D F DEAN, P R O P R IE T O R bounty Official Paper. 1 U B L I8 H E D E V E R Y W EDNESDAY. D e v o t e d t o t h e m a t e ri a l an d social op h I t i n e o f t h e C o q a i l l e Valley particularly s a d o f O oor O o a u t y generally. ■^ aibsoriptioD, p e r y e a r . i n advat.ee, l.fiO Phone, Main 'The Bate and reliable twin- screw Brown Leghorns uod White Ply- The New and Speedy, moth Rocks $ 1.00 per setting White Leghorns $ 1.50 per setting. Indian Runner ducks $ 2.00 per setting. C a p t. Olsen, M a s ts J. C. W atson , Coquille, Or. Will make regular trips between - *•* * — —• Found. O o q u ille R iver and San Sir. Elizabeth A small pocket book containing money and a check book. Owner can have the same by proving prop­ erty and paying for this add. 354 . A L a rd T a x City Within a few years the city of For Salt*. Vancouver, B. C„ has grown from a few thousand people to one of A lot of late Nile, and also early about 80,000 population, and in pees. A. H. Fish, Arago. Pbtne the past ten years its property valu­ 7 1 . ation has grown from less than $20,000,000 to over $75,000,000. In this progressive city, though it is within British territory, the single t ix idea is largely carried out. Since 1906 improvements on real estate, including all buildings, have With Mr*. NETTIE HARRISON'S 4 -DAT HAIR paid only 4 mills on the dollar tax, COLOR. It Is the only entiroly successful and preparation for the purpose. while land values have paid 16 satislactory Simple • Harmless - Certain. Sold for 20 years, mills, just four times as much. recommended end used with satislaction by Contains no lead, sulphur or other And hereafter land will pay all, thousands. harmful Ingredient. If "dyes” and "restorers” have disappointed you, try this. It never falls. and improvements on land nothing. This year nearly $25,000,000 worth $1.00. At all first-class druggists and Kuowlton’s Pharmacy, Coquille. of properly, namely, improvements on land— factories, mills, residen­ ces, etc.,— was assessed nothing at at all. The property tax is all placed on land- Under this policy the city has grown rapidly and pros­ pered exceedingly. It encourages improvement and offers no premium on speculation In idle land. Doubt­ less Vancouver had people who predicted that this policy would be ENGRAVER and ELECTROTYPER WOW HU I VO -24 lAWHfSC* DENVER COLO ruinous, but like most pessimists these croakers were mistaken. With taxes centered on land values, de­ velopment healthily booms.— Port­ land D aly Journal. F ra n c is c o . N o S to p - o v e r a t W a y P o rta . Electric Lights. Everything in Fir Class Style. GD ayha IR „1 - lu t e r c N t to e a r i u r n .‘r a e r v l ia u l* iiim I Farmers and mechanics frequent­ ly meet with slight accidents and injuries which cause them much an­ noyance and less of time A cut or bruise may be cured iu about one- third the time usuaily required by applying Chamberlain's Liniment as soon as the injury receired This This liniment iB also valuable for spinins, soreness of the muscles and rheumatic pains. There is no dan­ ger of blood poisoning resulting from an iojurv when Cbnmberlnin’s Liniment is applied before the part- become inflamed and swolleu. For sale bv K. 8. Knowlton. l «««« • ••• - s< For Sale. " S. L. Lafferty, of Coquille, has three good horses for sale. 12 and 14 hundred pounds. » « STMR. FIFIELD Six large lots and 11 new seven room house; $ 1900 . Skookum Restaurant, Passengers, Freight Low Rates and Excellent Accom­ modations. Our Interests are your Interests. A. F. E S I A BROOK CO. Agents San Francisco and Bandon We C arry Five room bungalow and lot, 50x100; $ 1700. Some of the best residence lots in Coquille, size 80x100, price $200 to $240; terms $25 down and $10 per month. STUTSMAN & CO. Office on First Street, Op. Hotel Baxter. Phone Main 591 S p s o l a l A t t e n t i o n O i v o n to C i t m m o s o t k l fflon piONEÈR ME0T MAIftET SAN FRANCISCO One-half acre iu keiries and a six room cottage close in, good barn, chicken house and wood shed. If you are looking for a home, you will buy this place for $1250. For These and Other Good Buys see PLYING BETW EEN Lard, Hams, Bacon, Sausage, Fresh and Salt Meats. We are headquarters fo r everyth in g in the m eat line. w ants a lw a ys receives p ro m p t attention. COQUILLE VALLEY PACKING Incandescent Electric Light Pres* Accepted throughout the civilized world the as the most universally satisfactory il­ Button luminant for all purposes the Cleanest Most Convenient, and the CHEAP and here Your CO. EST light known. That furnished by the C O Q U IL L E you R IV E R E L E C T R IC have class and up to date in every reaped it. The rates place it within reach of all I. G IRBY Proprietor and Manager « KNOWLTON’S DRUG STORE CO is first Frank Morse, Prop., Coquille ^>O C O O O O O C < The Vacation season is here, and when you go on your Outing remember to take a Kodak along. We are headquarters for Kodaks and Supplies. WATCHES CLOCKS JEWELRY COMBS BARRETTS PHONOCRAPHS 80 acre ranch, 25 head of cows, the best buy in southern Oregon; the price is light. M ..I « at all H ours P r o m 6 a m to S p m . seguías B oasd sss. » M M M » » M » M » * M » » -» M tk Repair K u r n is liin tii and G en ts’ a n d S t a p l e Grt »eerie«, F l o u r a n d Feed We M a k s R a t e s t o KODAKS We L ad ies’ Fancy C. A H A R R IN G T O N , Proprietor. LINE C en trally a n d C o n v e n ie n tly Located. T ab le Supplied w i t h the B e st the M a r k e t A f fords. S a m p le R o o m s for C om m ercial M en. T ra n sfe r o f B a g g a g e to a n d f r o m B o a t « a n d T r a i n .................................... I hroughout Drane S ssvlss. HOTEL BAXTER Our shelves are full of new spriug and aiinimer goods. Call and see them and get prices. We are al ways ready to wait on you nt Henry Lorenz's. E, RIVER Three lots, all cleared, ready for building; $ 300 . 8 lots 3 blocks from pogtotHce; $Kn0. 17 acres close in, nt n aiguin. 2 12 acres close in, the pi ice will suit tlio buyers. 2 large lots and a 6 room bouse; a good buy for $2100. DEALER IN AT TH E COQUILLE FAIR PRICE Recently Newlv Furnished E. p i n t - C la s s SAILING EVERY EIGHT DAYS S n a in e - li T r i m b l e s . Sixteen tong of fine oat hsy. A Wlmer, Arago. Phone 7 xx. B opposite First National Bank, Coquille, Oregon. and Aretino Talking Machine FREE with $25 00 cash trade and a cash payment of $ 2.50 on delivery of machine. One 10-inch record FR E E with $ 10,00 in cash trade. One 10 - iuch record FREE with $5 00 in cash trade every Saturday. Remember the Aretino record fits all kinds of disc talking machines. \ FRANIK REiSTLE Mauv renoiikale cures ot sloiino h trouhl.s have In i n rtT cted by Clin in be 11 .in's Ktouiaeli an I Liver Tub- b t. One in m who hid spent over 'V I o a i t h o u s a n d dollars for mediciue slid tirntnn ut was <11 red by a few bo\pa of these tablets. Price, 25 cents. Humpies free at Knowlton'sj Drug Store. Fur Sal«*. C*fl GUS. ANDERSON I Ej Call and See U t Hear the Music. P. I BANDON AND Can’t P lease E veryb o d y The manager of an asbestos mill conceived a novel idea for his an­ nouncements. He hail them printed o 1 thin asbestos and inclosed in an envelope of tlie same Material. A* hn waa uncertain of the correct ad- drcaseg of some of the stckholdeis, he ordered his stenographer to write on each euvenlope "Please Forward.” The idea was clever, but one may appreciate the feelings of the widow of one of the stockholder« wheu the received 1111 nsbestua tnvcbpe ad dres'ed to lor !ate lu-bm d will the innerip!ion ‘ 'Please Forwaid” beneath the address,— Iiippiurott’s I If you want your shoes repaired go to REISTLE5 PLATË5 ARE RIGHT REISTLES RATE5 ARE RIGHT OUR HITS PflMT — — Some of the Best Buys in Town E ggs For Hatching Coquille Herald. :> 0 0 0 0 < ^ > 0 0 < ; I FEW LOTS I,EFT In Smith’s First Addition m BANDON To close out the Track at $20 to $30 each. Good Level Lots, Streets Opened; Title Perfect. We Do ACATE GRINDING AND POLISHING STONE SETTINC RINC MAKINC ENCRAVINC All Work Guaranteed E. C. Barker & Co. SEE Tim hcrland For Sale. NJ Nej Sec 12 Tp 28 R to W. Address, Joseph Schrems, Rose- burg, Oregon. ------------ -♦ «» ♦ DO Y O U W A N T TO S E L L ? If y o n want to sell vour business ■ f «nv kind, or if you want to sell •.mir property, and will make the p ice right, I would like to hear fiom you. Qive description and price. Address J. E. Smith 5151 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. We Carry a Complete Stock of B U G G Y P O D K Evenere, Singletrees, Bolts, etc., anil do a General blacksmithing and Horseshoeing business All Work COX s COX Guaranteed S C o q u i l le , O r e g o n 1 |i DEYOE 4 SIHIH B ANDON, OREGON