Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, December 22, 1909, Image 2

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    Coquille tyerald.
WEDNESDAY, DEO. 22, 1909
Local advertisement! among local
reading live cent! per line each inser­
tion. Cards cJ thanks 60 cents each.
Obituary poetry five cents per line.
Resolutions of Condolence and lodge
advertising five cents per line.
With this issue the H er ­
for the 27th time makes
its little bow and wishes its
many readers and friends,
one and all, a Merry Christ­
mas and a Happy New Year.
Crane put* Oat Lights.
Myrtle Poiot was without electrio
lights Monday night on account of
u very singular accident happening
between the power plant at John­
son’s mill and that city. Early in
the evening the lights went out, and
nothing that the management of the
plant could do would cause them
to burn, and upon an investigation
yesterday morning by W. L. Mast,
it was discovered that a large crane
bad flown against the wires with
such force and in such a manner aa
to throw one wire across the other,
forming a short circuit. Mr. Mast
found the bird still tangled among
tbe wires and pretty thoroughly
A G ood Patent.
L. 8 . Martin, of this city, ia the
patentee of a window screen which
is a great convenience for tbe home,
for which be is selling patent rights.
Tbe screen is contained in a spring
roller, somewhat on tbs principle of
the late improved blind, with tbe
end attached to the lower part of
the lower sash, and the upper part
of the upper sash, so that when the
lower is raised, or the upper
dropped, they are followed by the
screen, and when returned to their
place the screen is rolled into its
case out of sight. It is certainly a
very neat and convenient invention,
and should adorn all kitchen win­
A New Garage.
Messrs. C. E. VanMarter, of this
city, and M. D. Sherrard, at present
a machinist at tbe big Smith mill at
Marshfield, under the firm style of
the Coquille Electric Supply Co.,
are preparing to do business in the
automobile line next season. Their
drill press, shaper and some small
bench tools have already arrived in
Marshfield, and their lathe is ex­
pected on the next Breakwater. A
good location has been secured and
in due time all will be in readiness
to do all kinds of repair work in
their line, which, we understand,
will not be wholly confined to
automobile work, but will include
fine repairwork of all kinds of light
Buying Rights of W ay.
Proceedings of the regular De­
cember, 1909 , terra of the circuit
court lor Coos county, Judge J. 8 .
Coke on the bench:
2288 A E Seaman va Thos Butts
et al, action at law; C F McKnight
for pltf. Hall A Hall for dfI; con­
tinued for service.
2313 Anna M Nelson vs Nels
Nelson, motion for modification of
decree; C F McKnight for pltf,
Hall A Hall for deft. Dismissed on
mation of pltf.
2450 Hubert Fetter vg Joseph
Thomas, action at law; L A Roberta
for pltf. Continued till April term
on motion of pltf.
2494 Central Trust Co, of Calif,
vs Riverton Lumber Co, action at
law; J W Bennett for pltf.
tinued on motion of pltf.
2495 C o o s‘■Bay Ice and Cold
Storage Go vs E B Seabrook and E
G Flanagan, suit in injunction; E L
C Farrin, A S Hammond, J M Up­
ton for pltf. Continued to be tried
by another judge.
2496 E B Seabrook ve Coos Bay
Ice A Cold Storege Co, suit for in-
juntion; A J Sherwood, J 8 Coke, J
D Goss for pltf, E L C Ferrin, A S
Hammond, J M Upton for deft.
2552 F W Vowinkle vs Bertha
Gordon, action at law, C F Mc-
Knigbt for pltf.
Continued for
service on motion o f pltf.
2579 John Shahan vs L D Kin­
ney and wife et al, euit for foreclos­
ure; R H Smith, Hall A Hall for
pltf, C E Maybee, J S Coke, J D
Goss, C A Sehlbrede for defts. Re­
ferred to I R Riddle to take testi­
mony and report on or before the
first day of the next term.
2641 Dora O'Malley vs Edward
O’Malley, suit for divorce, to be
tried at chambers.
JJ655 James Bains vs City ot
Marshfield, C A Smith Lumber A
Mfg Co, suit in equity; W U Doug­
las for pltf, J D Goss, E L C Far­
rin for deft. Continued for trial by
another judge.
2656 T J Harrigan and A E
Neff va Larson Timber Co and Hen­
ry Hoeck, action at law; Hall A Hall
for pltf, J W Bennett,. Bennett
Swanton, H G Hoy for deft. Com­
plaint dismissed without prejudice
to another action.
2658 John Herron vs B D Ding-
barn A Co and E G D Holden, Jus­
tice of the Peacp, etc, writ of review,
C F McKnight for pltf. Dismissed
on motion of pltf.
W S Nicholson vs City of
Eastside, suit in equity; Clark,
Blake, Liljeqvist for pltf, Geo Wat­
kins for deft. Stipulation that tes­
timony may be taken and decree
made and entered in vacation and
at chambers at convenience of court.
So ordered.
Riaden Iron A Locomo­
tive Works v s G B R A E R R A N
Co et al, action at law; T S Minot,
W U Douglas for pltf, W D Fenton,
A J Sherwood, Wm Wood et al for
R R Co.
Dismissed on motion of
2681 R A Graham vs C B R A E
R K it N Co et al, action at law; T
8 Minot for pltf, W D Fenton, A J
Sherwood, Woods A Litbeam, J C
Flanders for deft.
2682 R A Graham vs J D Spreck-
les Bros Co et al, action at law, T S
Minot for pltf, A J Sherwood,
Woods A Litbeam, J C 1* landers for
R R Co. Continued for trial by an­
other judge.
A long with the C. B. O. A I. sur­
veying party who are surveying the
line down tbe Middle Fork from
Roseburg, is an attorney who is
purchasing rights of wsy, which is
taken to be of considerable signifi­
cance by Jhc people along tbe line.
This survey comes on tbe opposite
side of the river from Myrtle Point,
but is so near town that the city
will not be injured or put to any
inconvenience by it being too far
Kendall Recital
a way. The people along this route
feel very much encouraged and are
The C. M Kendall recital, under
quite confident that rail communi­
tbe auspices of the Educational
cation with the outside world will
League o f this city, takes place to­
be realized in the reasonably near
Everyone should attend,
as the entertainment is well worth
For Ren t Good dairy farm, oar tbe price of admission, and the net
ries 15 to 20 cows.
15 good cows proceeds of the League will be used
on place for sale, also 15 head of In making additions to the library,
young stock, farming implements,
etc. Turn out and do your part
separator, etc.
For particulars see
for this worthy cause.
(V I. Green, Lamps.
W . C. Laird
Grange Meeting.
There was a very enthusiastic and
well attended Grange meeting in
the M. W . A. Hall in this city last
Saturday. There were morning
and afternoon sessions and a nice
basket dinner served at noon. This
was tbe time for tbe annual elect­
ion, a full corps of officers being
elected for the ensuing year, and
five new members were initiated.
This organization of one of the
principal branches of tbe bone and
sinew of our country ia growing
very rapidly in favor in this valley,
and it begins to look as though
very few persons elligible to mem­
bership will be on the outside in a
very short time.
------- ♦
Had Narrow Escape
Word has been received at Marsh,
field, says tbe Times, that Mias
Pearl Proctor, employed in The
Palm at that city about two years
ago, and who also worked in tbe
telephone exchange there for awhile,
was one of tbe occupants
tbe launch that overturned in the
Columbia river near Rainier, Ore­
gon, a few days ago drowning four
other girls. Miss Proctor and two
companions clung to tbe overturned
boat until a tug hi| pened along
and rescued them. Miss Proctor
came to Marshfield with E. (J.
Drews snd wife.
Five lots for
See . J. . W.
A fine line of fine cutlery at tbe
Racket Store.
Samuel Gregg will preach at the
church next Sunday
morning and evening at the usual
hours. The moruiDg subject will
be “ Christmas.” Evening subject,
“ 8 owing and Reaping.’ ’
3 g. L enzve , C oqculle , O k .
Four citv lots, for residence.
best buy in the city.
by j
60 acres river bottom land, no
improvements, on county road and
Price $ 63.00 per acre,
22 acres, w.tb several acres bottom
land, nioe house. Just outside tbe
city limits of Coquille. Price $4500.
115 acre farm, 4 miles from Co­
For a good smoke try tbe El
quille, on county road.
Toro, at the Oregonian.
barn and other outbuildings, good
Try that oldfashioned mince meat orchard. Price $ 6250 . 00 . $ 2000.00
and apple-butter at Robinson's
cash, balance 011 easy terms.
Large assortment of kodaks and
180 acre farm, all bottom land,
cameras at Knowlton’s Drug Store. too or more acres cleared.
We Lave just rect ived, as going house and barn, all necessary farm­
to press, tbeneus of tbe death of ing tools, 35 dairy cows. Price per
Luther WilliuuiH, a well-known octe $ 112.00
80 acres, 35 acres bottom land, 10
pioneer citizeu living in tbe neigh­
borhood of Bridge.
We under­ acres in cultivation, bouse and barn,
stand typhoid fever to have been 5 millions feet fine timber. ^ mile
from railroad. Price $ 7500 . 00 . The
the cause of his death.
timber is worth more than the price
Two sewing machines left Give
us coat and take them. Skeels A
General merchandise business
with large trade—no opposition.
Registered U< rkshire pigs for One of the best opportunities in
sale— both sex. J. C- Watson, Co­ southern Oregon for anyone want­
ing to go into the mercantile busi­
Sheriff Ga^e assisted by T. A. ness.
160 acres of land, about 15 acres
Walker, started Moud-tv for Salem
bottom, balance bill. Very little
with one Rose, sentenced to two cleared; fairly good house, quarter
years in tbe pen for breaking into a of a mile from school. Price, $900.
house and stealing a watch, a few
dollars in tnouey and a few other
An elegant borne with 14 scree,
Nice cottage, almost new, a bar­
partly bottom land, just outeide tbe
gain. Price $800.00
city limits of Coquille. Nice 10 room
Several income business proper
bouse, nice barn, youug orchard,
ties in Coquille at reasouable prices.
nice spring water to houec. A rare
Lot 50x100. Front Street, Co­ bargaiu only $35u0 00. Terms.
quille. A bargain if sold soon.
10 acres, all bottom, in cultivation,
3 acres almost wiliin tbe business on Coquille river, } mile from Co­
part of tbe cily with elegant resi­ quille. House and baru.— $ 2500 .
dence, an ideal home (get my price)
80 acre farm all bottom and low
120 acres timber laud—about 4 bench land. Bottom land all in cul­
million feet of cedar and fir— } ce­ tivation, bench land all in pasture.
dar, quarter mile from ' river. Per -Large houxe and large barn, good
aefe $ 20 .
3 miles from Coquille
river. A snap. Pi ice only $4250.00
Dolla, Doll Heads, Doll Bodies,
Doll Buggies, everything you can
Begin now to provide for a “ rainy
imagine in the line of dolls at tbe
day," by placiug your earning* in
the Farmer's and Merchant's Bank.
M irrors!
Hand tniirors--great
variety of styles
Bonnet mirrors,
tripple mirrors, stand mirrors. R.
S, ^Knowltou.
T. J. H A Y E S ,
Wanted— By a good dairyman
and butler-maker, a small dairy
farm to rent. For particulars call
at tbe H e r a l d office.
440 acres land, 40 or 50 in culti­
vation, 8 room house, barn and
other buildings, !)»ood orchard.
Several acres timber, G miies from Will visit Coquille the 24 M 1 and 25 th
Coquille, one milo from river, near of each month at Dr. Richmond’s
school. Price per acre only $26.00.
office. Expert service and honest
42 acres, 30 or more bottom land, prices guaranteed.
Toric Lens,
mostly cleared. Good, new 2 story "So Easy” Mountings.
The test­
house. Lumber on place for new
ing ot children’s eyes a specialty.
barn 5 miles fromCoquille. Price
Broken lens duplicated.
Parties wishing coal from the
Rouse mine Will apply to Harry
A fine line of Glassware, all
grades, at tbe Racket. Cut Glass a
Married.— In Coquille, Oregon,
December 16, 1909, Arthur Alexan­
der, of Douglas county, snd Miss
Ada Hatcher, of this city, Rev. C.
H. Cleaves officiating.
lations and best wishes are extend­
ed b y tb e H erald and many friends.
Ladies— When looking for toe
rubbers call on Lyons A Jones, they
can fit you.
Telephone for meat to be deliver­
ed at any time from Slagle Bros.
Phone No, 21 .
The steamer Homer, built at
Bandon about fifteen years ago,
which ran between Coos Bay and
San Fiancisco and Portland for
several years, is ashore 40 miles
north of San Bias on a sandy beach
Tbe crew, consisting of 20 persons,
and her passenge rs were all saved.
Tbe Homer is about 150 feet long,
33 feet beam, has twin screws and is
a staunch little craft She was en­
gaged In the tiopical fruit trade.
C. M. Goodman A Co., dealers
in new and second hand goods.
Phone No. 364.
Call and see M. H. H erset’»
mammoth stock of Holiday Goods
and get prices. A pleasure to show
W. J. Sweet was up from Lamps
yesterday, end informed us that
from a letter recently received from
Mr. Lawson, of Humboldt county,
Cal., he learned of the death of Mrs.
Shngsby, mother of Wm. Slingsby.
of Myrtle Point, and formerly a
resident of this city.
There are a
large number of former Humboldt
people in this county who will re­
member Mrs. Slingsby, and receive
with great sorrow the news of her
passing away.
Lyons A Jones have a large line
of comforts and blankets to choose
from. Give us a call, our prices
are right.
Now is the time to have your
windows and doors rescreened.
Quick A Curry baa the galvanized
Myrtle Point Items.
Our new and beautiful line of holiday goods, full of choicest selections for the
Christmas trade is now ready for the inspection and approval of all
who know a good thing when they see it.
Useful Presents, Beautiful
Presents, Appropriate
We have New Novelties in nice but inexpensive goods. We have choicer and
more costly gifts. But in all grades and at all prices we can supply you with
The Nicest and Most Appropriate (lifts for Little
or Big, Old or Young.
Do Not Fail to See Our Special Attractions in
S IL V E R W A R E , -
N O V E L T IE S .
Our stock is generous in variety and includes only goods o f approved worth
and superiority. You can not help being pleased with our well se­
lected, popular and in every way desirable line.
Johnnie Carrl took sixteen enthu­
siastic high school boys to Coquille
Friday evening.
The Myrtle Point foot ball team
ran up against a score of 10 to 0 at
Coquille Sunday.
In behalf of the pupils of the M.
P. H. 8 . I beg to congratulate Mi»s
Gretchen Sberwood of tbe C H. 8
Our Very Reasonable Prices
W ill Delight You.
Select your Gifts from our Up-to-Date Stock and you will get the Best and
Most Appropriate Presents at the Fairest Figures you have ever known
The C. H. S. banquet, given in
honor of the couteet, was well at­
tended and a success in every way.
The oratorical contest at Coquille
last Friday evening was well attend­
ed, although there were but three
high schools represented.
The C B. O. and I. railroad sur­
veyors «re working in and around
Myrtle Point, and it is hoped that
they will finish their work early in
the spring.
The Myrtle Point school closed
laat Friday for a two week’s vaca­
The Christmas treo exercises will tion, and tbe several pupils from the j
be held Friday night at 7:30 o ’clock. surrounding country have departed
A short program has been arranged. for their respective homes.
8 undty the pastor will preach on
Mrs M. Hawkins, of Coquille, ac
subjects related to the thought of con panied by Miss Mil'is and Prof . 1
Christmas. Tbe choir will render Lyans, gave a recital in tba Benson
an anthem at each service. Every- opeia bouse Saturday evening,
Please Note The Following:
We Guarantee every piece of goods sold by us to be exactly as
represented, and any article not giving perfect satisfaction will
be cheerfully taken back and money refunded.
Church South.
Jwly cordially invited tq poysbiß: ffbi'b W(W bigbb
The foot ball game played Sun­
day on tbe Coquille gridiron was
a decided victory for our local team.
The game was started with a nice
kick-off made by Dr. Johnson of
the visiting team, to Captain Gt imes,
who was downed before he made
any yardage.
The first down
Howell was rushed through the
line for about 5 yards. Tbe second
down F ox carried the pig skin
around left end and down the field
for about 30 yards.
The third
down Johnson made about 23 yards
on a round end play which brought
tbe team near the goal. The tout tb
down Howell made another of
those famous line bucks, but this
time the Myrtle Point boys held tbe
line so well that Coquille lost three
The fifth down which, was about
5 minutes from the time the game
was called, Captain Grimes made
a touchdown on a take quarter.
Then Coquille kicked off to Myr­
tle Point, but they made no
gains worth mentioning, as Carey,
the Coquille center; invariably hur­
dled their line and caught their
quarter back before he could pass
the ball.
Once Coquille was put
back 25 yards for being off side,
and Myrtle Point was also put back
for tbe same offense.
The last halt consisted chiefly of
punts and forward passes. John­
son o f the Coquille team made a
touchdown on a round end play.
He and F ox both made large gains
nearly every time they carried the
ball. Howell made one fine round
end play, on which he gained some
25 yards in spite of the fact he was
carrying and dragging about two-
thirds o f each team.
Captain Grimes deserves much
credit for the way in which he
handled his team, showing great
presence of mind, even during the
most exciting times.
Shoupe, and Nosier, as well as
other Coquille boys, deserve men­
tion for the way in which they
formed interference, held the line
and tackled.
Myrtle Point put up a good game
considering the practice which they
had- They must be given credit
for same
good playing.
Johnson handled his team well,
and Spires did some excellent work
in tackling the half backs before
they could get started with the ball.
Rose proved to be wide awake and
carried out his part ol the forward,
though he tackled a little high on
several occasions.
Jack Hannis played full back in
a manner that proves th it be knows
the game, though lie could not
make much gain on line bucks, as
be was somewhat outweighted. We
are booked for and expect to wit­
ness several good games before the
end of the season.
Eight Patterns to Choose from. Only One
to a Customer........ No Phone Orders Taken
Coquille ve Myrtle Point.
u> »tiiüiii1:«!,
1*7 Si*
E . C.