Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, December 08, 1909, Image 3

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Full suits for men at Robinson's.
Weekly, of Lee, was in town
Go to Skecls A Son’s for your
holiday goods.
f. C. Lett, of Arago, was in town
Snow Drift flour is the best. Sold
by Skeels & Son.
A Good boat for sale cheap; see
T. A. Walker.
For a nice fresh steak phone No.
21. Slagle Bros.
B 8. Wallen, of Arogo, was in
town Saturday.
1 . T.
Get one of those new neckties for
men, at Robinson’s Store
D. W. Morley was down from
Remote ou Friday.
Saws gummed, filed and set at
Quick A Curry’s shop.
M T. Clinton was down rom
Fishtrap Saturday.
New line of boys overcoats at
W. E. Crane, of Baudou, was in
Coqnille on Saturday.
Skeels A Son buy shoes for wear
and not for looks.
William Rohm, of Riverton, had
busiuess in Coquille Saturday.
Lost.— Fine Berkshire male hog.
Write or phone J. C. Watson.
Prof, E. H. Hamden, of River­
ton, was up to Coquille on Saturday.
J. H. Oerding, ihe concrete man,
went to Myrtle Point yesterday.
The scbooDer Advance arrived in
the Copuille on Wednesday of last
Sweet and sour pickles, green
and ripe olives. Robinson's Store.
Mrs. Ira Baumgartner, of River­
ton, did s'hopping in Coquille on
See the Heavy P'lannel Shirts at
Lyons & Jones, just the thing for
The steamer Elizabeth went out
to sea on Wednesday of last week,
and is now due on her return.
Attorney L. A. Roberts, of Myrtle
Point, was a county seat business
visitor on Monday.
The Aunual Bazaar of the L. A.
S. will be held in the office of the
Tuttle Hotel Saturday, Dec. 1 1.
The trains are reaching Myrtle
Point regularly since Friday, the
repairs made necessary by the high
waters having been made.
Elijah Smith, of the Southern
Oregon Co., who has been on the
Bay for some weeks, departed for
California by the Nann Smith.
We have several nice carving -els
which are very appropriate for
Christmas gifts. Billie Schroeder
A. M. Snyder, of Myrtle Point, !
was a Coqnille business visitor yes- !
Attorney C. R. Wade, of Bandon,
had business before the county
court Monday.
If it is Christmas presents you are
trying to select, go to Billie Schroe-
der’s. He can interest you with
his large stock.
The Times says Mrs. Steve Lapp,
of Millington, ie reported quite ill
L. B. Fetter sold his barn prop­ of grip and bronchitis.
erty on Second street in block 6 to
A nice large school bell passed |
W. C. Laird. The deal was made through town yesterday for the uew
through the agency of VVm. Oddy. school house at Riverton.
Ralph Lukens, of this city, re­
Born— At Larnpa, Oregon, De­
turned from a sojourn of several cember 6, 1909 , to Mr. and Mrs. W.
weeks in California by the Fifield, J. Sweet, a daughter.
which arrived at Bandon Sunday
Born- In Marshfield, Oregon,
James JobnsoD, the filer, was in December 6, 1909 , to Mr. and Mrs.
town from Myrtle Point Monday on B. G- Schuyler, a daughter.
his way to Seeley A Anderson’s
The mail failed to get in from
camp, where he will look after tbe Roseburg yesterday entirely. We
saws for a time.
hope it will come in with today’s
Chicken pie supper at the Tuttle mail.
House Saturday evening, Dec. nth ,
Miss Mable Millie, of Marshfield,
by the ladies of the M. E. Church. the music instructor, visited Mrs.
A good supper, good attention and M. O. Hawkins, of this city, yester­
full value for your money guar­ day.
Thomas Coats, the Bandon road-
C. B. Zeek, of Bandon, came up master, was up Monday to interview
Thursday, bringing with him an the county court concerning roads
old comrade, Alfred Taft, who was in his district.
placed in the county hospital, not
Miss Ray Collier went to tbe bay
being able to care for himself yesterday. She attended the wed­
further ou account of falling health. ding of Miss Fanny Getty to Mr.
Robinson's Store is going to close Victor Wickmkn, which took place
out their line of ladies’ coats. Call that day.
Twenty per cent off on diebeg at
and get prices.
Skeels A Son’s.
The pupils of the Aiago school
P. L. Phelin, of Myrtle Point,
will give a play, “ Hearts and
to Marshfield with Mrs. Phe­
Clubs,” followed by a necktie and
apron social and basket supper Dec. lin and their little daughter, Rose­
18th. Everyone is cordially in­ mary, who was cbristeDed that day.
Imported handkerchiefs (or fancy
vited and the ladies are invited to
work at Robinson’s.
bring baskets.
Capt. T. W. McCloskey came
Ladies, if you have not bought
your tailored suit for winter, re­ down from Myrtle Point yesterday.
member Robinson’s Store is the place He expects to return to his home
in the Lake section in a few days.
to get them.
Books for the Girls and B ooks for the Boys
The latest and best selling books of fiction and the finest line of gift books
ever brought to Coquille.
Post Card Albums
We have in stock a great variety of Post Card Albums from 25 cents up. Also
a large assortment of Christmas and New Year cards.
W. L Mast was down from Myr­
tle Point on Monday.
Hand Painted
chamber sets.
Beet to be had at the Racket.
Mrs. A. R. Clinton went to the
Bay by Monday’s train.
Horry Flanders, the teamster
will fill orders for Rouse coal.
F’ull stock of the celebrated
Miss Cora Belloni, of The Palm, Waterman’s Ideal Fountain Pens at
R. S. Knowlton’s Drug Store.
went to Bandon Saturday.
C. E. Bowman, of the Bowman
Get your shoes at Lyons & Jones
there stock is new and up-to-date, Cigar Co., at Bandon, was a Co­
E. A. Smith, of Riverton, bad quille business visitor on Saturday
business up to town Saturday.
Did you get a pair of those high
Nuts— Almonds, Walnuts, Fil­ top shoes at Lyons A Jones? All
sizes for little folks.
berts and Brazil, at Robinson’s
J. B. Pointer, the liveryman, is
Dr. Stemmier, of Myrtle PoiDt,
was a Coqnille visitor on Monday. making a new and substantial ap­
proach to his barn which is a good
Call up Lyons & Jones by phone
and get your order filled promptly. improvement.
Hot Drinks— coffee, chocolate
H. H. Brownson, of Bridge, wns
and bouillon at The Popular, Col­
a Coquille business visitor on Mon­ lier and Collier.
R. E. L. Bedillion, manager of
Make your washing easy by us- the Bandon woolen mills, had busi­
ing Washing Tablets at Drane’s
ness which brought him to Co­
quille on Saturday.
Att orney J. J. Stauley had busi­
Our Drug Trade is growing for
ness which called him to Bandon on
the reasou that quality is our first
consideration. Fubrman’s.
J. A. Peart, the strawberry man,
Fronds Thomsen, of the Star
has plants for sale —$5 per thous­
A new line of fancy groceries just
Mrs. J. P .' Goodman and son
ranch, below Bandon, transacted
George, of this city, start this week in at Skeels A Son’s.
John Golden, of Marshfield, was business in Coquille on Saturday. for Corvallis, the home of Mrs.
J. H. Radabnugh was in town
over Monday looking after business He reports all well down in bis sec­ Goodman’s daughter, Mrs. S. W. yesterday to consult with the coun­
i nterests.
Upton, where they will remain for ty court, which was in special ses­
For Rent— Small place near town tbe winter. They go by way of sion, concerning road matters in
Parties wishing coal from the
Rouse mine will apply to Harry — 3 Bcres bottom cleared.
Portland, per steamer Breakweter. his district.
of Harvey Tyrrell, Coqnille.
Look at the new line of black
R. H. Mast, casbier of the Far­ For Sale.— I have several rebuilt
Born— A t Marshfield, Oregon,
typewriters, Remingtons, that I offer undershirts at Robinson’s.
Dec. 2 , 1909 , to Mr. and Mrs. J, A. mers A Merchants Bank, was some­ at an attractive price
Frank B.
rw v
FW v
rW V
rvr V *
L. R. Woodward, the Arago dairy­ (V* V V *
what under the weather a few days Anderson
Lwse, a daughter.
Postal-card albums in great va­
A pipe makes a fine Christmas last week, and his place was filled
Christmas Photos Free.
A. L- Morley, of Remote, was in
Ben Gant was down from the
present. See the selection at the by J. W. Leneve during bis absence. riety, Irom 25 cents up. Large of ten years, and left last week for
assortment of Christmas and New Washington in search of a location
this city Friday, on bis way to Gold Gravel Ford section on Monday.
F o r Sale-— I h a v e ta v e r a l r e b u ilt ty p e ­
Year cards at Knowlton’s.
Any one clipDiDg out this add Beach, Curry county, where be has
with better school facilities than his
Mr. and Mrs. Z. C. Strang were w r ite r* , R e m in g to n s , th a t I o f f e r a t an
Leave your medicine wants to us.
and bringing it to Hills Studio be­ been engaged to teach a term of
Chas. Rogers, who has been en­ present one.
a t tr a c t iv e
p ric e .
F ra n k B . A n d erso n .
Results here are sure and our prices
down from their farm at Gravel
fore Dec. 16 tb, can get free pictures school.
Fred Lowry, the gentleman who gineer on the Dispatch for the past
are always reasonable. Fuhrmau's.
New elastic belts with jet trim­
Ford on Monday.
for Christmas.
All work guaran­
is now operating the Dickson dairy few months, is taking a lay-off on mings at Robinson’s Store.
Alfred Johnson, the lumberman,
Nothing recommended at Fubr-
account of a badly bruised baud
get it right. Possibly just a little returned Saturday from a business
Remember the Kendall Recital,
man’s that is not positively known farm opposite town, was over this
way one day last week to get a fine which he had injured by a large the best popular attraction of the
M. A. Welch was up from Lamps bit better than you expected.
to be right.
trip to San Francisco and visit at
Born— At Su mner, Oregon, Noy.
season. C. M. Kendall of O. N.
Eugene Robinson, the salmon Oakland, California.
He tells us
Nile Miller, of Fishtrap, went to fisherman, who spent the last sea­ that the lumber outlook is un­
25 , 1909 , to Mr. and Mrs. W. C. ranch.
University, teacher, actor, traveler,
Secure a footing cn tbe road to his work.
Harris, a daughter.
mimic and basso. Tragedy, pathos, North Bend yesterday.
son on the (Jmpqua, is here for a changed. Also that Mrs. Johnson
success by depositing your savings
When looking for a new suit, comedy and song. Tbe old folk’s
See Hills add for free photos visit. He informs ue that the run is getting aloug nicely, and that his
Fine papetries, portfolios, jewel
in the Farmer's A Merchant's Bank, hat or anything in gent’s furnish­
cases, etc., at Knowlton’s Drug
favorite, the children’s friend. Best elsewhere in this issue,
on that river was somewhat like daughter, Mrs. Dave Albert, has re-
Jas. D. ChntoD, of Norway, was ings, remember Robinson’s is the and most complete repitore ot any
Mrs. Chas. Scbroeder was down that of the Coquille, being fewer covered sufficiently (rom a seriously
H. Baumgartner, of Riverton, in town Thursday, and informed us place.
man on the road. He doesn’t want to town shopping yesterday.
fish caught than any season for sprained ankle to dispense with her
had business in town Monday. He that he lost a very fine horse lately,
N. S. Olson, of Florence, Lane your money for nothing.
If you
Mr. Robinson says crutches. Mr. Albert who had paid
H. C. Bryant, of Bridge, has many years.
continued his trip to the Bay.
which it will require a considerable county, has been in this section for can’t laugh, don’t come. Watch been in town a couple of days.
he bad just one good night— catch- this place a short visit returned
If you fail to attend the biS sum of money tc replace with as several days in the interest ot the for dates.
J. M. El wood, of Riverton, was ing two thousand on that occasion, home a short time before Mr. John-
Christmas Sale at O. Wilson A good an animal.
Equitable Savings and Loan Asso­
Optimo cigars, the right size box up to town on business yesterday. which was about equal to the bal- son started for Coqftille.
Co’s, you will lose money.
Mr. for a Christmas gift, at the Popular.
! ance of the run of the season.
The shoes.tor woodsmen; Tozier's ciation, of Portland, Oregon.
K. Ilolversou, the tailor, had
The largest variety of ladies’ hand
J. O. Stemmier, the Myrtle Point — S. F. Shoes. The gloves for wear Olson visits this county frequently
E. S. Lowry, an expert cheese and
I Jardiners, Flower Pots, Vases, bags ever shown in Coquille, ladies’
real estate man, returned from the Logger Fear Gloves. E. L. Tozier. and solicits a good business for the butter maker, and graduate of the business at the bay one day last
Lamps, Crocks. Anything you are purses and card cases, at Knowlton’s
Bay by Monday morning’s train.
L. N. Gregory arrived here tbe Association while here.
Oregon Agricultural College, is
Drug Store.
J. C. Savage, editor of the Senti­ in need of, call at the Racket,
Santa Claus’ head quarters at M. last of the week from Albany, Ore­
For Sale.— 316 acres grazing land now stopping with his brother,
H. Hersevs’ Racket Store.
Don’t gon, wbere he has lived since leav­ all seeded, 3 miles from Coquille Fred Lowry, of the Dickson place. nel, is back from a business trip to
forget the place.
ing here last spring.
He will be for $12.50 per acre. Terms. J. W. This young man is in a position to
Books! Books!! Books!!! Juvenile
Silva Domiuighini, of Arago, was here a few days before returning. Leneve.
take charge of a creamery or cheese books, children’s books, books for |
in town Monday and bought a He reports all well with his family
A delegation of about forty factory at any time his services may girls and boys, latest and best sell­
ticket for Portland by the steamer there.
members of tbe Knights of Pythias be needed. He is from Tillamook ing books of fiction, fine gift books,
Begin now to provide fora “ rainy from this city and Myrtle Point, county, the great cheese-producing at R. 8. Knowlton’s.
Remember the Frey loving cup day,” by placing your earnings in went to Bandon Monday night and section.
The Matterhorn, a large British '
contest to take place at the Masonic tbe Farmer's and Merchant’s Bank. took part in tbe innitiatory cere­
Have you seen those pretty bark, was wrecked off Cape Flatterv
Hall on Friday, the 17th inst.
Mrs. W. W. Gage and daughter monies while tbe lodge at that place watch ebarme at Billie Schroeder’s? during tbe reccDt. storm. She load­
ed 105,201 bushels of barley at
G. W. Martin was down from Mrs, R. R. Pownder, returned by put a considerable number through. He has them bearing the emblem Portland, and bad juet cleared from
of nearly any fraternal order.
Eckley a day or so last week, and the Fifield on Sunday, having been There was a large attendance and a
I the Columbia when the storm came
shook hands with friends in this at Turlock, California, for several grand time was enjoyed.
month* for tbe benefit of Mrs.
city Wednesday.
See those beautiful band painted
Handsome assortment of mani­
¡cracker jars at Billie Scbroeder s. |
When you want tha latest styles Pownder’s health, which is much cure sets, comb and brush sets, fine
at $10.85—compare these with what other
in men’s clothing you can find them improved.
According to W. R. Parker, of
toilet sets for ladies and gentlemen,
stores ask $15 for
Baker City, Oregon has tbe only
at Robinson’s store.
Thejcold weather is here. Rob­
at Knowlton’s Drug Store.
herd of ibex known to exist on the
Henry Street is being planked inson’s Store has a fine line of gents’,
| continent. He discovered the rare
Grant Hetherwick. editor and
from the foot of the big bridge to ladies’ and children’s wool under­
animals in the vicinity of Mount,
We do not sell all the good shoes, but we do
proprietor of the Middleton, Illi­
the Butler residence.
This is a wear.
sell an good a shoe as you can buy elsewhere
Eagle in the Comocopia range and
Mr and Mrs. S. A. Bowdish, late nois, Ledger, has been in town a
great improvement.
FOR LESS MONEY and our guarantee back
urges that the game preserve be
of Denver, Colorado, are in Co­ few dayB looking about the country.
of every purchase.
| created there for their preservation
Call and see M. H. HVrsey ’»
They He came to tbe coast for hia health
i Unless this is dono, Mr. Parker
mammoth stock of Holiday Goods quille for a whfle at least.
con­ and seems to be very well pleased
j fears the ibex will be extermina-
and get prices. A pleasure to show
| ted by hunters.
clude to choose a location on the with the appearance of this part,
Miss Effie Collier went to Empire coast, and are, so far, very well but, as a matter of course, would
We have both new and second
hand in the following lines, dressers,
He spent
Monday to be present at the wed­ pleased with the appearance of this enjoy a little lese rain.
about a month at Roseburg, which We have received a ship­
ding of her friend and former part­ city and surroundings.
springs, mattresses, floor matting,
Mr. ment of nice fresh Cranber­ sewing machines, in fact almoat
ner, Miss Fannie Getty.
A. M. and N. J. Magilt, of the place he likes also, very well.
Ilay, grain, flour and groceries Eden valley section, are in town be­ Hetherwick will spend the entire ries, and are selling them everything needed for the bouse or ,
camp. Come and look through,
always on hand at Lyons A Jones. cause they cannot reach homo over winter at different points west of
you will be surprised at the great
Miss NeiU Smith arrived here the mountain trail. At last reports the Coast Range with the hopes of
variety of articles to tie found in 1
Saturday from Myrtle Creek, and the snow was over six feet on the
our store. C. M. Goodman A Co j
will make lur borne in this city for divide, and was still falling with which are favorable at this time.
Before selecting your cut glass _
D ....
J. W. Leneve sold the W. T.
the present. She has accepted a ugly winds that an attempt to make
and hand paiuted china, cal! and
position as clerk in tbe Popular con -1 the trip would have been hazard^ Miller farm on Fishtrap last week
see our assortment, and compare j
feciionery, conducted by the Misses ous. It will likely be sevetal weeks I to H. L. Marsters, of Roseburg, for The Store of Big Values
and Little Prices.
before they wiH return.
We have on hand a great variety of mirrors in different styles, including Bon­
net Mirrors, Triple Mirrors and Stand Mirrors. Also a handsome assortment
of Manicure Sets, Comb and Brush Sets, and a nice line of
Toilet Sets for Ladies and Gentlemen
The Largest variety of Ladies’ Hand Bags, Purses and Card Cases ever shown
in Coquille can be found here.
Celebrated Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens
Knowlton’s Drag
We Save You Money. Why?
Men's Suits
At $11.85, $12.85, $14.85-there are
others just as good—but compare the
prices and see what WE SAVE YOU
What’s Better
Men’s Overcoats
Good Wool £
Underwear v
Men's Shoes
per suit '<
"President” £
Hub Clothing and Shoe Co. ;
15c per qt, 2 qta for 25c
Wm. Cox & Son, Props
"08e Uuildinq
I bru ^
oh «. ‘bose
Coquille, Oregon
Horseshoing a Specialty,