Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, April 20, 1910, Image 3

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    LO C AL N E W S .
Mrs. L. J. Cody, of Bandon, was
in town Saturday.
Go to Lorenz’s lor your overalls.
Only 75c.
Mrs. Fred Mehl, of Bandon,
visited in this city the last of the
Bee hives nud bee supplies at
Skeels A Sou's.
William Gather, of Bandon
greeted many friends in this city
last week.
Choice onion sets at Kuowlton's
Drug Store.
Mr. Blumquist, a North Bend
shipbuilder, was in Coquille a day
or so last week.
Barred Plymouth eggs tr ooper
setting. J. Quick, Coquille.
Bev. R. if. Sumerlin, of North
Bend, was a Coquille visitor on
Wednesday of last week.
Wall paper at Laird's.
J. W. Mast was up from Bandon
the first of the week.
Hkeels & Son buy the beat shot a
they can get.
Everyone in this section should
hear Charles A. Hill’s lectures in
this city Friday.
White Spray Flour $ 1.75 per sack
at Lyons A Jones.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Guerin,
the Myrtle Point hotel people, went
to the Bav last Friday.
New line of mens’ uecktiea just
in at Robinsou’s.
The best onion sets at Knowlton’s
Drug Store.
Thousands of people are operat­
ing smudge pots in Colorado to
save their fruit crops from being de­
stroyed by frost.
Garden, grass and (lower seeds at
Lyons A Jones.
Capt. H. E. Wilcox, of McKiulgy,
was down to the county seat on
business Monday, and while in town
made our office a pleasant call.
New belts for gents and ladies
at Robinson’s.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Snydei, of
Myrtle Point, went to Pottland the
The First National Bank, of Ban­ last of the week for the purpose of
don, expects to open its doors to the consulting physicians regarding
public for business today.
Mrs. Snyder’s health.
Men’s Overalls 75c and work
A new lot of ginghams just in at
shirts 40c at Lorenz’s Store.
Rose’s Cash Store.
Mrs. M. Nosier went to Bandon
A good chance for the right man,
by Saturday’s Dispatch for a visit a home location of 160 acres for
with Mrs. Art Johnson, of that $200 with improvements worth not
less than a $1000, iu Coos county.
Refer to Coquille H erald .
A beautiful liue of tailored shirt­
boys’ suits at Robinson’s Store.
Boys, remember Robinson’s Store
waists just arrived at Lorenz’s.
carries the Cluett Shirts.
H. W. Grant, of Rural, was down
J. C . Frye, of this city, returned
this way a few days last week, ex­ tioner, was the guest of his mother,
We have our new spring stock of shoes in. We have chosen the best of the
Mrs. S. J. Tuttle, of this city, Sat Saturday from Portland, whither he
tending his trip down the river.
had accompanied his daughter, M iss
good ones and for style, fit and quality they are in a class by themselves.
Full stock of garden, grass and
You ran always find what you Mvrtle, who has accepted a posi­
field seed at Knowlton's Drug Store.
We have taken particular pains in buying our spring footwear, to get what
want in shoes at Robinson's Store tion as stenographer in that city
The Enterprise says that the
every careful and fastidious dresser must have:
Capt. Levi Snyder is down from
We have novelty trimmings
Guerin Hotel at Myrtle Point is be
all shades. Rose’s Cash Store.
iug equipped with fire escapes.
Socialist city caucus at there
Fancy bead necklaces in all steamer lino between Coquille and
meeting place Monday evening
colors for ladies.
Rose’s Cash
For Sale.— White Nile and early April 25th, at 7:30 p. m. All
Novelties for the young Men and Women. Comfort and ease for the older ones
peas at 4 c per pound.
Phone 8x7. socialists are requested to be pres­
Bandon is now talking of taking — Nile Miller.
ent. By Order of the local Co­
Tans, Patents, Gun Metal and Oxfords
the cows off the streets.
Mr. and Mrs F. 8. Dow, of quille.
Point did so at a recent election.
Marshfield, report having clearly
Yes, Robinson’s Store has their
Telephone for meat to be deliver­ seen the Halley comet at 4 o’clock new spring suits (or ladies.
ed at any time from Slagle Bros.
Thursday morning.
E. H. Hamden sold his place,
Phoue No, 21.
Largest line of men’s ready made formerly known as the Doc Woods
William Candlin, of this city, is
clothes ever brought to this city at place, in the north end of town, to
taking orders for a fine and varied Lorenz’s Stoie.
J. G. Fish, of this city. The deal
line of advertising and other novel­
Mrs. T. A. Walker and son, was made through the agency of
Ralph, of this city, went to Bandon Wm. Oddy.
Straw Hats, Straw Hats, Straw Saturday where they will visit with
Glassware, tinw’are, and agate­
Hats, for big, little, old ungand yo
of all kinds at the Racket.
Robinson’s Store.
Ben Schuyler, of Marshfield,
Miss Ora Deyoe came up from
parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Bandon Thursday. She goes to
Ed Johnson.
J. B. Fox, in this city a few days
Lee, where she has been engaged to
W. S. Graham and family arrived last week.
She returned home
teach a term ol school.
here last Saturday from Grants Thursday, accompanied by her sis­
Skeels A Son always has a good
supply of fresh groceries at the Pass and will make their home on ter, Mrs. Cbas. Myers.
a farm a short distance up the river
lowest prices.
Buy your flower of Lyons &
every suck guaranteed, $ 1 . 75 .
F. D Moore, machinist at the
C. A., L. E Metzler
George Laird, of Bandon, was a
New ginghams Robinson’s Store.
Prosper mill, got a Bliver of steel in
Chas Gage took a smokestack
one of his eyes on Tuesday of last and George Ross were over from for the engine at the mine down the
The tug Robarts arrived in the Coquille visitor on Monday.
week and on Wednesday passed the Bay side Inst week to attend river Thursday. He tells us their Coquille from the Siuslaw Monday
Onion sets at Lyons A Jones.
through Coquille to the Bav for the K. P. convention, which took bunkers are pretty well filled and morning. She will tow up another
Oliver Wilson was up from the
place Wednesday evening.
surgical assistance.
that they are anxious for the one of the large scows of Wakefield Johnson mill near Prosper, on Mon­
Robinson's Store has just received steamer Newport to arrive and re­ A Jacobson.
Lorenz have just received a
large line of ladies’ ready made a new line of art, fronting, round lieve them.
Girden seeds nt Knowlton’s
spring suits. Call and see them. t-hread and butchers linen in white,
For Sale.— A lot of excellent field son’s.
Drug Store.
Prices right.
peas for seed. Geo. T. Moulton.
Capt. and Mrs. J. C. Yloomaw,
Mrs. J. W. Ward returned from
J. M. Bright, of Gravel Ford,
of this city, were passengers to the Marshfield Monday, having been to
was in town Monday and made
Bay Saturday to take a steamer for that-city to make arrangements lo
our office a pleasant business call.
Portland. They will visit the east­ locate there, Mr. Ward being em­
Mr. Bright has rented his farm to
ern part of this state, Idaho and ployed ou the Bay.
/Tue? crroaVL
the Messrs Perry, and about June
California before returning. They
Look at the new wash suits for'
will start with his family for C a l ­
will be absent several weeks.
ladies at Robinson’s Store.
ifornia, in which state they expect
The fixtures for the First National
May sixth is the day set for the
to spend about a year.
Bank arrived last Saturday and Coos county field meet which is to
If you are looking for ribbon we
have a 1 ew line. Come in. Rob­ workmen are busily engaged in take place at Marshfield. All high
putting them in place. This furni­ schools of the county are entered,!
inson's Store.
The Klamath County Chronicle ture is of mahogany, beautifully de­ and those to take part are practicing
is the name of a new paper which signed and finished, which, coupled dilligently. This promises to be an
made its fust uppearauce at Klam­ wfth their modern and handsomely interesting event.
ath Falls, Oregou, on April 7 th. It finished building, will give them a
Another shipment of mens’ spring
begins with a souvenir number con- banking house of which a city of suits just in at Robinson’s Store.
taing 12 pages of nicely printed much larger proportions might well
Joe Nay, the Port Orford pioDeer,
reading matter and a liberal amount feel proud.
in town Thursday on his way j
You will find early seed potatoes
of lastcfully-sit advertisements.
home from an extended sojourn in
The paper is published by the Klam­
Mr. N. Plvler, of this city, has California. While in that state he
ath Publishing C» , with Grant
received the sad news of the death called upon his n]d-tiir.e friend, J.
Lincoln as e fitor.
his mother, Mrs. Mary E. Plyler, A. Yoakam, Sr„ who owns a farm
Skeels A Son have early seed po­
tatoes, and the best eating potafees which occurred at the home of her near Gridley, and with whom he |
in town.
daughter, in Oakland, California, greatly enjoyed a visit of several
T. B. McDonald, the minister who April roth. She was 72 years of days. Mr. Nay ia highly pleased j
is to occupy the pulpit of the age. It will be remembered by her with the Feather River valley in
X 'k - o
church, arrived with his many acquaintances here that she which Mr Yoabam's place is located,
family on Saturday from Geneva, lost her sight from a paralysis of and particularly with that place.
Nebraska. They note a very great the optic nerves, about the time It contains 444 acres, every inch of
difference in this and the section she left this city to live at Oakland. which is the finest of laDd, for
New Gun Metal and Patent Ankle Strap Pumps.
from which they came, and are very Death was due to the rupture of a whicli the owner would not accept
Also we have a fine line of
much pleased with their new loca­ blood vessel on the brain, and was $500 per acre, however that would
tion. They did not particularly sudden and attended with no pain.
of land in tbe locality.
dislike Nebraska, but the wooded
We are receiving new and fresh places can be bought for half that
hills of evergreen here furnish
Of Mr.
groceries by every boat.
Robiu- price, and even lower.
pleasant contrast which they think
Yoakam’s farm, about one half is so
In Tan and Patent Leather.- We can show you
they will like, and which we hope
situated that lie can irrigate it just
as fine Shoes as you will find in town.— See ours
The steamer Newport arrived in when he wishes, but it is seldom
they may.
A new line of neckwear for gen­ the Coquille Monday morning and that this is necessary.
The place
before buying.
tlemen in all the latest styles and came up to the Gage mine for a load is well improved, and while he has
colors at Rose’s Cash Store.
of coal. It has been asserted that if
The Coos Bay Times reports that she can get coal she will continue to dairying, it ia his intention to put
on 135 Holstein cows in the near
New Goods Constantly Arriving
on Wednesday afternoon of last run to the river, while Mr. Gage
future. These will be the very best
week the large gasoline launch used j says that if she will carry bin coal thoroughbred animals be can get.
at Our Store.
by John Swing for deep sea fishing,, he will surely keep her going.1 As to other stock, the place is well
bad been driven ashore at Sunset From this it would appear that supplied, having about 35 bend of
Bay. A very rough storm bad been j there is not much chance for a horses used for general purposes.
As Mr. Nay passed through town
raging outside for several hours hitch, and that the Newport is
Excellent Line of Ladies Waists
be took with him the little race horse
and be had come in near the coast elected for this run is a sure thing. of John Yoakam, as well as a mare
for shelter and anchorage, and the A. Dunham, manager of tbe boat and fine colt, tbe latter of which he
Just Arrived.
rough weather continued until the for the North Pacific Steamship Co., thinks will be fast, and whicli it is
lines to his three anchors chafed was on board the Newport when bis purpose to get a mate for and
bring them up for a driving team.
4 4 J /. /.V
M A S S i t t \ OA A OA
and weakened until tbe force of tbe she came in, and will look after tbe
Though Mr. Nay is getting along in
storm broke them at s time he could interests of the company here while years, be is a great admirer of good
boraes, particularly fast ones.
not put to sea. The launch is con- the steamer runs to this place,
siderably damaged, but efforts are
Have you Men the new anover.
Huttons and gilt trimmings for
being made to take her into water 1 ,ce and embroidery fronting at capes, coats, dresses etc., just in at
Rose's Gash Hlorf
when» she wjll be » „ 1 $ ,
Robinson’s Btore.
4 Complete stock of shoes
Style, Fit and Quality
$3.50, $4 and $5
It will be a pleasure to show
you our stock.
Good blood tells, they say, aud bad blood
certainly does. Poor or disordered blood
tells its own story in lowered vitality, loss
of energy, in skin eruptions, in rheumatic
pains and in a pallid or sallow appearance
of the complexion. This is the season of
the year when the blood is most apt to be
disordered. Take
It purifies and enriches the blood. It cures
boils, pimples aud other skin troubles. It
expels rheumatic poison from the system.
It builds up strength and energy.
for Dose
Fuhrman’s Pharmacy
C O Q U IL L E ,
Come in
m ï. homelove\:
you know that you enjoy
a yood
m o th e r when you eome {tome jïo m
you\ woïk.
you sjyend ¿ob oj time
in led a n d you may ju s t as w e ll le
eom p \talle.
a Sop sj>\inyy
tïeSS w ill add to youi eo m p ïi.
m attïess we s e l l does not lumjy.
yet them piesh’^ have new ones eominy
in eaeh week.
rte aïe
ayents p ï
Yours for Business