Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, January 05, 1910, Image 3

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    iÖ3£i 2
Can you write it 1910 the first
Born.— In Coquille, Oregon. Jan­
County court is iu se sion.
The steamer Newport sailed for
time? We can’t.
uary 3, 19:0, to Mr. and Mrs. It. E.
____ _________ _____ Portland, going out from Bandon
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sueed, of
The Margaret lies Co. at the Nosier, a daughter.
J. L. Briggs was up to town Monday morning.
Parkersburg, were in town today.
Mrs. Jeff Wilson has been to
J. D. Barklow, of Myrtle Point, Ileazlet ou the 13th.
J. E. Clinton, of Norway, was in
1 ). P. Strang was up ftom the Myrtle Point to see Dr. Couover tov.n yesterday aDd today on busi­
Big bargains at Lorenz’s clear­ was in Coquille Friday on tjis re­
lower river yesterday.
ance sale.
concerning an ailment caused by ness.
turn from the Bay.
S. Edwards was down from the being thrown by a horse.
J B. Davis wus down from Nor­
Saws gummed, filed and set at
The Margaret lies Co. will be in
farm on Fishtrap yesterday.
Quick A Curry’s shop.
way yesterday.
Registered Durock Jersey pigs, this city each Thursday for the win­
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Zeek, of Ban­ the kind that fatten on clover, for ter.
George Colvin was up to town
George Norris was in from Fair-
sale by J. D. Carl, Myrtle Point,
were in town yesterday.
view yesterday.
There is a fairly good run of
Or. Phone 101 .
W. Vandecar was a passenger to
For a nice fresh steak phone No. the last of the week.
salmou in the Coquille at
The schooner Hugh Hogan is
2i. Slagle Bros.
That’s what they all say, “ Sla­ Myrtle Point yesterday by the Echo.
loading lumber at the Prosper Mill present.
Ed Elliott, of Beaver Hill, was in gle Bros, for choice meats."
Get yout Bhoes at Lyons A Jones Co's wharf and the Advance and
The steamer Coquille is on her
J. R. McGee, the Riverton coal their stock is new and up-to-date,
town jeeterday.
Oregon at the Randolph Lumber regular run again after a few days’
lay off for repairs.
Imported handkerchiefs lor fancy miner, was in Coquille transacting
Ed Carter, the Myrtle Point real Co’s mill.
business on Monday.
work at Robinson’s.
estate man, went to the Bay yester­
Dull eyes made bright, by glasses
Mrs. Jas. Laird, of Brewster,
For a good smoko try the El day.
E. A. Burnett, of Prosper, was in
who has been spending the winter that ate right. Mrs. C. L. Bender,
Toro, at the Oregonian.
town yesterday.
The lies Co. is due here Thurs­ here with her son, Grant Harry, is Optemetrist, at the Baxter, first
John Haegensen, of Langlois,
Mr. and Mrs. Love were up from
day, the 13 th inst. Remember the back from a visit with her son Joe Thursday aud Friday ol each month.
wus in this city last Friday, and on
Riverton on Friday.
Laird, the liveryman, of Myrtle
Benjamin F. Miller was found
Saturday continued his trip to the
Don’t miss seeing those swell
dead iD his bed at bis home on
Mrs. Mann, of the coast section, Point.
comforts at Lyons A Jones.
B. H. Haskin and J. D. Wilson, Pistol river, Curry county, on the
below Bandon, was in Coquille yes-
Sweet and sour pickles, green
Elmore Drune came up from
of this olace, returned by yester­ 22 nd ult. Heart failure is assigned
terd ay.
and ripe olives. Robinson's Store.
Parkersburg Monday.
For rare bargains attend the day morning’s train from Marshfield as the cause of bis death.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barker, of
and North Bend, and this being
Harry Flanders, the teamster
Ray Haines, the Myrtle Point
clearance sale of Henry Lorenz.
Johnson's mill, spent New Year’s
will till orders for Rouse coni.
their first visit to the Bay for some confectioner, was in Coquille yes­
Those who are looking for
Harry Hughes, of Myrtle Point, with Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Lawhorn snap, ought to be pleased with this time, the great strides made by these terday ou his way to Bandon, where
of this city.
two cities were very noficable to be went to look after business
was in town Saturday.
Thomas Coates, of Bandon, who
matters pertaining to purchases of
Hand painted china going at just
The Welhelmina arrived in the
Lyons A Jones have a large line real estate which he has made lately.
half price at E. 0 . Barker A Co’s.
Coquille from Coos Bay yesterday
sufferer from a stroke of paralysis,
comforts and blankets to choose
T. A. Walker returned from
A. M. Newbegiu, of Myrtle Point,
from. Give us a call, our prices
is improving.
Portland Friday, having visited a
was a Coquille visitor yesterday.
Frank Lowe, the ship builder, are right.
All kinds of general merchandise
sister in that city after his trip to
Try that oldfashioned mince meat
a passenger from this city to
The Hub Clothing A Shoe Co,
on sale at Henry Lorenz’s clearance.
Salem, and on Monday weDt to
and apple-butter at Robinson’s.
the Bay by yesterday’s train.
regret very much that duriDg the BaDdon on business connected with
R. E. Shine and tamily, of Em­
Dr. Wetmore, of Myrtle Point,
Call up Lyons & Jones by phone heavy sales ot last week ¿hey were insuiance matters for the companies
pire, returned home last week from and get your order filled promptly unable to accommodate many of
hud business in Coquille Monday.
for which be is agent.
Wanted— Cattle to feed hay. In­ Myrtle Point, where they had been
Mrs. L. D. Belieu, Jr., ol Marsh­ their out-of-town-customers. Hav­
Roseburg is just about to enter a
visiting for a fortnight.
quire of Hunsen Bros. Fairview.
field, has been visiting relatives and ing increased our sales force we are real boosting campaign which will
Hay, grain, flour and groceries
It. M. Hayter, of Arago, was
friends in town while her husband now able to fulfil their wants, allow­ outdo anything that has been at­
always on hand at Lyons A Jones
Coquille business visitor on Mon­
has been engaged putting up the ing them to return by train or tempted in the southern part of the
Chas. Smalley, who has been telephone cable.
boat the game day.
state. Thos. D. Richardson, of
in the Chaney camp on
PL H. Mead, manager of the Mar­ New York, a nephew of Tom
See the Heavy Flannel Shirts at
garet lies Co., came down from Richardson, the Portland boos­
Lyons & Jones, just the thing for the South Fork, came down New
Year’s day for a short vacation.
his mine last week and shook hands ter, has been engaged at a salary
The West, published at Florence, with friends in town and made ar­
I am in the market lor all kinds
W. U. Douglas, the telephone
Oregon, takes us to task for stating rangements for the company’s cir­ of $ 4,000 per year.
man, was in Coquille between trains
Judge Coke held a short called
that Eugene Robinson arrived from cuit through the county. They
I. Nordstrom was up from Park­
the Umpqua, when we should have will be in Coquille on Thursday, session of circuit court Monday, at
Purties wishing coal from the ersburg Friday transacting business. said the Siuslaw.
We stand cor­ the 13th inst-, and all know the which time several motions were
Rouse mine will apply to Harry He placed an order with Mr. Oand-
company well enough that we need
lin for three bundles of apple paper.
The schooner A. M. Baxter wbich
not take up space in telling the
Mrs M. Nosier has been suffer­
The Coos Bay News says: Dan rubbers call on Lyons A Jones, they
arrived in Coos Bay Monday re­
ing severely of iate from an abcess Shannon, the revivalist, is to hold can fit you.
ports the loss overboard of a sailor
on, etc.
in her ear.
meetings in Marshfield in February.
Capt. Robert Dunham has re­
while 25 miles off that port, and
K. Holverson, the tailor, has just
Make your washing easy by us­ A tabernacle is to be erected for the tired from the command of the
also the loss of another two weeks
ing Washing Tablets ât Drane’s purpose.
steamer Roanoke, and will probably suitings. Call and see them and earlier in the same manner.
J. A. Peart, the strawberry man, spend the winter in southern Cali­ get bis prices.
K. Holverson has opened a Tailor
E. E. Johnson, who has been in­ has plants for sale —$5 per thous­
fornia for the benefit of his health,
Mrs. M. A. Colebrook and son Shop one door west of the Sentinel
disposed for some time, is able to and.
which has not been the best of late. George arrived here from Portland office. He does all kinds of tailor­
be on the streets again.
Elder Hollenbeak, of this city,
J. W. Leneve last week sold the lately and have purchased the neat ing. All work guaranteed.
For Rent— Small place near town will preach at Riverton next Sun­
brothers’ farm which is home of W. T. Kerr on the corner
— 3 acres bottom cleared.
inquire day at 11 a. m. and in the evening.
Remember that the lies Co. will
and Taylor streets.
located a mile and a half below town of Third
of Harvey Tyrrell, Coquille.
begin their circuit, of Coos County,
A cordial invitation is extended to
to John Lusk of Myrtle Point. Mrs. Colebrook will reside in her on Thursday the 13 th at this place.
Attorney C. R. Barrow, of this the public.
Mr. Gregory started for his present new home, while the young man
city, was a passenger down the
Begin now to provide for a “ rainy home at Albany, thiB state, this will return to the city and probably
Sta u fi H om e Burned.
river by Monday’s Dispatch.
day,” by placing your earnings in
enter business college for the bal­
Mrs. C. L. Bender, of Myrtle
The beautiful and substantial
Telephone for meat to be deliver ance of the winter. He expects to
Point, the occulist, went to Bandon
J. C. Haynes, of Myrtle Point, ed at any time from Slagle Bros. be back in the spring.
home on the farm of Alex Stauff
on a professional trip yesterday. pasted through town Thursday on Phone No, 21.
For real estate and insurance, at Arago was burned to the ground
The shoes tor woodsmen; Tozier's his way home from the Bay, hav­
R. S. Tyrrell, of Fruitvale, Cali­ see Stutsman A Co.
Estates hand­ yesterday morning. The building
— S. F. Shoes. The gloves for wear ing been over to look after property fornia, arrived here Friday and pro­
and titles took fire in the upper part, presum­
Logger Fear Gloves. E. L. Tozier. interests on Coos river.
ceeded to Arago to see his son-in- perfected.
ably in one of the bedrooms occu­
Robinson’s Store is going to close law and daughter, Mr. and Mis.
"Thos. Stillwell, of Randolph,
Two flower pots, made in imita­ pied by one of the young men.
had business which brought him out their line of ladies’ coats. Call L. R. Woodward. He expects to
The farm is being conducted and
tion of tree stumps, are on exhibi­
to Coquille yesterday. He reports and get prices.
catch one of the first steamer« on tion in the chamber of commerce the residence occupied by the Ward
all well.
The steamers Elizabeth and Fi- his return.
window. They were made by Jas. Bros., and there were several per­
Now is the time to have your field, which came in Thursday of
The survey of the Coos Bay-Boise Scott, of South Marshfield, who for sons about the house when the fire
windows and doors rescreened. last week, sailed for San Francisco road is to reach Roseburg this
All were down
the past two years has been em­ was discovered.
Quick A Curry has the galvanized on Monday morning, cariying good
week, while it is progressing nicely ployed in a pottery factory in Port­ stairs and the smoke when first
cargoes and passenger lists.
on this eDd of the line. It is said land.
He lately sent nere for noticed was taken to be that from
From the present appearance of
C. M. Goodman A Co., dealers that the S. P. likes this route better samples of clay, and after testing the fireplace, and wben the cause
the weather it seems that Pearj’ or in new aud second band goods.
than the Drain, and is figuring on them pronounced them equal if not of the smoke was found, the fire
Cook must be bringing the North Phone No. 364 .
its purchase.
superior to any clay that can be was beyond control, and everything
pole down to prove their claims.
Dr. Kirshman, the dentist, started
Did you get a pair of those high- procured in Portland for pottery on the upper floor was destroyed,
Wm. Ward, the unmarried member
For Sale.— 316 acres grazing land for Portland yesterday morning, top shoes at Lyons A Jones? All work. — Coos Bay News.
of the firm, occupied rooms on the
all seeded, 3 miles from Coquille having business which called him sizes for little folks.
Ladies, if you have not bought
His dental parlors
upper floor aDd all of his belong­
for $12.50 per acre. Terms. J W to that citv.
Jus. E. Walstrom, the genial
tailored suit for winter, re­
will be closed for a few days.
ings were destroyed, as well as
agent for the steamer Elizabeth,
member Robiuson's Store is the place
those of Mr. Eley. By prompt and
Anyone wishing fancy or plain was up from Bandon Monday look­
E. Bargeron, the Ooaledo merch­
to get them.
hard work everything down stairs
ing after business matters for that
ant, had business which brought
Ralph Jackson, of Marshfield, was saved.
door to the H erald office
boat, which is buildiDg up a large
him to Coquille the first of the week.
Bert Mead and wife, the latter a trade between San Francisco and was in town Friday, having come
This will prove a heavy loss to
Our office was remembered by a
up from San Francisco on the both Mr. Stauff and Messrs. Ward.
of Mrs. J. W Varney, of this Coquille valley points.
friendly call.
steamer Elizabeth which came in
city, arrived by the last steamer
We are not informed as to insur-
Hardy T. Stewart, editor of the Thursday. He has been working
from Portland, from Kippen, Idaho.
Port Orford Tribune, accompanied
They came to make this their home. by his wife, was in Coquille Fri­ at Point Richmond since May, but
decided to take a layoff during the
O ldest E stablishm en t
When you want tha latest styles day, going to the Bay Saturday.
winter, which ho claims is as wet
in men’s clothing you can find them They go for a bit of a holiday recre­
there as iD Coos. He will make his
With the close of 1909, the drug­
at Robinson’s store.
ation and a visit with Mr. Stewart’s
of R. 8. Knowlton closes the
W o. Collins, of Prosper, was in sister, Mrs. T. L. Carey and hus­
son, an extended visit. He informs 20th year of its existence, and now
Coquille Monday, having come up band of North Bend.
that Richmond is growing enjoys the distinction of being the
to look after a piece of machinery
When looking for a new suit, rapidly, and will doubtless be an oldest establishment running con­
which bn had ordered from the east,
hat or anything in gent’s furnish­
and which waa at the depot in this ings, remember Robinson’s is the important city in the not far dis­ tinuously under the same proprietor­
tant future.
ship, and also that of being the only
establishment in the city at the
Stomach, Kidneys, Liver Shoes have won popularity with the The Coos Bay Times reports the band rendered several marches and present time, which was burned out
woods boys. E. L. Tozier maker, drowning of Chas. A. Lattin, the overtures in front of the Baxter during the big fire of 1892.
eight-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Hotel in honor of the new manage­
and Bowels
Mr. Knowlton has been in the
Mrs Naonie Collier went to the Milton Lattin, South Slough. The ment, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Han­ one btisiness continuously without
Bay on New Year’s day to visit with lad, with a companion, had been sen, late of Crescent City, Califor­ change longer than any other drug­
her sons, Clyde and Jim, of the S. out rowing, and when he attempted nia, who took charge of this popu­ gist, not only in the city, but in the
P. bridge gang, and will also go to to climb from his boat to the upper lar hostelry on the first of the year. county. He has served us long
North Bend to gee her friend, Mrs. wharf fell back to the lower one Mr and Mrs. Hansen cntne highly and well, and deserves the excel­
sustaining bruises, and then rolled recommended as hotel people. We lent patronage he is having.
L R Hughes.
into the water and drowned. extend to them a harty welcome to
Mr. Knowlton has a complete
Get your table legs turned at
Quick A Curry's. Thpy have some Coroner Golden was called, but them to the business circles of stock, and, it is needless to say, is a
patterns already out.
Hard wood, thought an inquest unnecessary. our city, and hope that their resi­ competent druggist, always having
$1 per eet.
The body was recovered within dence here will be permanent, pleas­ on hand the purest and best drugs
Why suffer with headaches? Oth­ a half hour after the accident.
that the markets afford.
ant and profitable.
ers have been relieved by wearing
A word to the wise, take care of
This establishment has grown
our ground to order glasses.
Mrs. your eyes Mrs. C. L. Bender.
with the town and is at present one
of the leading business places in
C. L. Bender, Optemetrist. At the Opetmetrist. At the Baxter First
our city, and is better prepared to
day of each month,
serve the public than ever before.
$15.00 overcoats N O W $9.85
“The Hub’s" big sale.
A purely vegetable reme­
dy in tablet form, having
specific action on the
As easy to take as a mor­
sel of food, but prompt in
their action and beneficial
in results. Try a box if
you are troubled with con­
25 doses in a box, 25
cents, by mail to any ad­
nan s
Nen’s wool underwear $1.75
the suit. $2.00 shirts NO W
$1.15. $2.50 Blankets N O W
$1.85 at "The Hub’s” big sale.
...AT THE-
You can find our Store on Second Street
Coquille, Oregon
Dry Goods
F lour and. Feed
And all Kinds of Garden
P a ir T r e a tm e n t, P r o m p t D e liv e r y a n d
R ig h t P rice s
M argaret lies
January 13th
Better Prepared to Serve the Public than Ever
Before, Having a Very Full and Complete
Stock of
Kodaks and Supplies
....a Specialty
'M m
: m
^ m
and bring them to us with your comb. If your
barrette is broken, bring it also. Nothing too
difficult for us to do in our repair department.
Watch, Clock, and Jewelry
Grinding and Polishing. Ring
cmg and
E. C. Barker & Co.
» tZ S S Z S S S Z S Z S S S S Z S ? ^