Coquille herald. WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1910. \ Died. — Near Coquille, Oregon, Mesura. Bov le und Shelly, the April 30th, 1910, infant son of Mr. carpenUts nnd contractors who A N O T H E R FIRE Mrs. L. K. Robins, of th« Myrtle ¡and Mrs. T. H. Pointer. have the contract for the repairing IN C O Q U I L L E Point section, returned from a trip Mrs. E. Mingus, of Marshfield, of the damages recently done by ADDITIONAL LOCAL H O TEL B A XTER came over Monday and viaied her fire to the old First National Bank to Portland on Thursday. Mias Anna Colekronk, of this father, O. J. Seelly, and friends in building, are getting along nicely Local advertisements among local rea ling five cenla per line each ineer- Early Morning Blaze Brings Many city, has been indisposed for a week | Coquille, with the work and will have the tioi. Cards ci thanks 50 cents each. Perple to Streets— Slight or more, but is improving at preaent. For a good second-hand Singer outside done in a short time. These Ob tuary poetry five cents per line. Damage Done. He - dutions of Condolence and lodge machine, call at the H er - j gentlemen are prepared to do a The steamer Fifield arrived in at 1 ! sewing advertising five cents per line. ald office. Bandon Sunday with a good 'lot of The steamer Elizabeth reached general contracting and building C en trally a n d C o n v e n ie n tly At two o’clock this morning the freight and a number or passengers, Bandon from San Francisco last business, and will be pleased to Located. T a b le S u p p lied Coos County ■ Climate. submit bids on contracts on any sound of the fire alarm brought The recent showers are making w i t l i t i i e B e st the M a r k e t A f While comparisons may be re­ acores of Coquille’s people to the gardens grow rapidly, and the Thursday. She is making good work in the building line. f o r d s . S a m p le R o o m s for garded as odious, one can hardly cause. They were nearly all men, farmers are now getting in their time lately. C om m ercial M en. T ra n sfer Have you seen the new al’over- refraiu from contrasting the condi­ and while not as neatly togged as best licks. For Sale. ice and embroidery fronting at of 1 ; ; age to a n d from B o a ts tions of the coast sections of Cali­ they are usually seen, were on hand Mrs. C. O. Gilkey moved in 1 Robinson's 8 tore. A lot of late Nile, and also early fornia, Oregon and Washington to do battle with the Dames if neces­ from the McQuigg place last week a n d T T r a i n s .................................... peas. A H. Fish, Arago. Phene with those of the eastern and middle sary. This, however, was not neces­ and now occupies a residence near Mr. and Mrs. Gus Schroeder, of 71. Arago, who recently returned from sary, as Frank Dulley had the fire western states, all of which have re­ furniture factory. Elgin, Illinois, were in town a day Recently cently suffered greatly from un­ under control by the prompt and the For For Sale. lot of excellent field or so last week. Newly Furnished seasonable Irosts which have done heroic use of the hydrant and coal peas for Sale.—A seed at 3c per pound. Geo. Lyons A Jones always try to have Throughout Proprietor and Manager great damage to crops of various scuttle. Sixteen bras of fine oat hay. something nice on hand for you for A. Wimer, Arago. Phone 7xx. fiAlAl&A; * • * • * ■ * • * ,* .* ,* • *■ mg < kinds. They extended far into the The fire was in the city’s bastile T. Moulton. south and seriously injured the for the unruly, and was kindled by A fine line of tumblers and gob­ your Suudav dinner. ------- cotton and oranges in many places, Cecil Arnison, of Myrtle Point, who lets, including lemonade, soda, Mr and Mrs. E. M Gallier, of For Sale. Bandon. visited the latter’s mother, while the damage to the fruit crops the day before had been imbibing wine and water glass in a number o the more northern states will too freely of Coquille’s “Ob-be-joy- of styles, just opened, at Hersey’s. Mrs. S. J. Tuttle, of Ibis city, the S. L. Lafferty, of Coquille, has three good horses for sale. t 2 and r in up into the millions of dollars. ful,” and had been locked away by For Sale.—Span of geldings, 5 last of the week. pounds. old, weight 3 , 000 pounds, well Just received at Knowlton’s Drug 14 hundred This latter condition is something Night Watchman Hickum. It years -------- • «»» s----------- broke. Inquire of \Vm. Bettys Store, a large lot of the finest onion o; which due note should be made seems that be bad concluded to Titnberlantl For Sale. sets ever seen in this market. by Oregon fruit growers. There can make his get-away by burning out ariFview. Adam Pershbaker came up from be no question but that fruit will be of the strong box, and proceeded to Prosper yesterday. He tells us George Lorenz went to Bandon NJ Net Sec 12 Tp 28 R to W. by Friday’s Dispatch on his way to Address, Joseph Schrems, Rose­ scarce and a demand like which we break up an empty nail keg for that burg, Oregon. Mrs. Pershbaker is visiting in Langlois on business. kindling and with some coal, to have not seen in years, if ever, for CORN, PEAS, VETCH, CLOVER (all kinds) M California for the benefit of her Fred Estberg was over from that which will be produced out­ build a fire ngainst the door. From health. Poor Time. RYE, GRASS, ETC., BEETS, CAR­ Marshfield Wednesday in the in­ side of those sections mentioned, and the appearance of tbiogs, the fire If the other fellow cannot make terest of Scribner’s Magazine. He K. Holverson, the tailor, has just ROTS, KALE, ETC. did not act as lie bad anticipated every tree along the coast which received a large lot of samples of met many friends while in town. vour watch run correctly, I cnu. promises a crop of fruit should be and got beyond bis control and be­ suitings. V. R. W ilson , Watchmaker. Call and see them and For Sale.—Grass and grain hay And oil Binds of Garden Seeds well looked after and its crop cared gan to get entirely too warm for get his prices. --------------------------------- and fine red oata and barley. In­ comfort when he gave the alarm. for to the very best advantage. Eggs For Hatching Mrs. Jas. T. Jenkins was up from quire of W. H. Thomas, Coquille. While we need not necessarily re­ At the time Watchman Hickam Riverton Brown Leghorna and While Ply- yesterday, and was accom­ joice because of their misfortune, was on the street near the Baxter panied home by her parents, Mr. J. C. Taylor, of Prosper, came up motb Rocks KNOWLTON’S DRUG STORF $1.00 per setting. we should not fail to embrace the hotel, and hurrying to the jail, and Mrs. J. B. Fox, who will spend to Coquille on business Friday. He White Leghorns $1.50 per setting. is interested in the construction of opportunity to do what we can found the flames rolling out the full a few days at that place. Indian Runner ducks $2.00 per a new school house ifi that district. toward supplying what will in­ size of the grating of the door. He setting. Tczier’s Celebrated Logger For Sale.— Studebaker wagon, evitably be a strong market for hastily unlocked the door and Shoes J. C. W atson , Coquille, Or. won popularity with the McCormick mowing machine and dragged Arnison, who was about woods have fruit. -------»-»»-«-------------- boys. E. L. Tozter maker, rake. Frank Nelson, Norway. The papers of last week told of overcome, to the street and ran to Coquille. We Repair We Do Headaches ice jams in the Mississippi and of the fire ala^m. By the time Mr, Mrs. Aiken, the milliner, who For a burn or scald apply Cham­ WATCHES CLOCKS AGATE CRINDINC AND freezing weather at New' Orleans Hickum returned to the jail the fire had been here a few days looking berlain’s Salve. It will allay the 75 per ceDt of headaches are doing great damage to all kinds ol had been quenched and his bird after her Coquille branch, returned pain almost instantly and quickly caused from eye strain. Properly JEWELRY POLISHING the injured parts. For sale fitted glasses will cure the defect. crops, while in this valley we have bad flown. Being so blinded and home yesterday accompanied by heal by R. S. Kuowlton. 3 COMBS BARRETTS STONE SETTING RING £ not heard the slightest complaint, otherwise nffected by the smoke he Miss Ella Johnson who is assisting Satisfaction guaranteed. The shoes tor woodsmen; Tozier’a PHONOCRAPHS there having been no frost to went in the opposite direction to her. MAKINC ENCRAVINC }' V. R. W ilson , Optom trist. —S. F. Shoes. The gloves for wear 1 injure anything since February. that which he had intended to go Those onion sets at Knowlton’s Logger Fear Gloves. E. L. Tozier, COQUILLE RIVER LINE ------>«»► *---- and was in the hands of the fire­ were especially for him by Pat Rooney, who has been work- i High School Field M eet. men who kept watch on him until one of grown I A ll W o r k G u a ra n te e d ¡>< the best growers •of sets in ing in Jack Bestei’s camp on the j the Watchman returned and put the Willamette valley. STMR. FIFIELD Siuslaw, was down to the Bay on | The second annual field meet of him iu the other department of the Hev. S. B. Hollenbeak, of Co­ busine-s last week, and on Friday PLYING BETWEEN the Coos coirnty high school is to jail to abide the coming of day. take place at Marshfield on Friday, This morning the attention of the quille, will preach at Riverton next came over to Coquille. He returned May Gtb Much interest is being District Attorney was called to the Sunday at it a, tn. and 2:30 p. m. the first of this week SAN FRANCISCO manifested in the event, as all the matter and we understand that the All are invited to come and those Begin now to provide for a “rainy i SAILING EVERY EIGHT DAYS day,’’ by placing your earnings in ! living at a distance may bring their high schools in the county are to circuit court will take cognizance the Farmer's amt Merchant’s Bank. baskets and enjoy their dinners on Passengers, Freight take part. Arrangements have of the affair. the grounds. F. Hochspring, are here from Low Rates and Excellent Accom­ been made for a 50 cent fare for the return trip from the Bay with the It is expected that the new Cody Frank Berk holder, of this city, North Dakota to look at the enun- I modations. Our Interests are your Interests. railroad company. has purchased the fine thorough­ try with a view to locating This ! mill will start up about the i 6 th of part looks so different from that j Following is the schedule of bred Hambeltonian stallion, Bruce CO. from which they come that they j A. F. E S I A BROOK Agents events given in the order in which this month. Wilkes. This is a very fine animal T A IL O R M. D. Sherrard, the machinist, which his ancestry would show. hardly know what to think of it, I they will come off: San Francisco and Bandon 1 Mile relay race (four men). paid Marshfield a short business His sires are as follows: Oregon and may decide to not locate. CO Q U ILLP:, - - OREGON visit yesterday 2 Pole vault. Wilkes, Lyle Wilkes, Hambeltonian, A full line of shoes—for men,| S. Backey, the North Bend real Abdallah, Manbrinaand Messenger. women, and children at Henry 3 220 yard dash. 'oooooooooooooooooc<>oe< estate man, trade our office a pleas­ Robinson's Store has just received Lorenz’s store. 4 12 pound shot put. F re sh M ilk ant call while in town Monday. 5 Mile run. a new line of art, fronting, round Dr. Stemmier went to the Bay 0 440 yard run. * Dr Masson, veterinary surgeon thread and butchers lin-n in white, yesterday with our old friend, j 7 Running broad jump. an d C re a m Valuable Timber Lands For Sale of Myrtle Point, has been in town also art linen in brown. David McNair, who has been suf­ S Standing broad jump. the past few days on professional Ed. Lindberg, of Port Orford, fering from an abnormal condition Cruised Four Million feet by a well known 9 100 yard dash. business who has been in Marshfield for of the hip bone, and the doctor cruiser, Two Million feet of which is Delivered anywhere in 10 Running high jump. Whit Morris, of Elelka, and his some time, passed through town thinks an operation will be neces­ 11 880 yard run. Port Orford White Cedar. A 7 located in town by the month or on donkey driver, Otto Muetzel, were yesterday on his way home He sary to give him permanent relief. 12 12 pound hammer throw. Coos County, Oregon. paseen gera to tlie Bay by Monday was accompanied by Miss Myrtle Call and examine the full line cf' special orders. 13 220 yard low hurdle race. Vincent of Marshfield, who goes to Men’s and Children’s clothing— I morning’s train. FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS WRITE OR CALL ON Eight of the Cuquille High Lillies if we cinoot fit you with visit Mrs. P. J. Lindbeig and other latest styles—al Henry Lorenz’s j George Lorenz School boys are training for the a lailoral suit from stock, we will friends. meet and expect to have entries in tske your measure and have one When in need of a fine cheap store. E. G . D . H O L D E N S £ the above events. They are as made to order. Robinson’s Store. power, go and see the new gasoline Oscar Hughes, the young man . whom we mentioned last week as If you want your follows: Fred Gardner, Melvin Anyone wishing a lady of exper­ engine of S. H. McAdams running, having been so severely injured at Kern, Marion Custer, Matt Kerri, ience as housekeeper, apply to the and get his price on the style yon the Smith-Powers We Carry a Complete Stock of shoes repaired go camp, died at need. gao, Owen Knowlton, Irvin Custer, H erald Office. the hospital at eight o’c.ock on the Clay Knowlton and Frank Thrift. to A. Young and wife came day he was hurt. The body was: Joel Patterson, of this city, is in James from Roseburg the last of the Eveners, Singletrees, Bolts, etc., and do a orders for the neatest and week, and are now enjoying a visit taken to Bandon for burial. Mr. Services at Christian Church inking and Mrs. Hughes have the sincere most convenient bath we have ever with their daughters, Mrs. L. A sympathy of the entire community GUS. ANDERSON General Blacksmithing and He is finding ready sale for Pinkerton, Preaching Sunday at 11 a. m seen. of near Johnson's mill, in the loss of their son. the device. opposite First and 8 p. m. Bible school at 10 a and Mrs. L. S. Martin, of this city, Horseshoeing Business s store carries an up-to- m. C E 7 p. m. Prayer meet­ Just rereivid a full line of ladies’ Mi. and Mrs. Young are from Ok­ date Robinson’ National Bank, stock of fiDe white goods, kid gloves—all shades—at Henry ing Wednesday, 8 p. m. All Work lahoma, and come to locat 6 . Lingerie Batiste, Flaxon, Linsire, COX S COX Coquille, Oregon. Morning subject, "The Macedon­ Lorenz’s Store, Guaranteed Quick A Curry makes the gal­ Persian Lawn, India linen, Organdie ian Cry.” Messrs. Stemmier, Peare-e, Tay­ vanized -i> - í V y “» u. door, standard sizes nnd Nainsook. livening subject, "God’s Appeals.’’ lor and Brown, of Myrtle Point, on hand. screen Special sizes made in 1 ou are cordially invited to hear were among the Knights who were short order. Also handy, adjustible in attendance at a session erf the K window screens, ironiug boards, R. S. KNOWLTON, President GEO. A. ROBINSON, V. Pies. T. B. McDonald next Sunday. of P. lodge last night. R. H. MAST, Cashier Incandescent boards, bread boards, drain The Port Orford Tribune says: Hemy Lorenz has just received a sleave boards and meat safes. Glenn Collier and family moved full line of Bergman shoes Call Electric Light aqd Merchants BatjK Alfred Johnson, Sr., and daugh­ farmers down from Coquille last week and and see them. are now keeping bouse m Port Or­ Our shelves are full of new spriD g ter, Miss Esther, came in from of Coquille ford, where Mr. Collier will haul and summer goods. Call and see Oakland, California, by the Steamer Fifield on Sunday. Mr. railroad ties this summer. Prest Accepted throughout the civilized world CAPITAL STOCK $25,000 and get prices. We are al Johnson brought with him a fine A large buck elk and cow elk them ways ready to wait on you at Henry big E. M. F. auto with which he A Reasonable Share of Your Business Solicited the aa the moat universally satisfactory il­ were seen by the stage driver and Lorenz’s. First Class Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent will enjoy some good rides this Button luminant for all purposes the Clean* et pa sengers by the roadside at Silver Mrs E L. Spalding's erudition Butte two miles north of Port Or­ improves very slowly, and is such summer. It is the largest machine Moat Convenient, and the CHEAP ford Monday evening. Such a sight that her physicians will not allow in town. and EST light known. is rare nowadays, and the passen­ Mr. Spalding to return to his C a RrENTERs: — The Honeyman gers were excited in telling about it homesUad at present, to plant his Hardware Co., of Portland, Oregon, here That furnished by the COQUILLE Lorrm and Bernal Forty, who crop. have sent a hurry-up telegraph or­ you RIVER ELECTRIC CO is first w ith three dogs were hunting for der for 68 more self-setting planes, have class and up to date in every respect bear on Hubbards creek Monday, A kind old gentleman.seeing a very to the makers, Oage Tool Co., Vine- captured a young bear and brought small boy carrying a lot of news land, N. J. These plauea are ini Sails From Ainsworth Dock, Portland, Wednesday, Mag 41 h it. The rates place it within reach of nil it into town alive. It was very papers under arm, moved to pity, demand nnd our local dealers can Sai's from Coos Bay Friday, May 6th, at 8 a. m. poor and unable to put up much ol ’ Don’t all those papers make you get them of seven other Portland a fight with the degs which fortu­ tired, ray hoy? “Nope," the mite dealers as well as those in Oregon ! Frank Morse, Prop., Coquille Marshfield, Oregon nately didn’t hurt it much before cheerfully replied. “I can’t read!“ City, Hood River, S.attle, Ttoxns, W. F. MILLER, Agent, the boys came to the rescue. Youth's Companion, and other coast cities. PAUL L. STERLING, AGENT. C«>QUILLE, PHONE NO. 18 I. G IRBY W W W W W W W T r v x l v v ” e v T v ? w Of Interest to Dairymen A Full Supply of Field Seeds • *• » • BANDON AND )>; E. C. Barker & Co. | FRED SLAGFIÆ B U G O Y P O L B S Portland and Coos Bay S. S. Line BREAKWATER