Coquille HeM à V ol . 27: No 34 COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY Entered a a aecond-clasa matter May 8, 1906, at the postoffice at Coquille, Oregon, under act of Congress of March 3, 1879. DR. RICHMOND PH YSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office over Rose's Store, Front St., OoUUILLI, I I Dr. C. W. Endicott D sstist Office over First National Bank Coquille, Oregon I I D. SPERRY f. Attorney anil Connoellor at Law. Offloe in Kobinao'n Building W. C. CHASE. ATTORN EY-ÀT-L AW Offlo in Robinson Building, Upstairs C. R. BARROW Attorney and Counsellor at Law Office Phone 335 Main Residence Phone 346 Main C o q c ii . l * C i t y , One J. J. STANLEY LAW YER Martin Building • Frost Stiee G o q u il l s , O bsook A. J. Sherwood, A t t o b h s t - a t - L i w , N o t a s i P u b l io , Coquille, : : Oregon W alter Sinclair, A r r o a a a T A T -L l w, N otabt P u b l ic , Coquille, : CELEBRATION Independent Order of Odd Fellows Celebrate 91st Anniversary at Bandon— Dedicate Hall. O k KOON. Offloe Phone Main 211. Phone Main 431. ODD FELLOWS’ : Oregon. On Tuesday of last week the mem­ bers of that order took occasion to celebrate the 91st anniversary of the existence of the Independent Order of Odd Fellowship in America and to dedicate their new ball. Members of the several lodges throughout the country were in at­ tendance and the “ Three Linkers’’ took the town. The steamer Dis­ patch was chartered for the occasion and carried a crowd of about 150 from points all along the river, and including those from Coos Bay who had came over by train. The boat was met at the wharf by Bandon’s splendid concert baud aiid the visit­ ors were escorted through town, marching to the strains of music. At two p. m. the band again ap­ peared and called the assemblage together at the Orand Theatre, where a short program of band music, and a solo by Mrs. T. H. Mehl were rendered, followed by the address of welcome by G. I\ Treadgold. The members of the order then adjourned to the new hall where the business session was held, at which time many things of importance were looked after, the formation of the Coos County Odd Fellows’ Convention being one, with the following named officers: O . A. Hoyt of Bandon Lodgo No. 133 was elected permanent chuirman and Henry Sengstacken of Sunset Lodge No. 51 of Marshfield elected permanent secretary. The business of the convention is to be conducted by fire executive members of each lodge and such names sent to the chairman for ap­ pointment. The next annual meeting of the Convention will be held at North Bend, the home of Arago Lodge No. 28, that being the oldest lodge in the county. . I _______________J _____ Hall & Hall, Two Trains a Day. A tt o b k b is - at L a w , The local S. P. went onto the two- trains-a-day service the first of the month and it is now possible to go to the Bay, transact business and return the same day. This is a convenience which our people and the traveling publio greatly appre­ ciate, and it is to be hoped that the patronage of the road will be such that this may be continued indefi­ nitely. The Sunday service between Marshfield aud Myrtle Point was begun the first, with a little change in the schedule from that which the extra Sunday trains have been run­ ning on the past few weeks. The Sunday achedule now is the same as the morning schedule during the week. The train from Marshfield is due here at 8:55, and leaves for Myrtle Point 15 minutes later. Due from Myrtle Point on return at 10:35, and leaves for Mnrsbfield at 10:45. In the afternoon it is due here at 2:55 and starts tor Myrtle Point at 3:05. On the return it is due here at 4:35 and leaves for Marshfield st 4:45. Daniel in R kal E stats of a ll k in d s. Marshfield, Oregon. I _____________I E. G. D. Holden L aw f kb , u. J U R T I C I O F T H K BEACI 8. Commissioner, General Insuranoe Agent, and Notary Publio. Offloe in Robinson Building. Coquille Oregon. D. S. JACKS ON W. H. JACKSON City Restaurant JA C K SO N B R O S ., Props. COQUILLE, OREGON Successors to McCann and Hailey First Class Meals at Hours at Bottom Prices. all M. E. W HITMORE. E. F. MOKRISSY Coos Bay Paving and Con­ struction Company. oenekal Plans Concrete Savere Storm Hite Middle W e s t contractors and Estimates Given Bricks Stone and Timber Contractor. Phone 151-J Offices 117 Front Street, Marshfield Ore. Incorporated. Manufacturers o f The Celebrated Berqmann Shoe The Strongest and Nearest Water Proof shoe made for loggers, miners prospectors and mill men. 621 Thurman Street P o r t l a n d , O beo o s . A H e s l i u i Halve l o r Iliirn a . 4 h a p - |,r «<» «---------- — In Memorium. Martha R Withey-Welcb, the sub­ ject of this sketch, was born in Maine, on the 12th day of February, 1817. She was married in the state of her birth on June 4th, 1840, to Moses Welch, who preceded her 15 years ago. Ten children were born to this union, six sons and four daughters. In 1861 they started westward, makitig their first stop in Illinois, where they remain­ ed till 1873, when they moved to * Iowa. From Iowa they moved to Minnesota in 1879, and in 1882 to South Dakota, where Mr. Welch departed this life. In 1901 Mrs. Welch came to Coos county with her sons, M. A. and G. C. Welch, who cared for her during her last years and did all possible to make her comfortable. The deceased became a member of the church when young and her long life was well spent and the world was made better by her having lived in it. The interment took place in the G. A. R. cemetery at Bandon, the funeral being conducted bv Rev. 8 . B. Hollenbeak, of this city, and was atUndid by a large number of friends. THE O. K. BARBERSHOP * L. COCHRAN, Proprietor * * * * \ V !■ < > • > | > I ■■ AC 4 ' o i i b I i . This is a more dangerous disease than is generally presumed. It will be a surprise to many to lenm that more deaths result from it than from scaret fever. Pneumonia ofteD results from it. Cbamberlaiu’s Cough Remedy has been used in many epidemics of whoopiog cough, and always with the best results. Del­ bert McKeig Harlan, Iowa says of it: "M y boy took whooping cough when Dine months old. He had it in the winter. I got s bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy which proved good. I cannot rec- commend it too highly.’’ For sale by R. 8 . Knowlton. — One o f the * Most Up-to-Date Shops in the City ^ * O regon | W . H . Schroeder JEW ELER C o q u ille, - O regon Bring me your W atch and Jewelry repairing. I will treat you right. A G o o d L in e o f W a t c h e s A lw a y s o n H and THE N E W ------- ♦ «• » •» DO Y O U W A N T TO SELL? If you want to sell your business of any kind, or if you want to sell your property, and will make the price right, I would like to betr from you. Give description and price. Address J. E. Smith 513 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. '»ng ««tabUihtBsttt * Hot and Cold Baths, Hair Cutting and Massag- ing a Specialty. * p C o q u ille, Mrs. Aiken has opeued up her ------------ - «♦»<----------— millinery store in the building for- Anyone in need of a Singer or merly occupied by Dr. Endicott, Wheeler & Wilson sewing ma­ and will keep constantly on band chine may be accommodated by a choice selection qf all flqe Jqtest 1 calling at La ird 's House Furnish- slylesi SI.50 4, 1910 MEATMARKET SLAOLE BROS., Proprietors C h o ic e F r e s h M e a t » w a y s on H and Opposite Postottlce A l­ COQUILLE, OREGON