Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, November 10, 1909, Image 1

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    Maquille Hentlfc.
Office on
F ront
Phone M ain 431.
C oqu ille, Oregon
Attorney and Coanoellor at Law.
Office in Robinson Boilding
Offlo in Robinson Building, Upstairs
Attorney and Counsellor at Law
First-class References
Fifteen Years’ Experience
C oquille C it y , O ku
Front Street
Martin Building
C o q u il l h , O regon
A. J. Sherwood,
A t t o u n KT-AT-L \ w ,
N o t a b y P c b i . io ,
C o q u ille ,
O regon
Walter Sinclair,
A t t o r n e y - a t - L a w ,
tbe only means of bringing about
sufficient interest in the movement
it to a successful finish.
GOOD ROADS to “ bring
Let this organization go out
over tbe state and educate the
countrymen up to the real impor­
Enthusiastic Meetinq Held at Port­
tance of good roads.
Let every
land For the Betterment of
community know what highwaya
will mean.
Drill into them tbe
benefits which will accrue.
everyone bow they will be individ­
Pitched to a high degree of fire
ually helped.
and energy by enthusiastic speakers,
“ Legislation for good roads must
more than 25 Portland business
be secured through concerted effort.
and professional men, members of
Office seekers and legislators must
the Good Roads association, ia
be taught that they must stand up
session last night in the conven­
for good highways or lose at the
tion hall of the commercial club,
polls. I would even suggest tbe
pledged monthly sub criptions, to
pledging plan. Make every candi­
be used in an educational cam­
date for election to tbe legislature
paign over the state.
pledge himself to support tbe good
According to the general agree­
roads movement.’’
ment, these sums are to be paid
Following Mr. Cbapman came M.
monthly by the different firms and
F. Calbach of New York, Julius
individuals for a peried of two
Meier of Meier & Frank Co., Dr. A.
With the amounts sub­
E. Rockey, John Beall & Co. and
scribed, an educational campaign
C. S. Jackson of The Oregon Daily
havmg for its purpose the building
Journal. A. Moore of the Portland
of a general system of good roads
Cement company also addressed
over the state, and the ultimate
tbe meeting.
employment of a road building ex­
of enthusiasm
pert, who will direct and lay out
were frequent and unmistakably
highways systematically will be be­
genuine. Each speaker was round­
ly applauded, and often cheers and
Enthusiasm marked the meeting handclapping broke into their re­
from the beginning.
Presiding, marks.
Evidence of the interest
Dr. Andrew C. Smith first intro­ in the movement was shown in
duced Lionel R. Webster, county the fact that long after adjourn­
judge of Multnomah county, who ment the majority remained to dis­
made a stirring address to the as­ cuss plans for organization and
sembled busiuess and professional education.
Subscription blanks were sub­
“ With good roads and systematic" mitted and several members ex­
aliy planed highways,’’ declared pressed readiness to give more than
Judge Webster, “ the freight rates
pledged if it were found that tbe
of the farmer begin at his doorway
amounts given were not sufficient
and not at the nearest railway
to properly advance the cause.
station. Within a period of one
Present plans include organization
year, any highway of the system
of good roads clubs and societies
would more than pay for itself in
all over the state, and the com-
the saving of rnilioad rates.
mencemem of an extensive cam­
“ And systems of good roads in
paign of education, both by means
Oregon would be the best adver­ of literature and lectures.
tisement for the stale that it. would
night several members professed
be possible to offer.
themselves willing to go out over
the country Oregon would soon be­
the state at once in the interests of
come advertised as a state where
tbe movement.— Portland Journal
one could travel with comfort and
- - ......
- -
speed, and a class of citizens of the . V I c l l i m l i M N l a t A l r r l t c r o i i i i n e u ' l a
higher grade would naturally be at­
( ' l i n n i l M - r l i i l i i ' » C o l l i * . CT iiilcrt t
h ail
I>mrrli<M*iA K i - i i m b .
tracted. Oregon would derive more
“ I have used Chamberlain's Colic,
benefits from a complete system of
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for
good roads than from any other
several years for diarrhoea. I con­
sider it the best remedy I have ever
“ Personally, I favor a system of tried for that trouble. I bought a
good roads all over the state, under bottle of it a few days ago from our
Redirection of the state engiueer. druggist, Mr. R. R. Brooks.
shall ever be glad to speak a word
And I am stroDgly a friend o f a
in its praise when I have the op­
great state highway running from portunity.”— Rev. J. D. Knapp,
the northern line directly down Pastor M. E. Church, Miles Glove,
through the stats to Ashland, O r.— Pa. Sold by R. S. Knowlton.
a great broad road, with majestic
L a w re n ce Resigns.
sweeps and distances.
“ But if we may not look for such
a great roadway at once, we must
satisfy ourselves with the best offer,
ed, and that is a system of good
roads all over the state.
If public
Hall & Hall,
sentiment is against snch a plan,
A t t o b n k y r - at L a w ,
get behind public sentiment and
D ealet in R e a l E st a t e o f a l l kinds.
down it.”
M arshfield, O regon.
Judge Webster suggested that
good road enthusiasts go over the
state und in each county organize
E. G. D. Holden
good roads associations, or branches
L aw yer ,
o f the Oregon association. With a
J ustice o r the P eace
8. Commissioner, General Insurance central headquarters in Portland,
he urged the members to form clubs
Agent, and Notary Pnblio. Offioe
in each of the larger towns of each
-in Robinson Building.
C oqu ille
regon .
county in the state, giving them
purpose and energy and, working
in perfect harmony, he believed
M . E. W H IT M O R E . E . F. M O K R 1SSY good roads would become an ac­
C ods
Bay Paving and Con­ complished fact.
H. B. Chapman, named by several
struction Company.
of the speakers as the road builder
general contractors
of the west, wss present aDd was
(Mans anil Estimates (liven next called upon to speak. Practi­
Concrete Bricks Stone and Timber cally a road builder, Mr. Chapman
spoke technically of the work of
Phone 151-J
getting together a system of good
OfficeB 117 Front Street, Marshfield Ore.
roads, touching briefly on accruing
“ Oregon is adapted by nature so
{ that tbe building of a great system
l of highways would be practically an
easy and inexpensive matter,’’ said
Manufacturers of
The Celebrated tierqmann Shoe \ Mr- Chapman. “ Framed to receive
The Strongest and Nearest Water the band of tbe road builde-, it
Proot shoe made for loggers, miners could be netted with such a system
prospectors and mill men.
as exists nowhere in the counirr,
021 Thurman Street
and with comparative ease.
N otary P u b iio ,
C oqu ille,
Theo. BerpanShoe Mfjr.Co.
Roseburg, Ore., Nov. 4 .—J. W.
Lawrence, for more than two years
the receiver of the United States
Land Office in this city, has re­
signed his position, and is only
awaiting for his successor to materi­
alize so that he can depart for Bend,
this state, where he will make his
future home.
While Mr. Lawrence's term does
not expire until some time in Jan­
uary, business interests in Bend de­
mand his Immediate personal atten­
tion, therefore he found it impera­
tive that he leave the government
service. Mr. Lawrence has no ink­
ling as to who may succeed him
W ha t W o u ld Y o u O n ?
In case of a burn or scald what
would you do to relieve the pain?
Such injuries are liable to occur in
any family and everyone should be
prepared for them. Chamberlain’s
Salve applied on a soft cloth will re­
lieve the pain almost instantly, aDd
unless the injury is a very severe
one, will cause the parts to heal
without leaving a scar.
Fore sale
by R S. Knowlton.
All Coos County warrants drawn
on the general fund and endorse I
prior to May 1st, 1908, will be j
paid od presentation at m y office in
Coquille,Oreg. No interest will be!
allowed on any of these warrants
after October 31th, 1909.
Dated this 27th day of Oct. 1909.
P ortland , Oazoox.
O|,iDj0n> the country plan
T. M. D i m m ic i ,
County Treasurer.
T . .
. .
of building highways is the best.
Letter heads, bill heads,envelopes,
. .
. , , ..
. . .
cards, invitations, everything that Then Mch
d.stnct be-
Registered Durock Jersey pigs,
pertains to a first-class printing es- comes interested in its highways the kind that fatten on clover, for
tablishment can be had at the and would offer the easiest solution sale by J. D. Carl, Myrtle Point,
H erald office,
'o f the problem.
Organization ie Or, Phone 101.
We have been informed on good
authority that the North Pacific
Steamship Company is making ar­
rangements to include the Coquille
river among the ports out cf which
they operate steamers, there being
in course of construction at the Wil­
lamette Iron Works, Portland, a
fine steel steamer which will cost
$ 110 ,0 0 0 and is designed to ply
between Eureka, California, and
Portland, calling in at the mouth of
the Coquille, thus giving us direct
communication with tbe state me­
tropolis and an excellent market
for a portion o f the products we
wish to ship. Portland could use a
large quantity of coal which could
be furnished from mines along the
Owing to the fact that the new
steamer will not be on the run for
some time, arrangements are made
for the steamer Newport to go on
that route take charge of the
business until the other boat is
ready to run.
This company will also place a
good river steamer on the Coquille-
Bandon run. The boat is xio feet
in length, carries 15 0 passengers
and has a speed of 18 miles per
This will be a great addition to
our already good river service.
The boat will be on the river in
January, weather permitting.
«...<><■ < .111-11 V l . ' d i r l i i c l o r C f a l l i l r<-II
F olk s
The Oregon In.
»■■<1 U r t i w n
10, 1909.
A large consignment of bricks
was landed at our wharf Thursday,
brought up by the big schooner
Oregon lor the new hank building
now in course of construction. This
is the largest schooner which has
beeu brought this fat up the river,
but she experienced 110 trouble as
she was drawing but a little more
than eight feet of water, which is
less than the tug Klebyam, which
towed her up, draws.
The appearance of the Oregon at
the dock created considerable in­
terest among many of the new
comers in this city, as it has been
several years since there has been
shipping from here by sailing craft
of any consequence.
When the
Coquille mill shipped its output by
sea-going vessels we have seen
several at one time lined up taking
on lumber.
During the manage­
ment of the mill by Bunch, Ben-
uett it Co., there were at one t'me,
five loading at our wharf.
With the removal of two or
three shoals by the dredging of
some sand and the blowing out of
the sunken trees, which caused the
sand to iorm the bars, this vessel
could carry 800,000 feet of lumber
or its equivalent in freight of any
sort from this place, while any
steamer that could come in ever the
bar could land at this dock.
snags seem to be the source of llie
greatest trouble, it being almost
impossible for steamers to get
through wknout their propellers
becoming entangled in them.
fact, if the snags were removed, the
problem of the depth o f water
would he solved, with the exception
of a short distance on the lower
river where the channel is wider
than is necessary and the scouring
force is, to a degree, lost.
could be remedied by a system of
piling which would confine tbe
water, causing it to cut the sand
and silt that settles, forming the
w ^
Hot and Cold Baths, Hair Cutting and Massag- ^
iug a Specialty.
One of the
Most Up-to-Date Shops in
p Coquille,
the City
Oregon p
> occoooc< x> ccoooooooooo
C O Q U IL L K ,
R. S. KNOWLTON, President
R. H. MAST, Cashier
M erchaijts
o f Coquille
A Reasonable Share
First Class Safety
o f Your Business Solicited
Deposit Boxes For Rent
“ We could hardly do without
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,’’
says Mrs. Flora Despain of Bloyd,
Ky. “ I found it to be so good for
croup and have used it for years.
I cau heartily recommend it for
coughs, colds and croup in children
and grown folks, too.” The nbove
shows tbe implicit confidence that
many mothers place in Chamber­
lain’s Cough Remedy, a confidence
We Carry
based on many years’ experience in
the use of it. No one need hesitate
to use tlria remedy, for it contains
no chloroform, opium or other
Boys! Girls! Columbia Bicycle
Fresh and Salt Meats.
narcotics and may be given to a Fret!
Greatest offer out.
child as confidently as to an adult.
your friends to subscribe to our We are headquarters for euerything in the meat line.
For sale by R. S. Knowlton.
magazine and we will make you a
wants always receiues prompt attention.
E L B e s s e y L oses an E ye
present of a $40.00 Columbia Bicy­
cle— the best made. Ask for par­
E. L. Bessey, the well-known
ticulars, free outfit and circular tell­
South Coos River rancher, had his
ing “ How to Start.” Address. “ The
right eye gouged out last evening
R. E. SHINE. Vine Prat
Bicycle Man,’’ 29-31 East 22d St
while chopping wood at his farm
L. H. HAZARD, Cashier
0. C. SANFORD, Asat. Cashier
New York City, N. Y.
A large stick flew up,
sti iking him with terrific force.
C r<>ii|i I ' l i K d n i n l n < l i i l i l * I . i l e
» a v e r t.
The eyelid was fearfully lacerated
and the eyeball punctured.
“ It afford« me great pleasure to
OF C O Q U IliliB , ORE GON.
Mr. Bessey was brought to the add my testimony to that of the
Geueral Hospital today and the eye­
T r a n s a c t s a G e n e ra l B a n k in g B u s in e s s
by Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy.
ball had to he removed. He suffer­
My child, Andrew, when only three
ed intense pain and will be con­ years old was taken with a severe
Board of Director!.
fined for some weeks by the in­ attack of croup, and thanks to the R. O. Dement,
A . J. Sherwood,
National Bank o Commerce, New York Cit
jury, probably.— Coos Bay Times. prompt use of Chamberlain’s Cough
L. Harlocker,
L. If. Hazard,
Crocker W ool worth N ’l B an k, San Francisc
Remedy his life was saved, and to­
Isaiah Hacker,
R. E. Shine. First Nat’l Bank of Portland, Portland,
C o o s C ounty S traw berries
day he is a robust aud healthy boy,”
says Mrs. A. Coy, Jr., of San Antonio,
A fruitgrower in Uoos county Texas. This remedy has been in
raises strawberries the year round. use for many years. Thousands of
Some of these berries are so large mothers keep it at hand, and it has
never been known to fail. For sale
that three will be enough for one
by R. S. Knowlton.
person for dessert. While this will
depend somewhat upon the capa­
A 320 acre South African Veteran
city of the guest and the generosity Bounty Land Certificate issued by
of the hostess, it is a good story, the Department of the interior,
Government of Canada, Ottawa,
nevertheless, and true enough to
under the Volunteer Bounty Act,
Accepted throughout the civilized world
entitle Coos county to immediate 1908. Good for 320 acres of any
as the most universally satisfactory il­
connection with the outside world Dominion land open for entry in
by rail. Moreover, soil and climate Alberta, Saskatewan, or Manitoba.
luminant for all purposes the Cloanest
that produce such strawberries the Any person over the age of 18
years, man or woman, can acquire
Most Convenient, and the CHEAP
year round can furnish products -in
this land with this certificate, with­
other lines in quality and abun­ out further charge. For immedi­
EST light known.
dance, for which the world is wait­ ate sale— $800.00. Write or wire
furnished by the C O Q U IL L E
L. E. Telford, 131 Shuter street,
ing.— Oregonian.
Toronto, Canada.”
R IV E R E L E C T R IC CO. is first
Carpenter*, Earners, anil Plane
Electric Light
Wanted— S a c c e s s Magazine
wants au energetic and responsible
man or woman in Coquille to col­
lect for renewals and solicit new
subscriptions during full or spare
Expel ience unnecessary.
Any one can startamong friends and
acquaintances and build up a pay­
ing and permanent business with­
out capital.
Complete outfit and
instructions free. Address, “ Von,”
Suecess Magazine, Room 103, Suc­
cess Magazine Building, New York
City, N. Y.
\ ’ "
class and up to date in every respect
The rates place it within reach of all
The following seven (7) Portland,
Ore. Hdw dealers have lately
ordered shipments of tbe celebrated
Self-Betting Planes direct from the
makers; Gage Tool Co., of ViDe-
land, N. J , viz. J. J. Kadderlr,
Coleman Hdw. Co., Adolph Dekum,
Oregon Hdw. Co., Preer Cutlery ¡fc
Tool Co., Winters Hdw. Co. and
Honeymau Hdw. Co.
Most 20 years ago Avery A
• -•» •
Opdyke sold theae planes in Port­
If local or nearby dealers don’t
N. Lorenz having sold out his
keep the Self-Setting Planes the
above shows where they can be had. large mercantile establishment on
Sails From Ainsworth Dock, Portland, Wednesdays at 8 P. M.
Several Portland orders for Self- Front street to his son, H. N. Lor­
Setting Planes aie now on the war. enz, and now a settlement with tbe
many customers to this business is
F o r B a l e — First class restaurant very necessary.
All knowing them­ VV.
M IL L E R ,
with fine business on reasonable selves to Vie indebted to this firm
terms, also new pisno. Write or are urged to come into the store PAUL L. STERLING,. AGENT, COQUILLE, PHONE No. 18
call at thio office.
xnd settle at once
N- L orexz .
Portland and Coos Bay S. S. Line
Sails for Portland Every Saturday