(íin n tille V ol . 27: No. 8. Entered a» aecond-class matter May 8, 1905, at the postotti ce at Coquille, Oregon, under act of Contres« of March 3, 1879. î f c n ilò . COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, W E D N E S D A Y , NOVEMBER Bandon Organizes S ol V. Camp SEARCH ABANDONED Bandoli Camp No. 38. Sons of Veterans, U. 8 A., was organized at the O. A. R. Hall Saturday even Ing, pursuant to the call of Com DR. RICHMOND rade C. B. Zeek, Organizer for S. of PH YSICIAN AND KUKUKON. V. for Oregon, who has been work­ Oflice at Slocum’ s Drug Store. ing up the proposition for some C o q u il l e , O re go n . time, and had secured the signa­ Ottica Phone M ain 211. ture of 29 charier members. The new camp is composed of sous and grandsons of veterans of 1861 to ‘65. A. F. Kirshman, Mr. Zeek was assisted in the work of mustering in the new camp, by D e n t is t . YVe give below a very good de­ TWO TENABLE THEOHIFS members of the G. A . R. and W. R scription ol the death of T. Y. Calla­ "T w o theories are tenable: One Uffloe two doors South o f Tost uf.lce. C. of Bandon. The new camp ghan and his friend, Joseph YV. that the wiDd had torn the staffs comes under the jurisdiction of Cal­ Coquille - • . Oregon. Stevens, from the Tacoma Daily from their hands or that they had ifornia and Oregon, Sons o f Vet­ Tribune, of August 25th, which will set them down and, in the blinding erans, U. S. A. be read with interest by many Coos storm which had ariseu, they had Col. R. H. Rosa, being aid to the DR. J. D. KELLY county people. YVhen the papers lost them. The blizzard was veer­ Commander, I)ept. of Oregon, G. first published the incident a mis­ ing steadily toward the White river PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON A. R., was duly commissioned in­ glacier, and it was probably in that Coquille, Oregon stalling officer by Theo. V. llrown, take was made in Mr. Callaghan’s initials and his friends here did not d' rection t'lat they made their way. Office in Skeels Building Jr., Commander Division of Cali­ recognize the name as his. Mr, ^ w' d uo* saV *kat it they had OFFICE HOURS—9 to 11 a.m. 2 to fornia and Oregon S. of V , U. S. A., Callaghan was well known here, keen accompanied by an experi- 4 p. m. 7 to 8 p. m. and proceeded to the performance haviug come to Coos county up- enced guide o f the mountains they Residence Phone— Office Phone— of his duty. The following list of wards of twenty years ago, and W0V^d have been saved if they had elective and appointive officers were while he has traveled a great deal storied down. It was a physical installed by Col. Rosa: C. B. Zeek, since, he has spent much of his impossibility for any man to beat Dr. C. IN. Endicott Comdr; R. A. Felter, Sr. V. Comdr; time here. The report reads as back against that storm, but a man Ed B. Henry, Jr. V. Comdr; D. A follows: D en tist who knew the mountain rnignt Patterson, Chaplain; N. S. Dressier, Having deemed it inadvisable to have Seated one of the caves in the Office on Front Street Sec; H. L. Houston, Treas; F. S. continue longer the search for the crater, where they might have lain Perry, patriotic instructor; C. YV bodies of T. Y. Callaghan of YVest umil morning and escaped with Phone Main 431. Coquilie: Oregon Young, guide; Thrs. Coates, Jr., in­ Seattle, and Joseph YV. Stevens of frozen members only. side guard; llobt. Young, musi­ Trenton, N. J., who lost their lives I T “ The YVhite river glacier is the cian; Archie Rosa, color hearer — on Saturday, August 14th, while at- oll'y °ne which starts directly from Bandon Recorder. E. D. SPERRY tempting to make an ascension of the summit. It sweeps downward A ttorney and C oanoellor at L aw . <>«»«■ i o n s l l M r i l i e i n r l u r C lill.l ri n Mount Tacoma, Owen Callaghan, and many ot its breaks are 1,000 :intl G r o w n l o l l . « too. Office in R obinson Building the only brother of one o f the miss­ feet in height, with deep crevasses, “ YY'e could hardly do without ing men, and Dr. H. B, Hiurnan ol any one of which the storm-driven Cbaintierlain’s Cough Remedy,’ ’ men, now completely without bear­ says Mrs. Flora Despnin of Bloyd, Everett, who have been investigat­ ings or any idea of their location Ky. "I found it to bo eo good for ing the latest search made for them, and walking blindly betore the tem­ IN. C. CHASE. croup and have used it for years. came into Tacoma yesterday. Both pest, might have stepped into and I cau heartily r< commend H for were lem ming to their homes, after been lost forever.” A T T O R N E Y -A T - LAW coughs, colds and croup in children having remained several days at In the time that the lost Mr. Olfio in R ob in son B uildin g, Upstairs and grown folks, too.” The above the scene c f the accident, content Calaghan and Dr. Hinman spent shows the implicit confidence that that the everlasting snows that together in camp they became inti- I many motheis place in Chamber­ cresj the peak should remain to mate friends. lain’s Cough Remedy, a confidence mark the resting place of the two “ I found him a most remarkably C. R. BARROW based on many years’ experience in who were gone. educated man,” remarked the doc- Attorney and Counsellor at Law the use of it. No one need hesitate “ It is the best way,” said Mr. tor yesterday, ‘ ‘He was never en- to use this remedy, for it contains Callaghan. “ I have been over all abled to attend a college or higher First-class R eferences no chloroform, opium or other the ground myself and I could not school, but he was perfectly familiar F ifteen Years’ Experience narcotics and may be given to a consent to tuither lives being ri iked with all the advanced mathematics child as confidently as to an adult. in the search. I believe that no and had worked all of Euclid. He C o qu ille C i t y , O rk For sale by R. S. Knowlton. party could be sent out without di- was a lover of the philosophers and rectly endangering the lives of every the deeper thinkers. I have found Winchester Victory at Chicago. searcher. YVe could not save the him engaged in reading Rousseau J. J. STANLEY He lives which have already been sac­ and Spencer and Addison. At the Grand American Handi­ rificed and no pretext could ex­ carried pocket volumes of P ato and LAW YER cap Tournament, held in Chicago, cuse the further deliberate risk If his other favorite writers. June 21-26, and participated in by there were any hope o f finding my F ron t Strett LOVE OF NATURE Martin Building nearly 500 trap shooters, D. A. Up­ brother and his friend alive, or if it CoQUILLK, OUKOON “ He was a wonderful lover of were only a question of expenditure, son, of Cleveland, Ohio, won the I would never allow the hunt to nature and one o f the most atten­ amateur champiouship of America; cease, but I know that thev them­ tive students. A m on g his effects Fred Gilbert, of Spirit Lake, la., selves would not ask that additio nal this passage from Spencer I hud A. J. Sherwood, underscored in one of his books: Frank Fisher, of Eagle Grove, la ., useless steps he taken.” A tto rn e y - at - L a w , ‘ It is not, indeed an absurd and al­ the preliminary handicap; Fred DETAILS OF TRAGEDY most sacrilegious belie! that the N ot ab y PUBLIO, Gilbert, high average for all tar­ Dr. Hinman was spending a more a man studies nature, the less Coquille, î : Oregon gets trapped; and John R. Taylor, cation at the Camp of the Clouds at he reveres it?’ He was a man 51 of Newark, Ohio, high average for the time Callaghan and Stevens ar- years old, ot the finest type of Irish i \ double targets. The grand Ameri­ rived there. He and Stevens were gentleman, with ruddy face and Walter Sinclair, both members of the Mystic Shrine, snowy hair that made him appear can handicap resulted in a tie be­ and, in the days they were together much older. He was exceptionally A ttorney - at - L a w , tween John R. Livingston, of before the lost men commenced the vigorous, however, and had spent N ot a by P u b l i c , Spritigville, Ala; YViHium YY 7etleaf, fatal climb, became fast friends, seven yeais in travel, having scaled Coquille, : : Oregon. of Nichols, la.; George E. Burns, The Doctor was a participant in all many of the highest peaks in the of Cleveland, Ohio, and Fred Shat- the events succeeding the tragedy, Alps and Pcpocatapetl in Mexico.” and is familiar with all of its de- T. Y. Callaghan came tc Canada tuck, of Columbus, Ohio. In the tails that will ever be brought to from Ireland, where he was born in Hall & Hall, shoot-ofl of the tie, Mr. Shattuck light. Countv Kevin. He located in A ttobnkyb - . t L aw , won, scoring 20 targets; Mr. L iv­ “ Mr. Callaghan and Mr. Stevens Stratbroy, Ont., when he was a Coming to in R e a l E state o f a ll kin d s. ingston, who shot from the 19 yard left the camp early on the morning very young man. mark, breaking 19. All of the win- o f the fourteenth to make the long Oregon In 1885 he interested him- Marshfield, Oregon. trip to the crater,” saiu Dr. Hinman self in the timber business and four ! ners except Mr. Shattuck shot while in Tacoma. “ They took with years ago owned a thousand acres YViticbester “ Leader” shells, and them a young man, a son-in-law of in that state. Besides his brother, E. G. D. Holden l Messrs. Livingston and Hums also J. L. Reese, J. T. Shirley. The his only living relative is a sister, shot VY'inchester Repeating Shot- first intimation we had o f their Mrs. Andrew Reardon, of Minne- L awykh , J u s t ic e of t h e P f . a c i j guns. Such a sweeping victory danger was Shirley’s return, say- sota 0 . 8 . C om m issioner, G eneral Insnranoe I again proves that Red YV goods are ing that he had found it impossible j o e s t a m f l e r ’ s p lu c k to keep up the pace and was forced A gen t, aad N otary P u b lic. Oflioe ; the ones that help shooters success­ to signal a goodby to the other two, The home of the other lost man in R obin son R u ildin g. Little has been fully. who were several hundred yards was in Trenton. Coquille regon. ahead of him, and come back. His learned ot his family hut he is said VI c II m m II M . V l l l l l . l e r I C r r o n i i m - m l « hands were becoming frozen when to have remarked before bis death f l n i in l i c r l . 1 1 it * . ( ' » l i e . I h o l e ru he started to return, and he told of that his wife died one year ago. m i l l I H u r r l i n c i , IC. i n. l li . “ I am sorry that, through some a bad storm raging near the crater. M. E. W H IT M O R E . E. F.M O RRISSY “ I have used Chamberlain’s Colic, Jules “ It was too late that night to unfortunate circumstance, Coos Bay Paving and Con­ Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for commence a search for Callaghan Stampfler has been given the great several years for diarrhoea. I con­ and Stevens, and we kept looking measure of credit in the search which struction Company. sider it the best remedy I have ever for their return Early in the morn- should have gone to his brother, GENERAL CONTRACTORS tried for that trouble. I bought a ing Joe, the elder of the Stampfler Joe- ,Ioe ,ook cut ,he first seat ell- Plans nml Estimates Given bottle of it a few days ago from our brothers, started for Longmire to |n8 Par,y and spent two days look- druggist, Mr. R. R. Brooks. I get a searching party thinking ' n8 for the lost men without any Cjncrete Bricks Stone «ml Timber shall ever be glad to speak a word that they had been forced to seek compensation,” said Owen Calla- Contractor. in its praise when I have the op­ refuge in one of the steam caves of ghan yesterday. “ He offered to Phone 151-J portunity."— Rev. J. D. Knapp, the crater. YVith Stampfler were make a complete circuit of the Offices 117 Front Street, Marshfield Ore. Pastor M. E. Church, Miles Glove, Virgil Chapman and Isaac Brown, mountain with two companions for Pa. Sold by R. S. Knowlton. of Tacoma, who is an employe of nothing, in addition to expenses if I * - tfc' Northwest Development com- wished it. But I did not think it pany. They were out from 9 a. m. ri8>'t to have risked those addition- F or S a l e . to 7:30 p. m , but found no trace of al lives- In the first lriP one of the men, Virgil Chapman, fell and A No. 1 Dairy Ranch of 157 acres, the men. Incorporated. “ The next day Joe Stampfler set rolled to within five feet of a cre- about 120 acres cleared, about 100 Manufacturers of acres under plow, 40 bead good out, accompanied by Len, Ben and vasse which would have killed him The Celebrated Berpmann Shoe grade Jersey cow, 50 tons hay, 130 Late Longmire, Sam Estes, the had he l,ot keen r°ped and the same _____ wagons, government ranger; Frank Kandle, might happen again. It would take The Strongest «nd Nearest YY’ ater tons corn ensilage, plows, Proof shoe made for loggers, miners harness, cultivators', mowers, cream William Fogel and a Seattle tourist ®ve dfy s to bring the bodies out I separators, milk cans etc. One- whose name we have been unable even if they were found, as the prospectors and mill men. 8 horse-power gasobne engine, one to learn. The first party discovered crater would have to be completely 621 Thurman Street 10 ton per hour ensilage cutter, the alpenstocks carried by the miss- circled with them. P o r t l a n d , O regon , 10 or 12 bend of hogs, two good mg men forty-eight paces from "I believe that my brother would barns, two dwelling houses, two Registration rock, but they had not rather rest where he is than in a Letter head a, bill heads,envelopes, orchards, all binds of fruit, wagon registered. This was the only clue man-made grave. He lies in the cards, invitations, everything that road, railroad and river, about ever found to the place and the oc- country and amid the scenes he pertains to a first-class printing es­ 200 rods of river frontage. A snap cisión ot their disappearance, loved best and no fitter vault could tablishment can be had at the from ten to 15 years to pay for it. From that point they disappeared ke selected for him than the ice- Pacific Real Estate Co. entirely. bound niaq«oleutn ol Mount Ts- H erald office. Former Coos County Man Lost in A t ­ tempt to Scale Mt. Tacoma. ! Thco. Berpan Shoe M fg.Co. Cash Prize for Writers. Pcrtland, Or., Oot. 2G—Five thousand dollars will be given by the Portland Commercial Club in prizes for the best newspaper and magazine articles on Portland, the state or the Pacific Northwest. The offer holds good during the coming ear and the one writing the best article will he rewarded with check for $1000. Second best will get $500 and a gradually diminish b i g scale of prizes will reward 80 writers. The contest is open to everyone, The conditions are that the articles must be printed in a newspaper or magazine of general circulation, printed anywhere outside of the states of Oregon and YY’ ashington Marked copy of the publication must then be sent to the Portland Commercial Club, where it will be turned over to three judges named by the Governor of Oregon. The articles may be printed between the dates of November 1st, 1909, and December 31st 1910. Almost flDv phase of the North­ west may be used as subject matter of the articles. The length and treatment is optional with the win­ ter. The plan of the Commercial Club is not to have the Northwest "boomed” in the common meaning of the term so much as it is to have the people of the country become more familiar with this portion of the United States and give expres­ sion to their views in such articles as will be acceptable to papers throughout the entire continent. The decision of the judges will be absolutely impartial. There are prizes for JO writers and the chances for winning are so many that en­ tries in the contest Bhould be large. That the publicity resulting from the prize offer will be wide and that much good will be realized for the whole Pacific Northwest is assured. C riin|i i 'u r r i l a n d a C liilit s l .i l r Snvi-it. ‘ It affords me great pleasure to add my testimony to that of the thousands who have been benefited by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. My child, Andrew, when only three years old was taken with a severe attack of croup, and thanks to the prompt uBe of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy his life was saved, and to­ day he is a robust and healthy boy,’’ says Mrs. A. Coy, Jr., of San Antonio, Texas. T lr remedy has been in use for many years. Thousands of mothers keep it at hand, and it has over been known to fail. F or sale by R. S. Knowlton. A 320 acre South Atnca . Veteran ’ ’ounty Land Certificate issued by i Department of the interior, Governme it of Canada, Ottawa, . ,der the Volunteer Bounty Act, 1908. Good for £20 acres of any Dominion land open for entry in Alberta, Saskatewan, or Manitoba. Any person over the age of 18 years, man or woman, can acquire this land with this certificate, with­ out further charge. For immedi­ ate sale— $800 00. YVrite or wire L. E. Telford, 131 Sbuter street, Toronto, Canada.” — 3, 1909. ?^S 2 S 2 S 2 S 2 S 2 S %£2 Ö^SZSZS^ZSZSZSZSZSZS^ Silrll lir a .L u ll-. This distressing disease results from a disordered condition o f the stomach, and can be cured by tak ing Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablet«. Get a free sample at R. S. Knowlton’« drug store an t try it. • .«> • Pay-up Notice. ! restaurant FOR S ALE Owing to ill health I have closed down my Restaurant, and it is thoroughly fu rn ish ed and for sale. Reasonable terms. W rite or call on MRS. M. NOSLERf Coquille, - - O regon^ gj R. S. KNOYVLTON, President GEO. A. ROBINSON, V. Pres. R. H. MAST, Cashier Farmers ai)d Merchants of Coquille Bat^ CAPITAL STOCK $25,000 A Reasonable Share First Class Safety of Your Business Solicited Deposit Boxes For Rent piONEER MEfIT MARKET Lard, Hams, Bacon, Sausage, Fresh and Salt Meats. We Carry We are headquarters fo r everything in the meat line, wants always receives prompt attention. COQUILLE VALLEY Your PACKING CO. A. J. SHERWOOD Pres. R. E. SHINE, Vioe Pré» L. H. HAZARD, Cashier 0. C SANFORD, Asst. Cashier F IR ST N A T IO N A L B A N K Op COQUILiLiB, ORBGOp. ■ ------ . «•> ----------- — Wanted— S u 0 e e s s Magazine wants an e jergetic and responsible man or woman in Coquille to col­ lect for renewals and solicit new subscriptions during full or spare time. Experience unnecessary. Any one can start among friends and acquaintances and build up a pay­ ing and permanent business with­ out capital. Complete outfit and instructions free. Addr* ss, ‘‘Von,’’ S uccpss Magazine, R 10m 103, Suc­ cess Magazine Building, New York City, N. Y. $1.50 P er Y e a r T r a n s a c t s a G en era l B a n k in g B u s in e s s Board of Oirectora. Correspondents. R. O. Dement, A . J . Sherwood, L . H arlocker, L . If. Hazard, Inaiah Hacker, K. E. Shine. National Rank o Commerce, New Y ork Cit Crocker W oolw orth N ’ l Bank, San Franciac First N a t’l Bank o f Portland, Portland, .3 5 1 CALIBER Self-Loading Rifled A s its name indicates, this rifle reloads itself, t recoil o f the explod ed cartridge doing the w ork. T h is places the com p lete con trol o f the rifle under the trigger finger, w h ich perm its rapid shooting w ith great ease and a ccu racy. T h e .351 Caliber H ig h -P ow er cartridge, has trem endous killing p ow er, making it heavyen ou gh forth e largest game N. Lorenz having sold out his Catalogue fully describing this rifle, u The Gan large mercantile establishment on that shoots Through Steel,” sent upon request. Front street to his sod , H. N. Lor­ W i n c h e s t e r R e p e a t i n g A r m s C o .. • New H aven . C o n n . enz, and now a settlement with the many customers to this business is very necessary. All knowing them­ W K ia t U o n l « l Y o u D o ? Hovel Girls! Columbia Bicycle selves to be indebted to this firm Greatest offer out. Get I d case of a burn or scald what Free! are urged to come into the store would you do to relievo the pain? your friends to subscribe to our and settle at once. N. L orenz . Such injuries are liable to occur in magazine and we will make you a any familv and everyone should be present of a $40.00 Columbia Bicy. Timber Land For Sale. prepared for them. Chamberlain's $2200 buy* 118 acres estimated Salve applied 00 ssoft cloth will re­ cle— the best made. Ask for par­ at three million feet, part cedar, lieve the pain almost instantly, and ticulars, free outfit and circular tell, near Gravel Ford, one mile from unless the injury is a very severe ing “ How to Start.” Address. “ The river. Address E. W. Gregg, Co. one, will cause the parts to heal Bicycle Man,” 29-31 Flast 22d St without leaving a scar. Fore sale New York City, N- Y. quille, Oregon, by R, 8. Knowlton,