front Stree fries put up a gigantic "lake’’ in his wore the conventional black. Miss from all view points. The ground COQUILLH, O b EOON fight with Johnson, good authority Genevieve Hilderbrand, of Tacoma, floor is 37x61 feet, on which are the ■ , ------ has it that the fight was the biggest was flower girl, The house was parlor, dining room, reception hall, I a_I ____________ i___ “ bunk” ever perpetrated on the beautifully decoratedwith carnations kitchen, one bedroom, bath, etc- A. J. Sherwood, American people and that it has and roses. After the ceremony a These arranged in the most unique A ttorney a t - L a w , sounded the death knell of fights in delicious wedding dinner was ser­ and convenient manner. The three ved. The young couple will make nearly every state in the union. N otary P u blio , first named each contain a nice laige their home at 507 South Hemlock Jeffries never was nor never could S q u ille, : : Oregon fireplace, all of which use one and have been put in shape f jr his fat street.— This reprt was taken from a the same large chimney. The sec­ fest with Johnson. The colored paper printed at Ceutralia, Wash­ ond floor contains five large, light man is clever but not nearly so ington, where this wedding took and airy bedrooms with closets and W alter Sinclair, clever as the world artists have place ou July 3 rd. A t t o r n e y - at - L a w , all necessary conveniences, beside a The bride is a former Coquille tried to paint him His record N otary P u b l ic , large sleeping porch facing the east. shows him to be either a 11 extraor­ young lady, being a daughter of Mr. The building is finished through­ : Oregon. |>qiiille, dinary man who has either been and Mrs. J. A, Seed who spent « out in the newly invented hard — 1 ---- able to accumulate skill and action number of years in this city, ami a plaster and slash-sawed fir stained in his old age or a strong active giand daughter of Mrs. Ala Seed to a weathered oak tint aud finished H all & Hall. fellow who has in the past been ly­ now of this place. in a most artistic and beautiful stvle. A ttorneys - at L a w , ing d ow n ” This house was planned and de­ 1er in U « z l E statb o f all kinds. Jeffries, it is said, was well known P r o p e r T r « ‘ nlii »«* nt F o r , D v s o n t o r j signed by J. A. Yoakam, the Co­ Marshfield, Oregon. 11 m l l > i n r r l i o r : i . to Governor Gillett ot California, to quille architect, contracto. and When six months old the little be a broken down boxer, a man builder. I Ì - - . I— frame wracked with nervous disease daughter of E. N. Dewey, a well E. E. Johnson, the lumberman, is E. G. D. Holden and totally uufit to enter a ring in known merchant of Agnewville, Va , having a very nice house built on L awybb , opposition even to the fattest dub had an attack of cholera infantum. Spurgeon Hill which we understatd J ustice op the P eace Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and will be one of the latest in style and Commissioner, General Insurance who ever aspired to “ the heavy­ D.arrhorn Remedy was given and most up-to-date in its design for weight class.” jent, and Notary Public. Office Gillett stopped the fight because effected a complete cure. This rem­ comfort and eonvenience. H. E. in Robinson Building. he had been made acquaiuted with edy has proven very successful in Shelley is the contracor and archi­ Coquille Oregon. Jeff’s tactics. He remembered the in cases of bowelcomplaint in chil­ tect. The nice concrete walk from remarkable coincident to the fight dren and when given according to the Baxter corner past KnowitoD's with Fitzsimmons being forecasted the plain printed directions can be store has been uncovered and rickham House for the eighth round by a well relied upon with perfect confidence. drug turned over to the public for use. MRS. G. R. W ICKHAM known ring expert, he recalled the When reduced with water and This is certainly a great improve­ Proprietress fact that 24 hours before the Fitz- sweetened it is pleasant to taki« ment which is fully [appreciated. Phone Main 13X. Jeff farce was pulled off that a man which is of great importance when Mr. Perham has the contract for the outside the game, entirely fair and a medicine must be given to young construction of a like walk in front ird by Doy, We elf or Month one who had followed fights from children. For sale by R. S, Knowl- and at the north side of the Odd boyhood, had told the then mayor tow. Fellows’ Hall. His workmen have Qple Hoonjs Nice Batt)s of San Francisco and several others the old wooden walk removed and A n Interesting R elic how the fight would end, when it are progressing with the work in would end and why it would end. t o ■cial Attention Paid Elder J. C. Clapp brought with good shape, while the one in front Mayor McCarthy (present admin­ him from California a relic of no one of the Farmers & Merchants Bank : Traveling Public. istration) when in Chicago said that knows what age. It is a ship’s will be completeted in due time, all he favored the Jeff Jack fight being block which was found in a Califor­ of which will add greatly to the ap- held in San Francisco and he also H. E. Shelley nia cave. It seems to have been pearence of that section of town. said that the state “ had no right to mide of hickory and the wood has interfere.” Lawyers think he was M edical S o ciety M eeting petrified, or else it is of some pecu­ legally strang in his stand— the liar bone. The small wheels ave of A meeting of the Coos and Curry best lawyers in the state. McCar­ ivory evidently sawed from a walrus county Medical society was held in Coquille, Ore. thy en route home, went to Sacra­ tusk any dressed with infinite care, Myrtle Point last week, and wag at­ mento in a huff. He was angry at Jrst Cli Class Work Guaranteed. irst and the shaft they turn on is also of tended by Drs. Mingus and Dix of Gillett; he was detrmined [to allow ivory, while the block is held to­ Maishfield, Culin of Coquille and . W H ITM O RE . E. F. MOKRISSY the Kaufman-Langford fight to take gether with bronze or copper rivets, j Johnson and Stemmier of this place. place in the Mission street arena as Bay Paving and Con­ It may offer a clue to some histori­ Officers were elected and other busi­ a test of municipal independence cal event by those who are capable ness of the society was transacted versus state rule. McCarthy con­ struction Company. of determining its age and properly nnd questions of interest to the pro­ ferred with the governor for just I neral contractors placing its manufacture.- -Myrtle fession were discussed. It is hoped one hour and when he came from to interest other physicians in the ns anti Estimates Given the conference he went straight to Point Enterprise. rete Bricks Stone and Timber the telegraph office and wired to ■ I . l|> f o r T h o s e W h o l i m e S i o i n - work of the society and promote a Contractor. better attendance at future meet­ a
  • ve done her more good j ized screen door; standard sizes on »D'l W ntpr _ ,,... hand; spetial sizes made in short f.lio * mi l e for log. era, miners Governor Gillett does not par- than all of the medicine I bought order. Also handy, adjustable win­ tirularly oppose square ring con- before. — Samuel Boyer, Folsom, dow screens, ironing hoards, sleeve prospectors and mill men. tests, but in re the Jeff-Jack fiasco J Iowa. This medicine is for sale by boards, bread boards, drain boards fhurmao Street and meat safes. it is easy to read between the lines. R. R. Knowlton. Samples free. P o r t l a n d , O rzoon , Olilo i l’ bone Main 211. rp e n te rand Builder J F a rm e rs P ro b lem s « J SHERWOOD Pi t ». I . H. HAZARD. Cashier P rinted bv P er Y ear R. E.SHINE, f l a t P r . » 0. C SANFORD, A>»t. Cashier R equest . I Farmers throughout a large ex tent of this big country are now in the stress and strain of harv