Coquille Heral> R S Knowlton. ♦ -»•» * « h n u ItrrlMln a l . l n m c n f . This is a new preparation and a good one. It is especially valuable as a cure for chronic and muscular rheumatism, and for tbe relief from pain which it affords in acute in* fl .minatory rheumatism. Those who have used it have invariably spoken of it iu the highest terms of praise. Lame back, lame shoulder and ■tiff neck are due to rheumatism of the muscles, usually brought on by exposure to cold or damp, and are quickly cured by applying this lini­ ment freely aod massaging the af- fectod parts. Soreness of tbe mus­ cles, whether induced by violent ex­ ercise or injury, is allayed by this liniment. For sale by It. 8 . Knowl- ton. FOR SALE. B y J. W. Citv L e n b v e , C o q u il l e , lots, for O b . residence. W alk k b , Coquille Agt. Aretino Talking Machine FREE with $25 00 caeh traJe and a cash payment of $2.50 on delivery of machine. One 10-inch record FREE with »10.00 in cash trade. One 10. inch record FREE with |5 00 in cash trade every Saturday. Remember tbe Aretino record fits all kinds of disc talking machines. DEALER IN ,a d i e » ’ Fancy STUTSMAN & CO. H A R R IN G T O N , Proprietor. ! Office on First Street, Op. Hotel Baxter. Phone Main 591 S p a a la l A t t e n t i o n Q lv a n to C tm r n a v a lil fian Lard, Hams, Bacon, yoooooooo<= Pres« Accepted throughout the civilized worlJ the as the most universally satisfactory il­ Button luminant for all purposes the Clennest EST light known. and We are headquarters fo r euerything in the m eat line, wants alw ays receiues prom pt attention. C O Q U IL L E V A L L E Y Incandescent Electric Light Most Convenient, and the CHEAP here Sausage, Fresh and Salt Meats. II Some of the best residence lots in Coquille, size 80x 100, price $200 to $240; terms $25 down and $ 10 per month. For These and Other Good Buys see 6 s m to 9 p m . PIONEER MEAT MARKET We Carry Five room bungalow and lot, 50x 100; $ 1700. p i e a l s R t a l l H o u rs P fo m In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Coos. In the Matter of the Estate of Charles A. Peterson, Deceased. Notice is hereby given by the under­ signed, executrix of the last will and testament of Charles A. Peterson, de­ ceased, to the creditors of and all per­ sons having claims against the said de­ ceased, to exhibit such ciaims, with the necessary vouchers, within six months after tbe first publication of this notice, to the said executrix, at the office of C. R. Barrow, which said office the undersigned selected as her place of business in all matters connected with said estate of Charles A. Peterson, de­ ceased. M ARY L . PETERSON, Executrix of the Estate of Charles A. Peterson, deceased. C. R. Barrow, Atty. for said Executrix. Dated and first publication at Co­ quille, on this the 11th day of May, 1910. One-hall' acre in beiries and a six room cottage close in, good barn, chicken bouse nnd wood shed. If you are looking for a borne, you will buy this place for $ 1250. f Skookum Restau rant, P A C K IN G you Your CO. That furnished by R IV E R the ELECTRIC COQU ILLE CO is firat have class and up to date in every inspect it. The rates placo it within reach of all Frank Morse, Prop., Coquille ~- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -» ->00000000 litis LEFT In Sm ith’s First Addition P atents to BANDON Scientific American. To close out the New York ffilHUIT Track at $ 20 to $ 3 0 each. RFI5TLE5 PLATES ARE RIGHT RFISTLE5 RATES ARE RIGHT Good Level Lots, Streets FRANK RE1STLE Opened; Title Perfect. OUR CUT 5 PRINT J. C. W atsoji , Coquille, Or. 80 acre ranch, 25 hend of cows, the best buy in southern Oregon; tbe price is right. Six large lots and a new seven toom bouse; $1900. and G e n ta ’ F u r n is h in g s a n d S t a p l e G r o c e r ie s , F lo u r a n d F eed. dersigned, administratrix of the estate of J. H. Schroeder, deceased, did upon the 26th day of June, A. D. 1908, file p i p a t - C l a a a her final account in the matter of said S e e v ie e . estate, and that the Judge of the County Court of Coos Countv, Oregon, has named the 6th day of May, A. D. 1910, at 10 o’clock a. m. as the day, and the Courthouse at Coquille, Coos County, A T T H E Oregon, at the place for hearing objec­ tions to said final account and for the C. A settlement of said estate. Dated this 5th dav of April, A. D. 1910. EMILY SCHROEDER, Wm I B a k c R a t a s t a Administratrix. » a g n i » Board*» ». NOTICE TO CREDITORS. F. J. HAYES 160 acre ranch within 4 mill * of Coquille on county road Price $5,500 Three lots, all cleared, ready for building; $300. 8 lots 3 blocks from postoffice; $800. 17 acres close in, at a at gain. 2 1 2 acres close in, the piiee will suit the buyers. 2 large lota and a 6 room house; » good buy for $2100. P. E. Drane screw 40 acres of timber land close to a Jg^TThe New and Speedy, driving stream. Price $800. 22 acres, with several acres bottom S tr. E liz a b e th land, nice bouse. Just outside tbe city limits of Coquille. Price $4500. Capt. Olsen, Maste. 10 acres, all bottom, in cultivation, Will make regular tripB between on Coquille river, J mile from Co­ Coquille River an 1 San quille. House and barn.— $2500. 20 acres, mostly bottom land, Francisco. ' close to Coquille, nil improved, with N o S top -over at W a y Porta. nice bouse and small barn, also E lcctiic Lights. Everything in Fir young orchard. Price $3800. Class Style. i t 5 acre farm, 4 mtles Irom Co­ quille, on county road. House, barn and other outbuildings, good orchard. Price $6250.00. $ 2000.00 cash, balance on easy terms. OPTEMETRIST General merchandise business with large trade— no opposition, At Dr. Richmond’s office the 24th One of the best opportunities in and 25th of each month. Don’ t southern Oregon for anyone want­ ing to go into the mercantile busi­ forget the date ness. 60 YEA RS’ 80 acre farm, all bottom land. EX P E R IE N C E 60 acres in cultivation, eood bouse and large dairy i>arn, good orchard, about 20 good dairy cows. Price reasonable with terms on part of purchase price. 80 acre dairy farm, located on 1 radc m A R aa D e s ig n s Hie C' quille river, 50 acres in culti­ C o p y r ig h t s 8 c . vation, 2 h u»e», 2 ba*iis, silo, 15 Anyone «ending a sketch and description may . ------------- ---------------- *nton free whether an good cow», good 01 chard. Price is putable. Communlca- HANDB00K on ratente ttont ___ ____ utrictly ctljro confident ________ lai, __________ right with liberal terms of part of *ent free. Oldest agency r for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn A Co. »ecelve ___ _ ____ _ gL____ ♦ ho luircltase price. fa cia l notice, without charge, In the 450 ncie stock ranch, with good hoii»e and barn. About 30 acres in A handsomely illustrated weekly. largest d a culation o f any actentlfle Journal. Terms. (3 a cultivation, balance seened to pcs •months, $L Bold by all newsdealer«. lure. D.'Catcd on county roa d ! wher (lore i» a daily mail. Price ] Brauch Office, Office. fl <96 F 8U Washington. D. C. $0 per acre 160 acre» of land, about 15 acres, bottom, balance hill. Very little cleared; fairly good house, quarter of a mile from school. Price, $900. Nice cottage, almost new, a bar­ gain. Price $800.00 Several income business proper ties in Coquille at reasonable prices. Lot 50x100, Front Street, Co­ quille. A bargain if sold soon. (N C R AVER a n o ELECTROTYPER 3 acres almost wi-liin the business reoar iiu i « jq . « t t Ptwvni c o t o part of the city with elegant resi­ dence, an ideal home, (get my price), 120 acres timber land—-about 4 million feet of cedar and fir— J ce­ dar, quarter mile from river. Per | acre $20. Robinson's Store has just re .. ♦ - ceived, cross bar dimity, Canton, Eggs For Hatching Galatea, Blue and Brown Linens, Brown Leghorns ami White Ply- Serpentine Crape, Colored Hand moth Rocks $1.00 per setting. kerchief Linens and Khaki Cloth. White I*eghorns $1.50 per setting. Insure in tbe Horticultural Fire Indian Runner ducks $2.00 per Relief, ot Salem, Strictly mutual, setting. and save 40 to 50 per cent. T. A. Call and See U> and Hear the Music. Lot 100x465 feet, with fair house. Five lots for $500. See J. W. Leneve. House and lot—a good buy at $450. 5 acres of land close to town at a very reasonable price. 40 acres timberland close to tbe g ^ T h e safe and reliable twin Coquille river for $700. An elegant home with 14 acres partly bottom land, just outside tbe city limits of Coquille. Nice 10 room house, nice barn, young orchard, nice spring water to hou»e. A rare bargain only $35o0 00. Terms. Some of the Best Buys in Town 11» It Vow. Geo. Nay. ----------S E E FAIR PRICE wanted inventors lo w rite for o u r com ident ial le tte r hr tore u p -1 plying for p a te n t; it mnjr he worth Jf W e p ro m p t;) o b ta ii t . 8 . am i F o re » and PATENT S, or reti ret. K A S D A A D E , M A i - » K TR attorney r * fee. Rend mode h o to and wê aeml an • « I L « report on pate ntability. V\ e give I legal «ervice and adviee, and onr I chargea are m oderate. Try us. TIR SW IFT & CO Pat o n t L a w yer*, ' 0pp. U.8. Pateat Office,WashiaptwHi, O.v. I I SMITH