Coquille h|erald. WEDNESDAY, TUNF 1, 1910. AD D IT IO N A L LOCAL Just received a full line of ladies’ Felt, Panama and straw bats for men at Rabinson’s Store. kid gloves— all shades—at Henry The steamer Elizabeth arrived in Buy your flower of Lyons & Lorenz’s Store, the Coquilleou Thursday afternoon. Jones, every sack guaranteed, $1.70. A new hull is to be built for the Mrs. L. Cochran left last week Mrs. H. R Kirkendolll, of this steamer Echo, plying on the upper for Sau Francisco for medical treat- city, returned Sunday from a trip | river. Messrs. Panter have let the m nt to liandon. j contract Mr. Herman, and the boat A liesh supply of sweet and sour S. C<. Jilev, >f Myitle Point, was 1 will be built at the Herman yard pickles at Robinson's store. a passenger to Baudot) by Satur­ on the lower river. Ladies’ muslin and knit under­ wear at Robinson’s Store. E. D. Myers was down from Lee on Saturday. WM. FRANZENBACH. Sculptor Contractor in Marble, Granite, M. M. Dobbins, of Lauipa, was a Coquille business visitor on Satur- Stoue, Concrete mul Tile J. F. Lee was up from Itiv rtoii on Saturday. Vaults, Monuments, Head-tones, Tab­ Local JulvertisenuMitH among local I «Joy- reading five cents per line each inser­ lets, Iron Fences and all kinds of Chus Brook- was down from Ara- Ripe and green olives in bulk tion. Cards cT thanks 50 cents each. Cemetery and Budding Werk. go on Friday. Obituary poetry five cents per line. at Robinson’s store. Resolutions of Condolence ami lodge E A Winter tvas down bom Carving and bettering a Specialty. advertising live cents per line. H. E. ibulley, the Carpenter aud Fislitrap ou Monday. M A R S H F IE L D , O R E G O N contractor, who was given ttie con­ If you want goods for that Fourth day’s Dispatch. The plan ot some of the leading Miss Frank Dean started for John Barrows was up from the tract for the construction of a new W. A, Varney II. L. Varney members of the Republican party of July dress liobinson's store is Stone churns and jars just opened Portland and other Wi'amctte val­ home for E. E. Johnson, on Spur­ lower river on Saturday. at Hersey’a Store to establish the assembly plan ot phee to gel it. ley points Saturday where she will geon Hill has tbe foundation com­ The steamer Fifield arrived in conducting the coming campaign, is The place to buy men’s work or Mrs. T. R Pointer, is very ill at visit friends for several weeks. pleted and in a short time building tbe river on Sunday evening. this time, but is somewhat rnetter not meeting with the approval of all dress gloves is Robinson’s Store GENERAL Lyons A Jones always try to have will begin to take form. Tins will HOUSE/IOVIN G the members . f the party, but it is J. S Lyons aud A1 Hite started than she was a day or so ago. something nice on hand for you for For a good second-hand Singer be one of the neatest and most expected that all will be adjusted for Koseburg yesterday morning Turbans and turban pics at your Sunday dinner. COQUILLE, OREGON sewing machine, call at the H eh - | modern homes in the city. satisfactorily by election time. The with auto loads of passengers. Rose’s Cash Store, ald office. 1) H Dollar, the lumberman, ar­ Make your washing easy by us- Does a general Housemouing intention of the advocates of the Harley Mattoon, of Drain, who rived from Portland last Thursday If you are looking for white dress assembly plan claim that all they goods Robinson’s Store carries a is here visiting with his uncle, Paul and proceeded down the river where | ing Washing Tablets at Draue’s Foundation repair business ORDER. storo are working for is a thorough un­ good stock. In the County Court of the County of L. Sterling, went to Bandon Mon­ he goes to look after business in­ Coos and Stale of Oregon. derstanding aud conserted action Frank Burkholder, of this city NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. thly for a little outing on the beach terests. E. C. Baker e deposited with tie* County Clerk pose. workeDg at the landing, and at­ with bid. to be forfeite 1 to Coos County, the new paimary election way of L. P. Maury hears from his Agate and Enamel Saucepans ty belonging to the said Alfred L. Ogle, Oregon, in case contract shall he award­ Robinson’s Store has just received tempted to pass between the logs kettles and pans at Hersey's A full choosing candidates. deceaseil to-w it: The North East quar­ ed to bidder anil he fail to enter into daughter, Mrs. Bartholomew, of a new line of art, fronting, round and a car which was being loaded, ter of Section Thirty Two (32) Town­ contract within five (5) days, with bond stock of racket. Call. The city council of Coquille lias Washington, who is very lttv from thread and butchers linen in white, when the logs took a roll and he ship Twentv Five (25) South of Range and sureties in an amount equal to h> of ordered from Ballard, Washington, pneumonia and typhoid each day. also art linen in brown. amount of bid. All bids to be de­ Messrs. J. A. Gardner, Alfred Ten West (10) West of the Willamette the was caught. Both legs were bad- posited with the County Clerk of Coos 500 feet of conduit pipe to be used There is but little chauge since last Meridian, in Cone County. Oregon. Rev. Brayden, a Baptist minister, j ly bruised and bis right one frac- Ford and J. M. Stone, the two for­ County, Oregon, on or before the 7th in taking in another stream to our reported, she still being in a very Ttie said Alfred f,. Ogle, is the owner davof June, A. I). 1910,at 10o ’clock a.m. will preach at the Presbyterian j tured between the knee and aokle mer from Los Angeles, Cal., and of an undivided one half interest in and The County Court reserves the right to water supply. With the improve­ critical condition. church next Saturday at 2:30 p. m. | the latter from Tennissee, went to to said lands aliovc described And it reject any and all bids. Robinson’s store carries an up-to- ments being made to our water sys­ Dated this 24th day of Mav, A. D. Come boys and look over our and on Sunday at 11 a. m. All are date stock of fine white goods, Bandon Monday, and in company appearing to the court that it is necet- tem it is not probable that any re­ stock of clothing before the fourth 1910. cordially ; invited to attend these ! Lingerie Batiste, Flaxon, Linaire, company with (J. L. C. Smith ure sary and beneficial to bis said estate H. K. WILCOX, strictions will be put on the use ol of July rush comes on. Persian Lawn, India linen, Organdie preparing to make a test of Coos that said property be sold. services. Special Hoad Master for R. D. No. 11. water lor irrigating yards, so if yon and Nainsook. Now therefore, it is ordered that, county black sand as a mining prop­ The sad inlelligence of the death Eggs for hatching— White Ply- don’t have nice flowers it will not Tuesday, July 5, A. D. 1910, at the hour NOTICK TO CREDITORS. Hubert Addison, one of the jun­ osition. We wish them success. of ten o ’clock, A. M. at tbe office of the be for the want of water. There by accident of John Morgan, Jr., «o u th Rocks, and Brown Leghorns In the County Court of the Mate of f l .o o per setting, also Indian Run­ ior members of the Margaret lies A full line of shoes— for men Undersigned. County Judge of Coos Oregon, for the County of Coos. was a little complaint a short time at Modesto, California, recently has ner ducks. J. C. Watson, Coquille. Co., arrived in town Monday after, ago about the water being dirty. reached us. We are not in posses­ women, and children at Henry County, Oregon, at tbe Court house at In the Matter of the Estate of Charles Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, be. and There will be preaching at the noon on bis way to Bandon where ! Lorenz’s store. It is not noticed since the new work sion of the full particulars of the it is hereby fixed as the time and place A. Peterson, Deceased is finished on the supply pipes and j he will snend tbe summer, He is Notice is hereby given bv the under- are informed that a Christian church Sunday. Morning •J. P. Tupper, the pioneer hotel for beari-'g «»id petjt’nn. A id that all j the reservoirs have been flushed 1 subject, “ Making Sure” Evening taking an electrical course which s gned, executrix of the la t will and flywheel in a machine shop in of the next of kin of tbe above named | and conditions are greatly improved Subject, “ The Great White throne.’’ takes his time and he left the road. man, will leave for the east next minor, Allied 1.. Ogle, and all persons j testament of Charles A. Peter.-on, de­ — in fact, Coquille has a water sys­ which he was working went to : Saturday, accompanied by his grad- interested in his said es'ale. appeir lie- ceased. to the creditors of and all per­ tem that any town might be proud pieces and he was struck by a fly­ You will be cordially welcomed to He tells us that the company has daughter, Miss Agnes Tupper. It fore said Court at said time and place, sons having claims rtga'nH the said de­ made good ever since they left here, theee services. of. ing piece with fatal results. Mr. is possible that they will extend to show cause if any there be. why a ceased, to exhibit such claims, with The Thirty-eighth annual reun­ Morgan was about 30 years o f age For a job of first-class Mending. and, as usual, will be back next their trip to London, England. license should not lie granted for the the necessarv vouchers within six months after the f’ r-t publication of ion of the Pioneer Association of and was raised in Coos county, Dying or Cleaning, or a new suit full to play a circuit for a time but Mr. Tupper is interested in a large sale of the above descri e ! red estate, this notice, to the said executrix at the Oregon will take place at Poitland wi'l pay most attention to their min­ tailored, call on K. Holverson, at office of C. H. Harrows which said office and that a copy of this order be pub­ having lived on a farm near Nor­ on June 22 nd. As many as possi­ the rear of the Pharmacy building. ing property on the upper Coquille. estate and it is probable that he lished for four succeive weeks prior to the undersign'd sole te 1 a? her p’ a ceof business in all matters cdtt Reeled with ble ot the old Oregon pioneers way, and also at Empire when his Tne young man will make his home j will be obliged to go to that coun­ tbe time fixed for boaring of said cause, said estate of Charles A. Peterson, de­ ought to get together on this occas­ father was U. 8 . Collector of eus- j William Gallier, of BaDdon, rc- try to obtain his rights. in the Coquille H krai . d , a news paper of ceased. ion and enjoy each others associa­ toms at the port of Coos Bay. turned from Marshfield Monday. with J. T. Mrrs, of Bandon. general circulation, published at Co­ M ARY L. PETERSON. For Sale— In Bandon. Good When in need of dishes call at tion, as they know the time is draw­ This is a very sad occurence, to be He tells us that his son Mayor quille, Coos County, Oregon. Executrix of the Estate of Charles A. Hersey’s Store and get his prices. hve-room bouse and six lots. Call ing near when there will not be Peterson, deceased. Dated this 26dayof May. A. D. 1910. deplored by all, as Mr. Morgran Steve Gallier is improving slowly, He carries hotel ware, medium a sufficient number remaining to C. K. Barrow-, Attv for said Executrix on or write Mrs. Rachael Willard, JOHN F. HAUL. was an exemplary young man of We hope to see him able to return Dated and first publication at Co­ grades and the finest band painted hold a reunion. This one should County Jndge. quille, on this the 11th day of May, 1910. Bandon, Or. and Haviland china. sterling qualities. home in tbe near future. be made a rousing success. Varney Bros. J ■wrau’T a mm,* ! A t trie Golden Rule, Friday and Saturday Jane 10th and 11th In order to make room for our Fall line of Shoes, we are forced to close ou^ our Tan shoes for Men, Women and Children. Tans are very popular for Summei wear and we give you this opportunity to get excellent values at astonishingly low prices. Men’s $ 4 .0 0 tans will go for $ 3 .0 0 Ladies 3 .5 0 2 .5 0 3.25 2.25 “ 3 .5 0 wine colored shoes, 2.45 Boys Billy Bumper Tans, $2.50 and $2.75 values for $1.85 U (tin lo.-s is tom gain, « 1,11111 ” I " ' 1 ’ 1 0,1 ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii take advantage of this sale and celebrate tile Fourth in a pair of cool summer shoes. all Black Shoes. Also we will give a special dis- You who are not wearing our shoes we want you to get acquainted with us and our shoes. H E GOLDEN R U LE jj In Woodmen Building Opposite First National Bank — ii ui jw« i M m C. H. CLEAVES, P R O P R IE T O R