Coquille Mentis COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, W E D N E S D A Y , JA N U A R Y 27: No. 20. V ol . Entered an eecond-clate matter May 8, 1905, at the postofflce at Coquille, Oregon, under act ol Oongreis o( March 3,1879. DR. RICHMOND PH YSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office at Slocum’ s Drug Store. CIRCUIT COURT PROCEEDINGS. Synopsis of the Proceedings of the County Court, at its January Term 1 9 1 0 . Coquiixa, O k k g o s . CONTINUED FROM LAST WEEK. Offloa Phone Main 211. F A E C L A. F. Kirshman, D e n t is t . oflloe two doors South of Post otDoe. Coquille . • . Oregon. DR. J. D. KELLY PHYSICIAN AND Coquille, SURGEON ■ Oregon Office in BkeeU Building OFFICE HOURS—9 to II 2 to 4 p. m. 7 to 8 p. m. Residence Phone— Office Phone Dr. C. IV. Endicott D bn tibt Office on Front Street Phone Main 431. Coquille, Oregon E. D. SPERRY Attorney and Coanoellor at Law. Office in Robinson Building W. C. CHASE. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Offio in Robinson Building, Upstairs C. R. BARROW Attorney and Counsellor at Law First-class References Fifteen Years* Experience C o q u il l e C i t y , O rk J. J. STANLEY LAW YER Martin Building • F ron t Street C oquille , O regon A. J. Sherwood, A ttobnsj - at -L aw , N o t a b t P u b l ic , Coquille, : W a lte r : Oregon December 1909 term Jurors S in c la ir , A ttobney - it -L aw , N otary F ublio , Coquille, : : Oregon. ---------1 E W ils o n ....................... I oo M ckay........................... i oo O H a ll........................... 1 oc A L ee............................... i oo E Bliven ....................... i oo Witnesses John K o o p ....................... i 50 A M Peters......................... I 5° John B loom ...................... 1 i 5° Herman B e c k ................... i 50 J T McCormac examining physician......................... 10 00 R E Golden C o r o n e r .... 16 55 Telephone Bill, In re inquest A B Sabin R E Golden C o r o n e r .... 50 In re Circuit Court Expenses. Adjourned September 1909Term. Grand Jurors. H. A. Strong.................. 7 80 W E Thompkins.............. 10 20 Altus K in gston ............... 10 20 S W Faby .......... 10 GO Noriu JeDsen...................... 9 60 J D R o s s .......................... 11 20 Geo W ils o n ...................... 11 00 Witnesses before Grand Jury James Parker .................. G 20 C H B arrett...................... 5 60 William L e a to n ................ 5 GO Mrs A Olson ..................... 5 60 Mary Barrett .................. 5 60 S E Stoner......................... 5 60 John Bastendorff............... 4 00 December 1909 Term. State vs Neweson. George Heglie.................. 6 20 James P a rk e r.................. 6 20 J F G a m b le....................... 6 20 State vs Elliott Wm R ob in son ................... 5 60 Nick Bastendorff............... 16 40 J M elville........................... 6 60 State vs Gilardi Oscar Signalness.............. 12 80 Clotilda G ila rd i.............. 12 80 J A Baker........................... 7 60 James W o l f ...................... 12 80 Julia J o h n s o n .................. 12 80 December 1909 Term Special Venire Jurors George Stevenson.......... 6 00 Bert Folsom....................... 6 00 A E Simpson....................... 6 00 N Osm undson................... 6 00 Ed L u k e ........................... 6 00 A E C ro u ch ....................... 6 00 John S la g le ....................... 6 00 H J Collier ...................... Geo CliDkenbeard.......... John G H orn.................... T C L Smith........................... M H D em en t..................... A ttobnsvb - xt L.w, C T 8ke*la......................... D.aler in Kxii. E stith of »11 kind*. A E Hadsall........................ Marshfield, Oregon. N P Peterson.................... 1 1 Geo T Moulton .............. C E G etty........................... E . G . D . H o ld e n Joehepb Laird.................. L awyer , John Bastendorff.............. J ustice OF the P eace 0. 8. Commissioner, General Insurance E L R o b b in s.................... J T H arrigan.................. Agent, and Notary Public. Office J W B riggs....................... in Robinson Building. A E Cavnagh ................... Coquille regon. H a ll & H a ll, M. E. WHITMORE. E. F. MOKR1SSY C oos Bay P aving struction and Con­ C om pany. GENERAL CONTRACTORS Plans Concrete and E stim ates Given Bricks 8tone and Tim ber Contractor. Phone 151-J Offices 117 Front Street, Marshfield Ore. Theo. Bergman Shoe Mfe.Co. Incorporated. Manufacturers o f The Celebrated tierqmann Shoe The Strongest and Nearest Water Proof shoe made for logger«, miners prospectors and mill men. 621 Thurman Street P o r t l a n d , O bboo *. D F Peterson..................... E A Phil pot........................ Arthur W illiam s.............. E 0 Carter......................... William C handler............. D W Small......................... Bert Heal............................ Walter C o n d ro n .............. Witnesses before Grand Axel Sandstrom................. T H Shaw........................... Louis S p a r lic g ,................ Jake W olfer....................... Mary W a lk e r..................... R H S m ith ....................... S L P erk in s....................... Will Allen........................... Bill Soyder........................ David C lin k ....................... Catherine Stevens........ Charley T a y lo r ................ Eddie N ed ........................ H J Isaacs........................ Jim Fitzgerald.................. James C ooro...................... C E Edwards.................... Anyone wishing fancy or plain ¡wing, call on Mrs. M. Nosier, next W M ................... .... opr to the H erald office Wm Metcalf....................... Ray G ibson .......................... Jap L use.............................. Gus Derksen........................ John Shields ...................... E M Blaokerby .............. Fred W o lfe r ...................... E M W ard........................... Frank Burkholder.............. Mae Y a te s .......................... Wm Tenbrook ................ Jack T aylor......................... William 8chrock .............. John Ackman...................... C L Pennock....................... Charley Ned ........................ Wm T a y lo r ......................... L T Matthews...................... Tom Coats Jr........................ L D Kinney ........................ Mrs C E Edwards.............. R D J essee,......................... Joe C o a c h .......................... James Now lio................ .a.. Wm Toller............................. 6 4 8 5 11 11 9 8 2 3 7 7 6 5 7 9 9 6 7 8 1.1 9 7 6 6 80 80 60 60 20 20 60 20 00 00 20 20 20 60 60 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 60 60 waiting room locker, E M f’ld ferry..................... 3 00 Geo H Nay, building boom 23 07 E Mf’ld ferry................. Henry Michelbrink, main- taining Coos river ferry 14 00 R W Bullard, maintaining Bullard’s ferry 2 mo’s... 100 00 Roads and Bridges. E I Du Pont De Nemours Powder Co, powder, etc 479 74 C A Smith Lumber A Mfg Co,lmbr,CatcbiogSloughv 2 70 Pioneer Hardware Co, 12 35 nails, R D 1................... Herman Kynell, lbr, R D I 250 85 85 00 E G Brewer, labor, R D16 A Davis, balance due as supervisor R D 24....... 104 51 Labor and Material R D 24, Con- ner Creek Fill. 28 75 W Simpson, labor.......... 26 25 27 50 38 75 16 87 R R Davis “ ........... A Davis “ .......... 55 00 2 95 Cox & Foster, lumber...... 26 25 R R Davis, labor.......... 21 75 Homer Davis ” ........... 10 62 26 25 Chas Davis ” .......... 15 75 Winnie Davis '• ........... Jacob StoDelake, balanc due as supvr R D No 1 20 86 I T Weekly, balance due as supvr R D 17................. 108 86 A M Suyder, balance due 13 37 as supvr R D 25.......... Labor on R D No 17. 3 00 James Brockmen............. 8 25 Volney Huntley................. 4 00 Ed Huntley....................... 5 00 Vance Weekly................... 2 00 J L Crosby......................... 8 25 Alya Huntley..................... Labor, etc, R D No 18. 14 50 J W Wayne....................... 2 50 L A Cribbins..................... 4 50 L Dillian............................. 24 00 5 75 W W iggant...................... 75 C Porland........................... 4 00 L F G urney...................... 36 05 H C Bryant....................... 6 25 Lane Morley,...................... 95 A L Nosier, Spikes.......... James Gurney, labor........ 52 75 3 55 W A Rozelle, Smithing... Labor, etc, R D No 20. 7 50 W S Mack........................... 10 00 R Pomeroy....................... 17 00 Delmore Pomerov............. 16 00 Bert Anderson................... ■ 8 00 Charles Green................... Eb Pomeroy....................... 4 00 40 00 J F Haga .......................... 23 50 Shields A Kennedy, matrl Miscellaneous Circuit Court Ex- penses. Mrs. M. Nosier meals for Jury Sept 1909................ 3 25 J PTupper meals for Jury 6 50 December 1909.............. C R Myers special deputy 24 10 W W Gage December 1909 acd rc- turning Nussel .......... 100 65 In re Stationery and Printing GU sb and Prudhomme Co., legal blanks repairing type writer, etc ............... 27 13 Irwin Hodson Company sta- tionery guides blank books etc ....................... 173 27 Bushong A Co., Cert of De- linquency ....................... 18 50 Coquille Herald pub court proceedings and Notices 45 56 Coquille Valley Sentinel Job 59 25 The Enterprise 6 lines local 30 C O Dryden job printing 23 00 W W Gage Btamps, cards, expressags etc ........... 141 01 T J Thrift stamps express- 6 50 age e tc..................... ......... James Watson Postage ex- pressage Freight etc........ 20 00 In re indigent and insane W A Bean supplies for win- 6 65 ters................................... In re indigent and insane W A Bean Supplies for win- 6 65 Mercy Hospital care of Dickinan........................... 31 51 Jeff D Wilson care of Hos- pitsl Patience....................... 182 00 In re County Infirmary. 47 65 P E Drane, mdse.............. Labor and Material R D No 22. N Lorenz “ .............. 9 25 M T Clinton, labor.......... 17 00 18 65 L A Pinkston R 8 Knowlton, d ru g s.. . . 5 00 .......... Land A Lyons, mdse........ 93 35 16 00 24 90 Johnson Lumber Co, lmbr Geo A Robinson, ” ........ 30 90 20 60 OoquilleValley Packing Co Johnson Lumber Co, "... 7 10 13 20 meats............................... 5 25 J H Radabaugh, labor..... 42 00 19 00 Walter Hatcher, la b or.. . . 20 00 Labor and Material R D 25. 16 40 Skeels A Son, mdse.......... 53 55 J W Hall, timber A labor 24 00 19 80 J A Lamb <{r Co, hardware 2 50 Ed James, labor................. 17 50 14 20 Walter Culin, med atten.. 4 00 J M Orr 17 75 '• ............... 15 00 S H McAdams, smithing.. 7 20 G VV Baralow, labor ...... 20 00 17 20 City Harness 8hop, sund. 3 90 Cbas Adams, smithing...... 45 00 13 80 M H Hersey, sundries.. . 4 45 Steamer Echo, Freight... 11 15 12 00 Allan McLeod, salary as su- 17 50 A R Davenport, labor...... perintendent poor farm 108 33 Leander Barklow •* ....... 15 75 In re Roads, Bridges and Forries. Albert Barklow “ ...... 5 50 15 40 East Marshfield Ferry. Volkmar Bros, bardwaie... 5 55 15 20 Marshfield Hardware Co, Johnson Lumber Co, lmbr 8 55 15 GO nails, etc........................ 2 44 Special Imprvoements. V N Barker, in full, con­ Pioneer Hardware Co,sup­ tract R D 16................... 586 38 plies................................. 12 45 15 00 Standard Oil Co, oil........ 41 00 Wm Bettys, in full, con­ 16 20 John L Koontz, labor and tract R D 11................... 129 55 material........................... 11 65 H V Holverstott, balance 15 60 Coos Bay Oil A Supply due on contract, R D 30 2 05 13 00 Co, o il............................. 106 65 D R Lewis, balance due on 14 00 C A Smith Lumber & Mfg contract, R D 30........... 2340 58 18 60 Co, lumber..................... 2 91 Waters & Wagner, balance 12 00 I A Hall, 2 mo’s salary as due on contrct, R D 19.. 408 96 15 60 Capt................................. 120 00 H E Wilcox, special Road Jury. master R D 11............... 8 60 T T Golden, 2 mo’s salary 6 60 as engineer..................... 140 00 L Harlocker, special road 11 20 George Rhode, 2 mo’s sal­ master K D 16............... 28 00 10 60 ary as deckhand............. 70 00 H E Wilcox, special road 9 20 J N McNair, 2 mo’s sal, ma­ master R D 30................ 14 37 7 20 terial, extra labor, Co- H E Wilcox, special road 2 00 quille Ferry................... 105 50 master R I) 31............... 2 50 7 20 South Slough Ferry. 8 J Culver, special road 11 20 Pioneer Hardware Co, master R D 19............... 97 50 6 20 paint, etc......................... 26 05 C E H a n s e D , balance due 6 20 Wyman Albee, painting supervisor, R D 2 .......... 36 26 13 60 ferry scow ...................... 10 00 A F Crocker, balance due, 9 20 Frank Wyman, painting supervisor R D 4 .......... 13 85 9 20 ferry scow........ .............. 5 00 Otto Epps, balance due, 6 20 H M Albee, painting fer­ supervisor R D 11....... 26 87 7 20 ry scow............................ 5 00 R W Bullard, balance doe, 18 20 Ira Albee, 2 mo’s salary as supervisor R D 14...... 298 26 11 20 ferryman......................... 100 00 I CONTINUED IN NEAT ISSUE 12 80 John Johnson, labor on MYRTLE POINT VS. COQUILLE. 26, 1910. * SI.50 P er Y ear * L Game Ends in Score of 12 to 2 0 in * * Favor of Visitors— Return Game * ^ Will be Played February 1 2. Hot ^ On last Fridsy night there was a nice clean game of basket ball played in the Masonic hall between the High School team of Myrtle Poiot and the Coquille team. Both teams seemed to be in good shape, but the majority of the Coquille team showed a slight lack of prac­ tice, which they will have before the next game, which is scheduled for February 12th. In the first part of the game it looked very favorable for Coquille, as the Myrtle Point team kept foul­ ing, which gave Coquille rn oppor­ tunity to score, which they did in each instance except two. Gardin­ er threw the ball, making baskets 6 times out of 8 cbances from the fowl line. He also did good work in assisting to make the other baskets which were thrown by bis team, and which proved that he knew the principles of tho game from stait to finish. The Myrtle Point boys played a fast and some think a rough game, and being much heavier than the Coquille team, had the advantage. The visitors did not only show their strength by being fast on foot, but whenever one of them got the ball he showed that he knew where it belonged and passed it immediately. When the ball was In the hands of the Coquille boys, they were guarded so closely by their opponents that it seemed near­ ly impossible for them to pasB it; but bad Myrtle Point kept fouling like they did in the first of the game, it would have finished in a very close score, but they soon quit that and worked all the harder for baskets. The visitors only had 3opportnnilies to score on fouls and missed all of these, but they made up for it in throwing nice clean baskets during the most exciting part of the game. The Myrtle Point team went to Bandon, the day before they played here in company with Ray Haines, Lyman Sacklefi and Mr. Wilson. They defeated the B. H. S. team in a hotly contested game, the score being 17 to 18. The Steamer Myrtle run down from Myrtle Point Friday night making the run in one hour and 20 miDutes, returning after the game. She brought down a large crowd of Myrtle Point basket ball enthusiasts who enjoyed the game, which seemed to be a source of great pleasure to all who were pres­ ent, and the two teams parted on the friendliest terms. The game was well attended, the proceeds amounting to $4350 which was expended in paying the expenses of the visiting team and to settle some other indebtedness which had formerly incurred, such as hall reDt, etc. There will be a game at Bandon soon, and it is expected that a large crowd of rooters will go down to take in the game for we expect to see our local team win the honors. The Myrtle Point boys seemed proud of the fset that they had won in both Bandon and Coquille, but the C. H. S. boys were heard to say, ‘ ‘we will show them yet,” which shows a determination that will be the result of a more even game, if not a victory for Coquille Watch for advertisements of the next game and come out and en' courage the boys. —— - - - - A 8ipraln<'