Coquille Herold- D. F. D EAN, Elizabeth Robins the eminent English authoress, writes about the English Suf­ fragettes. She tells why they resort to the violence that lands them in jail. PROPRIETOR County Official Paper. I 0 B L I8 H E D E V K K Y Save a little o f your indigna­ tion for the chapters o f u T h e Beast and the J un gle ” that are to come. Judge Lindsey hasn’ t rc.illv started to get to the heart ot’ his story yet. W EDNESDAY. I> 9 voted to the mnttr hi m h J k c p I nj. '« i lin go t ilio Coquille Valley part tont ar ly o f Coos County RenertiUy . ibsorii ; : , i • i \ < 1’ hon«-', Muin 'i 5 . DECEMBER EVERYBODY’S Atk to tet tht fronti¡pitet Looking Up Land Deal:-;. D. L. Perkins L O W C A L L ON T. J. H A Y E S , and inspect the largest and most handsome line o f Gents' Furnish­ ing Goods in the City. ist OF M A R S H F IE L D , OR., W ill visit Coquille the 24 U 1 and 25 th o f each month at Dr. Richmond’s office. Expert service and honest prices guaranteed. Toric Lens, So Easy” Mountings. • The test­ The Newest and most handsome thing in the City in BOOTS AND 1 < M a r r i­ field looking up some old g verò- ilc i y Collier & Getty. . 1 . y kiv * n that the under : m igrator of the Kntate of W . ; ( in iff \, deceased, did upon ment land deals. Some of tin deals of October, A. D. 1909, file , ortand account in tiie mat­ are understood not to be s old, ter < . I «■.-tate," and that the judge of either. V ery few details ar i oh- i ritv Court of Coos County, Ore­ tainahle and d o u o that are official gon, Iia.-iM!r:*tnH‘d Thursday, the 18th day N- . i .’ r, A. I>. 1909 as the day, and However, a number are said to be : i.« ( ni t House at Coquille, CoosCoun witc hin g the developments ivilh t v, On-gon, ;n the place for hearing ob- j. i \ to said « account and for more or less interest an I the usual tin - c le m e n t of said Estate. a nount o f ‘ dope” is being b a n d e d j iMted t h 2 0 t h dav of October, A. D. 1909. o j t concerning exposures, etc. J. K„ Mct.ieu, Administrator. However, it is doubtful if anyone knows definitely anything about the matter outside of the inspectors,and these are not making any announce­ ments concerning their operations. — Coos Bay Times. Ready November 15 th, 1909 , a splendid year-book, on astronomy and meteorology, the only one con taining the original ‘‘Hicks W eath­ er Forecasts." By mail, postpaid, 35 c, on newstands, 30 c. One copy free with a year’s subscription to W orld and Works, lha Rev. Irl R. Hicks Monthly Magazine, the best $1. monthly In America. counts on Almanacs in Dis­ quantities. Agents wanted- Remember, the gen­ uine "H ick s Forecasts” are not pub­ lished anywhere else— you get them only in bis own publications. W orld and W orks Publishing Co., 3201 Locust St. St. Louis, Mo. NOTICE All Coos County warrants drawn on the general fund and endorsed prior to May 1st, 1908, will be paid on presentation at my office in Coquill«, Oreg. N o interest will be allowed on any of these warrants after October 31th, 1909. Dated this 27tb day of Oct. 1909. T. M. D immick , County Treasurer. ----------.... ---------— F o r H in t IS 1 1 II F r e l l o i c 4 t | r r K a l i n a I have used Chamberlain’s Stom ­ ach and L iv e r Tablets for some time, and can testis}- that they have done me more good Ihiit n \ t id t. I have ever used. > 1 } n 11 heavy dull feeling afte r David Freeman, K em pt. N ovo Scotia. These tablets streiigtli'-u the stomach and improve the di­ gestion. T he y also re g u la te the liver and bowels. They are far superior to pills but cost no more Get a free sample at R 8. K n o w l- ton’s dru g store end see what a splendid medicine it is. * *•» » A 320 acre South African Veteran Bounty Land Certificate issued by the Department of the interior, Governm ent o f Canada, Ottawa, under the Volunteer Bounty Act, 1908. Good for 320 acres of any Dominion land open for entry in Alberta, Saskatewan, or Manitoba. Any person over the age o f 18 years, man or woman, can acquire this land with this certificate, with­ out further charge. For immedi­ ate sale— $800 00. Write or wire L E T elford , 131 Bhuter street, Toron to, Canada." II«»«» «»it«* \ \ N 0 TH I. OF S A L E OF T ID E LA N D S Xutitv i - hereby giv« n that the State Land hoard of the State* of Oregon, wil sell to ti.«- 1»i_rl 1 • ~t bidder, at its office in ling (it "alem , Oregon, on I >et <-n: i it 14, 1900, at 10:00 o ’clock A. M. t.i ^1 day, all iit* State’ s inter­ est in the ii the Traveling Public. Call and See U « H ear the Music. Aretino Talking 7 Ä * T T Z a ilù t/ 2 r * a r m s C x , 42 W i ll« » » b u t , NEW HAVEN. CONN. Leave Orders With Harry Flanders Or STUTTSNAN & CO.. Phone Wain E Q U IP P E D W IT H ^ 0 3 m G r 591 W I R e L e S. A I H a t l C e Coos Bay and Portland on delivery of machine. One 10 -inch with FREE Sails from Portland Saturdays a t 8 p m. Sails from Coos Bay Tuesdays a t serulce o f tide. YOU CAN PREPAY FARES Coquil e Johnson Lum ber C o. Inquire of Agents or write to VVM. Me M U HR A Y General Passenger Agent The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. Southern Pacific Co. (Lin es in Oregon.) P O R T L A N D . O R EG O T .... Keeps in stock a complete line of Rough and Dressed Lumber, Flooring, Rustic, Ceiling, Mouldings, etc. Our Dry Sheds are roomy and are filled with the most complete stock of Finishing Lumber in the Coquille Valley. rade M arks D e s ig n s Histimates gladly furnished. the lowest. C o pyrigh ts A c . Anyone »ending a «ketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion freo whether an Invention Is probably patentable. Communica­ tio n s strictly conlldential. HANDBOOK on Patent« sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patent« taken through Munn A Co. .ecelre l e C U H T notice, M / l K « , without W I t m / U . I charge, H i a i N « , i la » a the fcuo special — One 10. inch record F R E E with $5 00 A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest d a illation of any snentlflc $3« dilation seientitlo Journal. Terms. Terms, |3 a year; four months, $L Sold by all newsdealers. in cash trade every Saturday. MUNN & Co.36,B"*d"a’ New York Remember the Aretino record Branch Office. 625 F 8L, Washington, D. C. TH0S. B. JAMES, Agt Marshfield GEO. MULT0N. Agt. for anyone from any place if you want to. Deposit the necessary amount with our local agent and he will telegraph ticket promptly. Machine and a cash payment of $2.50 record Ciipt. E. D. Parsons and F R E E with $25.00 -rash trade $10.00 in cash trade. TO THE PUBLIC W rite letters to everybody you know in the East an*! tell them about these low colonist rates. Send them litera­ ture about Oregon, or send their ad­ dresses to us and we will do it. In this way you can be a great help in the growth and progress of your State. 60 YEARS' E X P E R IE N C E Skookum Restaurant, 7:30 “ i P. 9 A. 4:30 “ 10:30 A. 44 44 44 41 4 • 1:30 P. 44 7 A. (4 11:3 0 A. 1:30 A. 44 44 4:30 P. 44 Arrive at “ 44 4t 44 «4 4 . »4 Do You lntei)d to Build? to consider that a building made blocks is almost indestructable |C Did you stop II O U out of cement and fireproof? Did you stop to consider that the last cost? Did you stop to consider that cleaned by the ocean, together Portland cement, makes the finest world: first cost is PATENTS J®«1 T R A D E M A n K I or ret! m E N ­ T I R E attorney's fee. Send mod» 1. sketch or photo and wo send an I M M E O I A T E f * E E report on patenfaTlllty W e , , “ the best legal service and adrice, and our irgeo art modorate. T ry us. SWIFT & CO, P m tont latvyar » , Office,WaihiNgt ^i, 0.6. i COQUILLE CONCRETE WORKS WINCH ; .3 5 1 i Prices as low as ll ■ Yard and Office, Front St. near Depot. i u i m u i i u v i i i v v j y j Pilone 331 r3*’'v WrT’2T*ttS ESTATE IN S U R A N C E mond, one of cratic members hi David the of ni' ;i I it today. A leading S e lf-L o a d in g R i f ! i > recoil o f the exp lo d ed cartridge doing the w o rk . DeAr- T h is p laces the com plete control o f the rifle under Demo­ the trigger Anger, w h ic h perm its rapid shooting D e A rm o n d , .us, w e re burned that destroyed ae at 23 .— Congress, and unison, W a d d le in Nov. Butler, to death w ith great ease and accuracy. H ig h -P o w e r Mo., early cartridge, h as T h e .351 C alib er trem en d o u s C a f« '«f« « fo lly d tterlb in g ta it rift*, mffto G«n that rhaott W tm OM r v r q «p p rt^ N O Stoat.** */»*# apon rnpitst. A S M * C O .. M CW H Stutsman & Co. Marshfield Office C and Front Streets. killing p o w e r, m aking it heavy enough for the largest gam e the DeAr- W e have some of the best buys in Coos County. W e have at pres­ ent some snaps in Town Property, Timber, Farm and Coal Land. See us before buying your home- We will give you the best deal in Busi­ ness Property. There will soon be a Railroad here to connect Coos County with the outside world. W e know where you should buy to make money. Call in at our office and we will tell you why. W hen you come don’t forget to ask about Sun- nyside lots—80x100 for $200. — C A L I B E R A a its n am e indicatea, this rifle re lo ad s itself, the Mo., almost the sand and gravel, washed and with proper proportion of, blocks and bricks in the Yours for business, l a w m a for onr eotriWlentfal letter before ap- ptring for patent; it may be worth money. W e promptly obtain U . 8. and Foret n ' F rancisco. for Wickham , 44 Arrive ? t 44 (4 44 44 <4 «• 4« Representative an c o u n t y $5 Per Ton 52 F ro m K ansas C it y 3 kinds of Reasonable. •4 Kansas City, C o q u i l l e River a n 1 in c o o s c o a l ScMolt oí Cogite Hirer Transportation Cooper Str. Elizabeth W il! make rc g u la r fripa between b e s t House M oving on short notice. AT THE Op». U S. M aster Oregon coal P. EL Drane Hie New and 8 p eed y ,,^ (R C ap t. Olien. • Is prepared to do all P a in a m o t ilii. " I n treating pneumoni says Dr. W J. Smith, of Sanders, A l» ., " i l i o onli reme ly I ur« for the lu ngi ie C’ liamtierlsin’a Cough Rem­ edy. While, of course, I would treit other symptoms with different medicines, I have uaed this remedy man; limea in my medical practice and have et failed to find • esse where it h*s not controlled the fronhte. I hare used it myself, ss has iVgo my wife for «oiighs sod rolda repe»>e.|lv, and I most will­ ingly and • he -r fiid i recommend it ■a superior to any other cough rem­ ede to my knowledge ” For s*lt by R. S. Knowlton. A. Goodman - t h e $3 cm C h ic a g o $ 3 0 .6 0 F ro m St. L ou is $25 F ro m Omaha H. G R IN N O L D , Prop. 8 U M M O N P. fits all kinds of disc talking In the Circuit Court of the State of Or­ machines. egon for the County of Coos. Minnie Sinclair, P la in tiff,) vs. > .1. L. Sinclair, Defendant.) T o J. L. Sinclair, the above-named dc:t rit'ant, In the name of tho State •: ii. you an* hereby required to r uni answer or otherwise plead D E A L E R IN ...iin t filed against you in the m til led cause and court on or be- Mh day of December, 1909, and L a d ie s ’ and G e n t«’ F u r n is h in g s , ii . fail t«> so appear, answer or other- F a n c y a n d S t a p l e G r o c e rie s , F lo u r t ! 'in, the plaintiff will ap a n d Feed. l-h i . i ui t lor the relief prayed for in i plaint, to-w it: For absolute divurt m on the grounds of fail- mv t upp ri, cruel and inhuman p ic s t -C la s a M e a l s a t a ll H o u rs treat ii •nt and personal indignities, ren­ FPom 6 a m to 9 p m . fS F V lS S . der I ¡I'»- burdensome, and for tb-riiu such « < i and further relief as to the secm meet and just, this summons is made up- publication in pursuance of orile r mad ' by Hon. John S. Coke C. ▲. H A R R IN G T O N , Proprietor. , the Circuit Court of Coos ■ . dated the 28th day of S p a s i s i A t t a n t i o n G i v s n to I 9, directing publication of W « p a k s R ata s «a ■ inn: s io he made in the Coquille C tfm m a ya iltl Man aagu laa B o a r d s » «. II i u a i i1. a v < kly newspaper printed and published at Coquille, Coos Coun tv, Oregon, and directing that said sum mons bo published once a week for six successive weeks; and that the first publication of said summons he made on the 27th day of October, 1909. Leave Coquille 9:30 A. M. Leave Bandon 6:30 A. M (\ R. B A R R O W , «4 44 44 44 Attorney for Plaintiff, 44 44 ll« » r l « » r S u c «* «* * * !««IlV T r r n l* House Moving. H R o use UNION PACIFIC OREGON SHORT LINE THE OREGON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION CO. SOUTHERN PACIFIC : (>! FINAL ACCOUNT. ir sut land office men are in Rates TO Oregon SHOES ing ot children's eyes a specialty. Broken lens duplicated. Accord ¡ag to reports in circu la tinn in Marshfield, several fiovern- Burn the... a v CN, CONN. Office, Opposite Baxter Hotel. C oquille