Wall paper at Laird’s. Port Commission M eeting Flour pots at Heresy's There will be a meeting of busi­ “ The Golden Rule,’’ —C. H . Cleaves. Mrs. tieorge Querin, of Myrtle ness men in this city Friday night Prof. Haroden, was up from Riv­ Point, returned from a visit at Bar* to further consider the Port Com­ erton on Saturday. don on Saturday. mission proposition. All are urged 1 White Spray Flour $1 70 per sack Ladies keep the dust off. Get a ; to be presen‘t at tbe cily hall. at Lyons & Jones, duster at Robiuson’s store. ______ ---------------- Orvil Dodge, of Myrtle Point, Born—At Arsgo, Oregon, May j Hair nets at Robiuson’s store. shook hands with friends in Co­ 2D, 1910, to Mr. and Mrs. John Attend the Port meeting at the quille on Saturday. Lindebeck, a daughter. eity ball Friday night. New line of Cluett shirts for Remember The Golden Rule is I. Nordstrom, the dairyman, was spring. Robinsou’s Store. still headquarters for ladies hair up from tbe Parkersburg section on Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Evernden goods. were passengers down the river by Mis. H. I. Reese, of North Bend, Saturday. Quite a destructive five is burn­ Saturday’s Dispatch. returned home Monday after a visit ing in the camps of Smith A Powers Boys, remember Robinson’s Store with relatives and friends up the north of town. carries the Cluett Shirts. river. Rev. T. G. Bunch, of Marshfield, Harvy Dunham went to Portland If going for a trip remember returned home Friday from a visit last week where he will again go Robinson’s store is the place to get to Myrtle Point. into the railroad service. a suit case or trunk. The steamer Elizabeth sailed Robinson's store lias just received Mrs R. M. Wieder, of Marshfield, from Bandon for San Francisco on some new Turban Hair Pins. returned home Monday after a visit Monday morning. Mrs. Frauds Thomsen, ot the with her daugiiter Mrs. Fred Tuttle, Jars and caps at Her- coast below Randon, visited friends of Bandon who accompanied,, her. seys Economy Store. in Coquillo on Saturday. Do you know that fancy cord has M. Nosier, the laundryman, Barred Plymouth eggs $i oo per taken the place of neck rnching. had S. business at Bandon on Wed­ setting. J. Quick, Coquille. Robinson’s store is the place to get nesday of last week. Mrs W. R. Panter, of Myrtle it. nice Dutch Collnrs, Ladies Point, went to Bandon Saturday to George Moulton did not take the at Some Rose’s cash Store. * visit Children and friends. j Breakwater as we reported last week Tbe union prayermeeting will be That’s wliat they all say, Sla- he would, but accompanied by his held at tbe Christian Church Wed- gle Bros, for choice meats.” sister, Mrs. S. M. Nosier, started desday evening of this week. Mrs. J. W. Leneve, of thi city, | Saturday by Laird’s private stage. Look at the new line of ladies went to Marshfield Saturday to Howard, the eight-year-old son belts at Robiuson’s Store. visit friends nni relatives. of Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Morras, of and Mrs. E. Lewin, of Ban­ Up-to-date line ot men’s and Bandon, was taken quite ill while don, Mr. returned Thursday from a boys’ suits at Robinson’s Store. visiting with his parents at the visit with Coos Bay friends, Miss Agnes Tupper returned the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Walk­ Henry Lorenz has just received a last of the week from a visit with er, of this city. full line of Bergman shoes. Call her sister, Mrs. Kenneth Perkins For Sale.—One lot, neat home and see them. of down the coast below Bandon. of 4 rooms, woodshed and chicken Frank Burkholder of this city, Fair Treatment and Prompt Deliveriesalwaysmadeby We are receiving new nnd fresh house. Good location. Enquire at made a business trip to Bridge last Monday, returneng yesterday. gi-occrics by every boat. Robin­ H eiiald Office. son’s Store. Miss Lucia Sperry, of this city, On Thursday night the large ele­ started for Roseburg Saturday « n S J. Culver of Bandon, returned vated water tank at the Cody mill route to Ashland, Oregon, where Siturdav with Mrs. Culver from at Bandou down with a crash. she expects to spend tbe summer Myrtle Point where she had been A miss came calculation had been with friends. visiting and took sick from a severe made as to what would be required A new assortmen cf Ladies elas­ a'tick of the grip. to hold up the large amount of tic belts nnd hat pins at Boses’ cash Memorial Day was duly observed water and the timbers gave way. Store. by the people of Coquille and com­ When the tank came down from its Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Robison, of munity. A large number of people heights striking in tbe water with Bandon, passed through yesterday joined in the parade, beaded by the a terrible roar, some of the Baudon en route to Portland to take in the band, marched tc both cemeterys, people thought that Haley’s comet Rose Carnival. They will visit laden with beautiful flowers, and j had struck, Mr. and Mrs. J. Denholm, parents not a grave to be seen was neglect­ Yes, Robinson’s Store carries of the latter. ed. None nicer for summer wear than vegetables. Mrs Emma Lyons and daughter, Mrs. Cbas Skeels, of this city, percales Croxton cloth and Galatea cloth at RoBt’s Cash Store. For Gents furnishings try Robin­ Miss Vesta KiDg is viaitiDg her Miss Josie, arrived here Wednesday Monday from Eugene A. M. Snyder was in town Satur­ son’s R. S. KNOWLTON, President GEO. A. ROBINSON, V. Pres. Store. afternoon from San Francisco. returned where she had been to attend the day having returned from Portland. Mrs. Win. Rohm, of Riverton, aunt, Mrs. Art Johnson, of Bandon, R. H. MAST, Cashier They have been absent most a year, Grand Lodge of the Odd Fellows He tells us that Mrs. Snyder, who was b Coquille visitor on Saturday. E. M. Peterson, of Riverton, ac­ having made extended visits at Den- and rebekahs. reports a large recently underwent an operation Look! Cluett shirts are the ones companied by his sister, Mrs. M. v r, Co'orndo, and Pasadena, Ca i- and interesting She meeting ai)d Merchants Bai)H both for appendicitis in that city, is do­ to wear, new and up-to-date line, W. McCormick, went to Rosebnrg farmers fornia. Their many frieuds are branches of the order, and ot a very by auto yesterday en route to Port­ Robinson’s Store. wcil pleased to see them home agair. interesting session. She enjoyed a ing nicely and he expects her home land on business and pleasure. of Coquille Mr. and Mrs. Harry Whilesteln, They will see Mr. and Mrs. H. J. See E. N. Smith about those io - visit with her father, Rev. W. H. next Saturday. of Santa Barbara, California, arrived CAPITAL STOCK $25,000 acr.‘ tracts close in to Baudon at Nosier, of Eugene, and Mr. and Stock Sheep For Sale.—About here last week and are enjoying an Peterson, ofNewberg. A Reasonable Share of Your Business Solicited tbirty-five number one ewes and $40 and $50 per acre on easy terms. Mrs. G H Bixter. of Creswell. Rolled barley, shorts, bran, wheat lambs tor sale. Inquire of C. A. outing as well as visit with the lat­ and cracked corn at Robinson’s First Class Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent ter’s cousin, Mrs C. O. Dryden, of Store. Pendleton. Ed Johnson, of the Roy district, this For city. A. and H. L. Varney, of this jtiXtfe i t « yynaici Jayá youcwrú returned Sale—J good work horses, city, \\\ have last week from Iduho 1300 pounds purchased the bosemov- up. Enquire of ing outfit from where he had gone to look at his Fred Lowery, and H. H. Grinnold and lain cuioiind in ouA M oit wiÂoudL claim on Disher place which he was lucky enough added it to what H. L. Varney for­ to draw at the Flathead Indian res­ Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Hammond merly owned, which places these Mûwjfy JomjMinty you, ervation drawing. He is highly took Saturday’s train for the Bay, gentlemen in a position to move -rmd ai ward and will go up Coos River for an anything that is loose at both ends. Sails From Ainsworth Dock, Portland, Monday, May 16, 2 p.m. pleased with his claim. outing and fishing trip. They were If your buildings are not properly Ladies if we cannot fit you with Sa ils from Coos Bay Tuesday May 31th, at 2 p. m. a tailored suit from stock, wo will accompanied by Frank "Greenough, located or in need of new founda­ take your measure and have one of Portland, who came to take the tion, just call on the Varney Broth­ W. F. MILLER, Agent, Marshfield, Oregon made to order. Robinson’s Store. trip with them. ers nnd they will toon set things PAUL L. STERLING, AGENT. COQUILLE, PHONE NO. 18 Haley’s comet was very plain to Straw Hats, Straw Hats, Straw right for you. the view of the Coquillers who Hats, for big, little, old and young White Spray Flour makes the cared to look last Friday evening Robinson’s Store. best and whitest bread of any flour at ten o’clcck. The night before The steamer Newport arrived in on tbe market. Lyons & Jones sell Valuable Tinjber Lands For Sale being cloudy we were prevented the river from Portland early Sun­ it. and . discharged her j Brady K. Burnett, of Washing- from seeing it at the time it was to day morning Cruised Four Million feet by a well known c , . , . tj j cargo of freight at Bandon and _ C., representing .. _ have been tbe brightest. cruiser, Two Million feet of which is * . r i t u ton, D. the Census to Riverton for coal. It be- Bureau, ,, ’ was ’ in * town several , days . Mrs. Aiken has opened up her came Port Or ford White Cedar. A 'I located in gins to look as though her trips to millinery store in the building for­ Coquille will be a failure until our last week taking statistics regard­ Coos County, Oregon. merly occupied by Dr. Endicott, river is dredged, which shows the ing manufacturing industries etc., FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS WRITE OR CALL ON and will keep constantly on band importance of voting the Port of which are collected separate and a choice selection of all the latest Coquille. apart from the enumeration of pop­ COQUILLE styles. ulation aDd farm statistics. Mr. E . G . D . H O L D E N OREGON. W.T. Brady, of Gravel Ford was, Look you. The steamer Myrtle last Sunday in Coqui'le Monday. He is prepar­ Burnett is an Affable gentleman to whom it is a pleasure to talx, and you w ill have houlle luAninÿ made an excursion from Myrtle ing for a trip to California with who is thoroughly conversant with Point to Bandon to take the ball Joe Clinton. They take their fatn- the work he is doiDg. abound in ou\ UoXe nithoul luyinf team down for a contest. The' iliea for a general outing for health game proved to be a good one, the and recreation. They will go in a Tcziir’B Celebrated Logger , weeks , and , «pert l to i be i absent i . Shoes have won K popularity the team winning in a score of few ^ Toz' r with makeri leeause U ¿4 j u l l oj new^ jxeà^h Bandon 9 to 5 . It is pronounced to have abont a year. On this occasion Mr. woods boys. There may be billions upon a very good game and was at­ Brady discontinues the H ebald for Coquille. t i n juXnUuXe and \uÿ± job, been billions of germs about your tended by a large crowd. a short time, the first since its first premises. With the first For a burn or acald apply Cham- issue which made its Bppearence on youX home. Sut when you tubn berlain’s Salve. It will allay the the 0th day of September, 1882. warm days of spring they’ll almost instantly and quickly For Sale.—Some thoroughbred become active. It may take O P T E M E T R IS T away without Suyinÿ what you want ^ pain heal the injured parts. For sale Brown Leghorn hens, for price in­ At Dr. Richmond’s office tbe 24th but one germ to make some by R. 8 . Knowlton. quire of Mrs. J. H Radabaugb, an(j gfith of each month Don’t member of your family dan­ leeause y o u ll find not only tasty William Page, of Bandon, was in Arago, Or., or phone Gx3. forget the date gerously ill. town Friday, being on his return Arthur Graveley who was arrest Thorough disinfection now juXnituXe and XuÿS lut you3I I jind an extended visit to Klamath ed at Bandon last week for passing will insure health. We have Falls, Oregon. He reports that checks teken from the confection­ all the most reliable disinfec­ ouX hXiees Sueh as you eon ajjoïd as beiog an exceptionally lively ery of Miss Belloni, of this city, place just now, the railroad and ir­ and whose endorsement had been tants and germicides known rigation system construclron that forged upon them, waived examin­ to joay. to science. is in progress giving a great stimu- ation before Judge Ilolden and now We can advise you what lous to business, while there is a occupies apartments in Hotel de eoeXythUnf jut Ufa home. to use if you are in doubt. great Irosb of tourists and home- Gage He will appear before the Delivered anywhere in seekers into the town which is next grand jury to explain the town by the month or on youXS tXuly^ growing very rapidly. manner in which lie became poses- special orders. Fuhrm an s Pharm acy Call and examine the full line cf sed of the checks. C O Q U IL L E , - OREGON Men’s and Children’s clothing— j Telephone for meat to be deliver* (jeorge Lorenz, ' latest styles—at Henry Lorenz's ed at any time from Slagle Bros store. Phone No, » 1 . COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHER LOCAL NEW S. 1ST M l Ml We have just received a large shipment of Children’s Shoes, sizes run from 5s up as large as you want. We can fit the Boys and Girls with the Acrobat Foot Culture Shoe Call and let us try a pair on your child and you will be satisfied. Don’t delay seeing this line of shoes as they are the best in town. Groceries and General Merchandise LYONS & JONES Portland and Coos Bay S. S. Line BREAKWATER DISINFECT AND HE SAFE F. J. HAYES Fresh Milk and Cream W . C. L A IR D