Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, April 06, 1910, Image 3

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    Wall paper at Laird's.
W. W. Deyoe, of Baudon, was in
town Friday.
Garden seeds at Knowlton's
Drug Store.
K. M Blackerby, of Bandon, was
in town Monday.
Yes, Robinson’s Store bas their
new spriug suits for ladies.
L. C. Pauli, of Arago, was in Co­
quille on Friday.
Skeels A Son buy the best shoes
they can get.
J. F. Ilaga was up from the lower
river on Monday.
Saws gummed, filed and set at
Quick & Curry’s shop
W. L. Mast was down from
Myrtle Point on Friday.
Full stock of garden, grass and
field seed at Knowlton’s Drug Store.
Mrs. Ed Gillespie, of Prosper,
did shopping in town Monday.
I am in the market lor all kinds
of furs.
G eo . T. M oulton .
J. C. Roberts, of Myrtle Point,
was a Coquille visitor on Friday.
Look at the new wash suits for
ladies at liobinsou’s Store.
R. C. Demeuf, of Myrtle Point,
was a couuty seat visitor on Friday.
Call at Cleaves’ and see the new
ribbons, including velvet.
W. T. Lehnherr,^)f Myrtle Point,
was a county seat visitor on Friday.
business visitor to the county seat Only 75c.
The Lest onion sets at Knowlton's
Drug Store.
Mr, and Mrs. T. H. Mehl, of Skeels A Son’s.
Prosper, visited in town the first of
Dr. McCormac, of Marshfield,
the week.
was in this city on Saturday.
Clarence Woodward, of Marsh­
Mrs. R. M. Weider, of Marshfield,
field, made Coquille a short busi­ was in Coquille on Monday.
ness visit on Monday.
New line of Warner’s corsets just
Skeels A Son always has a good in at Robinson's.
supply of fresh groceries
J. C. Taylor, of Ptosper, was in
lowest prices.
town on business last Saturday.
W. T. Brady, of Gravel Ford, was
lad ies’ novolty neckwear in all
among Coquille’s many business
patterns at Cleaves’ Store.8
visitors the last of the weex.
E. E. Doyle bad business which
Men’s Overalls 75c and work
called him to Marshfield on Mon­
shirts 40c at Loreuz’s Store.
Henry Vergil, the logger from
New shoes, new ties, for everyone
the Parkersburg section, was
at Robinson’s Store.
county seat bucieess visitor on Mon
A large supply of up-to-date,
fashionable spring goods have just
Lorenz have just received
arrived at Lorenz’s store. Call and
large line of ladies’ ready made
see goods and get prices.
spring suits. Call and see them
Choice onion sets at Knowlton’s
Prices right.
Drug Store.
For Sale— White Nile and early
S irveyor Gould, of this city, and
peas at 4 c per pound.
Phone 8x7,
— Nile Miller.
Viewer Spires, of Myrtle Point,
G. W. Harry and children left went to the Bay side Monday to
last week for McCoy, Oregon. The look after certain road matters.
move is made for the benefit of bis
You will find early seed potatoes
at Drane’s store.
little daughter's health.
Complete stock of shoes
We have our new spring stock of shoes in.
We have chosen the best of the
good ones and for style, fit and quality they are in a class by themselves.
We have taken particular pains in buying our spring footwear, to get what
every careful and fastidious dresser must have:
Style, Fit and Quality
$3.50, $4 and $5
Mr. aud Mis. Walter Sinclair
See those lawns and summer
Novelties for the young Men and Women. Comfort and ease for the older ones
goods at Cleaves’ before buying.
went to Marshfield Monday to at­
Tans, Patents, Gun Metal and Oxfords
Mrs A. M. Snyder, of Myrtle tend the funeral of Alex StaufF,
Point, visited her brothers, Capt. J which took place yesterday. Mr.
C. and Charles Moomaw, of this StaufF was an uncle of Mrs. Sin­
city, the fiist Of the week.
Skeels A Son have seed ve'ch,
Up-to date line of men's and
seed outs, seed barley, seed corn.
The biggest and best stock of boys’ suits at Robinson’s Store
shoes for men, women and children
Mrs. Charles Hunt, who is pre
J. V. Leep, of the u.iper river,
just in at Lorenz’s.
paring to reside at Empire while
returned from Marshfield Monday
V. L. Arrington, of Myrtle Point, having been to that city for medical Mr. Hunt is a member of the Coos
Bay lifesaving crew, was a pas­
returned from the Bay Friday after treatment for several days.
senger to Marshfield by Monday’s
a week’s visit.
For Sale.— A lot of excellent field train.
Telephone for meat to be deliver­ peas for seed. Geo. T. Moulton.
_Boys, remember Robinson’s Store
ed at auy time from Slagle Bros.
Dr. Wetmore was called from carries the Cluett Shirts.
Phone No, at.
Myrtle Point Monday to see Mrs
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith ar­
Mrs. /. L. Kronenberg, of Park­
E. L. Spalding, who has been in
rived here lately from Grays Har­
ersburg, returned from a visit to
poor health for some weeks.
bor, Washington, and aie having a
the Bay on Friday.
The latest tiling in Buster Brown look around our city and surround­
Straw Hats, Straw Hats, Straw
ings, with which they are very
H ats, for big, little, old urgand yo belts, Bobinsou’s Store.
Our townsman, Matt Kerrigan, much pleased.
Ro binsou’s Store.
The latest thing in Gent’s O x­
Onion sets at Lyons A Jones.
The steamer Fifieldarrived in the and son Fred, went to Portlond by
Mrs. W. C. Chase returned last
at Rose’s Cash Store.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hunt, ot
They are en week from an extended trip over
river on Friday, bringing a con­ the last Ramona.
Samuel Miller was down from
siderable quautity of freight and^
the state in the interests of the
For a good second-hand Singer Norway one day last week.
number of passengers.
Pythian Sisters, having visited the
White Spray Flout $ 1.75 per sack
Make your washing easy by us- many lodges in the jurisdiction of sewing machine, call at the H er ­
For seed peas, Eaily Heburn and
at Lyons A Jones.
ald office.
which she has charge.
American VVander potatoes, call on
Manly Cribbin drew the band-
Ed Johnson.
Rev. F. M. Sanderlin, of Bandon,
some green couch which was given
G. R. Hancock, who has keen
Mrs. Edward Boyd came down
his wife at this place, took his two
away at the Second-Hand Store
from Portland by the last Ramona, member of the Coos Bay life-saving little children and started for
Buy your flower of Lyons A
and was accompanied from Marsh­ crew for the past two years, bas re­ Seattle on Saturday, where he and Jones, every sack guaranteed, $ 1 . 75 . last Friday.
signed, and last Friday moved back
New silk waistings, the latest
field by her sister, Mrs. Boone.
the little ones will make their
W. W. Whittington, of the Myr­ thing ouj. Rose’s Cash Store.
to the Coquille side with bis family.
Just received at Knowlton’s
home with his mother in that city. tle Point section, was in town yes­
Parties wishing coal from the
Drug Store, a lull and complete stock
M. VV. Goodman, of the Second-
Glassware, tinware, amd agate­ terday.
of garden seeds, the best that can
Hand firm of C. M. Goodman A
be grown.
Lorenz is agent for the Royal Co., left last week for his old home
The Jackson Bros., who recently Worcester Corset. Big supply on in eastern Oregon to look after
took charge ot the City Restaurant, hand. Call and see them
business interests.
McCann A Halley retiring, have
Married.— At Myrtle Point, Ore­
You should be present at the
that popular place thoroughly reno­ gon, March 27th, 1910, Innis Second-Hand Store April 16th, at
'? / - V
vated and in nice shape. They will Houser and Miss Jessie Belieu, Rev. 3 P -” >-
now be'able to accommodate the Thomas Barklow officiating.
The schooners Advance and Ore­
hungry in first-class style and prices
Call on Lyons A Jones Saturday gon at rived at Bandon yesterdav
Price $ 1.00
100 Dose Bottle
in keeping with the markets.
These ves­
and get fresh vegetables for your ftom San Francisco.
Largest line of men’s ready made Sunday dinner.
sels started from the city within five
clothes ever brought to this city at
minutes of the same time and en­
Married.— In Marshfield,Oregon,
Lorenz’s Stoie.
gaged in a race to the Coquille. It
March 28th, 1910, Mr Geo. B.
J. W. Mulkey started for Glad­ Harris aud Miss Mary J. Cole. C. is reported that the skippers of the
stone, Oregon, on Monday, where L. Pennock, Justice of the peace, schooners had up a wager of $150
as to which should arrive first.
he with his little daughter will officiating.
make his home with bis patents,
Shepherd checks, just the thing
If you don’t want to get left
Rev. A. H. Mulkey and wife. He wear a South Bend watch. Billy for your spring suits at Rose’s
Cash Store.
was accompanied by his mother Schroeder bas them.
who had come to assist in caring for
C. T. CessDa, of
Married.— At the home of the
his wife during her last illness.
officiating clergyman, March 30th, Riverton, aud the latter’s father,
Just received at Knowlton’s Drug tqio, R. W. Marshall and Miss Duncan Urquhart, arrived from
Store, a large lot of the finest onion Rubena C. Arlandson, by Rev. Santa Monica, California, Thursday. |
sets ever seen in this market.
Mr. Urquhart and Mrs. Cessna
Frank R. Zugg.
Two large boilers for the new
New goods at the Racket, every­ went down last fall and spent the 1
sawmill to be erected at Floras thing you are looking for. Call at winter at different points in that j
Lake passed through town the the Racket.
state for the benefit of Mrs. Cessna's
latter part of last week, and an en­
Married.— At the home of the boy’s health, which bas greatly im.
gine and other machinery came bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam proved.
over yesterday to follow.
Judging Bruer, March 27th, 1910, Emery L.
White Spray Flour makes the
Get your Summer S uit made to your order
from the power these will turnish, Robbins and Msss Elizabeth W. beat and whitest bread of any flour
a fine mill is to be built at the new Brewer, Rev. Thomas Barklow on the market. Lyons A Jones sell l
by STRAUSS BROTHERS, Master Tailors, Chica-
Our tables are always loaded with
Lyons A Jones always try to have
They guarantee a perfect fit. Call a t my
the latest novelties to be obtained something nice on hand for you for who have resided at Johnson's mill
for a number of years past, Mr.
in the market.
Fine stationery your Sunday dinner.
store and took over the 500 samples.
Fairman being bead plnnerman in
included, in the Racket Store.
The Floras Lake Banner is the
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bender, of new paper just started at the new the mill, started Saturday for Stan­
haue th e ir exclusiue agency in Coquille.
Myrtle Point, passed through this town down the coast. It seems field, Oregon, which place is to be
city Saturday, going to the Bay to
there was another I acific City in 1 and fntni]y, be having purchased a
take the steamer Ramona for Port­ this state, and that name could not
mercantile business in that place.
land, where Mrs. Bender will enter be adopted, and the new city will be The other members of the family I
a hospital for treatment' for lung j called Lakeport. The Banner is a expect to go by the next trip of the
Ramona oorth.
A tsrge circle of
They wr re accompanied !
printedi four.paRe
uy turn. Dander s mother, Mrs. J. i , . t
. . , . i _ j . ' friends will regret their departure,)
W. Caldwell, of Long Creek, in which presents a very bngtat and and while they will hope for their
eastern Oregon, she having arrived newsy appearance. The publishers gucceas in ther new home aud busi­
a week ago to be with her daughter, are Messrs Smith and Quales. We ness. they would be pleased to wel-
come them back at any time they
| Her many friends sincerely hope
see fit to return.
for her speedy recovery.
Skeels A Son bave early seed po­
tatoes, and the beBt eating potatoes
in town.
T. J. McBee, of. Bridge, had
business in Coquille the first of this
It will be a pleasure to show
you our stock.
Good blood tells, they say, and bad blood
certainly does. Poor or disordered blood
tells its own story in lowered vitality, loss
of energy, in skin eruptions, in rheumatic
pains and in a pallid or sallow appearance
of the complexion. This is the season of
the year when the blood is most apt to be
disordered. Take
It purifies and enriches the blood. It cures
boils, pimples aud other skin troubles. It
expels rheumatic poison from the system.
It builds up strength and energy.
Fuhrmans Pharmacy
C O Q U IL L E ,
I'J l
Hr. Gooddresser—
ml. an d w U . fiome^ovek:-
youl {tome is Se^in^ you to
ujs. do So an d you \&U£ #et M s
mole out oß fife-) M au se it v n lt
make you le e l kajojoiel. jtfa. n ieel
you\ home the kajyjoiel you \fr ‘M fiec£.
CI ji nd that at ou\ stole vH
have just
things you want.
jyliee \rSi£C not Se
youlS fou/y^
W . C. L A IR D
Garden hoes, rakes, shovels,
men’s and boys axes, pitch forks—
4 and 6 tines, brush-hooks, etc.
Come and look them over. Prices)
right. C. M. Goodman A Co.