Coquille llcrdà 27: No. 12. V ol . COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER Enteret! a» secon d -class m atter May 8, 1905, at the postoffice at C oqu ille, O regon, un der act o f C ongress o f March 3,1879. DR. RICHMOND P H Y S IC IA N A N D S U R G E O N . Office at Sloctiru’ s Drug S tore. STEAMER ARAGO COUNTY COURT IS STRANDED. PROCEEDINGS Member of Life Saving Crew and Synopsis of the Proceedings of the Two Passengers are County Court, at a call Term Lost. Held October 4, 1909. C o q u il l k , O ukoon . Office Pbone Main 211. Below w e give the first report o f I c o n t in u e d from last WEEK the wreck of the steamer At go, from City Shoe Shop, sund. . . . $ 3 55 I the Coos Bay Times, but later a d -; George Robinson, m dse... 28 45 A. F. Kirshman, vices by wiie from Capt. Snyder C M Goodman, s u n d .... 11 35 himself to his father-in-law, J. F. Waller Hatcher, labor.. 20 00 D bntist . Schroeder, of this city, prove the Louis Corvell, dig grave.. 2 50 Office two doora South o f Poet offioo. safely of his boat and its occupants, S H McAdams, smithing 13 35 of which the many friends and rel- O Wilson A Co, m dse.. . . 7 50 C oqu ille . - , O regon. atives o f the Capt. and his brother, j J A Hatcher....................... 12 32 -------- 1-----------------1------- J. H. Snider, who was chief engi- I Allan McLeod, sup of farm 108 33 neer on the boat, will be exceeding- H Holverson, extracts, etc 6 20 DR. J. D. KELLY Iy glad to learn. The report is as In Re Taxation, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON follows: J D McNeil as agent, re- Coquille, - Oregon Tillamook, Ore., Nov. 27.—The fund of taxea............... 12 00 Office in Skeels B uilding death roll of the little steamer Argo, [ Stephen Gnllier, witness O F F IC E H O U R S — 9 to 11 a.n i. 2 to which was stranded of! Tillamook Board of Equalization.. 7 20 4 p. m . 7 to 8 p. in. Bay late yesterday, is undoubtedly j E E Oakes, witnes Board R esidence Phone— Office P h o n e - I fourteen, instead of three deaths re- of Equalization.............. 7 20 j corded last night. The news today Dennis McCarthy, cruising I I I is that a lifeboat containing Cap- timber land..................... 854 1C Dr. C. I/V. Endicott | tain Snyder and ten others has been I d Re Roads and Bridges. lost. Another lifeboat containing Special Improvements. D en tist Mate Johnson and nine others was Leonard Hartley, contract Office on F ron t Street saved by the schooner Schooner work, R D 30................... 1769 03 OBhkosb, which put to sea last night General Road Fund, pow­ Phone M ain 431. C oqu ille, Oregon from astoria to locite the strand­ der furnished,R D No 30 230 97 ed Arago and render her assistance. Prey, Braden and Hartley, I I The three persons drowned last contract work,R D No 18 175 86 night were Mrs. N. A. Gldig, Nellie Braden & Hartley, contract E. D, SPERRY Hunter, a young girl, and Henry work, R D No 1 8 .......... 2020 50 Attorney ami Councellor at Law. Wickman, a member of the life-sav­ V N Barker, contract work, Offioe in Robinson Building ing crew from the Garibaldi Beach ! R D N o 1 6 . . . . , .......... 443 70 station. Nellie Hunter was the ! A E Bettys, contract work, child of George Hunter of Napa, R D N o 11....................... 750 00 Cal. Minard & Krantz, contract IN. C. CHASE. work, R D No 12.......... 645 20 The Argo showed indications of ATTORNEY-AT-LAW turning turtle last night, and Cap. General Road Fund, pow­ Offio in Robinson Building, Upstairs der furnished U D No 12 94 80 tain Snyder ordered all on board to t ike to the boats Mate Johnson H V Holverstott, contract work R D No 30.......... 1388 25 commanded one boat and Captain C. R. BARROW Soyder commanded another. The Lloyd Spires, special R I) master, R D No 1 8 .. 64 10 two boats became separated in the Attorney and Counsellor at Law The Enterprise, piinting mist and rough seas. First-class References notices, R I) No 30. 3 15 Johnson’s boat was cruising Fifteen Years’ Experience The Enterprise, printing around and was picked up by the C o q u il l e C i t y , O re notices, R Ü No 18., 2 70 Oskosh, wbicb was beatmg up and The Enterprise, printing down the coast in the vi.inity of i i notices, R D No 3 1 . . . . 2 30 Tillamook, in an effort to locate the J. J. STANLEY The Enterprise, printing disturbed Argo notices, R D No 1 1 . . . . 2 70 It is believed that Captain Snyder LAW YER tried to make shore in his boat and Lloyd Spires, special R D Martin Building - Front Street master, R D No 2 6 . . . . 15 30 Hint in the effort bis boat was over­ C o qu illb , O regon turned as no signR of it was seen to­ Recorder Pub Co, printing I 12 00 notices, R D No 19. day, though the Oshkosh patrolled the coast all night in the search. H E W ilcox, special R D A. J. Sherwood, 10 00 master, R D No 1 2 .. ., The last seen of Captain Snyder’s A ttorney a t - L a w , life boat was when he and the crew A N Gould, surveying, etc, N otary P u b l ic , R D N o 18.............. 33 80 began to pull toward shore. A gale T C o q u ille , : : O regon W alter Sinclair, A txob n bt - a t - L a w , N otabt P u b l ic , C o q u ille , : : Oregon. 1 i H all & Hall, A ttoknkts - at L a w , Denier in U kal E statv o f a ll k in d s. M arshfield, O regon. I E. G. D. Holden L aw ybb , JUPTICB OF THR PEACE 8. Comntiflsiooer, General Insurance Agent, and Notary Public. Office in Robinson Building. C o q u ille regon . E . W H IT M O R E . H. F. M O R R IS 8 Y os Bay Paving and Con­ struction Company. general contractors ans Estimate» ncrete and Given Bricks Stone and T im lier C ontractor. lone 151 -J was blowing and a terrific sea was running, making navigation of the boat most hazardous. The known dead are: Nellie Hunter, aged 6 , a passen­ ger. Mrs. T. A. H oldredgeof Portland, a passenger. Henry Wickman, a member of the life-saving crew. The rescued are: Mate J. A. Johnson. L. A. Holdredge of Portland a passenger. Howard Wolfe. A. E. Millard. E. Salmonson. Two Scandinavian members of tbe crew. The Missing are: CaptainLevi Snyder. Chief Engineer J. H. Snyder. Pjrser W. A. Stimpson of Eureka, Cal. A. M e c k liD b e r g , a s a ilo r . Graves, Steward. Thomas Russell, Assistant engin Tony Delbort, a passenger. An unnamed passenger who boarded tbe Arago at Astoria. Two unnamed members of tbe crew . ice s 117 F ront Street, M arshfield Ore. Theo. Bergman Shoe Mfe.Co. In corp orated . M a n u fa ctu re rs o f The Celebrated Hera man n Shoe The Strongest and Nearest Water Proof shoe made for loggers, miners prospectors and mill men. 621 Thurman Street P o r t l a n d , O regon . K. Ilolveraon has opened a Tailor op one door west of the Sentinel Ire. Ho does all kinds of taiior- 7 AH work guaranteed. Ready November' 15th, 1909, a splendid year-book, on astronomy and meteorology, the only one con­ taining the original ‘‘Hicks Weath­ e r Forecasts.” By mail, postpaid, ,35c, on newstands, 30c. One copy free with a year’s subscription to World and Works, the Rev. Irl R. Hicks Monthly Magazine, the best $1. monthly in America. Dis­ counts on Almanacs in quantities. Agents wanted Remember, the gen­ uine “ Hicks Forecasts” are not pub­ lished anywhere else— you get them only in bis own publications. World and Works Publishing Co., n o t Locust St. St. Louis, Mo, Geo H Nay, driving piles, Joe Nav and South Slough ........................... Geo W Cox, lumber, Diet No 19.............................. W F Bowron, donation work, R D No 1 .......... William Grow, Beaver Slough Improvements.. •John Yates, Beaver Slough improvements...... ........ George Donovan, Beayer Slough improvements... William Martin, Beaver Slough improvements... A N Gould, surveying, making maps and pro­ files ...................,............. A F Crocker, supervisor, K D No 4 ....................... E N Harry, supervisor, R D No 12....................... Labor and Materials R D Clarence Williams, labor G W Harry, labor....’.......... W M Laird, labor............. O G Bunch, labor............. F A Baker, labor............... John H Laird, labor......... Joseph Porter, labor......... E P S Abernethy, labor etc .................................... F A Baker, labor..... '........ Berley Crowley, labor....... E N Harry, labor............... Labor and Materials R D Walter Simpson, labor..... ...... J D Butler, labor............ R R Davis, labor............... Homer Davis, labor.......... A Davis, labor................... Cox & Foster, lumber....... Ben Hayes, labor............... A McNair, powder, etc..... J F Alambaugb,-labor..... Winnie Davis, labor........... A Davis, labor................... Walter Simpson, labor....... 186 00 24 00 379 55 98 00 24 00 54 00 7 00 64 80 48 25 117 60 No 12. 19 00 2125 14 35 116 50 27 50 9 00 14 00 159 25 17 50 85 50 33 75 No 24. 40 00 62 50 88 10 4 50 77 50 289 87 78 10 37 25 68 75 4 50 52 75 1 25 Labor aud Muterial R D No 25. Ray Collier, labor............... 130 Sheriff’ s Office. Geo O Leach, labor........... 67 W W Gage, special deputy hire ................................. 28 L W Oddy, labor............... 143 School Superintendent. W H Bunch, salary, sta­ tionery, etc................. 258 Health Office. Walter Culin, 2 months salary................................. 41 1, 1909. $1.50 P er Y e a r 00 50 * THE O. 17. BARBERSHOP 15 * 75 68 78 County Court. E A Anderson, per diem and mileage, commis- sioner............................... 56 20 W T Dement, per diem and mileage, commissioner... 55 00 John F Hall, 2 months salary, County Judge.., 166 67 In Re Bills Continued or Not Allowed. S L Perkins, services rendered Mrs Ed Spaulding, $53.00 not allowed. D W Ward, examining A Ames, $10.00 reduced and allowed at $5.00. Mrs J H Bledsoe, rooms and sup­ plies Mrs. Fred Thomas, $9.00, not allowed. D R Bascom, boarding Ames family $100 70, reduced and allowed at $27.00. Warrant, road No t>31, Class D., favor Southern Oregon Co., $14 50, cancelled. State of Oregon ) ss County of Coos ) I, James Watson, County Clerk for Coos County, and State of Ore­ gon, ex-officio Clerk of the County Court for said County and State, custodian of the records, archives and files of said County, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct Statement of tbe amount of Bills of Expense, in whose favor drawn or allowed, con­ tinued or not allowed, on the vari­ ous funds of tbe County, as audited by the County Court of said County and State, at the regular November 1909 term of said Court, as the same apoears in the Journals of said Court d o w in my office and custody. Witness my haDd and the seal of tbe County Court affixed this Cth, day of November A. D. 1909. L. COCHRAN. Proprietor * Hot and Cold Baths, Hair Cutting and Massag- Q ing a Specialty. One o f the % Most Up-to-Date Shops in the City * Coquille, = F R E D = Oregon S L A G L E T A IL O R C O Q U IL L E . - - OREGON S^OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOO • R. S. KNOWLTON, President GEO. A. ROBINSON, V. P u ­ ll. H. MAST, Cashier parsers ai)d Merchants oF Coquille Bat)l\ CAPITAL STOCK $25,000 A Reasonable Share of Your Business Solicited First Class Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent PIONEER MEAT MARKET r T -v Lard, Hams, Bacon, Sausage, Fresli and Salt Meats. Robert Munford, labor... 18 (10 Albert Mvers, labor.......... 3 50 Wesley Barklow, labor..... 10 00 Rubin SteveDs, labor....... We Carry 20 00 33 00 Albert Barklow, labor...... Ira Root, labor.... ........ .. 20 00 ( se al ) Noah Bonewitz, labor...... 8 00 J am es W a tso n , Geo. Adams, labor.......... 2 00 County Clerk. Chas Adams, smithing....... 39 50 We are headquarters fo r everything in the meat line. Your Jess Clinton, labor.......... 25 50 B o d y R e co v e re d . wants always receives prompt attention. A M Snyder, labor.......... 50 00 14 00 Leander Barklow, labor... The body ot Arthur Lowe, whom C H Barklow, labor........... 13 00 we mentioned in our last issue as Huling Lundy A Sous... 37 50 being lost in the marsh below town, Lawrence Barklow, labor 20 00 was recovered Wednesday evening. A. J. SHERWOOD Prêt. R. E. SHINE, Vice Pies W T Ramsey, smithing... 7 15 On Sunday evening, the day of his I. H. HAZARD, Cashier 0. C. SANFORD, Asst. Cashier ~ John M Orr, labor.......... 7 00 disappearance, J. J. F ox came over 20 OO from the Isthmus, and while pass­ .John Felcher, labor.......... J H Snyder, labor.......... 2 00 ing along the railroad track near General. A M Snyder, labor.......... 199 00 the marsh, he heard a noise and Stemmier & Minard, lum­ O P C O 9 U IU L 1B , O R E G O p . struggles in the water, but owing to 59 60 Hailey Laird, damages, ber ........................... Dora-Brewster Valley the darkness, it being about six T r a n s a c t s a G eneral B a n k in g B u s in e s s James Stock, making fill ro a d ................................. C 00 o ’clock, he could not see any 152 40 A E Beltys, damages, Co- cause of the sound except a dog Board of Directors. Correspondents. E I Du Pont, Denemours q uille-Burton Praitie which swam ashore, and seemed It. C. Dement, A. J. Sherwood, National Hank o Commerce, New York Cit Powder Co, pow der.. . . 918 68 L. Harlocker, L. H. Hazard, Crocker Wool worth.N’l Bank, San Francipc 17 20 anxious about something in the road ............................... Labor k Materials No 1. It. E. Shine. First Nat’l Bank of Portland, Portland. Isaiah Hacker, George Stevens, Coquille- water, but Mr. F ox had no boat or 27 50 Jacob Stonelake, labor 185 60 other means to investigate , so he Burton Prairie road...... Dave Adams, la b or.. 17 00 In Re Miscellaneous Expenses. eame on his way home, Later, 113 20 H Kyoell, lumber.............. upon hearing that Mr. Lowe was 38 00 Geo Stough, cleaning court V D Adams, labor............ house flues....................... 9 00 missing and that the boat he had W F Adams, labor.......... 8 00 taken had been found not far from A N Gould, re-establishing FerrieB. where he had heard the sounds and 19 75 government corners ........ saw the dog come ashore, directed J N McNair, salary, Co­ Coquille wood yard, haul­ the searching party to the spot, and quille ferry................... 105 00 ing and team hire...... 5 50 the third drag brought the body to Coquille Hardware Co, sup­ tbe surface. W W Gftge, board of plies, Coquille fe rry .. . . The remains were brought to 10 60 prisoners......................... 50 71 the undertaking parlors ot Arthur Accepted throughout the civilized world S H McAdams, supplies Pres« Coquille River Electric Co. Ellingson and prepared for burial, and smithing, Coquille as the most universally satisfactory il­ electric current. Sept and on Thursday afternoon interred 9 00 ferry................................. 20 00 in the Odd Fellows’ cemetery, the aDd O c t........................... luminant for all purposes the Cleanest Button Ira A Albee, salary, South Peart Bros & Co, coal....... 20 20 funeral services being conducted Most Convenient, and the CHEAT 100 00 Home Telephone Co, tolls by Rev. C. H. Cleaves. • - J R Christman, labor, and rentals................... 90 40 (■ootl l o u g h . H f d i f l n c l o r l lillil m i EST light known. and South Slough ferry. 7 50 J A Yoakam, lumber and n u ll G r o w n F o l k * l o o . That furnished by the COQUILLE here Wyman Albee, labor, South 63 65 labor ............................... “ We could hardly do without 7 50 W M Oddy, coal............... Slough ferry................... RIVER ELECTRIC CO is first you 22 50 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy,’’ R W Bullard, salary, Bui- says Mrs. Flora Despain of Bloyd, E A McDuffee, painting class and up to data in every respect have 100 00 court bouse fence, etc... 25 25 Ky. " I found it to be so good for The rates place it within reach of all croup and have used it for years. it. rj- R S Knowlton, supplies I can heartily recommend it for Geo T Colemnn, supplies 39 85 coughs, colds and croup in children court house and offices and labor ............... 39 65 Peart Bros k Co, coal... 21 00 and grown folks, too.” The above PioDeer Hardware Co, sup­ shows the implicit confidence that Glass Prudhomme Co, many mothers place in Chamber­ 16 62 plies ................................. repairing broken type- lain’s Cough Remedy, a confidence Kruse k Banks, repairing 17 70 based on many years’ experience in writer............................... ferry ......................... 133 31 Coquillo Electric Supply tbe use of it. No one need hesitate North Bend Lumbar Co, (> 6*2 1 to use this remedy, for it contains Co, supplies and labor lumber ........................... 16 251 Fouts Bros, W ood ........... 3 50 I no chloroform, opium or other Darcotics and may be given to a T T Golden, e n g in e e r.... 140 00 T A Walker, insurance child as confidently as to an adult. Geo Rhoda, d eck h a n d .. 70 00 1 policy, county barn, etc 12 50 For sale by R. S. Knowlton. Marshfield Hardware (Jo, 1 Coquille Hardware Co, supplies........................... 9 52 repairing etc ................. 6 35 North Beod Iron Works, N. Lorenz having «old out big J T Nosier, labor court labor ............................... 14 00 14 00 large mercantile eatabliahment on house yard....................... Front itreet to his goo, H. N. Lor­ Coos Bay Oil and Supply Sails From Ainsworth Dock, Portland, Wednesdays a t 8 P. M. In Re Officers and Deputies enz, end now a settlement with tbe 51 85 Co. O il..................... many customers to this business is Salaries, Alex Hall, Capt........ 120 00 very necessary. All knowing them­ Clerk's Office. Roads and Bri F. M ILLER, Agent, Marshfield, Oregon selves to he indebted to this firm W . Jotty L Watson, labor... 128 75 are urged to come into the store Johnson Lurobfr Co, lum­ 8 1 N Loszxz. 106 25 1 •nd settle at once. ber Diet N o 2 5 , . , , . . , 39 72 Ine* F Punch. Ifib o r....... COQUILLE VALLEY PACKING CO. FIR ST N A T IO N A L B A N K Incandescent Electric Light FRANK MORSE, Prop, COQUILLE, ORE. Portland and Coos Bay S. S. Line Pay-tip Notice. BREAKW ATER Sails for Portland Every Saturday PAUL L. TEHLINQ, AGENT COQUILLE, PHONE NO.