Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, April 27, 1910, Image 1

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    V ol .
27: No 33
Entered ae second-cla» matter May
*. 1905, at the pot(office a t Coquille,
Oregon, under act of C ongre» of March
5 , 187».
Office over Rose's Store, Front St.,
Section Seven of the Pert Law Which
Pertains to Tax L tvy, Etc.
such corporation shall have the
right to claim and collect salvage
for service rendered to vessels in
distress in the same manner as a
natural person. The charges for
towage and pilotage shall be fixed
by the board of commissioners for
such corporation, and shall be
public and published to the world,
and said corporation shall be en­
titled to a lien upon any vessel for
any sums due it for piloting or tow­
ing such vessel, and the master or
owner of such vessel shall in addi­
tion be jointly and severally liable
to such corporation therefor.
If a
vessel or cargo, while being towed
by a vessel owned or operated by
such corporation, or, while under
the charge of a pilot employe of
such corporation, suffers injury or
loss by reason of the fault of such
tug or the negligence or incompe­
tency ol such pilot, such corpora­
tion shall not be liable for any loss
or injury thereof in excess of $5,000.
year to assess, levy, and collect a
special tax upon all such property,
real and personal, in an amount
sufficient to pay the yearly interest
on bonds theietofore issued by such
corporation and then outstanding,
together with any portion of the
principal of such bonds maturing
within such year.
Such regular
annual and special tax provided for
hereby shall be levied in each year
in time so as to be extended upon
the county tax rolls with the State
and county tax for the annual col­
lection of taxes in the spring next
following, but in no event later
than the 31st day of December in
eicli year. The special tax hereby
authorized shall be applied onlv in
payment of interest and principal
of bonds issued by such corporation,
but such corporation shall have
power to apply any funds derived
from the regular annual tax to­
wards the payment of such princi­
pal or interest upon such bonds.
All taxes levied by such corpora­
tion shall become payable at the
same time and to the same officers
as regular cou ity taxes are pay­
able and shall be bv the county
officers collecting the same paid to
the treasurer of the said corporation
for its use All taxes levied by cor­
porations incorporated under the
authority of this Act granted shall
be levied on the basis of the assess­
ment made b.' the county in which
such corporation is situated for the
purpose of the levy of taxes for
county or State purposes, with the
exception that the levy of such cor­
poration shall be on the property
situate within its boundaries only;
and for the purpose of the levy of
taxes by said corporation the as­
sessment made by such county on
the property situate within the
boundaries of the said corporation
shall be taken to be and shall be
the assessment of the said corpora­
All regular, annual, and
special taxes levied by such corpor­
ations in the manner hereinbefore
provided shall by the proper county
officers be extended upon the county
tax rolls ot such county with the
State and county tax for the annual
collection of taxes in the spring
next following, and shall be entered
on the tax rolls and collected as
one tax of and foi the said corpora­
tion of a per cent of rate in the ag­
gregate equaling the aggregate of
the general and special tax so levied
by said corporation during such
year uuder the authority herein
granted. Property shall be sub
ject to sale for the non-payment of
taxes levied by the said corporation
in like manner and with like effect
as in the case of county and fa te
---------» 4 »» « ---- *
E p w orth League Convent’
1. To improve all bays, rivers
and harbors within its limits and
between its limits and the sea for
such width and length and to such
Dr. C. W. Endicott
depth as it may be deemed necessa­
ry or convenient tor the use of
shipping and as the means at its
Office over First National Bank
disposal will allaw, and to construct
such cannais, basins and waterways
Phone Main 431.
Coquille, Oregon
as it may be deemed necessary or
convenient tor the use of shipping
or the extension of the commerce of
such port.
2. To contract with the Govern­
A ttorn ey and C ou a oellor at Law .
ment of the United States to do any
Office in R obinn on B uilding
or all and any part of the working
and maintaining or working or
maintaining such a depth of water
such bays, harbirs or rivers as 6. To acquire by purchase .condem­
said Government of the United nation or other lawf il method such
A T T O R N E Y -A T -L A W
States may from time to time de­ lands as it may deem necessary to
Offio in R o b in s o n B u ild in g , Upstairs
termine to make or maintain, and improve lor public convenience and
for the making or maintaining of the convenience of its shipping and
which it shall or may contract with commercial interests, all or any por­
said corporation, and to receive tion of the water front of its bar-
therefor such compensation as may bois, rivers and waterways; to en­
A ttorney and C ounsellor at Law
be agreed on between said Govern­ large its tidal area, construct, ex
Office Phone 335 Main
ment of the United States and said cavate or dredge canals and chan
Resilience Phone 346 Main
nels connecting its waterways with
C o q u il l e C i t y , O r b
3. in carrying on any work in one another or with other water­
this Act provided to be car ried on, ways and the sea, and to construct,
the said corporation shall have the maintain, and operate upon auy of
same right of eminent domain and the water front so acquired by it,
to take property for public uses as wharves, warehouses and dry docks,
exist at such time under the laws and to collect from vessels, using
ot this State in favor of corporations the same, wharfage and drydock-
Martin Building
Front Stree
organized for the construction and age, and to collect from owners or
C o q u il l s , O beoon
operation of railroads, and to be ex­ consignees of goods, passing over
________ !___
ercised in the same manner and on said docks and warehouses, wharf­
the same terms as by the laws of age and storage charges Irom goods
A. J. Sherwood,
this State provided in case of said so handled.
A t t o r h it a t - L a w ,
save only that in the
7. Generally to do such other
N o t a i t P u b l ic ,
case of corportions organized under acts and things as shall tend to pro­
the provisions of this Act the right mote the maritime shipping and
shall extend to the taking of, and commercial interests of such cor­
such corporation shall have and poration, and to acquire, hold, use,
Walter Sinclair,
there is hereby granted to it the enjoy and dispose of and convey
ATroe«RT-AT-I.AW .
right to take any and all private such real anu personal property,
N o t a r y P o b l i o ,
property under said right of emi­ and to make any and all contracts
nent domain which shall be found and to do any and all other acts
necessary or convenient in carrying and things which may be or may
on any work or the exercising, car­ become requisite, necessary or con­
H all & Hall.
rying out or executing any power venient in carrying out all or any
A ttobkbts - at L aw ,
in this Act provided to be carried one or more of the powers in this
D ea lei in R e a l E st â t » o f a ll kin ds.
on, exercised, carried out or exe­ Act granted it.
Marshfield, Oregon.
cuted by it-
8. For the purpose of carrying
4. And to the full extent which
into effect all cr any of the powers
the State of Oregon might itself e x ­
hereby granted such corporation
E. G. D. Holden
ercise and control, or to which it
shall have the power to borrow
L aw tbb ,
can grant to corporations organized
money and to sell and dispose of
J ustice or thb P baob
under the provisions of this Act, the bonds, which bonds shall, however,
0 . 8 . Commissioner, Oeneral Insurance
right to exercise the same, corpora­ never exceed in the aggregate 10
Agent, and Notary Publie. Offloe
tions c-v -H —d undr the provisions
per cent ot the assessed valuation
in Robinson Building.
of this Act shall be, and are hereby for State and ccnntr purposes of
Coquille Oregon.
granted full control ot all bays, riv­ all property wi h’c t '.î limits of
ers and harbors within their limita, said corporation,
is by law
and between their limits and the assessable for Si- ' -, ... d county
The fifth annual conventio
sea, with full power and authority purposes.
Scch l - I t shall be
jv :
to, from time to time, make, estab­ issued from time lo itw'e as the the Coos sub-district of the
worth League which was helJ »4
lish, change or abolish wharf lines board of commltMvre 3 : said cor­
Marshfield, closed on the evenh-g''
in such harbors and rivers, and to poration may détermina, and shall
of the 17th inst , with a very p ie c ­
JACKSON BROS., Props. make, « . î b j u i j . change, modify or be of such denotnlnapoti or denom­ ing program which was highly
abolish such rules and regulations inations and shall run for such
for the use or navigation in such term of years and bear such rate of appreciated by the large audience
in attendance, the Methodist church
harbi n* r a ‘ 'Veers, or the placing interest as such board of commis­
of that city being filled to its
Successors to McCann and Halley of o t. .. 3.1 j - therein or the removal
sioners shall determine; provided,
of obstructions therefrom, as it may however, such bonds shall not bear city.
The convention was a sn<c^.># in
First Class Meals at all deen
ent, requisite or nec- interest exceeding in any event the
every way and the one to b< held
essa.y t . -i vite best interests of the rate of 6 per cent annum, and they
Hours at Bottom Prices.
in Coquille next year will be jfccd
maritime shipping and commercial shall be executed on behall ol the
forward to as a holiday ol more
e said Port, and the said corporation by its president
than ordinary importance ijy a
regulations so made and secretary and aaall be so con­
Coos Bay Paving and Con­
great number of our ycung j xtfde ‘
by it
. ¿nforced by such fines, ditioned as that said corporation
The principal speaker upon itais
struction Company.
penalties and punishments as it in shall therein and thereby undertake,
occasion was Dr. Fletcher Homan,
general contractors
the exercise of sound discretion promise, and agree in consideration
president of the Willamette Univer­
Plans and
Estimates Given may deem necessary; and the fines of the premises, and be held to pay sity, at Salem, who delivered an
Concrete Bricks Stone and Timber or penalties so imposed or levied at a place therein named to the able and interesting address on
shall be recovered in the name of bearer thereol, the sum named
Saturday evening, and a very im­
" ' ?!on in any court of this therein in gold coin of the United
Phone 151-J
pressive sermon on Saturday — en-
Offices 117 Front Street, Marshfield Ore. State L... „ f jurisdiction of actions
States with interest thereon in like ing.
for the recovery of fines and penal­ gold coin at the rate per annum
The following officers were elected
ties imposed by State laws, and named therein, payable half-yearly
at the business session for the ensu­
shall inure and belong to said cor­ on the first day of January and
poration, and all punishments so July in each year in accordance ing year:
President, Melvin Kern, of Co-
imposed shall be enforced in the with the tenor and terms of interest
Manufacturers of
name ** ’ ■ *-orporation in any of coupons thereto attached.
1st Vice-president, Wm. F'vifF.J
The Celebrated Berpmann Shoe the tc » -it this State having
9 Such corporation shall have of Marshfield.
The Strongest and Nearest Water jurisdiction of crimes and misde­
power and there is hereby granted
2nd Vice-president, F. L.Sumner, |
Proof shoe made for loggers, miners
meanors under said laws.
prospectors and mill men.
to it the power to assess, levy, and of Marshfield.
5. To establish,maintain and oper­
621 Thurman Street
collect taxes upon all property, real
3rd Vice-president, Miss Vera
ate a tug boat and pilotage service
P obti . and , Oaeoo*.
and personal, situated within its Nelson, of Bandon
od between said Port
boundaries, and which is by law
4th Vice-president, Miss G
-nd to that end to pur-
a n e a l i M K (Swire l « r n » r s « . i ' h a p * and vl . . .
taxable for State and county pur­ | Smith, of North Bend.
,„ d l!» s< latB IIS< rr S i p p l e s
| chase, lease, control and opei ate
Corresponding Secretary, Mrs j
Asa heeling salvefor burns,sores, steam tug boats and steam and sail poses, and each year not to exceed
i C. M. Goodman, of Coquille.
sore nipples and chapped hands,
I per cent, the proceeds of which
Recording Secretary, Miss Amy j
Chamberlain's Salve ia most excel­ pilot boat» upon snch rivers, bays shall be by it applied in carrying
Issacs, of North Bend.
lent. It allays the pain of a burn and tour*— ' ind upon the sea, and out the objecta and purposes hetein-
Supt. Junior League, Mrs.
almost instantly, and unless the in­ j to ci 1L .. _'i ,.-ges from vessels em-
Levar, of Marshfield.
jury ia very «erera, heals the part*
Treasurer, Cha». Lomas, o Ban-
without Inuring a scar.
Pries, 25 I for pilotage service rendered by tion shall also have the power each
icb corporation, and
cents. For ssls by R. 8. Knowlton. etnpi
C o q u il l e ,
O kkgon .
Uffioe P h on e M ain 211.
C ity R e s ta u r a n t
P er Y ear
Is to the effect that work will begin within a few
weeks, at the most, on a line between
Roseburg and the Coast
B uying Property
rile Cheap
Can Y ou Beat My rrice?
Per Lot
Theo. BergmanShoe Mfg.Co.