i C o q tiilk V o l . 2 7 : N o. 12, 1910. Y $ 1 .5 0 eah May 20. John A Besterand Min­ O b itu ary. KILLED BY nie Cooper. * Luther Williams was born near * May 22. Jake Wolfer and Ruby RAILROAD TRAIN Monrova, Kansas, June 17, 1866. * * M iy Davidson. * * Died at bis home near Bridge, Ore., L ¡COCHEAN, Proprietor May 22. Almond W Gartin and * The Following is a List of Marriage * Dec. 21, 1909, aged 43 years 6 Mary Wegant. Elsie Stogard of Marshfield Instantly DR. RICHMOND * * months and 10 days. Licenses Isseud by County Clerk 11 May 22. Frederick B Garrett and Killed— Trainmen Exoerated PH YSICIAN AND SURUEON. * He came to Coos County with * of Coos County. Bertha Christene Prey. Hot and ¡Cold ¡Baths, Hair Cutting aud Massag- From All Blame. Office at Slocum’ « Drug Store. bis parents when a small boy and * May 24. Edwin C Barker and ing a Specialty. * CoqUIUJE, O k KOON. has made this his home every since. * Jan 6. John A MacMillan and Lucie M Gould. A very sad accident occurred on * Offioa Pbone Main 211. -X He was united in marriage with Frieda Magee. May 22. Wra Oldenberg and Chris- the S. P. track near the Beaver Hill One of the Most Up-to-Date Shops in the City * * Sarah Lett. To this union were lena Willman. Jan 13. Winfield C Bicktord and Coal Co’s bunkers at Marshfield * Ella Mitchell. May 29. Harley R Dunkley and last Wed. at 5.30 p. m., when Elsie born ten children; nine with their * * A. F. Kirshmcm, * mother survive him. C o q u ille , Jan 13. William True Boardman Feneatta Fenoglis. Sopba Stogard, of Marshfield, was * * At the age of eighteen years be and Margaret Shields. June 2. George H Ewart and instantly killed by a loenmotue D khtist . united with tbe Methodist church. Josephine T Muller. Jan 15. Edward H Screnton and and coal car at tbe bunker near the Offioe two door« South o f Posi uffloe. Emma Byers. June 5. Albert Pidgeou and Lizzie depot. Tbe child bad just passed Some years later he united with tbe United Brethern church,of which he Jan 16. Cyrus B Ferris and Cora Bremer. Coquille . - . Oregon. her eleventh birthday, and she hav­ M Smith. June 5. Harold D Putnam and ing been a deaf mute was no doubt was a member at the time of bis death. T Jan. 18. Lawrence W Holmberg Rosaline Spears. tbe cause of the accident. It was Luther was the fourth child of a and Mae II Swanson. June 7. Andrew J Lowland and I he habit of her parents to keep a DR. J. D. KELLY family of eleveu, of whom one broth­ Jan 23. L Earl Elliott and Helen Enga J Stone. very close watch on the child on ac­ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON er and four sisters survive him. I Moore. June 8 Karl L Heap and Dula count of her affections, her mother They are as follows: Joseph Wil­ Coquille, • Oregon Jan 25. Lewis E Muir and Jan- Dean. having refrained from attending a Office in SkeeU Building liams and Mrs. Ed Hoffman of Myr­ nita L Wise. June 9. J F Weisenberger and social function that afternoon in or­ OFFICE HOURS—9 to 11 a.m. 2 to tle Point, Ore., Mrs. Charlie Brooks Jan 26. William A Barnett and Susan Palmer. der to look after the little one. But of Gresham, Ore., Mrs. Geo. New­ 4 p. m, 7 to 8 p. m. Barbara Phillips. June 11. Claud Stutsman and while at her work just before the ington of San Francisco, Cal., and Residence Phone— Office Phone— Jan 29. O L Heath and Uuby S Alice A Rebfeld. supper hour, the child slipped from Mrs. Geo. Grover of this city. Dingmun. June 15. William Wilson and Jessie the home and to the railroad track Feb 5. Albert A Pauli and Mar­ Myrtle Deweese. Came Near I tausfcin* to Death. near by, unnoticed by anyone, and Dr. C. W. Endicott tha 8 Miller. June 15. Harry W Evans and So­ A little boy, tbe son of Chris D. as the locomotive backed down the Feb 5. Cbas W Hill and Amelia phia L Hinze- D kntibt incline from tbe bunker, the car Peterson, a well known resiJent of Brownson. June 15. J J Otto and Florence having dumped its load, Elsie had the village of Jacksonville, Iowa, y °u stoP t0 consider that a building made Office on Front Street Feb 6. Allen R Pauter and Florence A Edwards. reached the middle of tbe track and had a sudden and violent attack of II O il out of cement blocks is almost indestructable A Barklow. June 15. Harvey S Totten and Phone Main 431. Coquille, Oregon being unable to bear, or becoming croup. Much thick stringy phlegm and fireproof? Feb 6. Fred Sassmau and Mabel Emma Rice. excited at tbe approaching engine, came up after giving Chamberlain’s Did you stop to consider that the first cost is almost the Weybright. June 16. Edward W Lorerz and failed to get off the track. Tbe lo­ Cough Remedy. Mr. Peterson says: last cost? Feb 6. Victor Backlund and Sofia Gertrude Wilson. comotive passed over tbe upper part “ I think he would have choked to Did you stop to consider that sand and gravel, washed and Fors. June 17. Vallie M Richard? and £ . D, SPERRY of the body, almost cutting it in death had we not given him this cleaned by the ocean, together with proper proportion of Feb 9. Lorenzo D Noah and Nora Curtis A Pettet. remedy.” For sale by R. 8. Knowl- Attorney and Oounoellor at Law. twain and horribly mutilating it. Portland cement, makes the finest blocks and bricks in the Richardson. June 18. Elfred J Michael and Coroner Golden impanneled a jury tOD, Offioe in ltobinson Building Yours for business, ------ -m m * - - - ------ - world. Feb 15. Michael C Malloney and Rachel A Barklow. who investigated tbe accident and Alice Bay McCortnac. June 19. Arthur C Waters and returned a verdict of death by acci­ R R. Grading Being Rushed ! » , COQU1T " 'R E T E W O R K S dent, aud fully exhonorated the Feb t6. Arthur B Lowe and Edith Millie Talbot. Since the weather moderated work Wilt on. June 22. Alfred J Matson and Amy trainmen from blame. W. C. CHASE. of clearing the right of way and Feb 18. Marton Leaton and Alma Amelia Anderson. A d vertisenent for N. W . Fir. grading for the Del Norte Southern "O ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Saling. June 22. Richard A Felter and * U n o Railroad has been rushed, a crew of Offio in Robinson Building, Upstairs Feb 18. William E Ireland and Portland, Ore., Jan. 4—(Speoial) Ruby L Osbier. about forty men being employed. Irene E Holdrege. June 24. Charlie Williams and Splendid examples of fir finishing, A donkey engine and power is be­ said to be the most elaborate ever Feb 23. Alex Hogstrom aud Anna * Mae Murphy. ing used for removing Btumps. A Bloom. C. R. BARROW June 26. William H Hubbard and sent from the Northwest, will be person can stand a short distance Feb 23. Frances E Merchant and shipped this week to Washington, Jane Cottell. Attorney and Counsellor at Law east of Mill No. 1 and look along Maty M McDonald. D. C-, where they will enter into June 28. Heintick Wukasch and tbe right of way for several miles- First-olasa References the now building being erected by Feb 23. John Neal Gearhart and Martha Duclo. The road runs in a southeasterly Sails From Ainsworth Dock , Portland, Wednesdays at 8 P.M. Fifteen Years’ Experience Dora E Bigelow. June 28. Hairy W Walker and the Bureau of American Republics, direction from Mill No. 1. through C oquillk C it y , O b * Feb 24. David H Clink and Vera under tbe direction of John Barrett. Jeannette E Nass. Elk Valley to tbe foothills, begin­ The wood will be used in the recep. A Smith. M ILLER , Agent, Marshfield, Oregon F. I June 28. Edwin P Ellingson and ning the asceDt at the Bertsch dairy W. tion room of the new building, Feb 25. Frank Mosteller and Fay Pearl A Sweet. houses, and then on up on a 2J per PAUL L. STERLING, AGENT. COQUILLE, PHONE NO. 18l which will be completely finished Clark. J. J. STANLEY June 30. Louie O Strommen and cent grade until the summit is in fir. This will result in a big ad­ Mar 1. James A Congo and Maud Ellen A Johnson. reached, dropping into the Mill LAW YER vertisement for this wood as finish­ F Goom. July 1. Adam Storm and Rosie B creek section which contains the fin­ F i r s t - C l a s s Heals at all Hour* Martin Building • Front Strce^ ing material. Mar 1. John D Carl aud Edna From e a no to 9 p m. Harvey. est belt of Redwood in tbe county. S srv lss. C oquilij H, O regon May Schroeder. The woo l has been prepared for July 2. Louis A. Loomis and Wil- The road will eventually be built to Mar. 6. Hosco D Jessee and Anna shipment East aod goes as a gift C McCrimman. the Klamath river, distance 15 miles A T TH E Louis E Thorhaven. from the Oregon and Washington from this place. It is expected that July 2. Nelts H Hanson and Myr­ A. J. Sherwood, Mar 16. Cbas H Kroeger and Lumber Manufacturers’ Association. by July 1, 1910, logs will be hauled C. A. H A R R IN G T O N , Proprietor. tle L Boone. Minnie May Stokes. Tbe finishing consists of panels, A t t o * n « t - at - L a w , over the new road.— Del Norte Reo- July 6. Bert Peterson and Minnie Mar 19. Harry Redfield and S p e e i a l A t t e n t i o n G i v e n to scrolls, medAllioDs, desks and brack­ W« flak« Rates to N o ta b t P u b l ic , ord. C Peterson. C ö fn tn e tte ittl píen 1 ‘ogulav Boat'd«**. Murietta Edith Dixon. ets of the most elaborate hand- ------------ * «»>« ------------ Coquille, : : Oregon The San FraDcisco Examiner says: Mar 23. Edwin H Duncan and Ve- July 6. Grover Brown and Ella carved design. Tbe grain of the Kribs. nora B Bojd. wood is shown to splendid advan­ — Word was received from San July 6. William Dunn and Laura Mar 26. Luther Judy and Nellie tage and is stained with oak finish. Bla?, Mexico, yesterday that the Walter Sinclair, R. S. KNOW LTON, President GEO. A. ROBINSON, V. Pres. Carter. steamer Homer bad been floated and Rook. R. H. MAST, Cashier A tto r n k t - at - L a w , Mar 29. Dell Rhodes and Eleanora July* 7. Edward V Lindros aDd C u r f i l »1 a S p t p p « A t t a c k o> K r o n - towed to that port from the point N otabt 1’ o b l io , chills by Chamberlain's Elnora L Baldern. Frances Cunniff. forty miles north where she ran Cough Remedy. Coquille, : : Oregon. Mar 30. Luther H Pace and Maud July 8. Matti Hankila and Hilma “ On October 18tb, last, my little ashore. The Homer is owned by Selina Pelkkala. D Forter. three year old daughter contracted J. Homer Fitch & Co. She was on April 3. Jas L Stitt and Edna Per­ July 8. Henry L Anderson and a severe cold which resulted in a her way from San Francisco to Hall & Hall, Lena McAdams. kins. bad case of bronchitis,’’ says Mrs. Manzanillo under command of Cap­ CAPITAL STOCK $25,000 A ttobnbts - at L a w , July 19. Peter Sunerson and Isa- W. G. Gibson, LexingtoD, Ky. tain Pierce when she was wrecked. April 6. Everett E Howe and Ida Dealer in R ia l E stât « o f all kinds. bell Nelson. Sheppard. She lost the power of speech com­ All her passengers and crew were • Marshfield, Oregon. April 7. Chas H Harzeg and July 1. Brunantonie Agoslina and pletely and was a very sick child. saved. Vina Wilcox. Hazel I Moore. Fortunately we had a bottle of A 320 acre South Atncan Veteran April 8. Herman Hillyerand Edna July 24. Herbert F Robinson and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in Bounty Land Certificate issued by Mary L Whisnant. £ . G. D. Holden Johnson. tbe bouse and gave it to her accord­ the Department of tbe interior, L aw tbr , April to. Herman Smithgall and July 24. Martin Bieen and Anna ing to the printed directions. On Government of Canada, Ottawa, J ustice or Tim P eace Christine Lund. Laura A Dolan. tbe second day she was a great under the Volunteer Bounty Act, U. S. Commissioner, General Insurance April 10. Elmer E Willard and July 24. Derius G Neal and Ethel deal better, and 00 the fifth day, 1908. Good for 320 acres of any Agent, and Notary Publie. Offioe Dominion land open for entry in Grim. Pearl H Hollenbeak. October 23rd, she was entirely well in Robinson Building. July 26. Clarence E Johnson and of her cold and bronchitis, which I Alberta, Saskatewan, or Manitoba. April 13 J Howard Johnston and Coquille regon. Any person over the age of 18 Flossie F Chandler. Isabelle Lillian Conger. attribute to this splendid medicine. years, man or womm, can acquire April 17. Orriu Milton Latt'nand July 27. R H Hunt and Clarice A 1 recommend Chamberlain’s Cough this land with this certificate, with­ Lard, Genelin. Alpha May Rhodes. Remedy unreservedly, as I have out further charge. For immedi­ Hams, Alfred Jacobson Aug 3. Don O Newton and Mary found it tbe surest, safest and ate sale— $800.00. Write or wire M. E. W H ITM O RE. E. F. M ORRISSY April 20. Matt L, E. Telford, 131 Shuter street, Backman. and Elms Elizabeth Johnson. quickest cure for colds, botti for Toronto. Canada.” We Carry Bacon, Coos Bay Paving and Con­ April 22. George McNelly and Aug 5. Thos G Hicking and Eva children and adults, of aDy I have ------------ . . # . . — — struction Company. A Goodman. Josie Trewella. Sausage, F e v e r So re » . ever used.’’ For sale by R. 8. GEN EKAL CONTRACTORS Fever sores aDd old chronic sores April 24. G Frank Dillon and Aug 5. Louie Howlet and Lulu Knowlton. Fresh and Salt Meats. Smith. should not be healed entirely, but Olive S. Butters. Plans and Estimates Given Beal Returns to be Fed. William H Dopp and should be kept iD healthy condi­ Concrete Bricks Stone and Tim ber April 26. James Ferrari and Flos­ Aug 7. We are headquarters for euerything in the meat line, Your Olive Hansen. Contractor. sie Johnson. Long Beach, Cal., Jan 3—L. L. tion. This can be done by apply­ wonts always receiues prompt attention. This Phone 151-J April 30. Edmund H Langenberg Aug 10. David E Norcross and Holmes, of this city, purchased a ing Chamberlain’s Salvo. Offices 117 Front Street, .Marshfield Ore Alice E Lehnherr. and Marion F Imhoff. baby seal from fishermen a month salve has no superior for this pur­ May 1. Herman Winders and Lola Aug 17. Neil J Barnes and Leah E ago. On New Year’s day he gave pose. It is also most excellent for Rogers. P Stoops. the little fellow its liberty, caeting chapped bands, sore nipples, burns and diseases of the skin For sale May 4. Brandt Taylor and Nellie Aug 17. John A Dobell and Myr­ it into the waters of the bay. May Laird. tle Dulley. A. J. SHERWOOD Pros. R. I. SHINE, VI«o P r o The seal was found today before by R. S. Knowlton. May 5. Carl H Hollenbeck and Aug 19- Joseph E Thoma s and I. H. HAZARD, Cashier 0 . C. SAHF 0 R 0 , Asst. C siklsr the door of Holmes’ place, crying Incorporated. We h a v e b o th new and second Emma L Johnson Emelia A Johnson. to be fed. It was taken in and hand ¡ d tbe following lines, dressers, Ma> 7. William D EgenbofT and Manufacturers of Aug 20. Chas FSelandor and El- Dixie Judy. cared for and will be given a per­ commodes, iron aDd wood beds, bed zora B Wilson. The Celebrated dergmann Shoe May 7. Joseph D Schapers and springs, mattresses, floor matting, manent berth. The Strongest and Neareat Water sewing machines, in fact almost Laura Wilkenson. July 21. Paul W Crooks and Ber­ --------- ♦- Proof shoe made for loggers, miners May 8. John B Whitney and OP COQUIÜÜH, OpHQOp. The miners of tbe Libby mine, everything needed for the bouse or tha E Catching. prospectors and mill men. camp. Come and look through, Emily C Vandersloot Aug. 23. Albert W Britton and went od a strike the middle of last yon will be surprised at the great T r a n s a c t » a G e n e r a l B a n k i n g B u s i n e a t May 13. Fernando A Lancelat and 621 Thurmao Street week, but were out hut a day when variety of articles to be found in Winnitred Dye. Alice I Crichton. P ortland , O heoos . May 17. Hal Baxter and Oeorgea Aug 23. Albert Selig and Ellen all returned to work at tbe same our store. C. M. Goodman A Co •ford s f Olrsstsrs. Corroo,ondonU. »a » ■ ' ■ wages, (he management of the mine Randleman. S Johnson. R. O. Dement, A . J. Shsrwuod, Notinosi Bonk o Commerce. Ne« York CH Five lot* for $>00. Fas J. W Hsrry Flanders, the teamster May 19. Otto Groke aud Bonnie being able to cause the men to see Franc! L. Harlocker, L . H . Hazard, Crocker Woolworth.N’ l Bank. Leneve. Whittington. CONTINUED ON PAGE FOUR »things tbeir way. will 811 orders for Rouse coal. I »ia h Htcktr* R. E. Shine. F irstlN atT B ank of Portland, iti» Pii, Entered as secoud-claia matter May 8, 1905, at the poatoffice at Coauille, Oregon, under act of Congress of March 3, 1879. t COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, W E D N E S D A Y , JA N U A R Y 18 . HYMEN’S DOINGS FOR YEAR 1 9 0 9 THEjO, K. BARBERSHOP Oregon T Do You Intend to Build? If Qft ì V 1 i 1 1 . B R E A K W A 'io . I Portland and Coo& Sails for Portland E very Saturday 1 1 I Skookum Restaurant, J farmers ai)d Merchants of Coquille Barjk A Reasonable Share of Your Business Solicited First Class Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent 1 PIONEER MEfIT MARKET r V 'k It COQUILLE VALLEY PACKING Theo. BerpanShoe Mfjr.Co. FIRST NATIONAL BA N K !