Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, March 30, 1910, Image 1

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    iEoqtliUc îim tlfc
Vor, 27: No 29.
Entered ft« Becond-clasa matter May
8, 1905, at the poatofflce at Coquille,
Oregon, under act of Congress of March
Office over Rose’s Store, Front St.,
C o q u il l e , O regon .
Oifloa l'bono Main 211.
Passes into the Hands of
Men — Consideration $ 3 5 0 .0 0 0
— Includes Other Property.
Enumerators Selected for Coos
and Curry Counties.
R. J. Hendricks o f Salem, census
supervisor for this section of Ore­
gon, has just announced his selec­
tion of enumerators for Coos and
Gurry counties.
His selection is
based on the examinations lecently
conducted iu this section.
The enumerators will begin their
duties in April and are compelled to
rush the work through.
named lor this section and tneir
postoffice »dresses are as follows.
Coos county— William R. Mavity,
Bandon; Leonard G. Masters, Sum­
ner; Byron F. Savage, North Bend;
Charles H. Jackson, Marshfield;
Geo. W. Starr, Bridge; George T.
Moulton, •oquille; Cornelius B.
Kelly, Empire; Orlando A. Kelly,
Riverton; Arthur M.
Marshfield; Kenneth E- Marcy,
Marshfield; John C. Roberts, Myrtle
Point; Anson E. Shuster, North
Bend; Mrs. Nellie Weitzel, North
Bend; Mrs. Ada E. Dungan, Marsh­
field; Caleb C. Robinson, Norway;
Jefferson Owenbey, Prosper; Wil­
liam N. Curtis, Jr., Marshfield; Mrs,
Lena M. Hewitt, Marshfield; John
B. Sneddon, Riverton.
Curry couuty—Storer P. Pierce,
Port Orford; Hardv T. Stewart,
Port Orford; Phil W. Pearson, Ban­
don; W. A. Bishel, Gold Beach;
Frank E. Caughill, Gold Beach.
P er Y ear
The Sm ith Lumber and M anufacturing
Co Give Big Mortgage - Largest
Ever Made in Douglas Co.
Roscburg, Or., March 24.— Ote
Portland, Or., March 23.—Thou­
of tbe lurgent mortgages that has
sands of acres of land in the Rogue
ever been recorded at the County
River valley, embracing an estate
Clerk’s office is being transferred to
A. F. Kirshman,
which has become bictoric in Ore­
the mortgage records by I)< puty
D kntist .
gon as tbe realm of tbe late R. D.
It consists of twenty-one
Hume, “ KiDg of the Rogue River,”
sheets of closely typewritten matter,
Otfioe two doors South of Poet oflioe.
and the ‘ ‘Laird of Wedderburn,”
and is given to secure tbe payment
O refu u.
C oqu ille
passed into the hands of Portland
of eighteen 'promissory notes, eight
men for consideration of $350,000.
of which are for $25,000 each, and
Keasey, Humason
Jeffrey, a
ten notes for $5000 each.
real estate firm of this city, hare
Dr. C. 1/1. Endicott
mortgage ¡ b given by the C. A.
purchased the holdings of the Hume
Smith Lumber and Manufacturing
estate, including the transfer of
Company to John W. Gary, trustee,
15,000 acres of land, extensive fisb-
Office on Front Street
of Minneapolis, Minn., and the
i.’ig rights, salmon canneries, a
mortgaged land lies in Douglas, Din-
Phone Main 431.
Coquille, Oregon
wealth of water power, a part of the
coin, Coos and Curry counties. The
town of Wedderburn, a large tract
other mortgage was recorded about
of timber land, sawmills, fruit can­
three years ago and was given by
neries, farm lands and a varied line
the Smith Timber Company to the
of industries in tbe the Southern
Trust Company to secure
Attorney and Coanoellor at Law.
Oregon district.
the payment of three million dollars.
Starting with practically nothing
Office in Robinson Building
in the early days, Mr. Hume, who
S . F. to G et Fair.
died a year ago, begaD fishing op­
Santa Barbara, Calif., March 23.
erations on the Rogue river, and lit-
Representatives of the principal
tio by little increased hiB holdings.
citiis of California selected to de­
He developed biB particular section
cide the dispute as to tbe site for
of country in a wonderful manner
OtHo in Robinson Building, Upstairs
holding a world’s fair in 1915, today
and only ceased bis strenuous oper­
Exit The Cow.
voted in favor of San Francisco as
ations, which had earned for him
San Diego. Representatives
the title of ‘ ‘King of the Rogue
After Friday, April 1st, Coquille of San Diego announced that their
River,” when he dfed.
will no longer be elligible to the
Attorney and Counsellor at Law
The great weallb developed by title of ‘ ‘Cow Town,” that being city would go right ahead with their
Office Phone 335 Main
Mr. Hume includes 15,000 acres of tbe date upon which the ordinance plans to hold an exposition despite
This is located along tbe making it unlawful for cows to run the decision of the conference. The
Residence Phone 346 Main
river valley eighteen miles at large on our streets. The cows object of tbe fair is to celebrate the
C o q u il l e C ity , O r »
from its mouth and also along tbe were the last to go, excepting dogs opening of the Panama Canal.
coast for a distance of five miles. and eats, and only cows giving
Notice of Sidewalk Improvement
Tbe town of Wedderburn is located milk have been allowed to run at
on tbe properly and the sale ;n- large for several years, and now the
Notice is hereby given that the
cludes the transfer of a general pet Jersey will no longer be en­ Common Council of the City of Co­
store, supDlying the surrounding dured.
quille, Coos County, Oregon, pro­
Martin Building
Front Stree
country, a hotel, a big salmon
While very useful, she was a poses to place the sidewaly on grade
CoquiLLi, O baoon
canDery, two cold storage plants, one great nuisance.
They became ex­ on that portion of B street, lying
located at Wedderburn and the pert at opening gates, etc., aDd bus between the north line of First
other at Tort Orford, two salmon long been a great boog-a-boo and street and the south line of Second
A. J. Sherwood,
hatcheries, one at Trail ere« k, on excuse for not beautifying yards street in tbe original town site of
A ttobnsv - at -I jaw ,
the upper Rogue river above Med­ and lawns. This will d o longer in­ the City of Coquille, Coos County,
N ot . nr P ublio ,
ford, and the other Dear tbe mouth terfere, and it is to be hoped that Oregon.
of the river. The government op the excuse will go with the cows
Therefore, all persons interested
erates the hatchery at the upper and that the work of improvement are hereby notified to file their ob­
river and the Hume people have of yards will be in evidence. There jections to such impro emeDt with
W alter Sinclair,
been operating the lower one.
is no place where nice shade trees the undersigned within ten days
A t t o b n sv - at -I jaw ,
The sales aUo include two saw­ and beautiful flowers, roses not ex­ from the date of the first publica­
mills located near Wedderburn, in cepted, do better than they do in tion of this notice.
N ot . hi P ublio ,
Dated and first published this
the heart of heavy timber.
There Coquille, and with a reasonable
are about 5000 acres of timber land, amount of work this city can earn 16th day of March, 1910.
A. W . K elley ,
a part of which is the celebrated a "flowery” title, and the disap­ Recorder of the saidCity of Coquille.
port Orford cedar and the remain­ pearance of the heavy, tall and un­
Hall & Hall,
W oodm en Initiate.
A ttobhsts - at L a w ,
sightly fences resembling stockades,
all heavy and will be retained by will allow their beauty to be ad­
Dealer in R b a l E s t a i « o f all kinds.
The Bandon Recorder says: The
the new owners.
Marshfield, Oregon.
mired by the passerby.
Modern Woodmen initiated a large
Of the 10,000 acres, in addition
In this connection it would prob­ class of candidates at their meeting
to the timber land, there are 8000 ably be well to speak of a general
Wednesday night and served a big
acres of tillable land, well supplied “ cleanup day.” It will be remem­
E. G. D. Holden
banquet afterward. The Woodmen
with water and which is rich land bered how admirably tbe plan
L aw tbb ,
lodge of this city has been yery ac­
well adopted for agricultural pur­ worked last year, and there is no
tive all the year, and if the present
It is the intention of the reason why it would not do so
u . 8. Commissioner, General Insaranoe poses.
rate of increase keeps up they ex­
new owners to open the territory of again. However, since the general
Agent, sad Notary Public. Office
pect to take the banner this year.
in Robinson Bnilding.
the lower Rogue river, long shut clean up of last year, there has not
Coquille Oregon.
off from the rest of the world, by been the amount of rubbish allowed
platting 8000 acres into five, ten to accumulate as had before, and
All Coos County warrants drawn
and twenty-acre tracts.
though the need is Dot so great as
on the general fund and endorsed
This will mean sd awakening of
on that occasion, there is no ques­
prior to July 1st, 1908, will be
Coos Bay Paving and Con­ the entire district. When the lands tion but a lot of stuff could be
paid on presentation at my office in
were owned by Mr. Hume nothing
found that would look better in the
struction Company.
could be bought, and instead of in­ city’s rubbish heap north of town Coquille, Oreg. No interest will be
allowed on any of these warrants
general contractors
viting Bettlers to locate in his than where it is at present.
And, after December 10th, 1909.
Plans anil Estimates Given district, he spent every effort in bot­ in case there cannot be enough
Dated this 7th day of Dec. 1909.
T. M. D im m ic k ,
Concrete Bricks Stone and Timber tling up the immense resources of found to justify a clean-up day, it is
County Treasurer.
the country and river by buying very commendable on the part of
. IS* ■—------------
every inch of land along the river our townspeople, and with a little
Phone 151-J
F o r D i s e a s e s «1 ( h e S h i s .
Offices 117 Front Street, Marshfield Ore. from the mouth far back toward its
Nearly all diseases of the skin
more attention along these lines,
headwaters and keeping the itiner
the city can be made much more at­ such as eczema, tetter, salt rheum
and barbers' itch, are characterized
ant visitor away with great signs tractive in its appearance.
by an intense itching and smarting,
bearing tbe placard, ‘‘No Trespass.”
New comers have lately been which often makes life a burden
The water power of the river heard to remark how beautifully
and disturbs sleep and rest. Quick
which is immense, was never utilized the flowers, shrubbery and lawns relief may be had by applying
Manufacturer* of •
but was allowed to go to waste, and grow in the yards where they have Chamberlain’s Salve. It allays the
The Celebrated Berqmann Shoe no others were allowed to encroach received attention. Think it over. itchiDg and smarting almost in­
Many cases have been
Tbe Strongest and b a r e s t Water or even to make n proposition that
cured by its use. For sale by R.
Proof shoe made for loggers, miners certain water rights be turned over
The Coos Bay Times says: It is
so jealous was the owner that he announced the overhauling o f tbe S. Knowlton.
prospectors and mill men.
would lose uis powerful hold on the
621 Thurman Street
Breakwater will be completed so
C arpenters : — The
I river and vicinity.
P o r t l a n d , O regon .
she can lesume the Coos Jiay- Hardware Co., of Portland. Oregon,
There are other landmarks on the
tract purchased, howei^F, which Portland run about April 15th. It | have sent a hurry-up telegrnph or­
Information Wanted.
bear witDess to another side of the is expected that tbe Ramona’s char­
der for 08 more self setting planes,
! character of the big man who built ter will then be given up by the
to tbe makers, Gage Tool Co., Vine-
! up the fishing industry of Southern
Southern Pacific, although the com­ land, N. J.
Information is wanted as to tbe | Oregon.
These planes are in
whereabouts of William Cdstelo.
At one time, just before a certain pany bar an option on the Ramoua demand and our local dealers can
I have importaut news for him from ¡Fourth of July, the town of Wed­ for some time to come.
get them of seveo other Portland
derburn wished to celebrate, but bad
Vsn Couver, Washington.
dealers as well as those in Oregon
no place to hold a suitable carnival
Washington, March 2 4 .— The
W. W. G aos ,
City, Hood River, Seattle, Tacoma,
Then the “ Laird of Wedderburn”
pension bill, carrying appropriations
and other coast cities.
I proved his right to the name by,
building a race track, grandstand, *B8re8*tin8 »bout $156,000, was
Get your table legs turned at
K. Holverson, the tailor, has just ! paddock, etc , at a cost of $16,000, passed by the House today.
Quiek <k Curry’a. They have some
—------ * • '.
. „
received a large lot of samples of turning it over to the citizens and ,
Hard wood,
«There'a your
your track, go| A good entertainment at tbe patterns already out.
suitings. Call tnd see them and saying: "TDere's
‘ Dims’’ »i* nights each week.
get his prices.
Or Your Neighbors
Will all Know That
- - - 1- - - - - - - - - i
Before you do. Y ou will also be
M issing a Great Opportunity
by not Investing while
these Lots are Cheap
Theo. Berpan Shoe Mfg.Co.