I ___ ■ - I 1%. I T I V Geo. Lorenz, of Bandon, was iu J. S. Lyons went to Marshfield a . B. Daly came over from tt]e Coquille Monday. Monday. bay Monday. Full suits for men at Robinson's. 1 D. W. Baker was in from Lee Those men’s suits at Robiusou’s Chas. Bansch was a Coquille visi are tbe latest fall styles. J. W. Bell, of Norway, was i n . yesterday. tor from Coaledo Monday. Coquille Friday. Vane vane Garten uarten arrived arriveu irom from a trip New Goods, New Goods at Hob- Rubbers, Rubbers, Rubbers, ¡ o r to Eugene yesterday. Three caus of Our Choice Toma- iusou's. everybody at Robinson’s. tots for 25 c, at Hose’s Cash Store. New line o f Warner’s Rust Proof K. E. Hampton was down Irom A, J. Radabaugb, of Norway, bad LOCAL N E W S . R. M. Hayter was down from Arago Friday. He is thinking of taking a trip to the springs for the benefit of his health, being troubled with rheumatism. Come in and See What Robinson’s new line of ladie’s tail­ ored suits are here. I SC Ratliff Lawhorn who suffered a Corsets just in at Robinson's store. D. C. Krautz was down irom Arago Monday. business in town yesterday. partial stroke of paralysis some j Arago ou Saturday. C. I. Green, of Lampa, had busi­ Saws gummed, filed and set at Call at Robinson’s and see the weeks ago is improving. When ( Quick & Curry's shop. ness which called him to Coquille C. A. Peterson, of Riverton, was | loug wool capes for ladies’, first attacked both limbs were im -; Monday. in Coquille Saturday. County Commissioners' court is A. Davis, of Bandon, is up attend moble, but he is gaining the use ot John Williams, of Prosper, was in session today. New trunks aud suit cases, all ! business matters before the county the left, and his many friends sin­ in Coquille Saturday. sizes and kinds, at Rose’s Cash Store. Donald Charleston was up from court. cerely hope that he may soon over-! Mrs. E. W. Fahy, of Bullards, come his affliction. Ladies, you can buy a Reduce— U Bandon Monday. Robert Maddox who was injured returned Monday from a visit at Corset at Hose's Cash Store. Full Btock of grass seed at at Cody’s camp some weeks ago, You will be Surprised to see the Enormour Values Thoroughbred Berkshire pigs, j Knowlton's Drug Store. North Bend. both sex, for sale by J. C. Watson improving nicely. Dr. Eudicott, the dentist, return­ we are giving For a nice fresh steak phone No. Hay, grain, flour and groceries ed Thursday from a trip to Port­ Gents', Ladies’ and Children’s Mrs. Bert McCloskey passed 't 2 1 . Slagle Bros. always on hand at Lyons A Jones. through to the bay by Thursday's I coat sweaters at Robinson’s. land. Don’t miss seeiug those swell Mr. and Mrs. Ed Clinton re­ train Qn her way to their home ou 1 Steve and Ed Gallier, the Ban­ Lyons A Jones for shoes. Boy’s don hotel men, were Coquille busi turned from a few days’ visit at the the ranch in Lake county. Mr. and H igh tops $3.00 and $¡¡.50 per pair. comforts at Lyous A Jones. bay on Monday. Mrs. McCloskey had been out to J. G. Leveue, of Baudon, came ness visitors yesterday. L. A. La whom was iu from the Call up Lyons A Jones by phone Norway and Myrtle Point visiting Children’s bats and caps in large farm near McKinley the last of the up Monday and paid his mother a variety and style at O. Wilson A and get youreorder filled promptly. for a week or more. Mr. McClos­ short visit. week. Co’s. key returned horseback. Fine stock o f yarn just in at G. H. Guerin, the Myrtle Point Miss Waldvogle, one of the upper Dave Drew was up from the Two hotel man, greeted many friends Avoid the annoyance of preparing river tenchors, was in Coquille Sat­ Robiuson’s. Sunday dinner by going to tbe Mile homestead yesterday and re while in Coquille on Monday. urday. It. O. Helm and family, late ar­ Baxter. ported big crops on the new place. Registered Berkshire pigs for New and up-to-date suits for boys rivals from Michigan, are now liv­ Mrs. Chaa. Zevely was over from Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! For big, sale— both sex. J. C- Watson, Co­ ing in town. uud little lots ut Robinson's. Empire Friday making prepara­ quille. little, old and young, at Rose’s Cash Mat tin liundlemau, of I'arkeis- I See the Heavy Flannel Shirts at Eugene O’Connell, a prominent tions to move their household goods Store. burg, ha.l busiutss in Coquille Sat­ Lyons A Jones, just the thing for Attorney Geo. P. Topping was business man of Marshfield, was in to that place. Mr. Zevely is teach­ winter. urday . ing in that district and they will re­ up from Bandon yesterday attend Coquille between trains Monday. Telephone for meat to he deliver­ Harry Finn di rs, the teamster side in Empire for some time. Be Get your shoes at Lyons A Jones, ing to business at the county seat. will fill orders for House coal. ed at any time from Slagle Bros, fore returning Mis. Zevely paid a there stock is new and up-to-date Make your washing easy by ua John llamblock, of Parkersburg, Phone No, 2 1 . visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. P. L. Phelan, of Myrtle ing Washing Tablets at Drane’s was n business visitor to this city on L. E. Brown, the Myrtle Point J. L. Briggs, near Riverton. Point, went to Marshfield Monday store. Thursday. merchant, was a passenger to the Those wash suits are just the to see her father, John Nasburg. Ray Hains, of Myrtle Point, went For a good smoke try the El bay on Monday. thing for you to buy at O. Wilson Have you looked through that A Co’s. , Just arrived, gents’ , ladies’ and to Marshfield ou Mondav to get Toro, at the Oregouian. children’s wool underwear at Rob­ some sweet goods for his confection­ stock ot ladies’ tailored suits at Verner Barker was in from Fair- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hunt, of Robinson’s? ery. iuson’s. view Saturday, taking out winter Bnudou, were in Coquille Thursday Dr. and Mrs. Endicott, of Myrtle supplies. He informs us the road For Trade.— A good span of Attorney C. F. McKnight, ol between boats. Marshfield, had business at the horses for milch cows. Pacific Real Point, were the guests of 8 . J. is getting quite muddy, but is not Estate Co. J. A. Ham block, of Bullards, had county seat Monday. Lyons and family in this city Sun­ yet impassable. Some trees have business which called him to Co­ For Sale— The well-known regis day. T. B. Wheeler, ot Bandon, was fallen across the road, but we under­ quille Thursday. Did you get a pair of those high- stand they have been n moved. Mr. in town yesterday, »ml offended tered stallion, “ Bruce Wilkes.’ Will take cattle or sheep in part top shoes at Lyons A Jones? All Barker came in over the new road, Ladies’ Coats, Capesaud Sweaters his visit to My rtle Point. payment. Z. C. Strang, Gravel sizes for little folks. at Robinson’s store. which, when finished up iu good Come in and visit our Racket and Toy De- Secure a footing on the road to A fine carload of beef cattle went success by depositing your savings Ford. K. nolverson has opened a Tailor shape, will be a great improvement partment. C. M. Goodman A Co., dealers Shop one door west of the Sentinel over the old. from Myrtle Point to the Bay by iu the Farmer’s A Merchant's Bank, in new aud second band goods. office. He doea all kinds of tailor­ Thursday’s train. Just arrived, new suits for fall, Phone deliveries made promptly Phone No. 364. ing. All work guaranteed. in all tbe latest patterns and styles at Thomas Deveieux, of near Park­ from the new meat market of Sla­ Mrs. Edward Boyd and daughter, For Sale.— A good, young saddle Robinson’s. ersburg, was a business visitor in gle Bros. Phone No. 2 r. Miss Esther, started Monday on mare, also young work horse. this city on Suturday. Allred Johnson returned Thurs­ Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kelly, of a trip to Ogden, Salt Lake and Frank Burkholder, Coquille, Oreg. day from Roseburg, bringing in Don’t forget that the Margaret this city, returned Monday from a other points in Utah. They will be Mrs. J. L. Offield came in from his brother, E. E. Johnson, and lies Co. is due here about the 18th. visit with Mr. and Mrs. Elwood, of joined by Mr. Boyd. tbe farm, near (his city, the last of wife, who had been absent for \ R. Updike, a late arrival from Riverton. O. Wilson A Co. have just re the week, and is the guest of her several weeks. They bad been in Grocery and Racket Department—Front Street Michigan, moved with his family For Sale.— A gray mare. Guar­ ceived a full and complete line of mother, Mrs. Matt Goodman. Portland, but spent most o f the into a house on Spurgeon Hill lately. anteed. childrens’ bats and caps. Apply to Thos. Ashton, Begin now to provide for a “ rainy time at Oakland, California, where near Lampa Creek, Coquille River. The steamer Elizabeth was in at day,’’ by placing your earnings in Mrs. Johnson underwent a severe W. Van Decar, o f Myrtle Point, When you are in a hurry for din­ Bandon and on Monday large shook hands with friends in this the Farmer's and Merchant’s Bank. operation, for appendicitis and city Wednesday as be was on his ner aud want a nice tender steak quantities of freight werb brought Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Collier floating kidney. She is improving that will cook quickly, phone No up for onr merchants by the Dis­ way to Bandon. moved up from the farm four miles rapidly and her many friends hope 21 . Slagle Bros. patch. Tbe Elizabeth sailed yes­ J. A. Peart, the strawberry man, below town last week, and are now to see her in perfect health in a short Now is the time to have your terday. has plants for sale— $5 per thous­ occupying their home in this place. time. windows and doors rescreened. and. Parties wishing coal from the Quick A Curry has the galvanized W. C. Laird, the House Furnish­ The mill is running— place your C. T. Cessna was up from River­ screening. Rouse mine will apply to Harry orders for wood at the mill office or er, has just received a full and com­ ton Saturday. He informs us that plete line of wall paper. W. U. Dougins was over from Flanders. with J. B. Pointer. 1 is little son, whom Mrs. Cessna took Marshfield the first of the w.ek, The board of equalization will be C. B. Zeek, of Bandon, passed Jas. D. Clinton went to Bandon to California for bis health, is much looking altar the interests of llie in stssion again Monday, on which through town one day last week on ^R O B A B L Y there is no class of mer­ Monday, again taking a lot of his improved. lelepbone company. He also vis­ date complaints from Marshfield will his way to the Umpqua and Rogue fine “ King of Thompkins County” chandise on which you must depend There will be a mask ball given ited Bandon 'vhile on this side. be beard, and tbe day following River valleys. He informs us that apples. This time be took 150 at Sumner ou the evening of Satur­ so much on the integrity and busi­ Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McDaniel, those from tbe Coquille people will boxes, packed carefully, each apple he is making rapid progress in pro­ day, November 6 th. All who dance former residents of this city, who be given attention. curing a list of names for a member­ ness honor of a store as when buying being wrapped in a separate paper. should make a note of this. A good have siuce resided at the bay and Get your table legs turned at The boxes bore the beautiful label ship for a Camp of Sous of Veterans, Drug Store Goods. Few of us have the time is assured. Mr. Zeek for a time at Roseburg, came in Qujck A Curry’s. They have some ot the Coos County Fruit Growers’ U. S. A., at this place. opportunity to become competent judges patterns already out. Hard wood, organized a camp at Bandon re­ Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Kribs, of from the latter place by Sunday Association. Mr. Clinton deserves $ 1 per set. of the real value of the majority of things cently, a report of which will be Lakeside, are out visiting relatives morning’s stage, proceeding to a good price for his apples, and will E. C. Gay, who has resided on the found in another column in this sold in a Drug Store and misrepresenta­ and friends at Myitle Point and Marshfield by train. doubtless get it, as this is one ot Everyone eligible to mem­ Arago. Probably this will be the Ladies— When looking for toe Frederick place down the river the the favorite varieties and a very paper. tion is easy, and, alas— not infrequent. bership should see that Mr. Zeek last time they will come out until rubbers call on Lyons A Jones, they past year, has three good horses, a choice fruit. Here you buy with a comforting assur­ spring wagon and harness and also has all the help necessary to bring alter the winter storms are over. can fit you. When you go along the street, ance that the goods are just what the a good 6 bp. gasoline engine for about the organization as soon as notice the people who are smiling. possible. label says. W e do business on strictly sale. Good bargains are offered. They are Billy Scbroedcr’s custom­ business principles which will certainly F or S a l e — First class restaurant ers. Why? Get that happy look with fine business on reasonable appeal to you. — now. terms, also new piano. Write or P. H. M. Smith, of Tillamook, call at this office. was a Coquille visitor one day last The Ladie’a Home Mission So­ We have a few broken lots—that is several lines o f suits o f which week. Mr. 8 mith is an Oregon pi­ ciety of tbe M. E. Church, South, we have sold all but a few sizes. In order to “ clean up” our stock oneer, and was in Coos county in will open a bazaar in tbik city next we will offer these suits—VALU ES from $12.00 to $16.00 at $9.85. 1869, during which season he work­ Wednesday, November 10 th. A Blue Serges, Blacks, aB well as several li nes o f fancy suits are ed on the farm of Wm. Perry at included in this line. liberal patronage will be highly ap­ Norway. In ’73 be returned, living preciated. Posters will be out soon. on Coos bay for some time after a These suits are from I f you contemplate papering sojourn in other parts of the state your house or any portion of it, see our regular stoch, and Call and See Us a n d He the fine line of wall paper at W. C. during the intervening years. represent the NEWEST Hear the Music. is highly pleased with the prog­ Laild’s STYLES of the BEST NEW H. A. Moody and family who re­ ress we are making, and may some YORK MAKERS. See Our Window Display cently arrived here from Wiscon- time interest himself here and be­ W e have received a ship­ AretiDO Talking Machine ment of nice fresh Cranber­ sin are moving into the residence come one of us. FREE with $•25.00 cash trade Don’t kick about hard tiroes; come ries, and are selling them of 8 . J. Miller in the north part of and a cash payment of $2 50 town. Mr. Moody is a thorough in and get a good watch or a dia­ for on delivery of machine. One sawmill man, having had twenty mond. Look prosperous and you 10 inch record FREE with 15c per lb, 2 lbs for 25c years’ experience in the east. will be prosperous. Billy Sehroe- $10.00 in cash trade. One 10. Registered Durock Jersey pigs, der. inch record FREE with $5.00 the kind that fatten on clover, for The barn of Rev. W. B. Smith on in cash trade every Saturday. sale by J. D. Carl, Myrtle Point, Fishtrap burned from some un­ Remember the Aretino record Or. Phone 101. known cause on Monday. There The Store o f Big Values fits all kinds of disc talking and Little Prices. J. B. Davia come down from tbe was a large amount of hay, pota­ machines. NI/ W W W W NI/ W W w M / M / N l/ N I/A N I/ \ l / M / NI/ N )/ N|/ \ ) / NJ/ \|/ \|/ Ni/ N l/ N l/ home of his son George yesterday. toes. e tc , in the building, most of /T v / k / I n /IN / k T in / in / in / in / k /l \ 7i\ / in U /Ì n / I n / k /IN / in / in T1 n / in / i n / I n /T n /I n / N The old gentlemaa is looking and which was destroyed. A horse and * fee'ing fine, but still carries bis arm buggy and some articles were re- CALL ON * ; in a sling as a result of a fall h 6 got moved by the person first arriving * L. COCHRAN. Proprietor \j/ some weeks ago while doing some at the scene. Tlure was some * DEALER IN Nj/ | carpentering about the place, when bailed straw in the barn which was >K and inspect the largest n |^ he sustained a fractured collar bone. put up damp, and it is thought pos­ * and most handsome L ,a d ie a ’ ond G e n ts' F u r n is h in g s , Hot and Cold Baths, Hair Cutting and Massag­ ^ ■ Mr. and Mrs. Z. Gregory were in sible that spontaneous combustion * line of Gents’ Furnish­ F a n c y a n d S t a p l e G r o c e r ie s , F lo u r ^ town yesterday. They informed us was the cause of the fire. ing a Specialty. * ing Goods in the City. a n d F e e d . ^ that a recent letter from his son YOU Will have to hurry if you * One of the Most Up-to-Date Shops in the City ^ , Leon conveyed the sad news of the want that elegant gold watch for * ^ death of his nine-year old son. No Xmas. Several of my customers The Newest and most * handsome thing in the Q p g O T Q M ^ cause of death was given, but that have pretty good chances now. * City in ® ^ t'l® little fellow had been taken Come in «od S' see me. Billy BOOTS AND SHOES Schroeder » "» y » » « e n iy . Will Buy and You Can Get Unheard of Values You Are Welcome O . W IL S O N & C O . A Talk on Drug Store Purchases. P SPECIAL Alterations $ 9.85 ~ SUITS Free Cash Only I HUB CLOTHING L SHOE CO. % )ZSZSZS5ZS2 What’s Better Than Cranberry Sauce? F u h r m e n ’s P h a r m a c y 0. WILSON & CO THE O. K. BARBERSHOP D. L. Perkins P. E. Drane Coquille, ’ an Ad in the tjearld W 5c 10c 15c 20c 'k For