■i Coquille Jerald. D F. D E A N , P R O P R IE T O R C o u n ty O fficial Paper. I UBLI8HID KVEltY WEDNESDAY. >e voted to the material and social op »'.dm? of the Coquille Valley particularly i For These and Other Good Buys see Lard, Hams, Bacon, Sausage, Fresh and Salt Meats. STUTSMAN & CO. Office on First Street, Op. Hotel Baxter. We are headquarters for euerything in the meat line. wants always receives prompt attention. Phone Main 591 Your Call and See Us and H e a r the Music. COQUILLE V A LLEY PACKING CO. Aretino Talking Machine FREE with $25 O') cash trade and a cash payment of $2 f >0 on delivery of machin*1. One 10-iuch record FRRE with $10.00 in cash trade. One 10. inch recint FltRE with $5 00 in cash trade every Saturday. Remember the Aretino record fits all kinda of disc talking machines. incandescent Electric Light D. J. Baker, Plaintiff, vs. Action at Law . C. H. James and f J. W. Meadous, ( Defendants. J To C. H. Janies and J. W. Meadous, the above named defendants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON You are hereby notified that you are required to appear and answer the com­ plaint filed against you in the above en­ titled action within six weeks from the •late of the first publication of this sum­ mons, to-wit: Within six weeks from the 9th day of March, A. D. 1910, and if you fail to ap­ pear and answer on or before the 20th day of April, K. I). 1910, that date be­ ing the last day of the time prescribed in the order of publication, the plaintiff will take judgment against you for the sum of $100.00, plus an attorney fee in the sum of $40,00, and for her costs and disbursements in the action. Service of this summons is made by publication in pursuance of an order made by the Honorable John F. Hall, County Judge of Coos County, State of Oregon, dated the 8th day of March, A. D. 1910. A. J. S herwood , L. A. L iljkqviht , I Attorneys for Plaintiff. < Pres* Accepted throughout the civilized world the as the most universally satisfactory il­ Butai luminant for all purposes the Cleanest V.U Most Convenient, and the CHEAP P. E. D rane 4 EST light known. and here That furnished by the C O Q U ILLE you R IV E R EL EC TR IC CO is r_v , »PCs • - DEALER IN first have class and up to date in every respect it. The rates place it within reach of all L ad ies’ Fancy and G en ts’ F u rn ish in gs a n d S ta p le G roceries, F l o u r a n d Feed. Frank Morse, Prop., Coquille Burn the... E Q U IP P E D W IT H W IR L S. ROUSE C O A L Steam er Alliance THE BEST COAL Capt. E . D. Parsons Coos Bay and Portland IN COOS COUNTY $5 Per Ton Sails from Portland Saturdays at 8 p m. e Notice is hereby given, that by an or- I der of the County Court of Coos Conn ty, Oregon, made on the 15th day of De­ cember, 1909, Minnie Smith was duly appointed Administratrix of the estate of Charles B. Wilkins, deee. sed, and that letters testamentary have been du­ ly issued to the said Minnie Smith, and that she is now’ qualified and acting. GEO. Therefore all persons having claims against the said estate are herein notified to present the same with proper vouchers attached, to the said Administratrix at Coquille, Oregon, within six months from the 9Ji day of February, 1910, the final publication of this notice. MINNIE SMITH, Administratrix of the ( State of Charles B. Wilkins, deceased. Geo. P. Topping, Attorney for Estate. e Sails from Coos Bay Tuesdays at service of tide. Leave TH0S. B. JAMES, Agt Marshfield MULT0N, Agt. CoquiPe Orders Harry With Flanders Or STUTTSMAN & CO., Phone Wain 591 Portland and Coos Bay S. S. Line RAMONA .3 5 1 Sails for Portland Every Saturday CALIBER Sails From Ainsworth Doch, Portland, Wednesdays at 8 P. M. S e l f - L o a d i n g Rifle! NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the un­ dersigned, Charles I. Kime, was, by or­ der of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Coos, duly made and entered on the 4th day of January, 1910, appointed administrator of the estate of J, H. Kime, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are required to present the same, with proper vouchers, to the under­ signed. at Myrtle Point, Coos County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated this 2fith dav of January, 1910. CHARLES I. KIME, Administrator of the Estate of J II. Kime, deceased. One-half Herein benies and a six room cottage close in, gnod barn, chicken hi use nnd wood shed. If you are looking for a home, you will buy this place for $ 1250 . » ill suit the buyers. CAPITAL STOCK $25,000 A Reasonable Share of Your Business Solicited First Class Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Or­ egon in and for the County of Co is. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. o CO North Fork R d............... 4 20 A N Gould, surveying mak­ ing profiles, etc............... 130 30 Special Improvements R D No 11. Homer Holverstott, chain- 4 00 mao, North Fk R d . .. . Robert Holverstott, rod- 4 00 man, North Fk R d , .. . James Hatcher, ebainman, 4 00 North Fk ltd ............... Jeff Henharo, axman, 2 00 North Fk R d............... A N Gould, surveying, pro- 28 00 files North Fk Rd e tc .. In Re Miscellaneous Expenses. Coquille River Electric Co 20 00 electric current............... W B Neathery, driving 2 50 team after in d ig e n t.... A N Gould, re-establishing 22 50 govt corners, etc........... Coquille Furniture Co, oil 4 20 cloth covering............... R S Knowlton, sundries for 29 35 court house................... Coquille Electric Supply 19 70 Co, installing lig h ts.. . . W C Laird, r.upplies for 29 25 court house................... J A Lamb* Co., work and 6 GO' supplies for furnace.. . . Coquille Steam Laundry, 4 20 laundry for court house Coquille Wood and Coal 23 40 Yard, 5 tons coal........... Coquille Hardware Co., 5 00 supplies for court house W W Gage, board of G9 58 prisoners. ........................ Germo Mfg Co , carboline, 24 25 floor o il............................ 47 30 l'eart Bros & Co , coal----- Horae Telephone Co„ rent- 27 20 als and tolls................... Iu Re Officers Bills. Sheriff’s Office. 15 00 Lanson Leneve, labor.. R M Horton, labor........... 113 75 52 50 H E Folsom, labor........... Roy Morgan, labor........... 108 75 L W Oddy, labor............... 176 25 120 00 Geo O Leach, labor. . . . . . N Osmimdson, labor......... 141 25 Assessors Office. 3 75 Roy Morgan, la b o r ......... 40 50 J S Lawrence, labor........ 16 25 N Osmimdson, la b o r .... Clerk’s Office 12G 25 Jotty L Watson, labor.. . . Ines F Bunch, la b o r .... 106 25 Ray Collier, labor............... 127 25 James Watson, cash for 14 00 extra labor ext rolls.. Health Office. Walter Culin, salary as 41 78 health officer................. School Superintendent’s Office. W H Buuch, salary and 215 55 expenses ........................ W D Reedy, conducting 45 00 exams, etc....................... A J Raab, conducting 45 00 exams e tc ....................... County Court. E A Anderson, attending court, mi exam rds Co 33 80 Com ................................ W T Dement, attending court, mi exam rds Co 21 80 Com ................................ John F Hall, salary as Co J u d g e .............................. 166 67 In R« Bills Continued, Reduced or Not Allowed. State vs Wells, Jurors fees io duced $1 00 each; State vs Craw. ford, bill of J W Carter, reduced $4.20; State vs Higgins, C L Pen* nock's bill reduced $1.15; W B Cox, constable, State vs Elliott Bill $15.05; State vs Anderson, $4 10, Della paid January. 1910 term; Welch, monthly allowance of $15.00 discontinued from March 1, 1910; Alfred Cornwell, claim for keeping Elixibetb Lively $28.50 continued Geo 8 Davis, bill for Gravel R D 1G, reduced front $30 to $15,00; Alfred berg, claim 1154 riduced lo 28 55, hoar l und lodging min dden Fulls Hoad: A M Snyder, ix Dement bridge, claim $22 50, Diced »n l allowed $18 75; Le­ der Barklnw, Dement bridge, im 117.50 reduced and alluwed 4.00; G IV Baikl-iw, Dement dge, claim $15.00, reduced and owed $ 12 . 00 . »te of Oregon, 1 County of Coo*, j I, James Watson, County Clerk Some of the Best Buys in Town SUMMONS. for Coos Couoty and State of Ore­ gon, ex-officio Clerk of the County I IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE C'-urt for said Counts nnd State, ! STATE OF OREGON, FOR COOS custodian of the records, arebieves COUNTY. L. COCHRAN, Proprietor and files of said Couutv, do hereby C. M. Skeels. Plaintiff, vs. certify itmt the for« going is a true Sol Blumauerand —g ~ ‘ Eugene and cotract statement of the amount Hoch, copartners under Suit in Equi- the firm name and style ty. of bills of expense, iu whose favor of ^ Hot and Cold Baths, Hair Cutting and Massag- ^ Blumauer allowed, on the various funds of the To C. O. Gilkey, one of the above nam­ ed defendants: County, ss audited by the County In the Name of the State of Oregon, ^ One of the Most Up-to-Date Shops in the City ^ Court of slid County and State, at you are hereby notified that you are re­ quired to appear and answer the com­ * the regulftr March, 11)10 term of plaint filed against you in the uliove en­ * titled court and cause within six weeks snid Court, as the same appears in from the date of the first publication of /T\ the Journals nl snid Court uow in this summons, towit: Within six weeks from the 9th day of March, 1910; and if my office and custody. Three lots, all cleared, ready you fail to appear and answer on or be­ Wituess my hand and the seal cf fore the 20th day of April, 1910, that be­ for building; $300. the County Court affixed this 12th ing the last day prescribed in the order 8 lots 3 blocks from post office; R S. KNOWLTON, President GEO A ROBINSON, V. Pres. of publication, judgment will be taken da) of March A. D. 1910. against you for want thereof and plain­ R. H. MAST, Cashier $800. tiff will apply to the court for the relief J ames W atsox , 17 acres close in, at a aignin. demanded in his said complaint, a suc­ County Clerk. cinct statement of which is as follows: 2 1-2 acres close in, the price A s its nam e in dicates, th is rifle reloads itself, t recoil o f th e exploded cartridge doing th e work. T h is places th e com p lete control o f the rifle under the trigger finger, w h ich perm its rapid shooting w ith great ea se and accuracy. T h e .351 Caliber H ig h -P o w er cartridge, has trem endous killing pow er, m aking it h eavy enough for th e largest game W. F. MILLER, I PAUL L. STERLING. Agent, AGENT. COQUILLE, I. H. HAI ARO, Csikltr F IR S T N A T IO N A L r**iF TV : op 6 0 YEARS’ E X P E R IE N C E PHONE Oregon NO. 18 R. E. SHIRE, VI«. Prêt 0. C SANFORD, Aut. Cahier k.J. SHERWOOD Pré». Catalogue fully describing this rifle, "The Gun that shoots Through Steel,” sent upon request. W inchester repeating A tm * C o .. - N e w H a v e n , C o n n . Marshfield, BANK C O 9 U I L 1 L1E , O R B G O f t . T r a n n n c t s a G e n e ra l B a n k i n g BiLsiness NOTb F TOORKDItOflt*. Nolice is hereby given that, the undt r- I signed lias been appointed executrix of the Lasi Wdl and Testament ni David Mathers, di-cea-e I ; and all jwr^ons hav­ ing claims agaiiiM the said estate are re- j qHired lo pre-ent llie.n, with the pr.qvr I voucheis. within ►ix months ir«»m the date of ibis notice, to the *«1 ndersigned executrix, it ti e office of J. J. Stanlev, I in the cirl of Coquille, Coos County, , Oregon. Dated this 1H|I» davof February, 1910.' BESSIE MATHERS, Executrix of the Last Wi.l .« «1 Terta- | ment of Ih»vil Mathers, Deceased. to w rite f vr o n r c o n fid e n tia l l e t t e r b e fo re - p - 1 ' rin g fo r p a te n t it m a y be wt rt 'ffip '•»•., ' l IT. H. ■ a n d J ” F o re i prom ptly «M ain T rade M ark * D e s ig n * C o p y r ig h t s A c . A nvone nendtr.n a » k etch und deeerlptlnn n a y qntokly A scertain n n r op in io n fre e w h e th e r an in v e n tio n la p r o b a b ly ilo n a s t r i c t l y c o n f id e n tia l. HANDjRfiOK «'_»> I n t e n t a « a n t frees O ld e s t a g e n c y f o r s e c u r in g p a t e n ta . * Atem» ta k e n th ro u g h M unti Jt t o . .e c e lv t ialfwtice, w ith o u t c h a rg e, l a t h e Scientific American. A SunrtiMmflr lllo«t rated FÂTEN TS , R A D E M A n r a K K S S ^ r r i ~ V ' - I TR T I R E L a attorney tt o r n e y s s fee. Hetul S e n d mod« m od« . »kt ............., «ca k oi ph n I an IMME C orreipondenti N ational B ank o Commerce. New Void < it C rocker W ool w orth N iB ank, San FrancL c F irst N a t’l P a r k «.f P o ll I n « 1 «>» Vis i : T E | F R E E r e p o r t o n pat«»ntability. d e p v $ I t h e b e s t leffnl s e rv ic e a n d a d v ic e , r u d c i r l c h a rg e s a r c m o d e r a te . T r y us. § S W IFT A C C j P a to n t l a w y e r s , Opp. U.S. Patent Office,Washint,; ., 0.. 1 I-a m rt eta ••ulatlon o f a ny »ctentlflo Journal. T erm *. 93 a y e a r: fo u r m onth», $L Sold by all n»w t dealera. M Branch U OfBce, N N F P N t , Washington, e w D. York C. Botrtf i f O lrtc U ri. R. (’, D em ent, A . J . Sherwood, L. Ilarlo ck er, L . t i . H azard, D aiah H acker. R . E . Shine. Partie« wi»hii»R coal from the Rouse mine will apply to Harry TRY AN AD IN THF HERALD Flanders. P e a ls a t a ll P i r a t - C la m s A T THE H o u rs F r o m 6 a m to 9 p m S e rv ie « . Skookum Restaurant C. A. H A R R IN G T O N Wm Hak« Rat«« «• .« g a l« , eoare«««. Proprietor S p o l . l Httantian O lv.n to C 8 m c a « . « U t t )* « B