Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, January 19, 1910, Image 2

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    Coquille tyerald.
M yrtle P oin t Item s
Btn McMulleu returned to Myr­
tle Point last week.
WEDNESDAY, JAN. 19, 1910.
The st« amer Myrtle made another
trip to Gravel Ford Sunday, bring­
Local advertisements among local ing back bay and ether produce.
reading five cent« per line each inser­
tion. Cards cl thanks 00 cents each.
I. E. Haines sold bis fine herd of
Obituary poetry five cents per line.
cattle to H. Carl last week
Resolutions of Condolence and lodge
advertising five cents per line.
for a consideration of $45 per head.
Mrs. J. C. Royer and Mr. Daniel
Miller were united in marriage by
the bride’s father, Rev. Thos. Bark
After the first of February the low
Sceuic will be located in the new
The steamer Echo brought up a
building along side of the Coquille couple of tons o f cement Blocks
Furniture Co’ s store,and the "Dime”
Monday, for the W. T. Dement’s
re-established in the old location.
new residence.
There will be no break in the en­
Snow fell on the hills surround­
tertainments, but will continue
ing town last week and was report­
right along. A first-class film ser­
ed to lay 18 inches deep on the
vice has been secured from San
Catching Creek hills.
Francisco, and two performances
The basket-ball game between
will be given each night. A good
orchestra has been engaged and ex ­ the Firemen and the M. P. H. 8 .
cellent music will be enjoyed be­ Saturday, ended in a victory for the
firemen, the score being 18 to 20 .
tween films.
Do You Know
B y J. W. L enbvk , CoquiLL*, O h .
Five lots for
Glass ever brought to
Valley, and that our prices are right
Dime R e-E stablished.
The Myrtle Point orators are
R aps E x p re s s C om panies.
preparing to maintain the honors
of their school on the 28 th. by re­
Washington, D. C., Jan. 15.— pelling the Bandon Debating team.
Arraigning the express companies
The M. P. H. S. basket-ball team
for making enormous profits on the are preparing to attack the B. H. S.
infringements of the government’s team at Bandon Thursday, also the
right to monopolize the transporta­ C. H. S. team at Coquille Friday.
tion of mail and criticizing the post-
A large delegation of Myrtle
office department for surrendering
that right, Representative Murdock Pointers went to Marshfield on the
of Kansas, today introduced a long n th inst., to be innitiated into the
resolution calling on the Postmas­ Elks of that place. Some of them
ter General for information. The went to the beach and saw the
resolution says while the postoffice wrecked Czarina.
A very pretty wedding took
place at the h om eol Mr. and Mrs.
E. W. Hermann last Sunday night,
when they gave their daughter Mies
Zelia, to G- E. Dietz. Both o f the
young people are very popular,
Miss Hermann being a niece of the
Hon. Binger Hermann. They will
Wanted, immediately, responsi­ make their home in Myrtle Point
ble men and women of neat appear­ for some time. Rev. Taylor of the
ance to solicit subscriptions for the Presbyterian church officiated.
Overland Monthly. Pleasant profit­
Wanted.—The Overland Monthly
able work. Splendid commission,
valuable cash prizes.
Permanent wants an energetic capable man or
employment for hustlers. Give ref­ woman in Coquille to act as County
erences, address Circulation Mana­ Manager in Coos County, to con­
a subscription campaign.
ger, Overland Monthly, 773 Market duct
St., San Francisco, Cal.
Good pay, permanent employment,
| experience unnecessary.
J. B. Ziegler, of Marshfield, and I ces reqU;rej
Outfit and instruc-
W .F . Harman, slate arrival from I tion8 free
AddreB8 immediately,
Harrington. Washington, made our ..circulation Manager’ ’ Overland
office a call while in town this morn - 1 Monthly> 773 Mftrket St> San Fran.
ing looking over the country.
cigc0 Ca,
department last year had a deficit
of 117,000,000, the Wells-Fargo E x­
press Company distributed nearly
$25,000,000 in dividends, and that
the government’s failure to exercise
its monopoly in transporting mails
is enriching the express companies.
Jjittll hcvui- mrvCbLd sdeu^L
'A~ ik jw d u l ter taka cvn
fw u A i m U h a lt
Give us a Trial and be Convinced.
M. E
Church South
T ak e N otice
Services next Sunday as usual.
I am offering at private sale at
The Pastor will preach at the morn- j my landing < n the John Donaldson
ing service, aud at night our pre- j place, 2 ^ miles below Riverton, my
siding elder, Rev. E. B. Jones o f' entire lot of personal property, con-
Corvallis will preach and administ- listing of the following:
er the L o r d ’ s supper. All are cor- machine, hay rake, grindstone,
dially invited.
hand seeder and cultivator combin
A*i>riiinc<i A»M e.
As a rule a man will feel well
satisfied if he can hobble around on
crutches in two or three weeks after
spraining his ankle, and it is often
two or three mouths before he is
fully recovered. This is an unnec­
essary loss of time, as by applying
Chamberlain’s Liniment, as directed,
a cure may as a rule be effected in
less than one week's time, and in
many cases witbiu three days.
Sold by R. S. Knowlton.
—. . . . -
. topjr-r
7c fri N
77 Y.
Sanjple f^oonjs
nils. ftome£ove>i:~
v&fiat Is i^SL use o^ Cioinff^ anyway
an/ess you yet something out o^
and how ean you yet mole out oj ¿i^e
than Sy Seing sullounded Sy Seauti -
fiuS things In
tfie veiy jyf’aee you
sjsend most o$ youl time— at home .
youis tlufy^
80 acres, 35 acres bottom land, 10
acres in cultivation, house and barn,
5 millions feet fine timber. J mile
from railroad. Price $ 7500 . 00 . The
timber is worth more than the price
General merchandise business
with large trade— no opposition,
One of the best opportunities in
southern Oregon for auyone want-
ing to go into the mercantile busi­
A 1 -
Will Always find
Patronize the Paper with the Circulation, The
Herald reaches
Valley, which assures the
Medium in the County
When you are in need of job print­
ing-printing that is printed right,
up-to-date and just when you want
it, you should
W e don’ t want all your
a little o f
it will do
N tim in rll T r o n b l r C u r e « !.
If you have any trouble with
your stomach you should take
Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver
Tablets. Mr. J. P. Klote of Edina,
Mo., says: “ I have used a great
many different medicines for stomach
trouble, but find Chamberlain’s
Stomach and Liver Tablets more
beneficial than any other remedy I
ever used.’ ’ For sale by R. S
All Coos County warrants drawn
on tbe general fund and < mlorse I
prior to July 1st, 1908, will be
paid on presentation at my office in
Coquille, Oreg. No interest will be
allowed on any of these «varum ■
after December 10 th, 1909.
Dated this 7tb day of Dec. 1909.
T. M. D immick ,
County Tr«»asurev.
Nice Batl)s
Among those sailing on the Break­
water were the following:
L T Morgan, Miss Gulovson, Special Attention Paid to
Thos Goodale, Mrs F Moon, J R the Traveling Public.
Hammer, Mrs Hammer, W Ekbld,
Mrs Rhinebarl, L D Noah, Mrs
No ib, O A Netter, 8 I Towers, Mrs
C A Dano, M A Dano, Mips Turney, I
C E Collins, M M Stewart, 8 D
Magnes, R Wagner, Miss Donville, \
J C Sumner, C C Springer, J R Fish, j
J G Fish, Mrs J G Fish, Geo Cole-
brook, G Weaverson, G Shelly, A K Will visit Coquille the 24 th and 25 th
Neff, W G Lewis, H Fols, O Nor- of each month at Dr. Richmond’s
beck, Mrs L Brown, J H Hvnd, office. Expert service and honest
H Dippmer, H B Shopner, F Wilt, prices guaranteed
Toric Lens,
Capt L Christensen, P N Reberg.
"80 Easy” Mountings.
The test­
«♦ »
ing ot children’s eyes a specialty.
F ry p r N o rr*.
Broken lens duplicated.
Fever sores nn<1 old chrouic sores
1 should uot be healed entirely, bui LJT The safe and reliable twin- y ] f
j should be kept in healthy condi-
tion. This can he done by apply-
d ^ T h e New and Speedy
j ing Chamberlains Salvo.
salve has no superior for this pur­
pose. It is also most excellent for
Capt. Olsea, Masta
chapped hnnds, sore nipples, burns
Wi 1? make rrjrnlar trip* between
and diseaaes of the skin
For sale
by R. S. Knowlton.
C oquille River an )
(rave a nice jsal^ol anyfiovs. tfiele
tfiele you enteh tai n you\ quests,
Opposite Postoffice
180 adre farm, all bottom land,
too or more acres cleared.
house and barn, all necessary farm­
ing tools, 35 dairy cows. Price per
ocie $i 12 00
120 acres timber land—about 4
million feet of cedar and fir— j ce­
-- ----•-»•* •
Cornell R<-iu«-«lv.
dar, quarter mile from river. Per
‘‘On October 18th, last, my little acre $ 20 .
Steam er P assen gers
three year old daughter contracted
Wanted— By a good dairyman
Among those sailing on the Plant a severe cold which resulted in a and butter-maker, a small dairy
bad case of bronchitis,” says Mrs farm to rent. For particulars call
were the following:
E R Menstadt, L J Simpson, W. G. Gibson, Lexington, Ky, at the H erald office.
John Biases, Mrs John Biases, Pe­ "She lost the power of speech com-
440 acres laud, 40 or 50 in culti­
ter O’ Hanlon, E B Curtis, Mrs A p’ etely and was a v< ry sick child. vation, 8 room house, barn and
Engle, Miss Stien, E R Parson, Mrs Fortunately we had a bottle of other buildings, good orchard.
Clark, W L Rrock, C Watters, G Chamberlain’ s C nigh Remedy in Sev« rsl acres timber, 5 miles from
Coquille, one mile from river, near
H Bennett, W B Card, P A Brow-1 the hou-e und gave it to her accord­
Price per acre only $26.00.
uell, Geo Thomas, R S Wright, F ing to the printed directions.
42 acres, 30 or more bottom land,
D MiDer,C J Robertson, J D John­ the second day she was a great
mostly cleured. Good, new 2 story
son, A L Harris, T U Hadley, Mrs deal better, aud on the fifth day,
house. Lumber on place for now
T R Hadley, F S Dow, W C Bick­ October 23rd, she was entirely well barn
5 miles frotnCoquille. Price
ford, Mrs E M Bell, E M Bell, Mrs of her cold ami bronchitis, which I $4500.00.
Stein, Harry Ltein, W Oluey, F H attribute to this spl eudid medicine.
An elegant home with 14 acres,
1 recommend Chamberlain's Cough partly bottom land, just outside the
Cardwell, Eugene Sigsmund.
Remedy unreservedly, as I have city limits of Coquille. Nice 10 room
Among those arriving on the found it the surest, safest and
house, moe barn, young orchard,
Breakwater were the following:
quickest cure for colds, both for nice spring water to house. A rare
J W McKenzie, F A Ford, Geo children and adults, of any I have bargain only $35u0 00. Terms.
P Store, Miss Chapman, Mrs B ever used.” For sale by R. S.
10 acres, all bottom, in cultivation,
Worth, B Worth, Mrs E 'erett, Mrs
on Coquille river, j mile from Co­
J M Brown, M Von Allstioe, A S
quille. House and barn.— $ 2500 .
Elliott, \V C W ea ver, E DoraD,
80 acre farm all bottom and low
Herbert Hume, Geo Collins, P Bar-
bench land. Bottom land all in cul­
tivation, bench land all in pasture
row, M Coughlin, W W Holland, |
Large house and large barn, good
Grace Godell, C Gödel!, L Pierce,
3 miles from Coquille
Mrs Godell, H Himes, R Shull, F
and inspect the largest
river. A snap. Pi ice only $4250 00
Luthell E S hull, W Harmon, Mrs
and most handsome
Harmon, D J McPbail, Mrs Mc-
line of Gents’ Furnish­
For Sale— The well-known regis­
Phail, S GreeDtialgb, Jennie Haga,
ing Goods in the City.
tered stallion, ‘ ‘ Bruce Wilkes.”
E Niehaus, Wm Lusk, P A Sand­
Will take cattle or sheep in part
Z. C. Strang, Gravel
berg, C R Scott, Maude Elliott, C The Newest and most payment
Allison, H Lyons, R EvanB, W A j handsome thing in the
Theis, C Fredericks« n, H Carlson, I City in
E Seversen, C Stetson, A C Going, |
Mrs Going, J Dashney, J Holde, Pj
Ddley, L Moltke, F Kerr, J Stad-j
dee, J E Iwards, C Shields, R !
Shields, E Doening, J Rul'ards, E
Patterson, Wm McGann, \V Daven- j
port, Jno Hagensen, Mrs. Hagensen, j
Wm Phillips, A J Phillips, W A I
Phone Main 13X.
Leonard, C Eubody, W R McGarry, {
E Wolfe, D Webster, C Clayton,
Board by Day, Wee^ or Month
W Anderson, A Kirshbnum and 34 j
C h o ic e F r e sli M e a t «
'w a y s o n H a n d
115 acre farm, 4 miles Irom Co­
quille. on county road.
barn and other outbuildings, good
orchard. Price $6250 00 . $2000 00
cash, balance on easy terms.
dence, an ideal home, (get my price)
C iir r 'l o f a S i-ri-rr .tliu c i, o f llr o u -
a - li f t f s l> j ( f i l l ■■■ l > < - r i a l ■■
SLAGLE BROS., Proprietors
22 acres, with several acres bottom
land, nice house. Just outside the
city limits of Coquille. Price $4500.
Lot 60x100. Front Street, Co­
barrel vinegar and 60 feet | inch
gas p:pe, and many other useful quille. A bargain if sold soou.
articles, which must be sold by Jan.
3 seres almost within the business
part of the city with elegant resi­
J. L. B hioos .
W ickham
60 acres river bottom land, no
improvements, on county road and
Price $ 65.00 per acre.
160 acres of land, about 15 acres
ed‘ " heelbar.ow, wagon, 2 * horse- bottom, balance bill. Very little
cleared; fairly good bouse, quarter
Power Saso,i,,e
50 gallon of a mile from school. Price, $900.
rallk ,ank’ 5 milch cows, potatoes,
Nice cottage, almost new, a bar­
. aPPles- « da” y cows, 5 calves, 2
gain Price $800.00
Sood ,vork hoses‘ 1 Pon>’- 5 do* la*
Several income business proper
ing hens, 3 turkeys, 2 stoves, bu­
ties in Coquille at reasonable prices.
reau, sewing machine, 5 chairs
D. L. Perkins
aid tfamcfyA.
See J. W.
Four city lots, for residence.
The best buy in the city.
that we carry in stock the most beauti­
ful line of Jewelry, Silverware and Cut
T. J. H A Y E S ,
W h en you have Real Estate for Sale
W h en you want to Invest in Real Estate
F ra n cisco .
Registered Durork Jersey | gs,
the kind that atten on clover, for
No Stop-over at Way Porta
sale by J D. Ceil. Myrtle Point E!<*c, iic Light». F.verything in Fira
Or. Phone 101
Clean Stria,