(Coquille Henrik 27 : V ol . 35 No COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY Entered at* Hecoud-claas matter M a y 8 , 1905, at the poatoffice Coquille, Oregon, under act of Congress of March 3, 1879. * at DR. RICHMOND PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OHice over Rose’s Store, Front St., OoquiLLK, O kkgon . Otlioe Phone Main 211. Dr. C. W. Endicott D en tist Oflice over First National Bank Phone Main 431. Coquille, Oregon E. D, SPERRY ALL ENGLAND MOURNS KING Monarch of Great Britain Succumbs to Pneumonia and Com­ plications. London, May 7.— The tolling of the great bell of St. Paul’a Cathe­ dral at minute intervals between five and six o'clock this morning, an office only for the sovereign and Arch-Bishops of Canterbury and York, conveyed to the countless thousands of Londoners and its suburbs the first intimation of the death of King Edward. Popular interest in the D ew ruler is overshadowed by the universal grief at the death of Edward VII Attorney and Coanoellor at Law. The beloved monarch succumed to pneumonia which followed a bron­ chial attack at Buckingham Palace at 15 minutes before last midnight in the sixty-ninth year of his life W C. CHASE, and the tenth year of bis reign. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW The funeral arrangements have Offio in Robinaon Building, Upstairs Dot yet been announced but it is ex­ pected by court officials that the body will be buried at Frogmere near the bodies of his father, mother C. R. BARROW and son. Attorney and Counsellor at Law Queen Alexandra is beariDg up Office Phone 335 Main bravely. She had breakfast as Residence Phone 340 Maiu usual in her own apartments today. Members of the royal household at­ C o qu ille C ity , O re tended a special service in the pri­ I I vate chapel of the Palace at an early hour. J. J. STANLEY Everywhere throughout the coun­ LAWYER try flags are half mast on public buildiDgs, private dwellings, war­ Martin Building • F im t 8ti«e ships and other shipping, while COQUILLB, O b EOON church bells sounded the doleful news. The American feeling regarding A. J. Sherwood, the death of King Edward was in A ttobh b » - * t - L ì w , accordance with cabled instructions N o t ì b t P d b l io , from Secretary Knox expressed this Coquille, : : Oregon morning to Sir Edward Grey, Sec­ retary of State for foreign affairs by American Ambassador Reid in a Walter Sinclair, letter suitable to the occasion. ATrORNBT-AT-LiW, Since early morning a flood of N otabt P c b m o , messages have been pouring into Coquille, : : Oregon. the Palace from foreign lauds. One of the first that arrived »as a sym­ pathy telegram from Emperor W il­ Hall & Hall, liam to the Queen Dowager. Am­ A ttornvth - at L a w , bassador Reid and Secretary Phillips Dealer in R ea l E st â t » o f a ll k in d s. of the American embassy were early callers at Buckingham Palace and Marshfield, Oregon. Malborough House where in the i visitois bookB they iusciibed their E. G. D. Holden Dames and those ot their wives. Later other members of the diplo­ L awyer , JUSTIOB OV THK P e AOB matic corps called. Mr. Reid also U. S. Commissioner, General Insnranoe also left cards for Sir Edward Grey Agent, and Notary Pablio. Offioe while attaches of the embassy paid in Robinson Building. similar duty at the war office and Coquille Oregon. A dmiralty. The flags at Dorchester House and the American embassy are at half mast. Office in Robinson Haildlng i City Council Meets. The regular monthly meeting of the City Council of Coquille was postponed from Monday eveniog until Wednesday evening of last week, at which time the meeting was held in due form. A t this meeting the project of raising the fire-bell tower twenty- five feet, in order that the bell may be more plainly beard in down-town districts, was brought before the council. This matter was referred the fire committee for further con­ sideration. A move is also on foot to raise the north end of the Moulton Street bridge to prevent the mud from washing onto the bridge. This was referred to the street committee. Certain parties applied for the privilege of connecting a water pipe with the Front street main to run north to middle of block four of tbe original town, theDce 100 feet east, upon which two hydrants are to be attached for fire protection. The parties in this block are willing to bear the necessary expense of putting in tbe pipe and hydrants, aDd will provide 100 feet of regula­ tion hose with nosle for each hy­ drant. They ask only the privilege of attaching to the mains. This is a verv enterprising move on the part of these people, and would no doubt prove a great thing in case of fire in that closely built-up block. Application was made by a num­ ber of the property owners on the north side of Front Street for a ten- foot concrete sidewalk from the Baxter Hotel corner to the west line of R. S. Knowlton’s property. This matter was also placed in the hands of the street committee. The ordinance governing tbe width of stairways in public build­ ings was so amended as to allow of narrower ones in tbe smaller struc­ tures where the numbers gathering therein are not large. The regular routine business and tbe allowance of bills were gone through with after which the council adjourned. ----» T " W ic k h a m H ouse On Thursday morning the steamer Breakwater arrived at Coos Bay from Portland after one of the quickest voyages ever made between these two points. The 100-mile run from Portland to Astoria was made in a little under six hours, and reached Coos bay in from the metropolis in twenty and one-half hours. It is the intention of her management to establish a five-day schedule between the Bay and Port­ land, and Cnpta:n Macgenn antici­ pates no trouble in maintaining it. This gives Coos county a service of which the people should be proud, and they should have no hesiteDcy in patronizing her as the boat has been put in excellent shape for the work and her accomodations are good. Among those arriving on the Breakwater were the following: IV G Howard, G eoD W ood, Wm Harlan, W H Berry, R Long, Mrs LoDg, B’ Walters, Homer Hurt, C Gerking, GeoGoodrum, A F W ood­ ward, A Peterson, Mrs Gill, B J Comonvelt, A Anderson, G F Rot- nor, L Zien, A Hebgen, W Whitney, B Cheen, A Rosenthsl, C M Doult, Mrs Doult, O O Troop, G T Cu.or, Mrs Cusor, Rev Lininger, J Berg­ man, F E Whitman, R F Sinder, E Nelson. Mrs Keating, J Beaulieu, H Mann, J W Wright, S Endicott, J Fry, Mrs Fry, J U Beane, J M Blake, E C Pigalt, Wm Turpen, W R Bradley, Miss Bradley, H B Donahey, W Delay, J Lowry, W E Colton, R C Tapley, F W Finoll, Mrs Foot, 8 H Robinsoo, M Persh- bakcr, E. Edgersol, Miss Nelson and five steerage. _______ _ , , King George V Now On Throne MRS. G. R. WICKHAM Proprietress Phone Main 13X. Board by Day, WeeK or Month Sample Hoonjs Nice Batl)s Special Attention Paid to the Traveling Public. M. E. WHITMORE. E. F. MOKRISSY Coos Bay Paving and struction Con­ Company. GENERAL CONTRACTORS Plans and Estimates Given Concrete Bricks Stone and Timber Contractor. Phone 151-J * Offices 117 Front Street, Marshfield Ore. Theo. BergraanShoe Mfe.Co. Incorporated. London, May 7 — King George was proclaimed this afternoon. The proclamation was approved by the privy council at four o ’clock. The council mot in the throne room of St. James Palace under the presidency of the Earl of Crewe, who officiated in the absence of Vis­ count Wolverhampton, the lord president o f the council. The new monarch was given the title of King George V. The kiog who had driven over from Marlborough house waited in the room adjoining the council chamber while the lengthy formalities leading up to the actual proclamation were pro­ ceeding. With today’s ceremonies and in his 45tb year the second son born to KiDg Edward V II and Queen Alexandra, becomes ruler of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, Ireland and British Dominions be­ yond the seas, King and Defender of the faith and Emperor of India. Manufacturers of The Celebrated Berqmann Shoe - Breakwater Makes Goo«l Time Middle Man Thing ot Past The Strongest and Nearest Water St. Louis, Mav 5 — Officers of Proof shoe made for loggers, miners the American Federation of Labor DO Y O U W A N T TO SELL? prospectors and mill men. and different farmers’ organizations If you want to sell your business 621 Thurman Street in conveitiou here continued today of any kind, or if you want to sell P o r tl a n d , O regon . to discuss a plan of co operation. your property, and will make tbe A I l m h i K ! » » l » r l o r I , u r n * . t k « | * A new organization to be called price right, I would like to hear p i l l H u n . I * a n i l S » r r i»H»|>le« The Fanners’ Scientific Co Opera­ from you. Give description and Aaa healing salve for burns, sores, sore nipples and chapped bands, tive Society will probably be the I price. Addreea J. E. Smith 513 Tbe ! Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Chamberlain's Salve is roost excel­ result of the deliberations. lent It allay* the pain of a burn new organization will have for ita : Oregon. almost ins*ently, and unless the in­ object the doiug away with the mid­ ------------ a efe*-------— jury i* very severe, 'teals the parts Buy your flower of Lyon* & dleman which includes the specula­ without leaving a scar. Price, 26 * Jones, every sack guaranteed, $1.70, enta. For sale by R, 8 . Knowltpn, tion in farm product*, J COUNTY ANNUAL FIELD MEET $ 1.50 P e r Y e a r 11, 1910 Farmers' Union Organised. R. E.SHIHEJVIee Free A J. SHERWOOD P r o 0. C SANFORD, A o t. Cohier l . H. HAZARD, C oh ie r On Saturday State Organizer Hill of The Farmers’ Educational and Co-operative Union of America or­ ganized a Union in Coquille. This OP C O Q U I I i U B , O R B O O p . is the second Uuion he has organ­ ized in the valley, and he thinks he T r a n s a c ts a G en era l B a n k in g B u s in e s s will be able to reach the five in the county necessary to entitle us to a county organization, before he will Beard af Directors. | Cerreepoedenti. be obliged to leave this section. R. O. Dement, A . J. Sherwood, National Bonk o Commerce, New York Cl Another meeting is now being ar­ L. Harlocker, L . II. Haiard, Crocker Woolworth N’ lBank, San Francl Inaiati Hacker. R. E. Shine. I First Nat’l Bank ot Portland, Portland. ranged for to take place in this city next Saturday, tbe 14 th, at 10 a. m. Those living out o f town are in­ vited to bring their baskets and stay for an afternoon session. A program is being arranged and it is expected that the members of the other Unions will be on hand and a rousing time had. Every farmer io the entire community should be present and take a part in this meet­ C O Q U IL L E , - - O REG O N ing and inform himself in regard to the workings of the Union, and the benefits he may derive by being a member. Following are the officers elected for this Union: W. L. Kistner, President; D. F. Dean, Vice Presi­ dent; Frank Willard, Secretary; E. A. Howey, Chaplin; C. A. Pendle­ ton, Doorkeeper; George Gilman, Conductor. F IR S T N A T IO N A L B A N K Bandon High School Track Team Easy Winners at Marsh­ field Friday. The Coos County High School Annual Field Meet which took place at Marshfield on Friday of last week proved a grand success in all respects. There was tbe largest crowd ever assembled in tbe county on a similiar occasion and much interest was evident by the enthusi­ astic rooting. As a matter of course, the crowd was largely Marshfield people, yet there was a very good representation from each and all the towns interested, and the meet came out ahead from a financial standpoint, and will be a great en- couragment for future endeavor aloDg athletic lines. Below we give the results of the various events, and the names of the contestants appearing in the order in which they came out. Mile Relay Race— Bandon, Myr- tie Point and North Bend. Time 4:3 4-5. Pole Vault— Knowlton of Co­ quille, with Gardiner c f Coquille and Nichols of Marshfield t y iD g . 9 feet, six inches. 220-Yard Daah—Gallier of Ban­ don, Kern of Coquille and Gardi­ ner of Coquille. Time :26. Shot Put— Brewer of Myrtle Point, Wilson of Myrtle Point, Bowman of BandoD. Distance 38ft, 3J inches. Mile Run— Laird of Bandon, Schneider of Myrtle Point, Jones of Myrtle Point. Time 5:14 1-5. 440 Yard Dash— Bowman of Ban­ don, Newkirk of North Bend, Cus­ ter of Coquille. Time :59. Running Broad Jump— Gardiner of Coquille, Harrmgton of Marsh­ field, Conrad of Bandon. Distance 18 feet. 2 inches. 100 Yard Dash—Gallier of Ban­ don, HeDnessy of Marshfield, Kern of Coquille. Time 11 3 5. High Jump—Clark of Marshfield, Laird of Bandon, R ie l of Myrtle Point. Heighest 5 feet 1 inch. 220 Yard Low Hurdles — Black- erby of Bandon, Gardiner of Co­ quille, Hennessey of Marshfield Time :30 1-5. Standing Broad Jump— Laird of BaDdon, Van Zile of North Bend, Harrington of Marshfield. Distance 9 teet, 2£ inches. Half Mile Run—Cowman of Ban­ don, Jenkins of BandoD, Custer of Coquille. Time 2:2G. Hammer Throw— Strang of Ban­ don, Bolt of Marshfield, Clinken- beard of Marshfield. Distance 106 feet, 8 inches. The officials of the meet were. Time Keepers, Jno. Herron, Supt. Ostein, Supt. Ankdrson, Prof. Beau­ mont. Starter. George McCutcheoD. Judges, Messers. Graves, Spires, Oerding, Reynolds, Browning. F R E D S L A G L E T A IL O R NEW MACHINE SHOP - - M. — * -• * - D. SHERRARD, Earthquake in Coata Rica. San Juan Del Sur Nicaragua, May 6 .— Tbe reports from San Jose, Costa Rica, today state that no habitable house remains in Cartage where five hundred persons were killed in sd earthquake Wednesday night. Three hundred and fifty bodies have been recovered from ruins, Martial law has been declar­ ed. The authorities are making big efforts toward relief of the wounded and destitute. The vic­ tims who survived the injuries a being removed to San Jose, fourteen miles distant. This is tbe fifth time Cartago was destroyed by earth­ quakes. New York, May 7.— Dr. Juan J. Ultea, the Costa Rican consul gen­ eral in this city, said today he had received unofficial advices inform­ ing him the city of Parasie was also practically destroyed by earthquake and that this led him to estimate tbe loss of life in the earthquake might reach 1,000 with 10,000 rendered homeless and the property loss aggregating $25,000,000. P R O P R IE T O R Rose Building, Second Street, Oregon Coquille Are prepared to do all kinds of repairing in ma­ chinery—large and small —in a scientific and workman-like manner, Special attention given to Donkey and Gasoline Engines, Automobiles, etc * THE O. K. BARBERSHOP * L I P ij) COCHRAN, Proprietor * Hot and Cold Baths, Hair Cutting and Massag- yy ing a Specialty. ^ s!> yH One o f the Most Up-to-Date Shops in the City y£ * * Coquille, - - * Oregon | wii««i>iiie Cornell. This is a more dangerous disease than is generally presumed. It will be a surprise to many to learn that more deaths result from it than from scaret fever. Pneumonia often results from il. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy baB been used in many epidemics of whooping cough, aDd always with the best results. Del bert McKeig Harlan, Iowa says of it: ‘‘ My boy took whooping cough when nine months old. He had it in the winter. I got a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy which proved good. I cannot rec- Hamilton to Run commend it too highly.” For sale Judge J. W. Hamilton, of Rose- by R. S. Knowlton. ♦ «•— burg, announces that he will be candidate for re-election in this N otice to M arn ners judicial district. The announce­ ment was made in reply to a petition The following affects the aids to from Eugene attorneys. Judge J. navigation in the Thirteenth Light­ S. Coke will algo be a candidate for house Dissrict. re-election, it is understood, and it Oregon—Coos Bay entrance— is not believed that there will be North spit jetty bell buoy, iA, es­ any particular opposition to either tablished April 18 , 1910 , in the place of them.— Coos Bay Times. of north spit jetty buoy i|, a ad- class can, which was then discon- Anyone in need o f a Singer or tiued. Wheeler & Wilson sewing ma­ Oregon—Siuslaw river entrauce chine may be accommodated by — Buoys established April 16 , 1910 , calling at Laird’s House Furnish­ as follows: ing establishment. Siuslaw river whistling buoy, ” S” PS, in 90 feet of water, in the place E ggs for hatching— White Ply- of Siuslaw liver buoy, “ S,” PS, mouth Rocks, and Brown Leghorns 2 d-class can, which was then dis­ l l .o o per setting, also Indian Run- ner ducks. J. C. Watson, Coquille. continued Outer buoy, PS 2 d-class can, in 55 feet of water, about 500 feet NOTICE. outside the bar. All Coos County warrants drawn j -------------------------- on tbe general fund and endorsed , , , prior to July 1st, 1908, will be Quick A Curry makes the gal- paid on presentation at my office in vanized screen door, standard sizes Coquille, Oreg. No interest will be on band. Special size* made in allowed on any of these warrant* short order. Also handy, adjustible after December 10th, 1909. window screens, ironing boards, Dated this 7th day of Dec. 1909. sleave boards, bread boards, (hem T. M. D im m u k , County Treasurer. boards and meat safes. W . h . S c h ro e d e r JEW ELER C o q u ille, - O reg o n Bring me your W atch and Jewelry repairing. I will treat you right. A G o o d L in e o f W a t c h e r A lw a y s on H and THE NEW MEATMARKET SLAGLE B R O S ., P r o p r ie to r s C h o ic e F r e s h M e a t s w a y s on H and O p p o s ite P o s t o f f ic e C O Q U IL L E , A l­ OREGON