Coquille Herald, John Preuss Dead. drowning at ADDITIONAL LOCAL. THD OA| T V/11 O f l L L All dairymen should attend the • On Friday J. M. Blake tele- B y j y f L eneve , Cogtui.LE, O r . from San Francisco to meeting here tomorrow. the bay that John Preuss, the There will be a social dance at Four citv lots, for residence. local advertisem ents among local! well-known Marshfield druggist, Nosler's Hall on Saturday night. The best buy in the city. re ling five cents per line each inser- Binger Hermann, Jr., Loses His had passed away. Mr. Preuss had Good floor, good music, good time., 6o acres river bottom land, no lion. Cards ci thanks 50 cents each. O bituary poetry five cents per line. Life in an Attempt at CrOS Mr. and Mrs A. H. Koseboom «nprovements. on county road and ! been in declining health for several Resolutions of Condolence and lodge .__ .. _ . Price $65.00 per acre. j years, and while his passing was no arrived in Coquille Monday from railroad. advertising five cents per line. ,n9 1"® South FOfK- 115 acre farm, 4 miles Irom Co­ ! surprise, it was a great shock to his Minnesota, and are looking our city quille, on county road. House, numerous friends throughout the over. barn and other outbuildings, good K illed on R iver Craft. Word has reached us of the sad county, endeared to him through E. L. Spalding is back from a orchard. Price $6250.00. $2000 00 drowning of Binger Hermann, son bis sterling worth as a business trip to bis ranch below Baudon, cash, balance on easy terms. Ernest Cutlip, a well-known Coos of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Hermann, 36 acres all bottom land. 10 or man and neighbor. buy young man, was killed in an ac­ where be put in a day or so caring who live a few miles above Myrtle more acres in cultivation, balance The deceased was born in Ger­ for his crop. rid out on the steamer Oshkosh on Point on the South Fork, which, we easily cleared; barn only. Price many, and came to America when Ihj Columbia riter yesterday, ac- Oliver Wilson, the Front Street $4000.00 understand occurred while he was young. He came west, arriving at co ding to word received by his 180 acre farm, all bottom land, grocer, has moved from the rooms atteiupting to cross that stream at Coos bay in 1883 , since when be father, Mark Cutlip this morning. above his store to the Fetter cottage too or more acres cleared. Fin? the Hartley ford on horseback. worked for others for a time, but No particulars were given in the house and barn, all necessary farm­ near the school home. There was no witness to the acci­ ing tools, 35 dairy cows. Price per j eventually acquired a business of message and up to a late hour to­ dent, but bis horse which succeeded "Capt.” John Grandy, one of the ocie $112.00 his own. a day the father and relatives had in gaining the shore was found near 80 acres, 35 acres bottom land, to Mr. Preuss was twice married, early navigators of Beaver Slough, been unable to obtain any de­ by, and his hat also was found acres in cultivation, house and barn, the first wife being a daughter of was in town yesterday and sttook tailed information. It is presumed 5 millions feet fiue timber. J mile drifting onto the hank not far from the late C. H. Merchant, she pass­ bauds with old friends. th tt be must have been caught in from railroad. Price $7500.00. The the ford, which are mute witnesses Mr. and Mrs. Price Robinson, of timber is worth more than the price ing over in 1894 , and the latter, the machinery. to the tragic death of the young Miss Agnes Gibbs, who survives Norway, and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis asked. Mr. Cutlip left here on the Osh­ man. It was Sunday night, or 10 acres, all bottom, in cultivation, him, as well as three children by Strong, ol Myrtle Point, returned kosh about three weeks ago, going rather, Monday morning about 1 bis first mairiage, and his aged Monday from attendance at the on Coquille river, J mile from Co­ as assistant engineer on the craft o’clock when he was drowned, but quille. House and barn.— $2500. mother who lives in Marshfield and Grange at Bandon which had just been completed it was not learned until that even­ General merchandise business Mrs. Love, ot Riverton, was three brothers and one sister. here for the Columbia river and with large trade— no opposition. ing he was missing, and a number The body will be brought to the operated upon by Drs. Richmond, One of the best opportunities in Tillamook run. of men are now searching for the bay for interment which will prob­ of this city, and Horsfall, of Marsh­ southern Oregon for anyone want­ He was born and raised near the remains. ably take place the latter part of field, one day last week at the ing to go into the mercantile busi­ bay and for several years had been The deceased was a native son of ness. Marshfield General Hospital. the week. running bis father's gasoline boat Coos county, 26 years, 7 months and ----------- — ««»«-- - 50-acre farm, J mile river front­ and working on other crafts around Tczier’s Celebrated Logger 7 days old at the time of his death, age, 30 acres bottom land— mostly Shoes have won popularity with the the bay. in cultivation. 20 acres low bench and was unmarried. His parents woods boys. E. L. Tozier maker, The deceased was twenty-one cleared aud. in grass. Goofi orchard, William Cox and son. Lester, and several brothers and sisters are Coquille. also 30 young fruit trees; 6 room years old last April. Besides his left to mourn his sad and untimely who recently moved up to this place Miss Kiltie Crewe, chief telephone house, nearly new Good dairy father, he is survived by three sis from near Port Orford, have opened taking ofl. They have the sincere 4-horse operator at Bandon, visited her barn and dairy house. ters, Mrs. Louis Wirth, Mrs. John sympathy of all in their bereave- the blacksmith shop in the W. C. ather and mother, Mr. and Mrs. wagon, mower, rake, plows and Krick and Miss Minnie Cutlip, all ment. Rose building on Second street and harrow. Price $8000. Terms. F. T. Crewe, of this cky, the first residents of the bay. A brother. are now ready for business. 160 acres of land,, abogt 15 acres of the w’eek, and yesterday extend bottom, balance hill. Very little Lloyd Cutlip, is attending Philo The junior Mr. Cox is the me­ ed her visit to the bay. cleared; fairly good house, quarter math college. chanic of the firm and is well known The shoes tor woodsmen; Tozier’B of a mile from school. Price, $ 900 . The body will be shipped here for Song by Society, Tenting Tonight. on the upper river, having worked “ Weakly Howl” Vol. 1 No. 1, by — S. F. Shoes. The gloves for wear 120 acres timber land— about 4 burial.— Coos Bay Times. at Myrtle Point where he gained a Logger Fear Gloves. E. L. Tozier. million feet of cedar and fir— | ce­ the editor. Mr. Cutlip was a grandson of Humorous Reading, Irwin Custer. reputation as a horseshoer in par­ A dairymen’s meeting will be dar, quarter mile from river. Per ticular, and also that of an alround acre $20. our townsman, B. H. Haskin. Solo, Professor Anderson. workman who spares no pains to held in the M. W. A. Hall in this Lot 50 x 100 . Front Street, Co­ Debate, "Resolved: That the Chi­ The object quille. A bargain if sold soon. please his customers. Mr. Cox city, November n th . Fortunately future explorers will nese exclusion act should ex­ will be assisted by H. H. Grinnold, of this meeting is to improve the have cartoons of the North Pole by tend to the Japanese.” a late arrival from Cornelius, a dairying industry of this section. We have both new and second which to recognize it. Affirmative. Negative. valley town near,Portland, who is The meeting opens at io o’clock hand in the following lines, dressers, Eva Sugg Jessie Sweet Every dairyman is wel­ commodes, iron and wood beds, bed Twenty more boxes of skins from a good mechanic, htving worked at sharp. Alta Stanley Nina Kelly springs, mnttressts, floor matting, come. Africa marked “ T. R .” and not the that trade for many years. Wagon sewing mnebinps, in fact almost PROGRAM, NOVEMBER 1 7 Lyons A Jones have a large line hide of a single trust in the lot. and all farm work will receive everything ueeilod for the house or Song by Society, In tne Shade ol of comforts and blankets to choose camp. Come and look through, prompt attention. the Old Apple Tree. The Eskimo name for Peary from. Give us a call, our prices you will be surprised at the great Reading, William G. Barrow. Pe-uk, which must be all right, variety of articles to be found in are tight. Solo, Mr. Cecil K. Lyans. our store. C. M. Goodman k Co it sounds so much like peanut. Frank Kimbell inflicted a severe Instrumental Solo, Eula M. Price. Next Sunday morning the pastor It is rumored that the “To Let” Debate, “ Resolved: That the prison will preach on “Solace for Weary cut in his left toot while working at one ol the Smith-Powers camps on sign will soon be displayed from system of the United States Reapers.” At night the subject Cunningham Monday shortly after the front door of the King's palace should be revised so as to be will be “ Zacchaeus.” Special one o’clock. He was brought to at Athens. reformatory rather than puni­ music at both services ot the day. town immediately by tbe locomotive tive.” You are always welcome here. and Dr. Richmond dressed the in­ I f China starts a lottery system, Affirmative Negative jury. He is improving rapidly. it may be very hard to tell whether Harriett Sweet Margaret lies Co. the 18 th. Don’t Hazel Moody K. Holverson, the tailor, has just a ticket calls for a prize or last Clay Knowlton May Lund miss them. received a large lot of samples of week’s laundry. James Haft, of Curry county, was' Debate won last Wednesday by suitings. Call and see them and in Coquille yesterday. affirmative. Dr. Cook is a democrat, so he is • .« • . get his prices. Ed Lasswell, of McKinley, had not apt to have the North Foie U imh I r o i a f f l i r i r i l i c l a i r la»r C I l Ilal ra*ii I want to thank tbe gentleman a n a l ia r a a u ii F o l k s tn w , business in town Thursday. postmastership thrust upon him as who bought the beautiful opal ring “ We could hardly do without an administration reward of merit. A. H. Powers, the lumberman, lost week, also the lady who pur­ Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy,’’ As if the prospect of settlement says Mrs. Flora Despain of Bloyd, registered at the Baxter M >nday. chased the elegant back comb and were not already remote enough, it Ky. "I found it to be so good fo> J. H Flanagan, the banker, was the gentleman who purchased the is hinted that Messrs. Peary and croup nnd bave used it for years. a business visitor from Marshfield o n rv lD g set, for their patronage. Cook may carry their dispute to I can heartily recommend it for yesterday. Also the other customers who came coughs, colds and croup in children the courts. Jack Sneddou came ov:r from in to Bee me. Tell others to come and grown folks, too.” The above too. Appreciatively, Billy Schroe- Camden, N. J., Nov. 5.— Tatem shows the implicit confidence that the bay yesterday and proceeded to many mothers place in Chamber­ Riverton. der. Parsons, the first engineer of the lain’s Cough Remedy, a confidence Thoroughbred Brown and White Ole Simonson, of Riverton, made famous locomotive “ John Bull” based on many years’ experience in Leghorns and White Plymotb our office a pleasant call while in the use of it. No one need hesitate now in the National Museum at Gockrels for sale. $ 1.00 each. J. Washington, died here yesterday. to use this remedy, for it contains town Saturday. C. Wutson, Coquille, Oregon. no chloroform, opium or other He was 90 yeats old. W. A. Cribbins, of Enchanted narcotics and may be given to a . <•» . child as confidently as to an adult. Prairie, had business at tbe county CALL ON scat on Thursday of last week. For sale by R. S. Knowlton. WEDNESDAY, NOV. MYRTLE POINT ! phoned 10 , 1909 New Blacksmith Shop. Literary Program, November 10 M. E. Church, South. Card of Thanks. The members of the Grand Army of the Republic and the Woman’s Relief Corps of Bandon, wish to ex­ end their sincere thanks to the members of like orders of Coquille, for the entertainment and courtesies accorded them during their recent visit to Coquille. C. B. Z ee k , Post Com. R 8. Knowlton sold through the agency of Wm. Oddy, to H. C. Davis a house and lot in the north N. Lorenz having sold out his end of town. Lot 6 Bl. 25 Wat­ large mercantile establishment on Front street to his s o d , H. N. Lor­ kins Add. enz, and now a settlement with the Fred Porter, who it will be re­ many customers to this business is membered lost bis light hand in the very necessary. All knowing them­ selves to be indebted to this firm saw mill at this place about three are urged to come into the store years ngo, returned yesterday after and settle at once N. L o r e n z . an absence of some time. Pay-up Notice. THE NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP Wm. Cox & Son, Props Rose Buildinq Coquille, Oreqon H o rsesh o in g a S p ecialey, M IL L W O O D Leave ordera with Allie Miller or at Mill office. extra load with each ten ordered Rough and . AASEN Dressed Lumber Mouldings, Etc. of all One Kinds, BROS., Coquille, Oregon. Try an Ad in the tjearld I he Up-To-Now restaurant be­ longings, consisting of bed room furniture, stoves, kitchen furniture, cooking utensils, mattings, window shades, dining room furniture, dishes, silverwear and everything belonging to a first class restaurant will be sold at auction Monday morning, beginning at io o’clock. J. B. Fox, auctioneer. D. L. Perkins House Moving, Is prepared to do all kinds of House Moving on short notice. 4 It was reported last week that the public reading room would be Jack Screws for Rent. closed and the library moved to I Miss Co-« Bellnni’s eonfeetioDerv, ' Charges R e a s o n a b l e . I but it Ims since been derided that | such a move would not be for tbe and arrangements have beei m ’ House with Miss Cora Belloni, of *t>e Wickham Palm, and the library has l>., MRS. G. R. WICKHAM moved to that resort, and will be I Proprietress l’hone Main 13X. looked after by Miss Belloni. k irk llrm ln rn . This distressing disease results from a disord red condition of the stomach, and ran be cured hr tak­ ing Chamberlain's Stomach amt Liver Tablets Get a free snmple at R. S. Know I tun's ding store au.l try it. Board by Day, WeeK or Month Sanyple ^ootqs Nice Battys Special Attention Paid to the Traveling Public. F t i h r m a n ’s I M i n r m a c y and Call and See Us Hear the Music. Arrtlno Talking Machine FREE with $25 00 cash trade and a cash payment of $2 50 uu delivery of machine. One 10 it eh record FREE with $10 00 in cash trade One 10 - iuc I i record FREE with $5 00 in cash trade every Saturday. Remember the Aietinn record fits all klud i of disc talking machines. P. E. Drane DEALER IN Faclie»’ nn d G ents’ F u r n it s h i n g H , F a n c y a n d S t a p l e Groceries, F l o u r a n d Feed. WATCHES I si $ Ti But, will, at all times, sell you sn honest Watch at a close price, and guarantee to give you full value for your money. We have tu stock for the holiday trade, a benutiful lino of ladies’ aDd gentlemen’s fine Watches which it will be a pleasure to show you if you will call. My little niece was helping herself to a cracker at tbeeupper table and sa id ‘ Please.” Then she turned to her mother and said, “ Mamma, I am getting so polite I say ’ please’ to myself. T ommy — Pa, I’ve heard you talk about Easy Street. Where is it? M r . T ucker — It’s at the farther end of a long, rough, and h illy thoroughfare, called Hard Work Street, my boy. Our selection of Holiday goods for this season surpasses ali pre- viou« effort*. We can and will please all who give us an opportunity. Tbe latest and best styles, reasonable prices and an immense variety are our three best arguments to iaduce you to come, Ooce in our store our goods will speak for themselves. Theie is so much trouble in growing old that it seems queer that some old people waut to be young, only to grow old again. SHOES II H. GRINNOLD, Prop Successor to W. A. Goodman Coquille, - - Oregon P WE NEVER M ISREPRESENT OUR GOODS. The Newest and most handsome thing in the City in AND is no class of mer­ chandise on which you must depend so much on the integrity and busi­ ness honor of a store as when buying Drug Store Goods. Few of us have the opportunity to become competent judges o( the real value of the majority of tilings ’ sold in a Drug Store and misrepresenta­ tion is easy, and, alas—not infrequent. Here you buy with a comforting assur­ ance that the goods are just what the label says. We do business on strictly business principles which will certainly appeal to you. kRO BABLY there The sale of first-class timekeepers is an important feature of out business, and the reason we are having Biich large sales In this line is owing to the fact that we sell strictly first-class Watches nt extremely low prices. and inspect the largest and most handsome line of Gents’ Furnish­ ing Goods in the City. BOOTS A Talk on Drug Store Purchases. Please Note The Following: « We Guarantee every piece of goods sold by us to be exactly as represented, and any article not giving perfect satisfaction will be cheerfully taken back and money refunded. è! E. C. BARKER & CO. s