Coquille Herald. SH ERIFF’ S SALE OF PROPERTY. REAL NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PRO P­ Burn the... ERTY. N otice is hereby given that by an or­ Notice ¡8 hereby given, that by vir­ tue of an execution and order of aale der of the County Court of Cooe County, D F. D E A N , P R O P R IE T O R duly ¡veiled out of the Circuit Court of State of Oregon, made and entered on the State ol Oregon, for the County of the 8th day of September, A. D. 1909, County Official Paner. Cooe, and to me directed on the lltli authorizing and eni|>owering the Ad­ day of October, 1009, upon a judgment ministrator, John T. Long, of the Es­ P U B L IS H E D E V E R Y WEDNESDAY. and decree duly rendered, entered of tate of Alfred N. Ogle, deceased, to Bel! record and docketed in and by laid at private sale, the hereinafter deecrib- Dovoted to t b e m ater ial aud social np * Iding o f the Coquille Valley partionlarly Court on Jtlie lllth day of September, ed real property belonging to the Ea- 1 1 o f Coos Comity generally • 1909, in a certain suit then in said tale of Alfred N. Ogle, deceased, for the 1 □ bsoriptiou, y e ry e a r. in advanSe, 1.50 Court pending, wherein Mamie Mein- j payment of the claims against the es- tire Martin was plaintiff and L. J. Simp­ tate and charges and expenses of ad­ Phone, Main 55. son and Cassie H. Simpson were defend­ ministration. Now, therefore, in pursuance of said ants, in favor of plaintiff and against said defendants liy which execution 1 order, I, John T. Long, as Administra­ A b o u t Our R ailroads. am commanded to sell the property in tor of said estate, will on and after the New York, Oct. 21.— Robert S. said execution and hereinafter described 14th day of October, A. I). 1909. offer for sale and sell at private sale for cash; Lovett was elected president of the to pay the sum due the plaintiff of $9437.50 with interest thereon at the ten per cent, of the purchase price must Union Pacific railroad to succeed rate of 8 per cent, per annum from the be paid at the time of sale, and the bal­ Or STUTTSMAN & CO., Phone IA/ain 591 the late E. H. Harritnan, at a meet­ first day of February, 1908, until paid, ance at the time of confirmation of sale, ing of the board of directors today. together with an attorney fee of $350.00. all the following described real property E Q U IP P E D W IT H W IR e L e S. The executive committee was re­ with the costs and disbursements of belonging to the estate of Alfred N. Ogle, decased: said suit taxed at $10.20 and costs and elected with Judge Lovett as chair­ The North East (N. E.) quarter (>£) expenses of said execution. I will man, to which piace he wns elected Saturday, the 20th day of November, of Section Thirty-two (32), in Township aa Mr. Harriman's successor a few 1909, at the hour of 10 o ’clock A. M. of Twenty-five (25), Soutli of Range Ten weeks ago. said day at the front door of the Conn (10), West of the Willamette Meridian, Capt. E. D. Parsons The other members of the exocu- ty Court House, in the city of Coquille in Coos County, Oregon, containing One Hundred and Sixty (160) Acres, more livo committee aie: Henry C. Frick, Coos Connty. Oregon, sell at publicauc tion to the highest bidder for cash in or less. Marvin Hugitt, Frank A. Vanderlip, All persons desiring to purchase said band on the day of sale, all the right William Rockefeller and Jacob H. title, interest and eBtate which said de real property are hereby requested to Sails from Portland Saturdays at 8 y m. Sehiff. fendants L J. Simpson and Cassie H call on the Administrator of said estate, at his office in Roseburg, Oregon, or Simpson, and all persons claiming an A. L. Mohler, J. C. Stubbs, Julius Sails from Coos Bay Tuesdays at service of tide. lvruttschnitt and William Mahl der them subsequent to the plaintiff direct ail communications to the Ad­ mortgage in, of and to said property ministrator at Roseburg, Oregon, on were appointed vice-presidents. TH0S. B. JAMES, Agt said premises hereinbefore mentioned and after the 14th day of October, 1909. GEO. MOULTON, Agt. Messrs. Stubbs. Kruttschnitt and are described in said execution as iol Dated at Roseburg, Oregon, this 8th CoquiPe Marshfield Mahl were elected vice-president of lows, to-w it: The Southwest quarter of day of September, A. D. 1909. JOHN T. LONG, the Oregon Short Line Railroad the Southeast quarter and lot Four of Company, which is a subordinate section Thirty-six, and Tide lands front Administrator of the Estate of Alfred N. Ogle, deceased. ing and abutting upon said lot Four, all company of the Union Pacific, in ill township twenty-five South, of range addition to William H. Bancroft, fourleen west of the Willamette Merid NOTICE OF SALE OF TIDE LANDS Notice is hereby given that the State who was re-elected to the same ian. Land Board of the State of Oregon, will office. All four are made members Keeps in stock a complete line of Rough and Bell to the highest bidder, at its office in Said sale being made subject to re­ Capitol Building at Salem. Oregon, of the executive committee of the demption in the manner provided by the on December 14, 1909, at 10:00 o ’clock Dressed Lumber, Flooring, Rustic, Ceiling, Oregon Short Line Railroad Com­ law. A. M. of said day, all the State's inter­ Dated this 18th day of October, 1909 est in the tide and ov- --.„w lands here­ Mouldings, etc. pany. inafter described, giving, however, to W . W . GAGE Tbe annual report of tbe Union the owner or owners of any lands abut­ Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon. ting or fronting on such tide and over­ Pacific Railroad Company for the By C. A . Gage, Deputy. flow lands, the preference right to pur­ Our Dry Sheds are roomy and are filled with year ended June 30 last shows: chase said tide ami overflow lands at the highest price offered, provided such off­ Gross revenue from transporta SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL er is made in good faitli; and also pro­ the most complete stock of Finishing Lumber tion operations $78,750,961, an in viding that the lam) will not lie sold nor PROPERTY. in the Coquille Valley. any offer therefor accepted for less than crease of $2,711.235; net revenue Notice is hereby given, that bv vir­ $5.00 per acre, the board reserving the from transportation after payment tue of an execution and order of sale right to reject any and all bids. Said lands are situated in Cooe county, Estimates gladly furnished, of operating expenses and taxes, duly issued out of the Circuit Court of Prices as low as Oregon, and described as follows. $38,234,814, an increase of $3,623,- the State of Oregon, for the County of Beginning at a point on the meander Cooe, ami to me directed on the 13th day line of the Coquille River at the north­ the lowest. 113; income other than from trans­ of October, 1909, upon a judgment and west corner of lot 6, which said point is portation operations, including in­ decree duly rendered entered of record 1320 leet east and 1965 feet north from terest on bonds and stocks owned, and docketed in and by said Court on corners sections 17, 18, 19 and 20, run­ ning thence along meander line as fol­ $17,736,393, an increase of $1,716,- the 29th day of September, 1909, in lows, to w it: certain suit then in said Court pending, South 84 degrees east 130 feet. Soutli 701. Phone 331 wherein Annie M. Stewart was plaintiff 74 degrees, 45 minutes east, 492 feet. After payment of the dividends and William M. Carver and Lydia Car­ North 96 feet to low water line. North 75 degrees 15 minutes west 257 feet along of 4 per cent on tbe preferred stock, ver were defendants, in favor of plaintiff low water line. North 73 degrees ten and 10 per cent on the common and against said defendants, by which minutes west 232 feet. North 80 de­ grees west 137 feet. South 100 feet to stock, the total surplus from trans­ execution I am commanded to sell the dace of beginning, containing 1.31 acres, property in said execution and herein portation operations and from other leing tide land fronting on west half of after described to pay the sum due the incomes for the year was $17,939,- plaintiff of $1000.00, with interest at lot 6, section 17, tp. 28 soutli, range 14 west of W. M. 250, an increase of $5,749,498. Applications and bids should be ad- are distinctly Edison Phonograph evenings. Nobody wants to do any­ the rate of ten per cent, per annum The report sets forth that since from the 18th day of March, 1908, tin lressed to G. G. Brown, Clerk State thing but listen. Here is an idea—a new one. [.and Board, Salem, Oregon, and the close of the fiscal year the re­ til paid,an attorney fee of $100.00 togeth marked “ application and bid to pur­ Get an Edison Phonograph. If you already have one, tnen you should er with the costs and disbursements ol chase tide lands.” have some of the latest records. maining shares of Great Noi them G. G. B r o w s , said suit taxed at $11.80 and costs and We now have the complete book of Edison records in stock. Iron Ore properties have been sold, Clerk State Land Board. expenses of said execution. I will on Dated this Sept. 28, 1909. If pou haveut the four minute ottachment for playing the uew four and $2,933,334 realized from the Saturday, the 20th day of November, minute records, come in und see them, and hear the records. L'bey are sale. With the exception of 7249 1909, at the hour of 10 o ’ clock A. M. ol fine. shares (par value $100 each of said day, at the front door of the Coun­ Catalogues of machines and lecords will be sent on application free of Northern Securities Company ty Court House in the City of Coquille, Coos Connty, Oregon, sell at public charge. "stubs”) the company has sold all auction to the highest bidder for cash the stock of the Northern Securities in hand on the day of sale all the right, Company, of the Great Northern title, interest and estate which said de­ Rnilwny Company, and of tbe fendants William M. Carver and Lydia Northern Pacific Railway Company, Carver, and all persons claiming under them subsequent to the lien of Plain­ TO received in tbo distribution of the tiff in, of and to said property, said assets of the Northern Securities premises hereinbefore mentioned are Company, and the stock subse­ described in said execution as follows quently acquired by subscription to-w it: Lot eight of block twenty- 1C Did you stop to consider that a building made rights. The sum realized from three, in Browns addition to the town II OU out of cement blocks is almost indestructable of Myrtle Point, in Cooe County, State v ia these sales amounted to $147,377,- aud fireproof? of Oregon. 341. UNION PACIFIC Said sale being made subject to re­ Did you stop to consider that the first cost is almost the There was appropriated during demption in the manner provided by OREGON SHORT LINE last cost? the year for additions, betterments law. THE OREGON Did you stop to consider that sand and gravel, washed and Dated this 15th day of October, 1909. equipments, terminal properties and W . W. GAGE. RAILROAD & NAVIGATION 00. cleaned by the ocean, together with proper proportion of for the construction or acquisition Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon. Portland cement, makes the finest blocks and bricks in the SOUTHERN PACIFIC of new lines, the sum of $48,178,881. By C. A. Gage, Deputy, ROUSE COAL THE BEST COAL IN COOS COUNTY $5 Per Ton Leave Orders With Harry Portland and Coos Bay S. S. Line B R E A K W A T E R Sails for Portland Every Saturday Sails From Ainsworth Dock, W. F. PA U L L. M IL L E R , S T E R L IN G . Portland, Wednesdays at 8 P. M. Agent, AGENT. Marshfield, C O Q U IL L E , Oregon PHONE NO. 18 Flanders Incandescent Electric Light Steamer Alliance Coos Bay and Portland Prest Accepted throughout the civilized world h e as the most universally satisfactory il- Button luminant for all purposes the Cleanest, Most EST light known. and That furnished by here R IV E R you Johnson Lumber Co. Convenient, and the CHEAP the E L E C T R IC C O Q U IL L E CO is first have class and up to date in every respect it. The rates place it within reach o f all FRANK MORSE, Prop, COQUILLE, ORE. A S M A G A Z IN E Yard and Office, Froqt St. near Depot. The Hammock And Porch-Weather Evenings LO W R a t e s O re g o n Tbe expenditures for account of these improvements amounted to $22,637,380, leaving $25,641,501 unexpected, which amount has been brought over into the current fiscal year. The annual report shows that during the year the Union Pacific sold Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul common stock amounting to $4,612,- 500 par value; all of its Great Northern stock, par value, $3,578,- 600, and all its Northern Pacific, par value, $1,914,400. The com. pany acquired 23,769 shares of Illinois Central during the year. Wanted-—S u c c e s i Magazine wants an energetic and responsible mtu or woman in Coquille to col­ lect for renewals and solicit new subscriptions during full or spare time. Expet ience unnecessary. Any one can start among friends and acquaintances and build up a pay ing and permanent business with­ out capital. Complete outfit and instructions free. Address, “ Von,1 Success Magazine. Room 103, Suc­ cess Magazine Puilding, New York City, N. Y. -------------------- A 320 acre South African Veteran Bounty Land Certificate issued by the Department of the interior, Government of Canada, Ottawa, under the Volunteer Bounty Act, 1908. Good for 320 acres of any Dominion land open for entry in Alberta, Saskatewan, or Manitoba Any person over tlie age of 18 years, man or woman, can acquire this land with this certificate, with­ out further charge. For immedi­ ate sale $800 00. Write or wire L. E. Telford, 181 Shu ter street, Toronto, Canada,” NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice is hereby given that tlie under* signed, administrator of the Estate of Win n if red Gaffey, deceased, did upon the 15th day of October, A. I). 1909, tile his final report and account in the mat­ ter of said estate, and that the judge of the County Court of Coos County, Ore­ gon, has named Thursday, the 18th day of November, A. I>. 1909 as the day, and the Court House at Coquille, Coos Coun­ ty, Oregon, as the place for hearing ob­ jections to said final account and for the settlement of said estate. Dated this 20th day of October, A. D. 1909. J. R. McGee, Administrator. $3 From Chicagro $ 3 0 .6 0 From St. Louis $ 2 5 From Omaha 52 From Kansas City TO THE PUBLIC W rit« letters to everybody you know in the East and tell them about these low colonist rates. Bend them liter» tore about Oregon, or send their ad. dresses to us and we will do it. In this way you can tie a great help in the growth and progress of your State. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. YOU CAN PREPAY FARES Notice is hereby given that R. S. Knowlton has ln*en appointed adminis­ trator of the estate of W. L. Havter, deceased, and that all persons having claims against said estate art» required to present the same duly verified to the undersigned at his store at Coquille City, Coos County, Oregon, together with the proper vouchers therefor, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated this 4th dav of September, A. D. 1909. R. S. K now lton , Administrator. for anyone from any place if you want to. I)*'posit the necessary amount with our local agent ami lie will telegraph ticket promptly. General Passenger Agent The Oregon Railroad A Navigation Co. outliern Pacific Co. (Lines in Oregon.) PORTLAND. OR EGO NOTICE TO CREDITORS. KW T The safe and reliable twin- mfm Inquire of Agente or write to WM. McMURRAY Notice is hereby given that the under­ signed has l>een duly appointed admin- fl^ T T h e New and Speedy, strator of the estate of Elizabeth | Pomeroy, deceased; and all persons having claims against the said estate are required to present the same, with Capt. Olsan. Master the proper vouchers, within six months Will make regular trips between from the date of this notice, to the f undersigned at the office of J. J. Stanley, in the City of Coquille, in the County i C o q u ille River an.J San of Cooe and State of Oregon. F ra n c isco . listed this 27th day of October, 1909. N o S top -over at W a y Porta H. N. LORENZ, Administrator of the Estate of Electric Lights. Everything in First Class " Stjrl la. Elizabeth Tomeroy, Deceased, S tr. E liz a b e th E. C. B AR K ER & CO Do You Intend to Build? world. Yours for business, COQUILLE CON C RETE WORKS FRED S L A G -I iE T A IL O R COQUILLE. F irst-C lass S ervies. A T THE - - OREGON M «*Is a t all H oupi F r o m 6 • m to 9 p m . Skookum Restaurant, C. A . H A R R IN G T O N , P rop rietor W« fflak s R a t e s to rég u lai« B oa i*d «i> i. APRIL HO* , . FIV® CENTS * COPY N E W I D E A P ï l B L I SH I N G C O M P AN Y TO OUR REA D ERS We have critically examined all the magazines published for women and the home, and without hesitation we have selected the NEW IDEA WOMAN'S MAGAZINE as by far the greatest value for the money we have ever seen offered by any publisher. All its features are superbly illus­ trated—the latest styles in fashion being depicted iu color plates, halt-toues and drawings. It is the most complete housekeeping guide purchased. Not only does it excel in fashion news aud housekeeping suggestions, but every topic of feminine interest is handled in a prac­ tical, entertaining way. Every issue contains many fascinating stories by the highest paid writers in the world. By special arrangement with the publishers we are able to offer all our readers a Special Bargain $2.00 IN VALUE THE COQUILLE HERALD - NEW IDEA WOMAN S MAGAZINE - B p e e la l A t t e n t io n G iv e n to C ö f l l m s P s l ä l Men NEW YORK BOTH FOR FOR $1.65 ONE YEAR ONE YEAR TOTAL VALUE ONLY $1.50 .50 $2.00 $1.65 S cM it oí Coquille Hiver Transportation C c ip y Bandon 6:30 A. 1:30 p. 7 A. 11:30 A. 1:30 A. 4:30^ P. USE THIS COUPON The Herald Publishing Co., G e n t l e m e n : —Enclosed find $1.65 for which enter my subscription to the New Idea Woman’s Magazine and your paper, both for one year. Name Add resa