{foqtulk ÌÌctttlÒ. V ol . 27: No 38 Entereil uh second-elaes mi.Iter May 8, 1905, ut thè postotfice at Coquille, Oreiron, under aet ot Uongreas o( Man li 3, 1879. DR. RICHMOND PH Y SICIAN AND SURGEON. Ollice over Rose’s Store, Front St., C oq U IL L K , I I Dr. C. IN. Endlcott D k . n tist Office over First National Bank Phone Main 431. Coquille, Oregon I I E. D. SPERRY Attorney anil Connoellor at Law. Offioe in Robinson Itailding i IN. C. CHASE, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW Offlo in Robinson Building, Upstairs I I C. R. BARROIN Attorney und Counsellor at Law Office Phone 335 Main Resilience Phone 345 Main C oquille C it y , O rk J. J. STANLEY LAW YER Martin B u yin g •• FnntStrce O oqu ill », O bcoom □ ___________________1____ A. J. Sherwood, A ttorney - at -L aw , N otary P u b l ic , Coquille, : : Oregon I i Walter Sinclair, A t roHNKT AT-I j AW. N otast P ublic , Coquille, COUNTY COURT A PROCEEDINGS : : Oregon. n i Hall & Hall, A ttobneys - i t L a w , Dealer in K xal E stât « o f all kinds. M arshfield, O regon. E. G. D. Holden Synopsit of the Proceedings of the A County Court at Called Term and Regular May Term. A In re Roads and Bridges. Labor Bills Road District No. Bill Center......................... $ 21 L H Heisner..................... 52 J H Milner, 1 keg nails... 3 23 N Nelson................. . 52 L H H eisner...................... A N Gould, surveyiog.roak- iog levels, etc, various r o a d s ........................................ 5. 35 50 50 60 50 111 20 John Yoakam, viewer vari­ ous roads......................... 33 80 Lloyd Spires, viewer vari- ous roads....................... 40 50 Lee-Laughorn Road. 6 00 Joe Myers, rodman.......... Goostou Road. 2 00 Fred C Larsen, chaimnan Julius Larsen, cbainman, 2 0O Larsen slough waterway W Weir, chainman, Larsen slough waterway........... 2 00 Dave Holden, chainman Ten Mile road............... 2 00 Chas Brooks, axmau, Ten 4 00 Mile road....................... J H Nasburg, axmac. Ten 4 00 Mile road....................... Geo E Divelhliss, chain- 2 00 man, Ten Mile road....... Cbas Prescott, rodman, 4 00 Ten Mile road............... Special Improvements, R D No 12 A N Gould, surveying Brewster Canyon road... 23 70 Hailey Laird, assisting on Brewster Canyon road... 4 00 E N Harry, assisting on Brewster Canyon road... 4 00 A E Harry, assisting on BrewsterCanyon road... 4 00 A N Gould, surveying etc R D 16.......................... 34 °o Special Improvements It. D. 30 A N Gould Surveying etc, 20 50 Thos Laswell Assisting Surveyor ........................ 4 00 Lee Mast Assisting Sur­ veyor .............................. 4 00 E I Ingiam Assisting Sur­ veyor................................ 4 00 ROADS G W Sfemmermann, dam­ ages East andWest Fork R d ..............’. .................... Herbert Blake damages East and West Fork Bd 64 00 157 60 OENERAL FUND L awybb , Dennis McCarthy, cruising timber lands............ 1249 98 U. S. Commissioner, General Insurance John F Hall, stamped en­ Agent, and Notary Public. Office velopes..................... 10 62 in Robinson Build ¡ uk . Coos Bay Times,*pub court Coquille Oregon. proceedings and notices 97 55 R M Horton, labor, sherifFs office......................... 8 75 W J Morrow,labor, sheriff’s office......................... 51 25 MRS. G. R. W ICKHAM Abe Rose, indigent, allow­ Proprietress Phone Main 13X. ed $15 per month. Nellie Crow, Indigent, al­ lowed $10 per month. State o f Oregon, 1 County of Coos, j I, James Watson, County Clerk for Coos County and State of Ore­ Special Attention Paid to gon, ex-officio Clerk of the County Court for said County and State, the Traveling Public. custodian of the records, archives M. E. W H ITM ORE. E. F. MOKRISSY and files of said County, do hereby Coos Bay Paving and Con­ certify that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the struction Company. amounts of bills of expense,;in whose favor drawn or allowed, on the va- GENERAL CONTRACTORS Plans and Estimates Given riovs funds of the county, as aud­ ited by the County Court o f said Concrete Bricks Stone and Timber County and state, at the adjourned Contractor. March, 1010, term of said Court now Phone 151-J Offices 117 Front Street, Marshfield Ore. in my office and custody. W itness my hand and the seal of the County Court affixed this 20th day of April, A. D. 1910. J ustice o r W ic k h a m thb P eac * House Board by Day, WeeK or Month Sample Hoon)s Nice Batl)s Theo. Hergman Shoe Mfg.Co. Incorporated. Manufacturers o f A O U U U O N . Oflloi l’ bone Main SU. $1.50 COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 1910 J am es W a tso n , Corrnty Clerk. The Celebrated Herqmann Shoe Synopsis of the County Court The Strongest and Nearest Water! Proof shoe made for loggers, miners Proceedings, May, 1910, Term. In re of vacation expenses March prospectors and mill men. and April, 1910. 621 Thurman Street P o r t l a n d , O rzoon . Officers’ salaries................. $1573 34 Indigent Soldiers............... 147 00 t t l 1 1 ■■ K W a i v e I n r I t i i r n « . I h » | i - County scalp bounty......... 420 00 |iril lln n il* m l s ,i r r Y 1 | i| llr * As a h ealin g salve fur burns, sores, | Indigents............................. 291 00 80 00 s ire n i p p l e s and chapped hands,] Janitor................................. C h a m h -rla in 's S t iv e is moat e x cel-[ 8 fate bounty....................... 300 00 lent. It allays the pain o f a burn In re Justice Court expenses. alm ost instantly, and unless the in­ Justice and Constable Diat. No. 1. ju ry is very severe, heals the parts State vs Ames. without lesving a scar. Price, 25 ants. For sale by R. 8 . K now ltoc. A IS Shuster, J P fees.. ... 2 20 A R State vs McDonald. E Shuster, J P fees...... State vs Rogers. E Shuster, J P fees...... State va Ellerby. E Shuster, J P fees...... State vs Hanna. E Shuster, J P fees...... State vs Tope. E Shuster, J P fees...... N Emery, Con............... 3 45 1 60 4 05 1 95 6 45 10 60 Witnesses. J C Linnegar..................... Capt McClaine.................. W F W ood ......................... Willie W ood ..................... Herbert Morton................. Ray Havener..................... 1 1 1 1 1 1 A E Shuster, J P fees...... 6 75 R N Emery, C on............... 2 50 Witnesses. R J Coke........................... 1 50 Herman Nabb.... ............. 1 50 — Hatfield......................... 1 50 1 50 Claude Hockett................. Oscar Edgar....................... 1 50 State vs Ames, Insane. A E Shuster, J P fees...... 5 00 Justice and Constable Dist. No. 2. State vs Muetzel. C L Pennock, J P fees.. .. 2 45 5 00 Cal Wright, Dep............... State vs Muetzel. C L Pennock, J P fees..... 11 95 W B Cox, Constable......... 1 50 Cal Wright, Dep, Game Warden........................... 11 60 Witnesses. W H N oble..................... 6 10 F L Pierce......................... 5 70 George Schroeder.......... 5 70 George Divelbliss............... 5 70 4 70 Hills Short......................... Joe McCabey...................... 6 10 Wm Judd........................... 5 70 Ned Galloway.................. 5 70 Jurors. A C C ox............................... 1 00 A H Stutsman................... 1 00 A E NeT........................... 1 00 George Coleman.............. 1 00 Wm Dindinger ................. 1 00 M A Sweatman................... 1 00 State vs Ji hn Doe. C L Pennock, J P fees...... 1 90 S W Noah, Dep Warden 9 50 State vs Joe McCahpy C L Penr.ock, J P fees...... 3 70 8 W Noah, Dep WardeD... 4 20 State vs John Doe. 2 00 C L Pennock, J P fees..... State va Eldred. 4 45 C L Pennock, J P fees...... 1 35 J W Carter, making arrest Stute vs John Doe. 2 55 C L Pennock, J P fees....... Nick Stambone, witness... 1 70 1 70 J E Englund “ State vs Matthews. 5 30 C L Pennock, J P fe e c ...... 1 00 W B Cox, Constable......... Justice an 1 C instable Dist. No 3. State vs Cornelius, Wai field, Wv- land, Aasen. 26 25 E G D Holden, J P fees... E A Dodge taking ac- knowledgmcnt, appoar- anceboud...................... 50 Witnesses. 3 50 John Scott........................... R L W agner...................... 3 50 3 50 Tom R oot........................... 4 30 ■J M Bright......................... 3 50 Charles Butler................... 4 30 Wm Slingsby..................... 4 10 Albeit Bright..................... Wm Corbin, Constable... 9 40 State vs Hatcher. E G D Holden, J P fees... 8 70 1 20 W W Gage, making arrest R O Holierg, court officer 50 Witnesses. 3 5(1 R A B ock .......................... John M Whobrev............... 5 90 John Manerd....................... 5 90 5 90 Archie B oon e................... E G D Holden, witness be­ fore grand jury, April, 2 00 1909, term....................... Justice and Constable Dist. No. 6. State vs White. Geo P Topping, J P fees 3 95 L A Liljeqvist, Dep Pros Attorney, mileage, etc... 16 20 In re Coroner's Court Expenses. Inquest Le Roy Jones— Jurors. C B Zeek........................... 1 00 N F Taylor....................... 1 00 Thos Langlois................... 1 00 Peter Jergensen................ 1 00 ! C Evan Lucas..................... 1 '00 W R Mavity....................... Witnesses. Geo E W ilson.................. JajnesH Welch................... 1 00 C on tin u ed n e x t week, J A meeting was held by the Co­ quille Fire Department and a num­ ber of our business men on Wednes­ Interesting List of Events to Take day of last week, at which it was decided that Coquille would pro­ Plare at Marshfield, Oregon, ceed to celebrate our country's July 1 2 -3 4 5. ! birthday in a manner that will be a credit to the city and the people, The Coos County Racing Association j Committees as follows were ap­ has given out the followin program of pointed: its July race meet. ear R. E.SHINE, Vise Pres SHERWOOD P r i s . 0. C SANFORD, Asst. C i t h l t r I . H. HAZARD, Csshler PROGRAMME FIRST DAY, FKIDAK, JULY 1st. CELEBRATION COMMITTEE 50 No. 1—Running 5-8 mile dash, Marshal o f the Day, • A. T. Morrison 50 purse.......... ................................. »125 00 MUSIC AND ORATION 50 No. 2—Trotting and pacing ^ M. O. Hawkins Aaron Wilson mile heats, 2:30class, best two 50 Sam Nosier Dr. Richmond out of three, purse............. 100 00 C. H. Cleaves 50 Race No. 3 — Half-mile Burro 50 DECORATING race, purse............................... 5 00 State vs Yoakam. « W ill Celebrate the Fourth JULY RACE P er Y No. 4— 100-yard foot race, (med­ als lor first and second places.) No. 5— Running % mile dash, for horses owned and kept in Coos and Curry counties since Jan. 1, 1910, catch weights, purse... 75 00 No. 5)^— Running broad jump (medals for 1st and 2d places.) No. 6— Rrelay race for saddle horses of eight miles. The re­ lay race is to cover lour days, two miles are to be run eacli day, riders to change horses every half mile. The winner will be declared the 4tb day. Purse............................................. 100 00 SECOND DAY, SATURDAY, JULY 2 . E. A. McDuffee Frank Burkholder J. W. Leneve Jack Tozier C. I. A. S. OP C O g U IU llH , ORBGOft. T r a n s a c t s a G e n e ra l B a n k in g B u s in e s s FRED PARADE E. E. Johnson R. H. Mast O R E G O N C O Q U IL L E , ('Q O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O * SPORTS A. J. Sherwood Geo. E. Pike J. S. Lyons DANCE C. W. Endicott Fred Slagle Jas. Watson David Fox Gene Wickham «.) SLAGLE T A IL O R L H. Hazard J. S. Lyons BARBECUE AND DINNER E. A. Beckett Geo. E. Peoples O. A. Mintonye W . C. Laird C. E. Baxter L. A. Liljeqvist T. T. Land Csrrsspssdssts. B o n d s f Di r ect or s. It. O. Dement, A . J. Sherwood, National Bank o Commerce, New Yorl. I i L . Harlocker, L. H. Hazard, r’ rocker Woolworth N’ lBank, San Fran, i Isaiah Hacker, R. K. Shine. ! First Nat’l Bank of Portland, Portland. E. VanMarter R. Nosier N . Gould W. Johnson No. 7—% -m ile dash, purse...... 175 00 FIRE WORKS No. 8—Pacing ar.d trotting, % Dr. W. Culin J. A. Lamb mite heats, for 2:15 class, best E. A. McDuffee 2 out of 3, purse......................... 150 00 The committee on finance consist­ No. 9—420 yard loot race (med­ ing of Chas. Baxter, Henry Lorenz, als for 1st and 2d places.) No. 10—Burro race, '..'-mile dash Wifi Lyons, W. C. Chase and C. O. to harness, purse........................ 5 00 Cryden, are doing good work hav­ No. 10K—Running high jump, ing secured a sum sufficient to as­ ( medals for'.ls tand 2nd places.) sure a genuine success. While the No. 11—J^-mile dash, catch members of the other committees weights, for horses not trained this season, purse........................ 20 00 are doing their full share toward No. 12—Running fa-mile. Own­ the entertainment of the large ers handicapped for horses crowd sure to come to Coquille to kept and owned in Coos coun­ hear the eagle scream. ty since Jan. 1, ’ 10, pu rse.. . . » 125 00 No. 13— Relay race (earn as No. S ore THIRD DAY, SUNDAY, JULY 3 d . F IR S T N A T IO N A L B A N K ftlp lc s NEW MACHINE SHOP M. D. 6H E R R A R D , PROPRIETOR Rose Building, Second Street, Coquille - - - - Oregon Are prepared to do all kinds of repairing in ma­ c h in ery -large and small— in a scientific workman-like manner. Special and attention given to Donkey and Gasoline Engines, Automobiles, etc % ZSZSZSZSSZSZS2S2S Any mother who has had experi­ No. 14— Running j^-mile dash for ence with this distressing ailment horses owmed and kept in Coos will be pleased to know that a cure and Douglas counties since Jan. 1. ’ 10, catch weight, purse 100 00 may be effected by applying Cham­ No. 15— Free-for-all. trotting and berlain’s salve as soon as the child pacing, fj-m ile, best three out is done nursing. Wipe it off with of five, p u rse .............................. 175 00 a soft cloth before allowing the babe No. 16—220-yard hurdle race to uurse. Many trained nurses use (medals (or 1st and 2d places.) this salve with best results. Foi No. 16J.J— 100 yard dash (medals for 1st and 2d places.) sale by R. 8 . Knowlton No. 17— Running, one mile dash Purse............................................ 175 00 Dora Bluhm No. 18— Relay race (same No. 6.) FOURTH DAY, MONDAY, JULY 4 t H. * * * * * * * X Han Pedro, Calif., May 27.— The * seboooer Dora Bluhm, out seven ^ days from C oos Bay fo r Han Pedro, 100 00 went ashore on Santa Rosa Island Wednesday n ig h t and wns totally wrecked. Captain JohDsoD and the crew o f six men were saved. She 250 00 carried 350,000 feet of lumber. No. 19—Running fj-m ile dash, for horses owned and kept in Coos county, since Jan. 1. ’ 10. Catch weights, purse............. No. 19%—440-yd foot race (med­ als for 1st and 2d places.) No. 20—Trotting and pacing 1- mile heats, bets 3 in 5, free for all, purse..................................... No. 20%—pole vault (medals for 1st and 2d places.) The Dora Bluhm left here last No. 21— Running f s-mi!e catch week on her first trip from Coos weights, liorseB not trained Bay having loaded at the C. A. this season, purse................... 30 00 Smith Mill for San Pedro. She was No. 21%—'y-m ile relay race, sil­ an old vessel, and belonged to the ver trophy. No. 22—Running 1 mile dash, Pacific States Trading Company of purse..................................... ....... 200 00 San Fiancisco, of which Capt. E. No. 23—Relay (same as No. 6.) FIFTH DAY. TUESDAY, JULY OTH. No. 24— Running )£-mile conso­ lation for horses uot winning any money at this meeting, purse.............................................. 100 00 No. 25—Running %-mi\* match race between Cardwell’s King Kohr and Seeley’s McBcth. No. 26—(Special.) No. 27—(Special.) No. 28— Automobile race. In all races, etrance fee 10 per cent of the amount of purse deducted from first and second money winners. Money divided 60 per cent first horse, 30 per cent second horse and 10 per cent thin) horse. Weights, 10 pounds below scale, unless otherwise stated. Enteries close at the fair grounds 12 o ’ clock noon the day before race, with Racing Secretory G. W. Carleton. All athletic events shall be conducted under the Amateur Association Rules. None but amateurs under 21 years ot age shall be eligible to compete in any event, excepting race No, 4. This race is open to persons of any age who are amateurs. Race No. 16)^ is open to bfna fide High school or Grade stu­ dents only. Ail entries for athletic events close at 12 o’ clock noon the day before the event. Athletic enteries free. Register with R .O . Graves, athletic secretary. Roces start at 2 o ’cloek p. m. sharp eachday. A. WoodsiHeis head. Capt."John­ son and her crew all belong at San Francisco. Ward M. Blake, who has charge of the cargo shipments for the C. A. Smith Company, Raid that they bad received a brief message con­ cerning the wreck, but as the news had not been confirmed be did not care to discuss it. The cargo was consigned to the southern firm, but whether the loss will fall on the buyers or the C. A. Smith Company is not known.—Coos Bay Times. The Iloneyman Hardware Co., of Portland, Oregon, j have sent a hurry-up telegraph or­ der for 68 more self-setting planes, , to the makers, Gage Tool Co., Vine- land, N. J. These planes are in demand and our local dealers can get them of aeven other Portland dealers as well as those in Oregon City, Hood River, Seattle, Tacoma, and other coast cities. C ak pen ters : — Quick A Curry make the galvan­ ized screen door; standard sizes on hand; spetial sizes made in short j ' order. Also handy, adjustabls win­ dow screens, ironing boards, sleeve : boards, bread boards, drain boards | j and meat safes. Cheap Dairy Ranch—240 seres, Begin now to provide fora “ ramy about 120 aeres ereek bottom and day,” by placing your earning» in 40 or 50 clear, orchards and build-, the Farmer’s and Merchant’s Bank. Call on Lyons & Jones Saturday ings. $6000. Easy terms. See E. and get fresh vegetables for your] N. Smith, Myrtle Point, Oregon. | Sunday dinner. The shoes tor woodsmen; Tozier’s For a good second-hand Singer —S. F. Shoe«. The gloves for wear sewing machine, call at the H ub - Logger Fear G lo v e s E. L. Tozier I » t . d office. THE O. K. BARBERSHOP L COCHRAN, Proprietor * * * X X X Hot and Cold Baths, Hair Cutting and Massag- ^ ing a Specialty. ^ One o f the Most Up-to-Date Shops in the City X X Coquille, Oregon | W . h . Schroeder JEW ELER C o q u ille, - O reg o n Bring me your W atch and Jewelry repairing. I will treat you right. A G ood U n e o f W a tc h e r A lw a y s on H and THE N E W MEATMARKET SLAGLE BROS., Proprietors C h o ic e F re n li M e a t s w a v s on H and Opposite Postoffice A l- COQUILLE, OREGON