Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, December 08, 1909, Image 2

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    rHKcraüäarTFre - * ?
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Again this Store has been made Headquarters for Santa Claus, and we are showing the most Complete and up-to-date
Line of Moderate Priced Toys ever brought to the Coquille Valley.
W e Make Opposition Fade from View when it Comes to Variety and Prices
Come in and See for Yourself
----------------------------——___________ . Come in and See for Yourself
Dishes, Cups and Saucers, Pitchers, Large and Small, and an Endless Variety for Fancy Dishes from 5C TO 25C
W hy
5 ,
W hen
Y ou
C h r is t m a s
P ost
C ard s
E n d le s s
Oliver Wilson
V a r ie t y
Front Street, Coquille
'W R H C H i
Coquille tferald.
WEDNESDAY, DEC. 8 , 1909
Local advertisements among local
reading five cents per line each inser­
tion. Cards c i thanks 60 cents each.
Obituary poetry five cents per line.
Resolutions of Condolence and lodge
advertising five cents per line.
A Big Orchard Deal.
Cusick & Meyers completed a
deal yesterday by which N. (Jayi-
nangh sold his 20 -acre orchard,
about 2 mile and a half out north
of Ashland, to H. B. Warren, late
Wenatchee, Wash., for a considera­
tion of $8500. The land is planted
to a bearing orchard principally of
Newtown and Spitz apples and
peaches, which this year bore a crop
worth $3000. There are good im­
provements on the place and the
Innd under irrigation. It is a fine
orchard tract.
Mr. Warren, the purchaser, is a
practical orchardist. Ho has owned
a fruit tract in the Wenatchee val­
ley for a number of years. This
season, however, he decided to look
for a place that had a more pleas­
ant climate, especially in the win­
ter, and after making a trip cover­
ing a distance of 2,000 miles, inves­
tigating various sections, he deci­
ded that the Rogue River valley o f­
fered the most suitable location,
and immediately set out to get hold
of a piece o f. land here.
In his
opinion, based on personal investi­
gation, this valley oilers the best
all-round conditions to be found
The above was taken from an
Ashland paper and the Mr. Warren
referred to is a brother of A. and
F C. Warren who recently pur­
chased the place o f E. F. Swearen-
giu at Cedar Point. While these
gentlemen like the fruit grown here
very much, and are of the opinion
that very fine fruit, and that of
good shipping quality can be raised
here in great quantities, they do
not expect to embark in that branch
now. The great possibilities in the
line o f dairying are what caused
them to choose this valley as their
future home.
With the adapta­
bility of this section to dairying,
and the advancements hi this great
industry which are being made at
this time, no section offers quicker
and greater returns than does Coos
county to a practical dairyman
These gentlemen are highly pleased
with their purchase, well knowing
t'.at the proper effort is all that
will be required to assure a com­
plete success.
All Coos County warrants drawn
on the general fund and endorsed
prior to July 1st, 1908, will be
paid on presentation at my office in
Coquille, Oreg. No interest will be
allowed on any of these warrants
nfter December 10th, 1909.
Dated this 7th day of Dec. 1909.
T. M. D immick ,
County Treasurer.
In d ication s B etter
While there is some complaint of
times being a little cloee, there are
at the same time indications of im.
provement in money matters in
Coos county. Bank deposits are
acknowledged to be a reliable crite­
rion, and taking that for granted,
we should be enjoying a reasonable
amount of prosperity.
From the
bank statements published laet week,
and those of one year ago, it will be
observed that in Coquille there has
been an increase of $77,000, and in
Myrtle Point of $41,067,97, a total
of $118,067.97. While a part of
thia may be natural growth, there
can be no question but a great por-
portion goes to indicate a material
improvement in money matters.
With the present general ten­
dency toward advancement through­
out the county, next year promises
to be a record breaker from a finan­
cial point of view.
W h a t A r g o '» C rew Say.
i southern Oregon for anyone want-
42 acres, 30 or more bottom lnnd,
By J. W. L eneve , C oquille , O b . ling to go into the mercantile busi- mostly cleared. Good, new 2 story
house. Lumber on place for uew
Toys of all kinds at the Racket. |
| Four citv lots, for residence.
160 acres of land, about 15 acres barn. 5 miles from Coquille. Price
The best buy in the city.
Five lots for $500. See J. W.
Very little ; 11500.00.
60 acres river bottom land, no bottom, balance bill.
22 acres, with several aore-t bottom
improvements, on county road and cleared; fairly good house, quarter
of a mile from school. Price, $900. land, nice house. Just outside the
A fine line of fine cutlery at the railroad.
Price $ 65.00 per acre.
Racket Store.
120 acres t.mber land—about. 4 city limits of Coquille. Price $4500.
115 acre farm, 4 miles Irom Co-
House,! million feet of cedar and fir— j ce-
Nice cottage, almost new, a bar­
For a good smoke try the El quille, on county road.
barn and other outbuildiugs, good dar, quarter mile from river. Per gain Price $800 00
Toro, at the Oregonian.
orchard. Price $ 6250 . 00 . $ 2000.00 acre $20.
We can fit any boy with a
3 acres almost wi-ltiu the business
cash, balance on easy terms.
j Lot 50x100. Front Street, Co-
suit. Robinson's Store.
part of the city with elegant resi­
180 acre farm, all bottom land , 1 quille. A bargain if sold goon.
dence, an ideal home, (get my price)
Don’t miss seeing those
we1>; 100 or more acres cleared.
440 aereg land> 40 or 50 in Clllli.
comforts at Lyons & Jones.
Several income business proper
house and barn, all necessary farm- vatlon> 8 room house, barn and
Try that oldfashioued mince meat ing tools, 35 dairy cows. Price per ot|)er buildings, good orchard, ties iD Coquille at reasonable prices.
and apple-butter at Robinson s.
jocie $ 112.00
Several acres timber, 5 miies from
An elegant home with 14 acr< s,
Large assortment of kodaks and . J ® ! " “ ’,.!5,
^ " ¿ 1 ° | Coquille, one mile from river, near partly bottom land, just outside the
. v
1 . 1 n
e .__ acres in cultivation, house and barn,
cameras at Knowltons D ru gstore. 5 millioB- feet fine timber. j mile school. Price per acre only $26.00. city limits of Coquille. Nice 10 room
house, nice barn, young orchard,
Two sewing machines left Give fr0m railroad. Price $ 7500 . 00 . The
80 acre farm all bottom and low
11 s cost and take them. Skeels k timber is worth more than the price bench laud. Bottom land nil in cul­ nice spring water to house. A rare
bargain only $35t>0 00. Terms.
tivation, bench land all in pasture.
to acres, all bottom, in cultivation,
General merchandise business
Registered Berkshire pigs for
3 miles from Coquille on Coquille river, J mile from Co­
sale— both sex
J. C. Watsou, Co- with large trade— no opposition. orchard.
One of the best opportunities in river. A snap. Price only $4250.00 quille. House and barn.— $2500.
United States Inspectors Edwards
and Fuller will take testimony con­
cerning the wreck of the steamship
Argo at 9 o ’clock this morning.
Captain Leyi Snyder will be called
upon to give his official report and
First Officer Johnson, Chief En­
gineer Snyder, First Assistant
Thomas Russell, Purser William A.
Simpson and members of the crew
will be examined.
Members of the crew of the ill-
fated steamship, lost on Tillamook
Bay bar Friday night, nave pre­
pared the following expression of
gratitude of the heroic conduct of
Captain Snyder:
Wo, the undersigned, members of
the steamship Argo, wish to give
expression to the splendid seaman­
ship of Captain Snyder, whose
coolness in the trying hours of ship
A fine line of Glassware, all
wreck, excellent judgment in his
gtades, at the Racket. Cut Glass a
every action while being swept specialty.
across the bar with disabled engine,
L ad ies-W h en looking for toe
H ea zlet Theatre.
thought for bis passengers and rubbers call on Lyons A Jones, they
can fit you.
The Coquulle Band will give an­ crew, made our rescue possible.
With a rapid falliug barometer,
other concert in the Heazlet Theatre
Telephone for meat to he deliver-
on Saturday, December the 18th. a southwest gale, increasing in 1 ed at any time from Slagle Bros,
velocity, his making for the light­ j Phone No. ar.
A dance after the concert.
(J. M. Goodman & Co., dealers
On Christmas Eve the Coquille ship as offering the best chance lor
in new and second hand goods.
Volunteer Fire Department will give safety, justified our confidence in Phone No. 364.
their annual ball in the Heazlet his ability to get us out o f a serious
Lyons & Jones have a large line
Theatre. They are having window situation.
of comforts and blankets to choose
cards printed which give a full ac­
from. Give us a call, our prices
count o f it. The feature of this ball praise of Male Nelson and crew of are right.
will be the fine Souvenirs they have the lightship, who gave up theii
Santa Claus will make his head,
sent for which go with the hall. berths, their clothes, and did every­ quarters at O . Wilson & Co’s
Signed, Front Street grocery store during
They are expecting them in a few thing for our comfort.
the holidays.
days and they will be put on exhi­ Thomas Russell, John Woldhouse,
Dolls, Doll Heads, Doll Bodies,
sen, H. Hollis, C H. Graves, C. Doll Buggies, everything you can
Under the management of the
Frednelson, N. Pederson and Wil­ imagine in the line of dolls at the
Coquille Band, there is to take place
liam A. Simpson.
on Christmas night a play, entitled,
Purser Simpson is loud in his
Hand miirors--great
Peleg and Peter, or A Tiip Around
praise of Captain Snyder.
He variety of styles. Bonnet mirrors,
the Horn, This will be by homo
tripple mirrors, stand mirrors. R.
talent and strictly a comedy from
S. Knowlton
,-l do not know what more I can
the very start to the finish, As Geo.
K. Holverson, the tailor, has just
say o f the way things went in the
Leach as the Yankee, and Sam Noa-
received a large lot of samples of
shipwreck, but if I have ever to go
suitings. Call and see them and
ler as the Dutchman, you can’t help
through another I hope I may have get his prices.
having many a laugh.
Captain Snyder commanding the
Wanted— By a good dairyman
The dance given Saturday night
ship. I have heard men talk of and butler-maker, a small dairy j C|j
by the N. H. Club for the benefit of
what they would do in emergencies, farm to rent. For particulars call
the Library Society was quite a suc­
cess socially but not so much finan­ have heard comment after wrecks at the H kbald office.
One o f those ladies’ tailored suits
cially. Those present greatly en­ have happened on what might
joyed the evening, and partook of have been done, but Captain Sny­ or long capes would be just the
a delicious supper which was served der seemed to have thought of thing for a Christmas present.!
See them. Robinson’s Store.
at Mrs. Tuttle’s hotel.
everything beforehand and did all
A full stock of 1847 Rodger
that man could do to save the ship,
M yrtle P o in t Item *
Brothers’ silver ware.
Also Sterl­
the passengers and crew.
Astoria ing silver teaspoons, tablespoons
Mra. Geo. Way and sister returned looked better to me than ever be­ and other pieces at the Racket
from Ratrdon Friday,
fore when we reached there from Store.
Owen Rackleff is buaily engaged the lightship, and I am mighty
Allred Toft, the aged ex-soldier, ^
thankful we are all safely on shore who was brought from Battdon to ‘S
building a speedy little launch.
the county hospital last week, died re
E. H. Hermann left last week for again."—Oregonian.
> ■ -------
Seattle to look after business affairs.
T ransport is F a st in M ad.
The M. P. H. S. boys have their
Philadelphia, Dec. 3 .— The trans­
hall in readiness and expect to
Notice is hereby given that the County
play basket ball this winter.
Court for Coos County, State of Oregon,
day for the Panama Canal Zone and will receive sealed bids (or contracts (or
The Myrtle Point High School
following matters and items to be
possibly Nicaragua, went aground the
will be represented at the Frey
printing schedule of ex­
loving cup contest, by two contest­
near Fort Delaware, is still fast in penses for Coos County, list of Ism-tide
subscribers within the County to be
the mud today .
The Knights of Pythias are a fast
Second— For printing officers reports,
Another effort will be made to
Notices and notices of County
increasing fraternity.
They suc­
pull the Prairie off the mud flats Officer«.
ceeded in initiating four new mem­
Third—For supplies for the Comity
this afternoon.
She has been
lutirinary or Poor Farm, such as gro-
bers at their meeting last Thursday
lightened somewhat and several ad­ ceii s, provisions and meats etc.
Fourth— For contract to care for and
ditional tugs have been engaged it, furnish
board, lodging, hospital accom­
A. H. Render the music man, gave help get her off.
modations, medical attendance and
medicine for Coos County indigent pa­
a free concert to the ladies of Myr
tie Point Saturday afternoon, which
One day last week a few (hikes of
Fifth— For fuel for the Court House.
was well attended and greatly en­ snaw were noticahle in ibis place,
All bids to be filed with the County
Clerk on or iiefore the 5th day of Janu­
joyed by those present
and on Monday a considerable ary A. D. 1910, at 10o ’clock a. m. The
Evangelist Samuel Gregg closed
a very successful and interesting
series o f meeting» in this city on
Friday and proceeded to Myrtle
Point where lie began a like series
County Court reserves the right to re-
n Saturday evening.
Mr. Gregg
Call and see what a nice variety amount fell, but melted almost as jeetjany anil all bids.
Dated at the Court House, Coos Co­
is a fon oful and interesting speaker, of silverware we are displaying. anon a« i( cam« to the ground,
unty, Oregon, this 7th day of Decem­
. .«• .
and a power for good, morality and All o f Rogers Bros.’ latest designs.
ber A. D. 1900
Subsciibe tor the Huiuu>.
Billie Scbroeder.
J amxs W a t s o n , County Clerk.
true Christian religion.
The sale of first-class timekeepers is an impnrtaat feature of «our
business, and the reason we are having such large sales in this line is
owing to the fact that we sell strictly first-class Watches at extremely low
But will, at all times, sell you an honest Watch at a close price,
and guarantee to give you full value for your money. We have in stock
for the holiday trade, a beautiful linn of ladies’ and gentlemen’s fine
Watches which it will be a pleasure to show you if you will call.
My little niece was helping herself to a cracker at the supper table
and said ‘‘Please.” Then sho turned to her mother and said, “ Mamma,
I am getting so polite I say ’ please’ to myself.
T ommy — Pa, I ’ve heard you talk ({bout Easy Street.
Where is ii?
M r . T ucker — It’s at the farther end of a long, rough, and hilly
thoroughfare, called Hard Work Street, my boy.
Our selection of Holiday goods for this season surpasses all pre­
vious efforti. We can and will please all who give us an opportunity.
The latest and best styles, reasonable prices and an immense variety are
our three best arguments to iaduce you to come, Once in our store our
goods will speak for themselves.
Thete is so much trouble iD growing old that it seems queer that
ome old people want to be young, only to grow old again.
Please Note The
We Guarantee every piece o f goods sold by us to be exactly as
represented, and any article not giving perfect satisfaction will
be cheerfully taken back and money refunded.