Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, May 18, 1910, Image 1

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    Coquille JleMît
V ol .
27: No 30
Entered an second-class matter May
8, 1905, at the postoffice at Coquille,
Orearon, under act of Congress of March
State Wide
Office over Rose’ s Store, Front St.,
C o q u il l e , O r e g o n .
O1Ö03 Phone Main 211.
Farmers’ Union Meets.
for Good
— All Should
Part in it.
The muetiog called for Saturday
by the Farmers’ Union was held in
the Heazlet Theatre and was well
attended by a very enthusiastic
crowd who thoroughly enjoyed the
days intertainment.
The address of welcome was de­
livered by Attorney W . C. Chase,
who is not at all unfamiliar with the
principles upon which the Union is
based, the demands made by the
organization and the means em­
ployed to achieve its purpose. Hav­
ing been raised on a farm, Mr.
Chase fully appreciates the situation
and has do hesiteDcy in expressing
himself in full sympathy with the
farmer. Ilis address was much en­
The second number on the pro­
gram was a song by little Miss
Frohaska, who possesses a very
u d u s u s I voice for a child of her a g e ,
which brought forth a hearty encore
to which she graciously responded.
Rev T. B. McDonald then came
forward with a short talk on the
social side of this great problem, a
feature which should not be ne­
glected, as he clearly showed in the
course of his remarks.
Prof. Cecil Iv. Lyaus then ap­
peared with his violin and with Miss
Iva Howey as accompanist, rendered
a solo in a very laudable manner,
bringing forth a hearty applause.
State Organizer Hill delivered one
of bis impressive and convincing ad­
dresses, making clear not only the
many advantages to be gained
through organization, but the abso­
lute necessity of such action upon
the part of the producer to enable
him to get anywhere near a fair
compensation for his efforts.
An adjournment was then taken
until atter the uood hour, and when
all had partaken of the midday re­
past, a goodly number again as­
sembled, Mr. Hill entertaining by
further explaining the many advan­
tages to be derived by thorougly
understanding the commercial situ­
After the obligation of new mem­
bers and the installation of the
officers of this Union took place,
Mr. Hill snog a solo in a very r leas-
ing manner aud Mrs Peter Johnson
gave a recitation, which concluded
a very satisfactory meeting
Another meeting of this Union
will be held today for the purpose
of looking after some unfinished
business before Mr. Hill returns to
his home in eastern Oregon.
The following letter was received
by Road Supervisor Brewer, of this
city recently and was written by
Lionel R. Webster, Chairman of the
Executive Committee of the Oregon
Good Roads Association, and is
self explanatory:
The purpose of the Oregon Good
Roads Association is to assist in
organizing each county of the state
into a good roads association, with
a view of procuring such an amend­
ment to the constitution of the
state, and such legislation as will
make it practicable to raise the
money so that permanent highways
may be built in every county in the
It is manifestly impossible,
and no one knows that better than
you who are directly engaged in the
work, to build macadamized roads,
or other permanent roads, by an­
nual taxation.
A few miles each
year might be built in that way, but
to build very much of such roads
would make the taxes too high and
oppressive to the people.
Now if
each county had a right to issue
bonds running over several years,
the money might be obtained at
once for building such roads and
the people begin to profit by the
advantages of having them. Under
the preseut constitution a county
cannot issue bonds for that or anv
other purpose.
If an amendment
to the constitution, permitting each
county to issue such bonds, were
adopted it would not of course
compel the county to issue bonds,
but would merely permit it to do so
upon a majority vote of the people
of that county. It is not necessary
for me to tell a man as familiar with
the subject of roads as you are, the
great advantages and profit of a
hard surface, permanent road that
could be travelled at all times of the
year, and upon which you could
haul rill the load that your wagon
could carry.
Really, everyone
knows that, if they will only stop to
think of it.
Besides, after such
roads were built the expense of
keeping them up would be but a
small matter compared to the ex­
pend of attempting to keep a dirt
road in repair.
In addition to this constitutional
amendment some legislation will be
Washington, D. C., May 13.— A
proposed providing for some form
bill providing (or the opening to
of state assistance, and also for the
agricultuial settlement and devel­
appointment of a State Highway
opment of the surface lauds which
Besides that it is
have been classified as coal lands
intended to ask the legislature to
passed the House today.
provide for using the penitentiary
measure would reserve about sev­
convicts, as well as others serving
enty million acres as coal land to
city and county sentences in the
be worked on the surface for agri­
building of roads.
I am only briefly outlining to
you some of the questions to be
Washington, D. C. May 13.—
The one which I re­ A d eartbquuke of moderate intensi­
gard as of the greatest importance ty was recorded by the weather bu­
is the constitutional amendment, reau early today.
------------ .♦ -• --------------■
because I believe that the best way
I>o II
and the surest way for people to
Now is the time to get rid of
get aything, or do anything in this
world is to get it or do it themselves. your rheumatism. You can do so
I know there are many counties in by applying Chamberlain's Lini.
this state that would issue bonds ment. Nine cases out of ten are
now if they had the constitutional simply muscular rheumatism due to
right to do so, and if a county does cold or damp, or chrunic rheuma­
not want to issue them the amend­
tism, and yield to the vigorous ap­
ment does not require it to do so,
Try it.
so if any county would not want to plication of this liniment'
issue bonds the people of that coun­ You are certain to be delighted with
ty ought not to staud in the way of the quick relief which it affords.
some other county that does want Sold by. R. 8. Knowlton.
to do it. I would like to hear what
you think ef the matter.
I am anxious to get in personal
If you want to sell your business
communication with as many rep­
resentative pe< p'e of each commu­ of any kind, or iTyon want to sell
nity as I can, and I would be glad yonr property, and will make the
if you would send me the Dames price right, I would like to hear
aDd addresses of ten of the leading
Give description and
' citizens of your road district.
In from you.
that way you can personally ren­ price. Address J. E. Smith 513
der considerable assistance in car­ Chamber of Commerce, Portland,
rying on the good roads work in Oregon.
18, 1910
Council Meeting.
W ic k h a m
H o u se
Theo. Bergman Shoe Mfg.Co.
P er Y e a r
R. E.SHINE. Vise Prea
0. C SANFORD, Aaat. Cashier
l. H. HAZARD, Cashier
The City council met in called
session on Saturday evening for the
transaction of business.
Among the matters of impoitance
looked after was the addition of
several names to the black list, a
thing some of the town’s booze T r a n n a c t s a G e n e r a l B a n k i n g B u s i n e s s
peddlers should take note of. The
fine for furnishing those parties
Boird of Director!.
with intoxicants is as high as fifty
A. J. Sherwood,
National Bank o Commerce, New York C|
dollars with a term of imprisonment R. O. Dement,
L. Harlocker,
L. H. Hazard,
Crocker Woolworth N ’lBank, San Franoi
throwD in.
Iftaiah Hacker,
R. E. Shine. First Nat’l Bank of Portland, Portland.
Tlie bids submitted on a lot of
printing to be done for the city was
referred to the finance oommittee
for further consideration.
An ordinance was passed calling
an election to take place on July 18,
1910, the purpose of which is to
give the voters of the city a chance
to make certain nmeDdmeuts to the
town’s charter in regard to side­
walks, sewers and streets, our pres­
ent ordinances being very deficient.
Full explanations will be printed
and mailed to each and every voter
in time for him to thoroughly in­
form himself prior to said election.
What is Believed to be the Greates
Body of Mineral Bearing Ore
Ever Found.
We give below an extended ac­
count of what is said to be the
greatest mining discovery on reo-
Dr. C. W. Endicott
ord, which was published in a re­
D entist
cent issue of the Salem Journal.
“ Merlin is a little— a very little
Office over First National Bank
— town on the line of the Southern
Phone Main 431.
Coquille, Oregon
Pacific Railroad,
in Josephine
County, Oregon.
It is possible
that you may be able to find it on
the map; but yon will not find it in
very big letters— at least just now.
A ttorney and Coanoellor at Law.
That it will be better known in a
Offioe in Robinson Building
few months from now is a very
strong probability, for it is the
nearest point on the railroad to the
big mining discovery of which you
perhaps now hear for the first time.
‘ •The discovery was made on the
Offio in Robinson Building, Upstairs
15th of last November— that is to
say, the ground was located at that
C Iniutx-rlalu * I.liim cnl.
time; but all that was knowu of it
This is a new preparation and a
was that the ore, or rock— for it
does not look much like the ordi­ good one. It is especially valuable
Attorney and Counsellor at Law
nary quartz of our western mining as a cure for chronic and muscular
Office Phone 335 Main
camps— carried some kind of metal. rheumatism, and for the relief from
Residence Phone 346 Main
The ore was first assayed for gold, pain which it affords in acute in­
and although it showed values of flammatory rheumatism. Those who
C oquille C ity , O rb
from $5 to $7 to the ton, it caused have used it have invariably spoken
but little comment in the neighbor­ of it in the highest terms of praise.
hood, for that kind of ore is far Lame back, lame shoulder and
from rare in that section. Still, the stiff Deck are due to rheumatism of
locator went to work and investi­ the muscles, usually brought on by
gated the ledge, or quarry— for it is exposure to cold or damp, and are
Martin Buildiug
moro like a quarry than a ledge— quickly cured by applying this lini­
C o q u il l e , O regon
and ran a tunnel on it fer 40 or 50 ment freely and massaging the af­
feet, and also sank several shallow fected parts. SoreDess of the mus­
shafts and ran several open cuts in cles, whether induced by violent ex­
A. J. Sherwood,
orcise or injury, is allayed by this
A tto bskt at - L a w ,
“ Not long ago Mr. Bailey, a Chica­ liniment. For sale by R. S. Know),
N o t a b t P u b l ic ,
go mining man, visited the camp, ton.
and events have proved that it was
a fortunate thing for the camp that
he did so. There are few mining
All Coos County warrants drawn
Walter Sinclair,
men who know anything about on the general fund and endorsed
A t t o r n e y -A t - L a w .
platinum ores and not many who prior to July 1st, 1908, will be
N o t a r y F u b l i o ,
are familiar with the ten-bearing paid on presentation at my office in
material. It so happened that this Coquille, Oreg. No interest will be
allowed od any of these warrants
Chicago engineer knew something after December 10th, 1909.
of both, and he at once suggested
Dated this 7th day of Dec. 1909.
Hall & Hall,
T. M. D immick ,
that the ores be tested for platinum
County Treasurer.
and tin. This was done, and the
A t t o b n e y r - at L a w ,
results were simply astonishing.
Dealer in U r a l E s t â t » o f all kinds.
Anyone in need of a Singer or
“ Before I tell you anything about
Marshfield, Oregon.
the country or the size of the ledge, Wheeler & Wilson sewing ma­ *
I will tell what the assayer certifies chine may be accommodated by
to finding in it, simply premising calling at Laird’s House Furnish­
E. G. D. Holden
the statement by saying that the ing establishment.
L awyer ,
For a burn or scald apply Cham­
J u s t i c e op t h e P eace
assays were made by a reliable
It will allay the
U. S. Commissioner, General Insnranoe
assayer of Grants Pass, personally berlain’s Salve.
Agent, and Notary Public. Office
known to me aud whose reliability pain almost instantly and quickly
in Robinson Bnilding.
will be vouched for by the Commer­ heal the injured parts. For sale
Coquille Oregon.
cial Club of that city.
The first by R. 8. Knowlton.
Quick & Curry make the galvan­
assay showed total values of $303.76
to the ton, divided as follows: Gold ized screen door; standard sizes on
$6.20; platinum, $142; tin, 17.60 hand; spetial sizes made in short
percent, or ¡$154.56.
Not a bad order. Also handy, adjustabla win­
showing, but still the assayer was dow screens, ironing boards, sleeve
t ot satisfied with the results, as it boards, bread boards, drain boards
Phone Main 13X.
wes going into new fields and so he and meat safes.
began trying some other process in
C abpentebs : — The
Board by Day, WecK or Month
order to check results, and here are Hardware Co., of Portland, Oregon,
three additional Rssayg— and, miDd have sent a hurry-up telegraph or­
Sample Hoonjs
Nice Batl)s
you, they were not made from der for 68 more self-settiDg planes,
selected rock, for the men who to the makers, Gage Tool Co., Vine-
gathered the samples were not land, N. J.
These planes are in
Special Attention Paid to
local dealers can
the Traveling Public.
than gold values, and even if they get them of seven other Portland
had known it, they did not know dealers as well as those in Oregon
enough about it to tell which was City, Hood River, Seattle, Tacoma,
Coos Bay Paving and Con­
the better ore. The first of the and other coast cities.
struction Company.
three assays, no test being made for
W hooping Cough,
gold, showed total values of $404.40
general contractors
of which $180.40 were in platinum
Plans and
Estimates Given
and $224 in tin; the second assav
Concrete Rricks Stone snil Timber
showed $976 80 in platinum and
$316.40 in tin, or a total of $1,239.2o.
Phone 151-J
while the third gave a total
Oflh'eB II” Front Street, Marshfield Ore.
i of $1,734.40, of which $1,404 were results from it. Chamberlain’s Cough
In i Remedy has been used in many
J platinum and $330 40 in tin.
these assays platinum was valued at epidemics of whooping cough, and
$22 an ounce and tin at 28 cents a always with the best results.
bert McKeig Harlan, Iowa says
Manufacturers o f
“ Another sample, taken from a 0f it: “ My boy took whooping
The Celebrated Bergmann Shoe
small cut 200 feet away and across cough when nine months old. He
The Strongest and Nearest Water
the ledge from the others, showed ' bad it in the winter. I got a bottle
Proof shoe made for loggers, miners 1 the state, and that means not only
47.10 ounces of platinum and 33 per 1 of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy
prospectors and mill men.
| the advancement of your own com­
A chance for a homestead entra cent of tin, with a total value of which proved good. I cannot rec-
621 Thurman Street
munity, but the advancement of the to the right man for one-fifth the j
$1,305 a ton.
commend it too highly.’’ For sale
P o r t l a n d , O regon .
whole state.
“ This much for the oreg and their by R. S. Knowlton.
I expect to viBit your county cost of improvements, on account
of sickness in f<mily.
For infor- 1 values. Now let us examine into
A I I c i i I h i e s . l r r l o r H u m s . I h u p * during the spring or summer, and
j to assiat in the organization of a mation inquire at H erald office.
,■.<! I I ....... .
S ore V liip l' «
the size and extent of the find. The
Eggs For Hatching
I will
Asa hea i-ig salve for burns, sores, Good Roads Arsociation.
Robinson's Store has just re- | Chicago engineer who brought the
Leghorns and White Ply-
sore nipples and chapped hands, have you notified when ami where ceived, cross bar dimity, Canton, news of the remarkable discovery i
... r. i.
a «
Cha iihcrlaiii’ a Silve is most excel­
Galatea, Blue and Brown Linens, to Salem, ststed to his friend, , h a t i noth Rock. $1.00 per setting,
It a llu v s 111-; pain of a burn
Serpentine Crape, Colored Hand­ the ledge was 600 Let wide and
White Leghorns $1.50 per setting,
aim jit instantly, and unless the in­ bring with you as many of your kerchief Linens and Khaki >lotb.
that it would show good values
Indian Runner ducks $2.00 per
jury is very severe, heals the parts friends and neighbors as can come i
Ladies' silk and kid gloves at The j clear across. He said that the ledge j getting
without leaving a soar.
Price, 25
(jolden Rule,
For sale by R. 8. Knowlton. ' add his effort to ibis grm t work
M. D. S H E R R A R D , P R O P R IE T O R
Rose Building, Second Street,
Are prepared to do all kinds o f repairing in ma­
small—in a scientific and
workman-like manner,
Special attention given
to Donkey and Gasoline Engines, Automobiles, etc
Hot and Cold Baths, Hair Cutting and Massag- ^
ing a Specialty.
One o f the
Most Up-to-Date Shops in
the City ^
* Coquille,
Oregon |
This is a more dangerous disease
than is generally presumed. It
will be a surprise to many to learn
that more deaths result from it than
return | from scaret fever. Pneumonia often
(Continued on Fourth Paged
J.C f j l M , O
W. H. Schroeder
C o q u ille ,
O reg o n
Bring me your Watch and
Jewelry repairing. I will
treat you right.
G o o d L in e o f W a t c h e s
A lw a y s on H and
SLAGLE BROS., Proprietors
C h o ic e F r e s h M e a t s
w a v s on H and
Opposite Postoffice
A i­