M E Church, South. Cquile Herald. The Woman’s Home Mission So­ ciety will hold their bazaar, com­ WEDNESDAY, NOV. 3, 1909 mencing Wednesday, November ’ 10 th. Watch for detailed an- l.ocal advertisements among local ) nouncement later. r e a d i n g five cents per line each inser­ Sunday morning the pastor will tion. Cards c i thanks 50 cents each, obituary poetry five cents |>er line. preach on the subject, “ Let Not Resolutions ot Condolence and lodge 1 Sour Heart be Troubled.” advertising five cents per line. The third and last act o f "The | Drama of Life” will be presented Expression of Thanks | Sunday night. The subject is "The The Ladies’ Aid Society desires Wanderer’s Return." Try to hear t ) take this opportunity of express the last sermon of the series. in ' their sincere and hearty thanks Large crowds have heard the first to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Robinson for two, and a good interest seems their gift of $ 85.50 to them, on their manifest. Special music at each service sale day. Both proprietors and Everybody cordially invited. employees vied with each other to in ike it pleasant for the girls who Masson O Conner helped with the sale, and all passed as pleasantly as could be wished. Dr. J. L. Masson, veterinary sur. Mrs. J. C. Richmond, Mrs. Brown, geon of this city, was united in Miss Jesse ¡Sweet and the Rev. Mr. marriage at Fortuna, Calif , on Sun­ Holliday rendered valued help for day, the 24th, the bride being Miss which we thank them. Dr. Rich­ Evelyn O’Conner, daughter of Dr. mond captured the prize for the D. L O’Conner, of that city, the Ingest cash purchase; others were ceremony being performed by Rev. corse in the race. Hoping a suc­ Mr. Watson of Fortuna. Dr. cessful business life to both Mr. and I Masson left for California last Fri­ Mrs. Robinson, we are day and returned to Myrtle Point Yours respectfully, with his bride Tuesday. They Mas. J as . N oslkk , have rented the Chas. Southmajd house and have commenced house­ Mas. R. H. S mith , keeping there. Dr. Masson has Mas. L. B. T ozier , been in Myrtle Point for several Committee. months practicing hie profession » «•» — -------- - and has made many friends here Dairyman’s Meeting who will unite in extending con­ gratulations and welcoming the There will be a dairyman’s meet­ bride to her new home.— Myrtle Point Enterrtrise. ing held in Coquille on Nov. 27 th, for the purpose of perfecting an To the Public organization, the object of which I wish to correct the impression will be the promotion of the best in­ terests of our dairy people in gen­ of some that I am the Dr. Kelly who era). A rousiug meeting of a full lived near hero several years ago representation ot those interested is I came direct from Pennsylvania three years ago, and shortly there­ desired. after located at Ilandon. I prac­ ticed medicine continuously in the NOTICE. All Coos County warrants drawn east for twenty-five years. Dr. J. D. K elly . on the general fund and endorse I prior to May 1st, 1908, will be paid on presentation at my office in For Rent—Good dairy farm, car­ Coquille, Oreg. No interest will be ries 15 to 20 cows. 15 good cows allowed on any of these warrants on place for sale, alao 15 head of nfter October 31th, 1909. Dated this 27th day of Oct. 1909. young stock, farming implements, separator, etc. For particulars see T. M. D immick , County Treasurer. C. I. Green, Lampa. >ooooooooooc< > o o < x x x x > o o c «< m With the Closing of the Tail. ADDITIONAL LOCAL Seattle, W n„ Oct. 29.— With the closing of the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition, Washington State Uni­ versity, on whose campus the fair was held, become« » large benefi­ ciary. The board of r< gents inherit property valued at $1,(158,088. Of thia amount, $600,0110 represents permanent buildings erected by the state and loaned to the fair; $207,- 935 represents seml-permanent buildings put up by the state now available for the university and the balance consists of improvements ; to the campus and structures put j up by other interests, which have been bequeathed to the University. This makes the Seattle institution one of the best equipped in the whole country. On a rainy day, when in town, drop in and get one of those um­ brellas at Rose’s Cash Store. The official figures show that 3,740,551 persons passed through the exposition gates during its 138 days. The gross income to dnte amounts to $1,519,438 14, which will read a million and a half when all collections have been made. Ad­ mission uetted $1,096,475, the re­ mainder coming from concessions, revenues and other rentals. After all debts have keen paid, at least a hundied thousand dollars will he left to apportion among the original stock holders. In reviewing the success of the exposition, the Post Intelligencer says: “ As a simple matter of justice, it ought to be said that the newspapers of the state have helped to make it a sue cess; indeed, uo other single in­ fluence has contributed more to the success of the exposition than the influence of the intelligent and pro­ gressive newspaper-makers of the state.” Instantly Killed CIRCULATION The L arger the Circulation, the More Sure the Results When you are in need of job printing-printing that is printing­ printing that is printed right, you should » INVESTIGATE W e don’ t w ant all your Money— just a little o f it will do THE r.q HERALD W e are here to stay with you — Get our price» and you will stay with us > 0000000000 ^ MILL W O O D Leave orders with Allie Miller or at Mill office. extra load with each ton ordered R ough and D ressed L um ber M o u ld in g s , E tc. j AASEN BROS., of all Coquille, Oregon. One K in d s , W. L enevk , C oquille , O n . House Moving. - Wickham A * B y J. J. D. Myers, who recently moved down from Remote, lias purchased the residence vacated by Mr tint Mrs. Burkholder when they moved to their beautiful new home The cottage purchased by Mr. Myers was'bnilt a year or so ago by Mr. Burkholder, and is a ueat, conven­ ient and modem home, with which its new owner is much pleased. Four citv lots, for residence. The shoes tor woodsmen; Tozier’s The best buy in the city. —S. F. Shoes. The gloves for wear 6 o acres river bottom land, no Logger Fear Gloves. E. L. Tozier. improvements, on county road and Price $ 65.00 per acre. J. VV. Brewer, of Guatemala, who railroad. 115 acre farm, 4 miles lrom Co­ has been here visiting his father, House, P. H. Brewer, of Kisbtrap. for a quille, on county road. barn and other outbuildings, good Toiler's Celebrated Logger couple of weeks, started for his orchard. Price $ 6250 . 00 . $200000 Shoes have won popularity with the home Friday. cash, balance on easy terms. woods boys. E. L Tozier maker, Lyons k Jones have a large liue 36 acres all bottom land, 10 or Coquille. of comforts and blankets to choose more acres in cultivation, balance Price from. Give us a call, our prices j easily cleared; barn only. $ 4000.00 are right. 1 180 acre farm, all bottom land, I w a n t to thank the gentleman 100 or more acres cleared. Fine who bought the beautiful opal ring house and barn, all necessary farm­ H. H. ORINNOLO, Prop. last week, also the lady who pur­ ing tools, 35 dairy cows. Price per Successor to \V. A. Goodman chased the elegant back comb and ocie $ 112.00 - • Oregon 80 acres, 35 acres bottom land, to Coquille, the gentleman who purchased the acres in cultivation, house and barn, carving set, for their patronage. 5 millions feet fine timber. J mile Is prepared to do all kinds of Also the other customers who came Irons railroad. Price $ 7500 . 00 . The House Moving on short notice. in to see me. Tell others to come timber is worth more than the price Jack Screws for Rent. too. Appreciatively, Billy Scbroe- asked. ro acres, all bottom, in cultivation, der. on Coquille river, J mile from Co­ Charges R e a s o n a b l e . J L. Briggs arrived in town Fri­ quille. House and barn.— $ 2500 . day morning from an extended trip General merchandise business through the Willamette valley. He with large trade—no opposition. thought of trying that part of the One of the best opportunities in state for residence, hut has con ­ southern Oregon for anyone want­ cluded to remain in C oon for the ing to go into the mercantile busi­ ness. present. 50 -acre farm, j mile river front­ Thoroughbred Brown and White age, 30 aeies bottom land mostly Leghorus and White Plymoth in cultivation. 20 acres low bench L'ockrels for sale. $1.00 each. J cleared and in grass. Good orchard, C. Watson, Coquille, Oregon. also 30 young fruit trees: 6 room /2 Gauge Good dairy- The grand masque ball given house, nearly new. "RepeatingShotgun 4 -horse Hallowe’en at Nosler’s Hall by barn and dairy house. wagon, mower, rake, plows and Gage’s Orchestra was an unqualified harrow. Price $ 8000 . Terms. The 12 gauge ffhrr/7/f success. There were about oue repeater is a gun of perfect 160 acres of land, about 15 acres proportions, and has one-third less hundred muequeradeis, and a jolly bottom, balam-e hill. Very little parts than any other repeater. It time was hail. The prize winners cleared; fairly good bouse, quarter handles quickly, works smoothly and shoots cloae and hard. of a mile from school. Price, $900. were: Mrs. O. T. Nelson, milk­ The M a rtis» solid top prevents 120 acres t tuber land— about 4 maid. taking a beautiful picture, powder and gases blowing back; the million feet of cedar and fir — 3 ce­ while Earl Nosier, as a cowboy, side ejection of shells allows instant dar, quarter mile from river. Per repeat shots ; the closed-in breecbbolt carried off the honors for the gentle­ acre $ 20 . keeps out all rain, snow and sleet, and the dirt, leaves, twigs and sand that man, receiving a nice mirror. The Lot 50x100. Front Street, Co­ clog up other repeaters. music was all that could haye been quille. A bargain if sold soon. A ll 1 2-gauge 7/7axY/n r e p e a te r s h a v e desired, the floor iu excellent con­ d o u b le e x t r a c t o r s th a t pull a n y sh ell, a n d th e a u t o m a t ic re c o il h a n gfire sa fety lock dition, andjeverythiogjwent smooth­ m a k es th em th e sa fest b re e ch -lo a d in g g u n s We have both new and second b uilt. ly until all were tired of h iving a hand iu the following lines, dressers, 777 >«ly you know them :.l»out the-e ►end them litera­ or t- :t«l their ad­ v I do it. In 1 11 i grtat help iu the »1 your M ate. yo u C A N P R E P A Y F A R E S for anyone from ny 1 hi if you w mt to. I>«*p »nit tiit* n- r\ HiiiMimt witn our local agent and lie will telegraph tieke piomptly. Inquire of A.: 1 t*' ? write to w M M v u ; : K vy Gem-ral 1’ g> Agent The Oregon Kai.r >:• 1 A Navigation ( ’o. 8 lUtheni Pacific Co. (l/mc* in Oregon.) PORTLAND. ONEGO . : . " l We Are Ready for You Eagerly Awaiting the Opportunity to put You in touch with all the Latest and lies! Christmas Jewelry for f§j I W e are O fferin g the Best P rod u cts of the m ost reliable M a n u fa ctu rers, and a cer= tain a ssu ra n ce o f HIGH QUALITY AND H O N E ST W O R T H Something $ in every article Appropriate for Every Person Our varied and very complete assortment insures satisfactory se­ lections in all cases and Really Appropriate and Desirable Gifts for either Old or Young may be found in abundance Tempting Prices Piease Note 1 he on All C. 1 j Following: We Guarantee every piece of goods sold by us to be exactly as represented, and any article not giving perfect satisfaction will be cheerfully taken back and money refunded. E. wm BARKER & CO. 1