Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, March 23, 1910, Image 1

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    V ol .
Coquille HefalfL
27: No. 28.
Entered a» «ecoud-cla«» matter May
8, 1905, at the poitolfice at Coquille,
Oregon, under act of Congress of March
The Following it a Synopsis of the
Proceedings ol the County Court
Office over Rome's Store, Front St.
March Term, 1910.
OoquiLLK, O regon .
Offloa Phone Main 211.
(Continued from last week )
____________ I
B J Harrison, monthly al­
lowance o f ......................
William Haines, monthly
allowance o f ..................
A. F. Kirshman,
D bntibt .
Dr. C. W. Endicott
D kntibt
Office on
Front Street
Phone Main 431.
Coquille, Oregon
Attorney and Coanoellor at Law.
Offloe in Robinson Building
Offio in Kobinaon Building, Upstairs
Attorney and Counsellor at Law
Office Phone 335 Main
Residence Phone 340 Main
C oquill * C ity , O r *
j Martin Building
Ï rent Stree
W Culin, examining and
visiting Updyke, insana
6 50
County Infirmary.
P E Drane, merchandise..
69 20
R S Knowltoo, d r u g s ....
11 15
J A Lamb & Co., hard­
Coquille Valley Packing
Co., meat..........
Geo A Robinson, mer­
chandise .........................
23 50
Walter Hatcher, labor on
form ........................................20 00
Skeels k Son, merchan­
dise .................................
42 10
N Lorenz, merchandise..
15 50
Land k Lyons, merchan­
dise .................................
13 90
S H McAdams, sm ithing..
1 50
Gerrao Mfg. Co., carbo-
l i u e .....................
Allan McLeod, salary as
superintendent of farm
108 33
In Re Roads, Bridges and Perries.
East Marshfield Ferry.
Coos Bay Oil k Supply Co,
oil ...................................
22 85
Pioneer Hardware Co, sup­
plies ................................
3 10
C O Gosney, J cost of
waiting room..................
23 40
C A Smith Lumber k Mfg
1 06
Alex Hall, captain..........
120 00
T T GoldeD, e n g in e e r.... 140*00
Geo Rhode, deckhand . . . .
70 00
Coquille Ferry.
: I
A. J. Sherwood,
A t t o b n it - a t - L a w ,
N o t a it P ublic ,
Walter Sinclair,
A t t o b sk t - at - L a w ,
N otabt P u b l ic ,
Hall & Hall,
A tto bsets - at L a w ,
Daalei In R e a i E s t a t e o f all kinds.
M arshfield, O regon.
E. G. D. Holden
L aw teb ,
J u s t ic e o r thh P e ac e
8. Com m issioner,'General
Agent, and Notary Pnblio.
in Robinson Building.
if. E. W H IT M O R E . E. F. M OKRISSY
Paving and
5 00
Office two door* Booth o f Pool offloe.
5 00
Bricks Stone and Timber
Phone 151-J
Offices 117 Front Street, Marshfield Ore.
heo. BcrpanShoe Mfg.Co.
anufacturers of
he Celebrated Berqmann Shoe
he Strongest and Nearest Water
roof shoe made for loggers, miners
prospectors and mill men.
21 Thurman Street
P o r t l a n d , O ik o o n .
Inlormatior W anted
Information is wanted as to the
whereabouts of William Cogtelo.
I have important news for him from
Van Couyer, Washington.
W. W. G aoe ,
J N McNair* salary as
100 00
J A Lamb k Co, cables,
91 70
Ira A Albee, 2 months sal­
ary as S 8 ferryman___
100 00
R W Bullard, 2 months
salary operating and
ferry................................. 100 00
Geo S Davis, 300 loads of
gravel, R D 16 ............
15 00
Levi Smith, surveying S
Slough R d .....................
5 00
Johnson Lumber Co., lum­
ber for R D No 2 5 . . . .
11 09
Pioneer Hardware Co.,
powder, etc, R D No 14
39 50
Andrew Anderson, labor
R D No 14......................
21 00
A McNair, supplies for R
D N o 14..........................
21 95
Simpson Lumber Co., lum­
ber R D No 14..............
4 75
Standard Oil Company, oil
for East Marsh field ferry
10 50
George T Coleman, pike
pole, socket wrenches,
East Marshfield ferry
2 50
Marshfield Hardware Co.,
pad lock, paint brush,
East Marshfield ferry
S H McAdams, irons and
smithing, Coquille ferry
12 25
South Fk Rd, R D No 23
8 00
S B Catbcart, surveying.
South S R d .....................
2 50
J H Milner, spikes eto
H D No 8 ......................
30 70
Golden Falls
K D No 6.
Joseph Larson, la b o r .... 120 75
Joseph Schspers, labor. ..
69 50
Pioneer Hardware
p o w d e r ...........................
18 00
Alfred I'yberg, boarding
and lodging men for Rd 128 55
Newel Price, labor..........
78 60
Arthur Anderson, labor,
61 50
Max Dement Bridge R D No 23.
J W Hall, labor and timber
55 50
A M Snyder, labor..........
18 75
G W Barklow, labor........
12 00
W F Slingeby, labor and
supplies fu rn ish ed .... 217 60
Eroerv Goble, labor..........
14 00
Leander Barklow, labor..
14 00
A R Davenport, labor..
41 00
John Toaksm, viewer on
North Fork Rd .........
6 60
Lloyd Spiers, viewer on
K. Holverson, the tailor, has just
received a large lot of sample* of
suitings. Call and See them and
get his prices.
A W o rd to the Farmer« of the
Coquille Valley
P er Y ear
Farmers, stop work a minute and
think over the situation.
Is your
income sufficient for the labor and Employe of the Crane Logging Camp
money invested? No it isn’ t. The
Fhlls From Moving Train and
middle men are howling prosperity
Meets Horrible Death
for the farmer. It is true that at
the present time it is some better,
Crane's logging camp, a short
especially for a few who have spent
half a life time getting a place im­ distance below Riverton, was the
proved, and who have choice dairy scl ' ic o f a horrible accident on
cows, far above the average. With Thursday afternoon at lour o ’clock,
everything raising, trusts and com­ when Charles A. llayter, one of the
bines flourishing nnd the boycott in workmen, was ipstantly killed by
in New York, which is spreading falling in front of a heavily loaded
At the time of the
so rapidly, farmers have little show. train oflogs.
was acting as
How many farmers have you heard
which was
say, “ I can’t afford to hire.” I have
heard many say that they can’ t pay on the way from the woods to the
As the train was passing
the wages that other industries pay.
shop, Mr. Hayter
This means that the farmer over­
works himself.
It means with all threw from the tender on which he
the money invested and his over­ was riding at the time, a l-butt
chain which was in need of repairs.
time, which is usually fourteen or
fifteen hours per day, there isn’ t The chain was heavy, whighiag a
hundred pounds or so, and in cast­
enough left after the taxes and ex­
ing off the heavy weight, he lost
penses are met, to pay the going
wages. Farms do not pay their his balance and was unable to again
owuerB over 4 per cent on present recover his footing and fell between
values of land. Figure it yourself. the engine and cars, the latter pass­
Cleared bottom now selling lor ing over his body, boraibly mangl­
ing it and causing instant death
¡8200 per acre rents for $10, which
G. W. Sinclair was standing
is less than 4 per cent after ex­
penses are taken out, saying nothing but a few feet away at the time
of the accident but could not reach
of soil exhaustion. Belter farming
him in time to render assistance,
requires skill, intelligence and that
good business judgment be exer­ one pair of trucks having already
passed him when he reached the
cised, Like the successful merch­
spot and before the body could be
ant, the farmer must be a good buy­
extricated eight wheels had passed
er, good seller and a good manager.
over it.
To accomplish this the farmers must
The deceased was born in Coos
organize. Where they have united
county, a son o f the well-known
they are prosperous. The problem
pioneer family of the late Mr. and
is: To sell farm crops so enough
Mrs. W. L. Hayter, who resided so
money will return to the farm to keep
many years on the Hayter home­
up improvements.
stead near Arago, aud had he lived
Middle men have combined or
till the third of next month he
individual corporations have grown
would have been twenty-nine years
so powerful that the price of every
of age. He leaves a young wife
farm crop nnd the distribution of it
and two small children, beside six
is controlled by them.
sisters and seven brothers to motim
who have made a careful study of
his sudden and untimely taking off,
the problem report that only 32 per
one of the latter, William, having
cent of the money paid by the con­
gone to Alaska several years ago,
sumer of farm products reach the
and from whom no tidings have
producer. That leaves 68 per cent
been received. His whereabouts are
in the bands of the middle men. Is
it necessary to pay 68 per cent to
Undertaker Arthur Ellingson
pass the necessities of life from the
went down on the evening of the
producer of them to the consumer?
accident and brought the remains
Does it not impress the reader that
to Coquille and prepared them for
a system that exacts so much toll is burial.
a very expensive one?
Is it not
The funeral services were held at
time, and particularly in view of the M. E. Church, South, and were
the revolt against the high cost of conducted by Bev. C. H. Cleaves,
on Saturday, on the arrival of the
living, to make an ernest attempt
steamer Dispatch.
toward better business methods on
Interment took place in the
the farm, in marketing farm produce Masonic cemetery, and the remains
and equalize between the producer were followed to their last resting
and consumer. Situated as we aro place Dy a large concourse of sor­
rowing relatives and friends from
on the Coquille river w ith reasonable
Myrtle Point, Arago, Coquille, Riv-
transportation to San Francisco and ton and Band on.
The bereaved
Portland, the best markets on the wife and little ones have the sym­
Pacific coast, all we need do is to pathy of the entire community.
......... ... * * • * --------------------
organize, pack and grade in an up-
F o r D lR enM ’Pi o l Ih c S k in .
to-date manner, ship in bulk and
Nearly all diseases of the skin
the association dispose of it as the such as eczema, tetter, salt rheum
market demands. When a farmer and barbers’ itch, are characterized
now takes hi« produce to the city by an intense itching and smarting,
which often makes life a burden
the first question asked him is what
and disturbs sleep and rest. Quick
farmer’s union he represents and he relief may be had by applying
is told that his goods would sell Chamberlain’s Salve. It allays the
better if they bore the brand of an itching and smarting almost in­
Many cases have been
association. Conditions are chang­ stantly.
cured by its use. For sale by R.
ing and we must be up to date.
S. Knowlton.
The Farmer’s Union in the United
New Plant for Bandon.
States are becoming strongly rooted.
There are thousands in the East.
The Bandon Recorder says: The
A great many states are strongly
construction o f the new Perry ve­
organized. Texas farmers got their
neer plant is now well under way,
cotton raised. California her dried
fruit, Washington and Eastern and the building will be completed
Oregon their grain besides many and the machinery installed ready
other things.
Read the Pacific for operation in the near future.
Farmer’s Umon, the official paper When completed it will be a mod­
published at Pullman, Wash., and
ern plant in every particular, and
the Equity Farm Journal published
at Indianapolis, Ind. The organizer Mr. Perry will be able to turn out
(Mr. Hill) for the Farmer's Educa­ the finished product in bis line at a
tional and Co-operative Union of very rapid rate.
In the meantime
America will be in Coos county in a he has been obliged to start up and
short time.
Think it over.
run at the old stand for a while in
bettering farm conditions it will
mean considerable. It means that order to meet the demand of orders
we can clear off the brush nnd already in. Mr. Perry is very much
stumps and Dave better conditions encouraged with the outlook lor
for our children. The agitation for busines at all times.
He is in­
belter road», Port Commission, etc.,
stalling the most modern machinery
can be easily solved, for the farmer
then can build his own roads and | obtainable and the plant will be up
likewise the ports, for there would ' to date in every particular.
be ten times as much «hipping,
riP M iM n i r i i j k i f .
Don’ t knock, don’ t say the farmers
When you want a pleasant physic
won’ t stick together, for they will,
snd the Grange is not all we need; give Chsmberlain’s Stomach nnd
we need everything that will help Liver Tablets a trial.
They are
us, especially the modern society
mild and gentle in their action and
ot the Farmer’s Educational Union
of America, which meets pesent always produce a pleaaant cathartic
effect. Call at R. S. Knowlton’a
A F armer .
Or Your Neighbors
W ill all Know That
Before you do. Y ou will also be
M issing a Great Opportunity
by not Investing while
these Lots are Cheap