Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, May 04, 1910, Image 3

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    LOCAL N E W S.
Look at the new wash suits for
Wall paper at Laird’s.
ladies at Robinson's Store.
Turban pads, switches and turban
Onion stUi at Lyons A Jones.
The gasolene schooner Wash cal.
hair pins at Robinson’s.
ore arrived in the Coquille river on
General sale at the White House
The best onion sets at Knowlton’s
next Saturday.
Drug Store.
H. C. Hughes
Band on yesterday.
was up from
Barred Plymouth eggs B oo per
Mrs. Sam Clinton was up from
the lower liver yesterday.
setting. J. Quick, Coquille.
Miss Dolly Skeels came up from
Garden, grass and (lower seeds at
The schooner Advance arrived in
the Coquille on Thursday from San
Lyons A Jones.
Baudot) yesterday.
Mrs. Bert Kay, of Riverton, was
Ed Lasswell, of McKinley, was Francisco.
Boys, remember Robinson’s Store
in Coquille yesterday.
in town on business last Friday.
carries the Cluett Shirts.
Garden seeds at Kcowlton's
A nice line of all white enameled
Quite a nice assortment of 10 c
Drug Store.
ware at Hersey’s store
novels at Hersey’s store, all by
Hkeels & Son buy the best shoes
extra good authors.
Hill strawberries Tuesday.
they can get.
New line o f Cluett shirts for
For Sale.— A good young team.
The schooner Oregon arrived in
spring. Robinson’s Store.
Inquire at Toziers Harness shop.
the Coquille Saturday
Born.— Near Coquille, Oregon,
Look at the new lace curtains at
You will find early seed potatoes
April 28th, 1910, to Mr. and Mrs.
at Drane’s store.
T. R. Pointer, a son.
W. L. Kistner, of this city, had
E. Bargeron, the merchant, was
Yes, Robinson’s Store has their
buisness which called him to the
over from Goaledo Monday.
new spring suits lor ladies.
New line of mens’ ueckties just
Rev. and Mrs. T. B. McDonald,
White Spray Flour $1.70 per sack
in at Robinson’s.
of this city ret trued Monday from
at Lyons A Jones.
School stationary, pencils, pens
Bridge, where Mr. Me Donald held
Capt. C. W. Boice, of the Coos
and mucilage at Hersey’s Racket
services on Sunday.
Bay lifesaving station, was in Co.
Another shipment of mens’ spring
Wanted —Seamstress wanted at quille last Thursday.
just in at Robinson’s Store.
Up-to-date line ot men’s and
The White House.
boys’ suits at Robinson’s Store.
Dunham received a nice little
The schooner
Ruby reached
runabout auto last week
Baudot! Sunday from San Fran­
from her friend, Miss Maud Brown, which he will use for business and
o f Marshfield, last week.
pleasure during this summer.
That’ s what they all say, “ Sla­
gle Bros for choice meats.” ■
Full stock of garden, grass and
E A. McDuffee, the painter, was want in ahoes at Robinson’s Store. field seed at Knowlton’s Drug Store.
North Bend is preparing to put
a passenger to Marshfield by yes­
We were in error when we stated
in street improvements that will last week that J. C. Frye accom­
terday morning’s train.
panied bis daughter, Mins Myrtle, to
Mr. and Mrs Charles Myers went cost over four thousand dollars.
Buy your flower of Lyons A Portland. It was Mies .Vena who
to the Bay by yesterday’s train to
Jones, every sack guaranteed, $1.70 went to that city to take a position
take a steamer for Portland.
All farmers should attend the as stenographer.
For seed peas, Eatly Heburn and
American Wander potatoes, call on Union meeting to be held in Co­
Rolled barley, shorts, bran, wheat
Ed Johnson.
and cracked corn at Robinson’s
quille on Saturday at 10:30 a. m
Miss Ola McClay, of the Bay
Skeels A Son have early seed po­
Joseph A. Palmer, an aged citi­
side, returned Monday after a visit tatoes, and the best eating potatoes
zen and veteran of the civil war,
with her neices, the Mesdames in towu.
Richmond and Barker, of this city.
The Breakwater sails from Port passed away at his home in Empire
He was
for Coos Bay this Wednesday, on Thursday, April 28 th.
For Sale.— White Nile and early
peas at 3c per pound.
Phone 8 x 7 . May 4 th, and will sail from Coos sixty-nine years of age, and leaves
—Nile Miller.
Bay for Portland on Friday, May a wife, a son and two daughters.
Mrs. Wm. Grow, of Coaledo, was 6 th. at 8 a m.
in town Monday accompanied by
Parties wishing coal from the
her lriend, Miss Maggie Lamont, Rouse mine will apply to Harry
ot Bandon, who is now paying her Flanders.
a visit.
The steamer Newport sails from
If you are looking for ribbon we Portland for Coquille today.
have n new line. Come in. Rob­ you have anything you wish to send
inson’s Store.
to Portland get it ready, she will
We are pleased to call attention be going in a few days.
to Judge
in another
ber Lands
him about
Holden's advertisement
column, “ Valuable Tim­
for Sale.’ ’ Go and see
Telephone for meat to be deliver­
ed at any time from Slagle Bros.
Phone No, at.
We are receiving new and fresh
groceries by every boat.
R obin­
son’s Store.
We have our new spring stock of shoes in. We have chosen the best of the
good ones and for style, fit and quality they are in a class by themselves.
We have taken particular pains in buying our spring footwear, to get what
every careful and fastidious dresser must have:
Style, Pit and Quality
Novelties for the young Men and Women. Comfort and ease for the older ones
Tans, Patents, Gun Metal and Oxfords
$3.50, $4 and $5
It w ill be a pleasure to show
you our stock.
J. F. Jordon, representing the
Oregon and Washington Gazetteer,
published by R. L. Pope A Co., of
Sesttle, spent a day or so last week
in this city gathering information
for that valuable publication. Mr.
Dr. McCormac, of Marshfield,
Bee hives and bee supplies at Jordan is an affable gentleman and was a Coquille visitor between
Skeels A Son’s.
took orders for a number of the trains on Monday.
A gold watch attached to a gold books.
Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Dryden re­
braclet was lost last Saturday be­
Straw Hats, Straw Hats, Straw turned from Bandon by Monday’s
tween court house and depot.
A Hats, for big, little, old and youDg Dispatch, having been down on a
reward of $5 00 will be paid to the Robinson’s Store.
two days outing.
Tbev brought
person delivering it to this office.
M. H. Hersey, the Rackett Delf- back some very fine sea perch which
ware merchant, started last week they caught while on (lie beach
for his old home at Fondulac, Wis­
Choice onion sets at Knowlton’s
consin, where he goes to see his Drug Store.
aged parents. His father is now
Attorney A. S. Hammond, of this
eighty-five and bis mother eighty- city, returned Saturday front Port­
two years of age, nnd he has not land whither he had been called by
seen them for more than thirty the last illness and death of his
father, James M. Hammond, who
A M JJ l Adjw vuf /rnotwA
Insure in the Horticultural Fire
Relief, ol Salem, Strictly mutual,
and save 40 to 50 per cent.
T. A. W alker , Coquille Agt. 1
E. Schneider, the Woodman of j
the World organizer, returned Fri­
day from a visit of a couple of weeks
at Marshfield and North Bend in
the interest of that fraternal order.
He has been arousing great inter­
est in the lodge work of the county,
and expects to pull off a big class
initiation in this city in the near
Special inducements are,
now being offered new members, I
aud anyone elligible to membership
who is not carrying as much insur­
White Spray Flour makes the passed away at his home in Arleta ance as they want, should see Mr.
best and whitest bread of any flour on Sunday, April 24tb, at tne age Schneider or some member of the
on the market. Lyons A Jones sell of 75 years.
order and get full particulars.
We will be pleased to make you
Ladies’ muslin and knit under­
Capt. and Mrs. C. H. Butler, of
prices on special sized tents, sleep­
wear at Robinson’s Store.
this city, who had spent the past six
ing bags, canvas sheets, etc. C. M. |
Gus Buckingham, a former resi­
weeks at Berkley, California, visit­
Goodman A Co., new and second
ing their daughters and friends, dent of Bandon, but at present of hand goods.
arrived by the Fifield which came Eastern Oregon, came up lrom San
Mrs. W. Lee Ray, of Myrtle
in from San Francisco on Sunday. Francisco by the last Elizabeth, ac­ Point, returned Thursday from the
companied by his daughter. They
Skeels A Son always has a good
Bay, haying been over with her|
are visiting Mrs. Dyer, the young
supply of fresh groceries at the
daughter, Miss Nona, who has been j
lady’s grandmother, and other rela­
lowest prices.
having serious trouble with an af­
tives and many friends.
fection of the bead, which has ne­
State Organizer Hill has secured
Look! Cluett shirts are the ones
a sufficient number of names in this to wear, new and up-to-date line, cessitated the third operation, the j
last of which was performed on this ,
community to warrant the organiza­ Robinson’s Store.
trip, and war. in the nature of the
tion of a Farmers’ Union in Coquille,
J. A. Longhead, of Portland, who removal of a bone near the ear,
and Saturday, May 7tb, at 10:30 a-
has been at Port Orford for several which bad become diseased. D r.,
m. is the time set for the organiza­
weeks superintending the construc­ Johnson, also of Myrtle Point, who
tion to be formed. Every fartnerin
tion of a dwelling house for the had been attending the case, was
this section should be on hand and
lighthouse keeper of the Port Or­ present and assisted in the opera­
do bis full duty toward wbat may
ford light, passed through Coquille tion. The patient is now getting
be made his greatest benefactor.
Saturday on his return home. He along nicely.
Camping season will soon be here was accompanied by Mrs. Langhead,
Just received at Knowlton’s
and as usual we are prepared to who has been with him. She great­
Drug Store, a lull and complete stock
supply you with tents, wagon covers, ly enjoyed the trip, being acquainted of garden seeds, the best that can
caDvas hammocks, camp stools, old down the coast.
They resided s be grown.
fashioned Dutch ovens nnd camp number of years at Bandon some
Capt, Levi Snyder, formerly of
stoves, also many articles in the time since.
this river, who was in cotnmaud of
second hand line, just the thing to
Call on Lyons A Jones Saturday the ill-fated Arago which foundered
take into the mountains. Call and
and get fresh vegetables for your near the Tillamook bar last Novem­
get prices. C- M. Goodman A Co.
ber, and who bad his license sus­
Sunday dinner.
pended for a period of twelve months
J. D. Hartman arrived here Thurs­
Mrs. S. 8 . Norton, of Redding, by United Slates Inspectors Ed.
day from Grove county, Kansas,
California, arrived here Monday to wards and Fuller, is again qualified
and is at present paying a visit to
bis brother-in-law, Joe McCoy, of pay her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. to take charge of a vessel. Through
Lorenz, a visit, as well as other I instructions of Captain John Bir­
this city. Mr. Hartman will find
i members of the family and her mingham, supervising inspector, to
the location which suits him best
many friends. Sbe is accompanied whom the case was appealed, his
and send for bis family later.
by her sister-in-law, Mr*. C. E, Wit- license wbs returned to him on the
spent a part of the winter in South­
ern California, and while he was ter, formerly Miss Fannie Norton, 25th of April, of which the Captains
whom it will be remembered lived many friends here will be very
very pleased with the climate and
here with her parents fourteen pleased to learn, not only for tLe
certain conditions of that part, the
years or more since.
fart that be will be able to return
scarcity of water and the poor
quality of what they have, was not
A chance for a homestead entra to the calling of bis choice, but that
pleasing to him.
The samples be I to the right man for one-fifth the he has been exonerated from the
had of Coos county’s mountsin cost of improvements, on account blame by that high authority for
streams between here snd Rose- 'o f sickness in fimily.
For infor- which his license were temporarily
burg were very different.
; mation go to J E Quick, Coquille. suspended.
n\S. homeloveh:
hj you a\e tPeed o j those old cakpets
\ust take them up and thAow them
the la lo \ you w ill save w ill
^00 n Suy you nice fiia n d new tiMffht
U is So easy to take them up
and have them cleaned.
come let us Spread out lejo\e you
a hund\ed dijflebent \ufS a n d
w ill jin d ju s t exactly Jfa. ones that
w ill Suit you\ eye a n d pu\se.
you\S fouly.
Complete stock of shoes
Good blood tells, they say, and bad blood
certainly does. Poor or disordered blood
tells its own story in lowered vitality, loss
of energy, in skin eruptions, in rheumatic
pains and in a pallid or sallow appearance
of the complexion. This is the season of
the year when the blood is most apt to be
disordered. Take
It purifies and enriches the blood. It cures
boils, pimples and other skin troubles. It
expels rheumatic poison from the system.
It builds up strength and energy.
Price $1.00 for 100 Dose Bottle
Fuhrman’s Pharmacy
C O Q U IL L E ,
The Golden Rule
Just what you want. We have the plain Ecru
color which may be used for stenciling. Also the
Remember we don’t keep goods—we sell them.
Yours For Business,
C. H. Cleaves