The schooner Ruby sailed from For alp. Bandon for San Francisco on Sun­ I A lot of late Nile, and also earlv At her home on Fr,day evening. Ladjes- silk and kid gloves at day. May 13th, Mrs. K V B. Ntckltn * peas. A. H. Fish, Arago. Phene Why not have a Voile dress for 'VBDNESDAY, MAY 18 , 1910 . entertained a number of young Golden Rule 71 . people at Five Hundred. The The steamer Bandon arrived in the summer? Get it at the Golden Rule. Local advertisements among local rooms were made very attractive by the Coquille on Monday, For Sale. ri - 1 ling five cents per line each inser­ the artistic arrangement of rhodo- _ Mr. and Mrs. George Hite, of tion. Cards c i thanks 50 cents each. deudrons and roses. <} ,r‘'en 8ee,U Ht K-.owIton a Bandon, visited in town the first of Obituary poetry five cents per line. Sixteen tons of fine oat bay. E, . , ... . . ! Drug Store. K -nlutiona of Condolence and lodge After the prevailing game of the the week. A. Wittier, Arago. Phone 7 xx. a lv jrtiging five cents per line. evening the 1st prizes were award- J W Offield was up from his E. G. Perham has taken the con­ ed to Miss Esther Johnson and Mr farm Saturday and reported good tract lor the construction of the new For Sale. Woman’s Study Club Entertains James Watson, the consolation ( prospects, Farmers and Me.chants Bank and prizes being carried off by Miss . _ . . ^ the Barker-Richracnd building. Boru.— At Fatrvtew. Oregon, The Woman’s Study Club this | Lucia Sperry and Mr. C. J. Ftthr- S. L. Lafferty, of Coquille, lias May 8th, to Mr and Mrs. W. O. Oliver Hoglie who has been up three good horses for sale. 12 and year has taken a correspondence man. Delicious refreshments, consist- j Matthews, a son. in tbe Fisbtrap country for some 14 hundred pounds. course in Oregon History under ing ol sandwiches, olives, cake, ice „ . , ~ „ ___ ___ time, was in town the first of the 1 ’rol. Joseph Schafer. As a fitting cream and coffee were served by the Robert " a* ner’ ofGravel Ford’ ending to the years’ work an enter­ hostess, after which Miss Johnson was a passenger to Bandon by | week. Timberland For ale- tainment was held at the beautiful and Mi. barton graciously respond­ Monday’s Coquille. Mrs. O. A. Kelly, of Riverton, is N$ NeJ Sec 12 Tp 28 R to W. Nye home to which the pioneers ed to the entreaties for music. W. H. Schroeder, the jeweler, enjoying a visit from her brother, Address, Joseph Schrems, Rose- Those present were: Misses who had been here forty years or was a passenger down the river_ by Robert A- Burns, of Birmingham, burg, Oregon. more, were invited. After a short Emma Sherwood, Mabel Wilson, Monday morning’s Coquille. Alabama. program the pioneers were called Florence Atkinson, May Beaver, A. D. Stewar*, a late arrival, who The Golden Rule is headquarters Jottie Watson, Frank ! . * " ' “' . ' " I upon for reminiscences and re- j Lucia Sperry, _ , , . . . . . . I for ladies hair goods— turhans, has been at Jonsm.’s mill for some, Johnson, and Mabel , . . 1 time, is suffetiiig from ^ponded to, "What were the early Dean, ’ Esther very sore j .. _ , _ __ _ | turban pins, barrettes, etc. «ays of transportation?” ‘.‘ Why did Wright. Messrs. Schow, J. C. Sav­ finger on each hand. iovetwTTaTTSmootll^atlnj^ompIeT For a S°?d s^ond-hand Singer j > ru come her, how did you come j age, C. J. Fuhrman, Roy Fox, C. sewing Io n , a n d w h a t s a t is fa c t io n a n d p e a c e o f machine, call at the H kr - A full line of shoes—for men m in d It s p o s s e s s io n b r in g s . T h e lin e s here and why did you stay?” “ The W. Endicott, Harry Fulsom, L- A. ALD office. women, and children at Henry o f a g e . w o r r y and o v e rw o rk a re ren d er­ first churches, the first schools, the [ Liljeqvist, Jt mes Watson and J. 8. e d w e ll n ig h p o w e r le s s b y M r s . N e t t l e Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Lawliorn and Lorenz’s store. Indians and many other interesting Bai ton. HARRISON’S LOLA MONTEZ CREME $ son, Ratliff, are in from their farm Mrs. Alfred Johnson, Jr., return­ A w o n d e r fu l s o o th e r , h e a le r a n d p r o te o - - • ■ 5 ) l >pics. Mrs. Ben Figg recited near McKinley and will be at their ed the last of the week from a visit t o r to a d r y , c o n t r a c t e d o r c h a p p e d Decoration Day Program. “ The Pioneers,” a poem most s k in . I t Is C o m p le x io n In s u r a n c e . with ber brother, Ed Boyrie, und town home a few days. C o n v in c e y o u r s e lf o f Its r e m a r k a b le family, of Portland. suited to the occasion. p o w e r b y o b ta in in g a f r e e s a m p le an d For Sale.— A lot of excellent field Following we g ve the Decoration • B o o k “ SECRET OF IEAUTT UNO GOOD HEALTH" a | 4 After a most enjoyable exchange Day program in which as many Another shipment of ladies' waists peas for seed at 3 c per pound. Geo. of memoirs the pioneers were called of our citizeus should take part as just in at Robinson’s. Knowlton’s Pharmacy, Coquille S T. Moulton. out to supper. The table was most possible: The steamer Fifield arrived in the •? Mrs. Geo. P. Topping came up beautifully banked with rhododen­ river last Wednesday, sailing agaiu : Procession forms at MasoDio Hall from Bandon last week and visited Saturday. She will be due again in drons and an'early time feast was at 10 a. m. and proceeds to the her sister, Mrs. Nelson Smith, while a day or two. served consisting of home-made cemeteries to decorate the graves. w rit« for our confidential letter before up-1 Mr. Topping attended court. For a job of first-class Mending, i to pickles, hot doughnuts, miniature plving for patent; it may be worth m on ef. I A short program will be rendered W e promptly obtain U. 8. and Forei .a Dying or Cleaning, or a uew suit; Just received a full line of ladies’ pots of beans and tiny rolls of browu at the cemetery. tailored, call on K. Holverson, at $4 bread, saudwitches and coffee with At 2 p. m. a special program will kid gloves— all shades— at Henry the rear of the Pharmacy building j P® »m l T R A D E M A k K S or re ti-n E H Lorenz’s Store, most delicious cream. \k* R E attorney’» fee. bend mod«I, sketch be given at the Masonic Hall: Mu­ Ladies' muslin and knit uuder- T or I photo ’ ‘ and wo we send an [ I M “ M E J| A * T E “ D. C. Gibson, of Portland, who Among the pioneers present were: sic by the band and choir; invoca­ F R E E report on patentability, W e give patent wear at Robinson’s Store. the best legal legal service service and and advice, and oar ________ Capt. and Mrs. Butler, Mr. and Mrs. tion by Rev C. H. Cleaves; address has spent tbe greater portion of charges are moderate. T ry ns. Mrs. L P. Maury started yester­ Fred Schroeder, Mrs. Ben Figg, by Rev. T. B. Me Donald; recitation the past three summers in this city, SWIFT & C C j day for Snohomish, Washington, P a te n t L a w y e r*, Mrs. M. H. Hersey, Mr. and Mrs. by Mrs. R. R. Watson; solo by Mrs. arrived last week and is meeting his where she goes to see ber daughter. Opp. U.S. Patent Office,Washington, O.b Pike Maury, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ellon Tyrrell; recitafion by Miss many friends. Mrs. Bartholomew, who is suffer­ Sherwood, Rev. Hollenbeak, Mrs. Nettie Belloni; song America. Have you seen the new allover- ing from typhoid. i ice and embroidery fronting at Goodman, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. The shoes tor woodsmen; Tozier’s Robinson’s 8tore. Knowlton', Mrs. Hudson. Mrs. Dim- Found. CO QU ILLE RIVER LINE — S. F. Shoes. The gloves for wear mick, Mr. and Mrs. Patterson, Mr. J. F. Lee was up from Riverton Logger Fear Gloves. E. L. Tozier. [ and Mrs. Walter Sinclair, Mrs. W, A small pocket book containing Monday, and is now able to get H H. Grinnold, of this city, is V. Cope, Jonathan Quick.and Mrs. money and a check book. Owner about with the aid of a stick instead of crutches. He is rapidly recover­ suffering from a very lame hip, I P LY IN G BETW EEN J. P. Messer. Miss Lusk the Past- can have the same by proving prop­ ing from his fall. caused, be thinks, from a severe President of the Club was another erty and paying for this add. Lyons & Jones always try to have sprain suafained while raising the guest ot honor. something nice on hand for you for SAN FRANCISCO Skeels building at the foot of Hall - - ---------- your Sunday dinner. In bed we laugh, in bed we cry, SA IL IN G E V E R Y EIG H T DAYS street. Eighth Grade Examination And born in bed, in bed we die. Mrs. Herbert Haynes, of the Bay Passen g e r3, F re ig h t Begin now to provide for a “ rainy The near approach a bed may show side, went to Bandon Monday to At the recent state examination Of human bliss to human woe. see her sister, Mrs. G. R. Hancock, day," by placing your earnings in Low Rates and Excellent Accom­ — I s a a c dk B b n s b b a d e . after visiting with her mother, Mrs the Farmer's and Merchant’s Bank. modations. Our Interests are of the eighth grade In this city, the your Interests. entire class, instructed by Miss An Ostermoor is the best—Laird has V. L. Arrington, of Myrtle Point a Men let us take your order, at them. few days. Hughes, passed with high honors. The Golden Rule, for a suit to be ------- > a------------- A. F. ESI A BROOK CO. A new line of ladies’ elastic belts made by Strauss Bros, of Chicago. This is a good showing for both M E Church, South. Agents just in at Robinson’s. teacher and pupils, and one of which Come in and see the 500 samples San Francisco and Bandon J. B. Moomaw who sustained a they may tf>ell feel proud. The ex ­ and let us take the order for your Services next Sunday, preachmg badlv hurt knee while handling Fourth of July suit now. aminations were conducted by Miss freight as deckhand on tbe steamer Dispatch last week, is on deck Emma Sherwood and Miss Hughes by the pastor. Robinson’s Store fins just received At night a special service will be again, but not able to do a great a new line of art, fronting, round The highest average was that of thread and butchers linen in white, George Crow, being 97 and seven held. The pastor will take for his deal of heavy work. The Revs. F. R. Zugg, of North also art linen in brown. subject: "The Vision of Mirzah.” ninths. Bend, A. Haberly, of Bandon, and Herbert Adams, of Riverton, was There were twenty-two in the Mrs. Cbas. Moomaw will sing, ‘‘His J. 0 . Linegar, of Marshfield, went Blessed Face.” Also a vocal solo class as follows: George Oerding, to Myrtle Point yesterday to take in Coquille Monday. His brother- ! Alice Cnlln, Laura Watson, Naomi will be rendered by Mr. C. E. Mc­ part in the installation of Rev. G in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Delivered anywhere in Knowlton, Imogene Alexson, Irvin Curdy, Let everyone be present at W. Taylor as Presbyterian minister Bradley, late arrivals from Minne­ at that place. sota, are now living on Mr. Adams’ j town by the month or on Watson, Edna Harlocker, Della this service— and especially the Robinson’s store will have ladies’ farm near Riverton. Lund, Vesta King, Erma Culin, young people. special orders. dusters in stock in a few days. Those onion sets at Knowlton’s Maybelle Crouch, Clifford Kern, Frank Hastings, Jno. Stephens, were grown especially for him by m id < o n s tl| H ifio n . Georgia Watson, Wendell Knapp, R. J. Huggart and their families, one of the best growers of sets in j For years I wsb troubled with bil­ Willie Crow, George Crow, Perry from Spokane, Washington, passed the Willamette valley. Lawrence, Nellie Custer, Lynn iousness and constipation, which through this city by wagons and Being short on logs tbe mill at Mv teams for the Bandon section where Snow, Alice Stanley, Hazel Howey made life miserable for roe. ibis place closed down tbe middle appetite failed me. I lost my usual they expect to locate. and Georgia Laud. force and vitality. Pepsin prepa­ For Sale. — Studebaker wagon, of last week, and did not start up « ->•» « McCormick mowing machine and again till Monday morning. Messrs Ira BuzaD, the inveterate miner, rations aod cathartics only made rake. Frank Nelson, Norway. Aasen took advantage of the time j matters worse. I do not know was down from Eckley two or three Mrs. A. R. Clinton, who has been days last week renewing old ac­ where I should have been today had in the state of Washington visiting intervening to have some impor-1 quaintances and forming new ones. 1 not tried Chnralierlain’s Stomach her mother for several months, re­ tant repairs made. Eggs for hatching— White Ply- [ Mr. Buztin has lost none of his en­ and Liver Tablets. The tablets re­ turned last Sunday after having thusiasm for Coos and Curry coun­ lieve the ill feeling at once, strength­ spent some time at the hot springs mouth Rocks, and Brown Leghorns $l.oo per setting, also Indian Run­ for the benefit of her health. ties’ mining siction. It is still his! en the digestive functions, purify ner ducks. J. C. Watson, Coquille.. the stomach, liver and blood, help­ Just received at Knowlton’s Drug opinion that Southern Oregon has Prof F. S. Bunch, of Gravel j Store, a large lot of the finest onion some of the best mineral-bearing 1 ing the system to do its work nat­ sets ever seen in this market. hord, started recently for Portland j urally. Mrs. Rosa Potts, Birming­ leogea u the county, and all thnt is A. M. Snyder, of Myrtle Point, where he will attend a meeting of j These tablets are for needed is a good sum of money ham, Ala. was in Coquille Saturday and in­ the Seventh Day Adventist church. [ judiciously expended iu develop­ wale by R. S. Knowlton. formed us that his wife, who under­ He was accompanied by bis mother, ] ment work ami there will be opened went an operation for appendicitis who spent several weeks in town at Portland a short time ago, is Card of Thanhs some excellent pajing mines. In rapidly recovering and expects to lately with her daughter, Mrs.! other colums in this paper is a Watkins. We wish to thank our many be able to return home in about writeup of a Josephine county two weeks. Our shelves are full of new epring prospect which it is claimed extended friends and neighbors for their Mrs. Spandiug has undergone an and summer goods. Call and see to w ithin the limits of Coos and kindness and sympathy in the sad operation at Mercy Hospital and it them and get prices. We are al Curry, and from what Mr. Buzan accident and death of our son. is now hoped the worst is over and ways ready to wait on you at Henry M b Ajtn Mis H. C. H c u b e s . tebs ns, there are indications which that she will be home with tbe fam­ Lorenz's. would tend t<> bear out the assertion. ily soon. Mr. Spalding and tbe The rebuilt Codv mill started up While there has been but little children returned from the Bay on Monday. Tbe Boilers and en­ prospecting for other metals than . . . . . . _ ¡Sundav, and will goon go down to gines were warmed up on Saturday, gold, it is a known fact that they W atchmaker, Engraver, ^ th„ homeatead to do some planting. the wheels turned to see how they exist, and as to the qualities, re­ 1 Call and examine the full line cf would work and on Monday, all ..... O p ticia n ...... mains to be determined by develop­ , Men’s and Children’s clothing— being in order, a good start was ment. Expert Service. [latest styles -at Henry Lorenz’s made. This is now a tar better . • j store. mill than before the fire and one This, the 18th ol May, is the date On Sunday afternoon, an aut«- of which the valley feels proud. that our little planet is to betangled L* + Ä i* * | mobile party from Coquille visited up with the tail of Haley’s comet. I North Bend. L. H. Hazard in bis ' Robinson's store carries an up-to- If you want your While many have had forbodings of auto, carried Mrs. Hazard and Miss date stock of fine white goods, Lingerie Batiste, Flaxon, Linatre, shoes repaired go various evils to cotne from our con­ ! Florence Atkinson, while Miss Persian I.awn, India linen, Organdie tact with the comet or the sparks Esther Johnson, in ber father's new to and Nainsook. from it, nothing of that nature' is machine, carried Mr and Mrs J evident so far, only a few even re­ W. Lenevr. M i * h Emma Sherwood ! John Notley, of Santa Cruz Ca!i- porting a good sight ol it. Our aul L. A' Lilj*qvi't M isa Johnson fornia, who bad spent a week in weather seetus a little unusual, and is a very ab'e cbeffeor, hati-liing this city looking after projierty in some ate inclined to blame that to the maehiueina very clever in inner •etests and enjoying a visit with opposite First many old friends of hts lather, the comet. The past few nights Cheap Dairy Ranch 240 acres, National Bank, have been very cool, light frosts be­ about 120 acres creek bottom and William Notley, went as far as Coos Bay 00 bis return Motidav after­ ing noticeable on some occasions, 40 or 50 e'enr, orchards and build-, Coquille, Oregon. but we have heatd of no damages inga. flilXH). Finny teitns. See K. noon He will «ail on the next W «A ^ V > i* 7 •£ 'jt vjA N Smith, MyitPi Foirit. (I*, eia , t Plant. what**»r, Coquille tyerald. At Fiye Hundred. N ADDITIONAL LOCAL H O TEL B A X TE R C entrally a n d C o n v e n ie n tly Located. 'T a b le S u p p lie d w i t h the B e s t the M a r k e t A f fords. S a m p l e R o o m s for C om m ercial Men. T ra n sfe r o f B a g g a g e t< a n d f r o m B o a t s a n d T r a i n s . .............................. I. G Recently Newly Furnished Throughout IRBY § --------------- --------- P r o p r ie to r and M anager EVERY WOMAN wanted I nventors I I A U\ CORN, PEAS, VETCH, .CLOVER (all kinds) RYE, GRASS, ETC., BEETS, CAR­ ROTS, KALE, ETC. I $ Full Supply of Field Seeds And all Kinds of Garden Seeds I PATENTS STMR. Of Interest to Dairymen KNOWLTON’S DRUG STCRF We Do We Repair AND G R IN D IN G P O L IS H IN G R !N C S TO N E S E T T IN G M A K IN C E N C R A V IN C ACATE W ATCHES C LO C K S JE W E L R Y COMBS BARRETTS PHONOCRAPHS FIFIELD BANDON AND ÄII Work Guaranteed E. C. Barker & Co. %ZSZffiSZSZSZSSZSS2^ZSZSZSZ^^ Fresh Milk and Cream George Lorenz We Carry a Complete Stock of B U G G Y P O L E S Eveners, Singletrees, Bolts, etc., and do a General Blacksmithing and Horseshoeing Business All Work Guaranteed COX s COX C o q u ille , O re g o n REAL ESTATE When you have Real Estate for Sale LIST IT WITH US V. R. WILSON When you want to Invest in Real Estate C A L L ON US GUS. ANDERSON J. W . LENEVE, COQUILLE %