Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, January 12, 1910, Image 3

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    LOCAL N E W S .
KemDaDU at Hobioson's.
Fred Muttle, of Ramlou, came up
E. D. Myers was down from Lee
last Saturday.
VV. E. Crane of Bandon, was in
town Saturday.
W. H. Hull, of Riverton, was in
town Saturday.
J. W. Clinton was down from
Norway Mondav.
For a nice fresh steak phone No.
2 1 . Slagle Bros.
W. C. Sellmer, of Bandon, was
in Coquille last Saturday.
11. C. Bryant was down
Bridge a day or so last week.
Chas. Hayter, of Bandon, was in
* Coquille on business Saturday.
Wanted—Cattle to feed hay. In­
quire of Hansen Bros. Fairview.
S. Mundy, of Bandon, was a Co­
quille business yisitor on Friday.
John Hambloex, of Parkersburg,
had business in Coquille on Monday.
J. D. Barklow and little daugh­
ter, of Arago, were in town Friday.
A. B. Bigelow, of Deer Park,
registered at the Baxter on Friday.
Hand painted china going at just
half price at E. C. Barker & C o’s.
V. R. Wilson, the optician, made
a business trip to Bandon Sunday.
W. F. Dialler, of Bandon, greeted
many friends in this city last Satur­
S. G. Giles, of Myrtle Point, was
a Coquille business visitor on Mon­
A. McNair, the Bandon hardware
man, had business in Coquille on
G. W. Stevenson returned trom
S. J. Culver, of Bandon, was in
Coquille on Tuesday of last week. the Bay Monday.
"Little Lord Fauntleroy at the
W. O. Mathews, of Fairview, w h s
a Coquille visitor on Wednesday of Heazlet tomorrow night.
last week.
J. F. Munford, of Arago, was in
James L. Ferry, of Marshfield, town on business Monday.
was a Coquille visitor on Thursday
W. J. Floyd, of Riverton, had
of last weel.
business in town on Monday.
Saws gummed, filed and set at
E. M. Blackerby, of Baudon, re
Quick & Curry’s shop.
turned from the Bay yesterday.
Attorney A. J. She wood bad
C. C. Carter, ot Myrtle Point,
business which called him to Pros­ registered at the Baxter on Monday.
per last Saturday.
J. W. Button was up (torn the
R. W. Bullard, the lower river coast section the first o f the week.
merchant and ferryman, had bus­
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McGee, of
iness in town last Thursday.
Riverton, were up to town Monday.
Mrs. Dr. Beoder, the optemetrist,
J. H. Anderson was down from
of Myrtle Point, was in our city last his homestead on Halls creek last
Friday, making our office a pleas­ Thursday.
ant call.
J. M. Blake, the street railway
That's what they all say, “ Sla­ man, was over from the Bay on
gle Bros, for choice meats.”
Mrs. Charles Fox, of Bandon,
The lies Co. at the Heazlet to­
visited her parents, Mr. S D d Mrs.
morrow— T h u r s d a y — night. A
F. T. Crewe, of this city on Thurs­
good play will be put on.
day. She and Mr. Fox returned
Mrs. Cal Slagle, of tills city, goes
to San Francisco by the steamer
W. T. Miller, of Fisbtrap, went
Fifield which is due to sail today.
to Bandon Monday for a visit as well
Her husband accompanied her to
as on business. Mr. Miller is think­
Bandon yesterday.
ing some of purchasing himself a
T. W. Drane, of Parkersburg,
home in the city by the sea.
was up to town Thursday, being
Make your washing easy by us­
ing Washing Tablets at Drane’s somewhat interested in road matters
in his district which were before
E. E. Young, a late arrival from the county court for consideration.
Durkee, Eastern Oregon, who ar­
rived in town a few days ago, is as­
sisting S. H. McAdams, the black­
smith and machinist.
Mr. Young
is a good workman.
The steamer Fifield arrived in the
river on Sunday morning. She pro­
ceeded at once to take on a cargo
for San Pedro, California. How­
ever, she will call in at San Francis,
I am in the market tor all kinds co on her way down.
of furs.
G eo . T. M oulton .
Cut pieces on all ladies’ and
R. W. Lundy, of Myrtle Pcint, childrens' coats at Robinson’s
was a counly seat business visitor Store.
en Monday.
H. S. Tyrrell, of Fruitvale, Cali­
Mr. and Mrs C. C. Johnson, of fornia, who had been up visiting
Prosper, came up Saturday after­ with his Bon-in-law and daughter,
noon for a short visit.
Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Woodward, of
M. C. Maloney, editor of the Coos Arago, went to the Bay Thursday
Bay Daily Times, bad business at to catch the Plant for San Francisco
the county seat last Saturday.
on his return home.
Charlie Offield was up to town
James and Willie Stauff, of
Saturday and purchased a fine shot Marshfield, were over to their fath­
gun. The ducks will suffer now. er’s farm at Arago one day last
J. A. Peart, the strawberry man, week to view the ruins of the nice
has plants for sale— $5 per thous­ home burned on the place a week
ago Tuesday.
They informed us
The steamer Elizabeth arrived in that there was $800 insurance on
the Coquille Sunday morning, and the building.
will sail today, everything being
BegiD now to provide for a “ rainy
day,” by placing your earnings in
For Sale— 240-egg incubator and the Farmer's and Merchant’s Bank.
two brooders, in first class condition,
Grant BuDch, sou of Mr. and
at a grand bargain.
Inquire at Mrs. Chas. Bunch, of Rinck creek,
this office.
started by the steamer M. F. PlaDt
Anyone wishing fancy or plain one day last week for Lodi, Califor­
sewing, callón Mrs. M. Nosier, next nia, where be goes to take a thor­
door to the H erald office.
ough course in dentistry.
Mrs. O. A. Kelly, Mrs. D. S- young man will be gone several
Rouse, Mrs W. M Kay and Mrs. months, and when be returns he
Mel Hayter, of Riverton, were Co­ will be ‘‘Dr. Bunch.’’
quille shoppers on Thursday of last
James Medlock, of this city, while
working in the mill last week, sus­
Married.— In Coquille, Wednes­
day, January 5 ,at the South Metho­
dist Parsonage, Carl W. Linn and
Bernadette L- Windsor, Rev. C. H.
Cleaves officiating.
tained a yery severely bruised finger.
While pushing a truck heavily load­
ed with slab wood be slipped and
fell, and his finger was caught un­
der the truck and very bakly mashed.
George Hermann was down to It will be some time before he will
A berdem last week looking after be able to resume work.
his logging interests.
He bad a
K. Holverson, the tailor, has just
line lot of logs come out of the received a large lot of samples of
South Fork the latter part of the suitings. Call and see them and
get his prices.
Judge J. S. Coke, of Mdrshfield,
Shoes have won popularity with the will convene a term of circuit court
woods boys. E. L. Tozier maker, at Roseburg on the 17th for Judge
Hamilton. Judge Burnett, of Salem
James Matbeny, of Myrtle Point, will in the near future hold court
was in town SaturJay. He went to in this city, when the case of R. A.
Bandon Monday to catch the Bteam- Graham against the Spreckels Bros,
er Fifield for Han Pedro, California, and others will be heard. This is
on his way to the southern part of done in accordance with an argu­
• the state, where he goes for the ben­ ment between the parties and their
efit of his health.
* * * * * li^
C e n tr a lly a n d C o n v e n ie n t ly
L o c a te d . T a b l e S u p p l i e d
w i t h t h e B e s t th e M a r k e t A f ­
fo rd s.
S a m p l e R o o m s fo r
C o m m e r c ia l M e n . T r a n s fe r
o f B a g g a g e to a n d f r o m B o a t s
a n d T r a i n s ........................................
Newlv Furnished
Capt. W. T. Pantar was up f roui
Bandon yesterday.
Bargaius in men’s clothing at
Robinson’s Store.
Levi Heisner, the Marshfield liv­
ery man, was in this city yesterday.
Harry Flanders, the teamster
will fill orders for Rouse coal.
Mrs. Capt. Panter, of Myrtle
Point, went to Bandon yesterday
for a visit.
A purely vegetable reme­
dy in tablet form, having
specific action on the
The play the lies Co. will put on
next week will be ‘‘The Senator's
Daughter.” Its a good one.
Stomach, Kidneys,
Mrs. William McClure, of Marsh­
field, visited friends in this city a
few days lately,returning home yes­
As easy to take as a mor­
sel of food, but prompt in
their action and beneficial
in results. Try a box if
you are troubled with con­
25 doses in a box, 25
cents, by mail to any ad­
Parties wishing coal from the
Rouse mine will apply to Harry
R. Hansen, the new proprietor of
the Hotel Baxter, went to Bandon
today to take a steamer for San
Francisco, where he goes on busi­
and Bowels
day to take the Breakwater for
Portland on his way to his new
home at Enterprise, O regoD , where
be has taken up a homestead, of
which be seems very proud. While
shingling bis house lately he froze
his finer tips. It gets quite cold up
there, but is a fine stock contry.
J. H. Aker, of this city, returned
from Marshfield yesterday morning,
having been over to attend the joint
installation ot the Pacific Comman-
dry No. 10 , and Arago chapter,
which took place in that city on
Monday evening. He reported a
grand time. A bounteous banquet
Now is the time to have your was served after the installation.
windows and doors rescreened.
All fall goods inuU move te-
Quick f i Curry has the galvanized
of price, to give room for
spring stock at Robinson’s Store.
The Myrtle Point Enterprise say;
Charley Hatlocker, oldest son of
During the month of December the
local postoffice received and dis­ Judge and Mrs. Harlocker, of this
patched on an average of 73 i-acks city, returned Thursday from an
and 23 pouches of mail matter each extended trip into California. He
day, and this work was done with­ went down the first of September,
out a single error being reported going to the Imperial valley with
and without a single üélav changa- C- O. Dryden and tamily, wliere he
ble to the office force. As indicat­ remained till about a month ago,
ing the volume of Christmas busi­ when he started Dorth, visiting dif­
He has
ness 2,000 registers passed through ferent parts ot the state.
the office during eight davs of the had a very nice time.
Christmas rush.
For real estate aod insurance,
Estates hand­
Get your table legs turned at see Stutsman A Co.
Quick A Curry’s. They have some led, abstracts furnished and titles
patterns already out.
Hard wood, perfected.
$ 1 per set.
O fficers Installed
The W. R. C. of this city held
their regular annual installation
yesterday afternoon, C. B. Zeek. of
Bandon, installing offioer.
following were installed:
Mary Gage, Pres.; Viola Strang,
Sr. Vice.; Martha E. Custer, Jr.
Vice; Eva Barrow, Treas ; Justine
Ferris. Chap ; Birdie Nosier, Con.;
Mabel Sampson, Ast. Con ; Hellen
Howe, Guard; L. B. Tozier, Ast.
Guard; Edna Kelley, Pross Cor ;
For Sale .—316 acres grazing land Ida Levene, Pat. Inst.; BirdieSkeels,
all seeded, 3 miles from Coquille Musician; Color Bearers, Sarah
for $ 12.50 per acre. Terms. J W Wickham, Nellie Elliott, Ora Wick­
ham, Josie MrDuffee-
You can find our Store on Second Street
Coquille, Oregon
The Coos County Bar Association
held its first annual meetiDg in Co­
quille \ esterday and last night. The
annual election of officers was held,
with the result that J. W. Bennett
was elected president; Geo. P. Top­
ping, Vice President; J. J. Stanley,
Sec.; C. A. Sehlbrede, Treas., for
the ensuing year, after which Judge
Coke delivered a very able address.
The evening session was more on
the social order and was held at the
rooms of the Ko-Keel Klub, where
a very enjoyable time was had.
The early part of the evening was
spent in games, social converse, etc.
At eleven o ’clock the banquet
was announced when, appeared the
following members:
J D Goos, C A Lehlbrede, J W
Reader, L A Liljeqvist, W Sinclair,
J S Coke, Geo P Topping, C R Peck,
E C Maybee, C B Selby, A S Ham­
mond, J WT Bennett, G TTreadgold,
A J Sherwood, T T Bennett, E D
Sperry, 8 D Pulford, J W Snover,
J H Guery, L A Roberts, J J Stan
ley, Judge Hall, W C Chase; and
M O Hawkins, J C Savage, Jas Wat­
son and D F Dean as invited guests.
Judge J. D. Goss as toast master
did bis full share toward the enter­
tainment of the evening, continually
enlivening the crowd with his witi-
cisms. The banquet was gotten up
under the supervision ot E. A.
Becket, assisted by Chas. Harring­
ton of the Skookum Restaurant,
and was a grand affair.
Dry Goods
1 )
County Bar Association.
A special meeting of the Coquille
supervision who were in conference
with the county court which is still Fire Department is called for this,
Wednesday evening.
There is
in session.
For Rent— Small place near town much important business to be
—3 acres bottom cleared.
Inquire transacted, among other things the
of Harvey Tyrrell, Coquille.
election of officers. All mem­
A basket ball game is to take place bers should be there at the ringing
at Myrtle Point next Friday even­ of the gong.
ing between Bandon and Myrtle
Registered Durock Jersey pigs,
Point teams. The Enterprise says the kind that fatten on clover, for
much interest is manifested as to sale by J. D. Carl, Myrtlo Point,
Or. Phone 101.
what the outcome will be.
Mrs. Hal Baxter went dowu the
W. R. Haines, the music dealer,
river yesterday to visit her mothen
came over from Marshfield Monday.
Mrs. M. L. Randleman, a ; well as
He was accompanied by L. L.
her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Breede, of Camden, New Jersey,
K. D. Goram, the latter of whom is
wholesale manager of the Victor
very feeble at present, and owing
Talking Machine Co., of that city.
to her advanced age, 85 years, her
The shoes tor woodsmen; Tozier’s
recovery will necessarily be slow.
—S. F. Shoes. The glov*B for wear
Logger Fear Gloves. E. L. Tozier.
Piling, engines and other para­
H. L. Stephens, the nurseryman, phernalia are being put on the
was down from Fishtrap Monday. grounds lor starting the street rail­
Mr. Stephens returned from Port­ way on the Bay, which is to link
land by Friday’s Breakwater, he Marshfield and North Bend togeth­
having taken bis son, Elton, to that er, and will be built by J. M. Blake
city where be entered the Behnke- and a strong company, financially,
Walker business college. Mr. Ste­ who is backing him.
phens also transacted business con­
Rolled barley, shorts, bran, wheat
nected with his nursery
and cracked corn at Robinson’s
Moss Averill went to the Ba Fri­ Store.
Married—In Coquille, Sunday,
January 9 , at the South Methodist
Parsonage, K. F. Clark, of Coquille,
and Annie Bentler, of Mound
Ridge, Kansas, Rev. C. H. Cleaves Annual Meeting of Coos
William Ward, the inveterate
timberman, is in town for a few
days, being laid up from a very
sore hand, caused by a cut from a
Telephone for meat to be deliver­ saw tooth. He expects to be as
ed at any time from Slagle Bros. good as new in a few days.
Phone No, 2 1 .
Robinson’s store are closing out
Married.- At the residence of
their stock of ladies’ tailored suits.
Rev. A. H. Cessna, at Gravel Ford,
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Leneve, of
OregoD, January 3, 1910, Nathan
H. Ingram and Miss Roxie Bright, this city, went to Bandon yester­
both of Gravel Ford, Rev. Cissna day to take a steamer for San Fran­
cisco, where they go to consult phy­
Captain H. E. Wilcox, of McKin­ sicians concerning Mrs Leneve’s
ley, had business in town a day or eyes, they having been effected ser­
so last week, being among the road iously for some time.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Engleman, of
Bandon, returned Thursday from
Myrtle Point, where they had gone
to look up the prospects of making
a trip to Kalona, Iowa, at which
place Mrs. Engleman’s mother, Mrs
J. A. Fry, is lying very low. They
concluded that the trip was too
much of an undertaking. The 10 id
to Roseburg is in a very bad con­
dition, and with the prevailing cold
over the mountains, even the cars
are frequently snowed íd , and they
concluded not to make the attempt.
Flour and Feed
.lull all Kinds of Garth and Fi
F a ir T r e a t m e n t , P r o m p t D e li v e r y a n d
R i g h t B r ic e s
M arga ret lie s
------------» ■»«»■«------------
Cecil K Lyans to Oxford.
Cecil K. Lyans, one of our pop­
ular teachers in Coquille’a public
schools, has been awarded the
Rhodes Scholarship from Oregon,
and we feel that the award has been
worthily bestowed. Mr. Lyans is
aD exemplary youDg man, a very
hard worker, an apt student who
will make the best of this great op­
Mr. Lyans is a graduate of the
University of Oregon, being a mem­
ber of the class of 1909, in which
be proved himself an exceptionally
strong student, taking a prominent
part in debate. He received his
early education at Simpson College,
Iowa, going to South Dakota later,
where he taught school at 15 years
of age. Coming to Eugene, Ore­
gon, with bis parents, he entered
the sophomore class in the Universi­
ty. Later he accepted a position
as instructor at the Drain Normal,
and could have returned to that
petition next year. He finished
his University course last year with
high honors and more credits than
were really necessary. Mr. Lyans’
work has been along educational
lines, which course he will con­
tinue at Oxford, further preparing
himself as an instructor. He will
leave for England about Septem­
ber. The appointment carriee with
it $1,500 per year for three years.
During the holiday vacation he
visited Salem, when the appoint­
ment was mails.
D. L. Perkins
and inspect the largest
and most handsome
line o f Gents’ Furnish­
ing Goods in the City.
Better Prepared to Serve the Public than Ever
Before, Having a Very Full and Complete
Stock of
Kodaks and Supplies
... a Specialty
Pick up Your Teeth
and bring them to us with your comb. If your
barrette is broken, bring it also. Nothing too
difficult for us to do in our repair department.
Watch, Clock, and Jewelry Repairing. Agate
Grinding and Polishing.
Ring Making and
The Newest and most
handsome thing in the
City in
E. C. Barker & Co.