Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, October 13, 1909, Image 3

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    J. D. Myers, ot Remote, was in
Robiuson’snew line of ladie’s tail­
There will be a daure at Nosler’s
ored suits are here.
last Friday.
ball Saturday night.
C. B. Zeek, of Bandon, was a
Henry Johnson, of Riverton, was
Mrs. Sinclair returned from a vis­
Fall suits for msn at Robinsou’ s.
Coquille visitor on Friday.
in town yesterday.
J. W. Coach was up from Bandon it at Marshfield Monday.
R. S. Knowlton, the druggist,
VV. S. Hall, of Gravel Ford, had
Harry Flanders, the teamster,
lubt Friday.
will till orders for Rouse coal.
1 went to Bandon Saturday.
business in Coquille on Friday.
I. Chandler, of Gravel Ford, was
Chas. Page, of Bandon, was a
F. D. Layton, the commercial
Buy your grass seeds at Lyons A
in town Friday.
! Coquille business visitor on Friday. Jones and get fresh ntw Seed.
| traveler, has been in town several
Five lota for 1500. See J. W.
Rubbers, Rubbers, Rubbers, for
Father Curley, o f Marshfield, days.
everybody at Robinson's.
visited the upper Coquille yester­
Avoid the annoyance of preparing
Johu Aasen
had business at
Sunday dinner by going to the
County Commissioner Dement day.
Myrtle Point Thursday.
Mrs. A1 Lilly, of Bandon, was in Baxter.
was down from Myrtle Point on
E. E. Doyle, of Parkersburg:, had Friday.
town on Monday, and greeted many
Stauley Bartlett made a brief
business in Coquille on Saturday.
Don’t forget that the Margaret old friends.
visit to Portland last week, return-
R. C. Dement, of Myrtle Poiut, lies Co. is due here about the 18th.
For a 1713-acre stock ranch at ing the first of this.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Street, of $11 per acre, see W. B. Neathery.
was a Coquille visitor on Friday.
Mesdames White aud Crouch,
Mrs. Julia Barrows, of Parkers- Marshfield, were in Coquille last, \ a . Leach returned yesterday of the north part of town, went to
from bis extended visit to his old | the Bay on Saturday.
bur#, was in Coquille last Saturday. Wednesday.
New and up-to-date suits for boys j home in Missouri.
Haws g u n n ed , tiled and set at
Fine sash wood delivered any
and little tots at Robinson’s.
. ,
o n
Quick A Curry’s shop.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Smalley, where in town at $2 per tier, Ap-
John Golden, of Marshfield, was ! ^ rftg 0i were in Coquille trnnsact- ply at this office.
O. L. Hopson waa in Coquille
Mrs. I. N. D eL on g and daughter,
Friday on Hits way from Ban don to over Thursday looking after prop­ ing business yesterday.
erty interests.
the Bay.
McKenzie Merry Makers in Nos­ Miss Bessie, were up from the farm
S. Faulkner, of Oakland, Calif­ ler’s halt tonight and tomorrow night near Riverton yesterday.
H. A. Todd, the Arago straw­
ornia, registered at the Baxter hotjjl
L. C. Bargelt, of the Mjrtle
berry man, had business in town
T. A Walker, the insurance man,
one day last week.
Point Enterprise, returned from a weDt to Bandon Saturday with W.
Go to Hill’s Studio, successor to yisit to the Bay Monday.
A. Williams, of Portland, a repre­
Born.— In Coquille, October 8, j Tollman, for first class Photos.
of the Continental Co.,
1909, to Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Collier,
H. P. Condone, the Isthmus
coat sweaters at Robinson’s.
for which Mr. Walker does a large
a daughter.
lumberman, w s b in town on W ed­
Jas. W. Mast, of Bandon, was in business.
Mrs. Thomas Devereux, of Par- ! nesday of last week.
on Saturday on his way to
keraburg, did shopping in Coquille
Mrs. G. A. Fife, of Sebastopol,
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McGee, of
on Saturday.
Cal., returned borne by the last
Riverton, did shopping and visiting the exposition at Seattle.
Call at Robinson’s and ste the j iu this city on Thursday,
loug wool capes for ludies’.
Registered Berkshire pigs for
J. C. Watson, Co-
C. I. Green, of Lampa, had busi- ( le— both sex.
ness which called him to Coquille
j Itev. R. G. Sumerlin, of North
on Saturday.
Bend, was a Coquille business visitor
Prof. L. H. Haruden, of River- between trains on Thursday of last
ton, made our office a pleasant ca ll! wee,|j
while iu town last Saturday.
Eq Lasswell was down from the
"Lyons A Jones for shoes. Boy’s North Fora last week with a wagon
High tops $3.00 and $3.50 per pair. ]ooti Df fine poaches, for which he
Mrs. C. M. Wickham moved to
Bandon, Monday to join her hus­
band, who has a position iu that
Thoroughbred Berkshire pigs,
both sex, for sale by J. C. Watson.
Arch Deacon Horsfall will con­
duct services at St. Jame’s Episco­
pal church on Sunday, morning and
Fruit jars at cut prices, also jell
G. W. Sparks, of lloseburg, was found ready gale,
glasses by the barrel, at the Racket
in Coos county several days lately
Mrs. L. L. Harmon and son Will store.
Miss Florence Atkinson, of this
lqoking after timber interests.
! at,d dau’ghter, Miss Bessie, were in
city, returned the last of the week
Miss Lena Belloni closed a very 1 from Lee tradiu« and S'1,ting ^
from a month’s vacation in the
successful term of school at tbe | P lie8 last Saturday'
Why Do t get 25 cents worth of eastern part of the state.
Strang district on Thursday of last
that Naptha soap at Lyons A Joneb?
Children’s hats and caps in large
You get seven bars.
variety and style at O. Wilson &
Mrs. Geo. McAdams, of this city,
Mrs. T. B. Lane, of this city, Co’s.
went home with her father, F. M. went to Marshfield Saturday where
A. Holverson has opened a Tailor
Miller, of Fishtrap, on Saturday for ohe will visit with her brother, M.
Shop one door west of the Sentinel
a week’s visit.
D. Sberrard and family.
office. He does all kinds of tailor­
Rev. Samuel Gregg, of Portland, ing. All work guaranteed.
Shoes have won popularity with the State Evangelist for the Christian
Mrs. N. W. Moon and son Ed,
woods boys. E. L . Tozier maker,
church, is expected here in a short who were in from their farm near
time to hold a series of meetings.
Fairview, made our office a pleasant
Col. Wm. Coach, of Bandon, was
business call while in town on Mon­
somewhat indisposed a few days
windows and doors re screened.
last week, but was much improved Quick & Curry has the galvanized day.
Parties wishing coal from the
at last accounts.
Rouse mine will apply to Harry
Mr. and Mrs. W W . Deyoe, of
Cbas. Mansell, of this city, started
for Oakland, California, last Friday. Myrtle Point, were passengers from
William Cox. who has lived in
He will remain at that place indefi­ 1 Marshfield to the Point Friday,
couoty for the past forty-one
nitely, there being a good position j Mrs. Deyoo having gone over to
years, has sold his farm and will
awaiting him.
from his long Alaskan trip with the move to Coquille in a short time for
The shoes tor woodsmen; Tozier’s government survey party,
— S. F. Shoes. The gloves for wear
C. M. Goodman & Co,, dealers
There are several school dis­
Logger Fear Gloves. E. L. Tozier.
tricts in need of teachers. Anyone in new and second hand good s.
James Walstrom, (he accommo- wishing a position might be accomo­ Phone No. 364.
J. M. Riley,who recently returned
dating ageut cf the steamer Eliza­ dated by dropping a line to the
H ekald .
to this section with bis family from
beth, plying between Bandon and
Mrs. John Lindebeck, of Arago, Yuma, Arizona, has purchased the
San Francisco, had business which
went to Bandon Saturday to see her farm of William Cox, near Port
called him to Coquille on Saturday.
husband and daughters, Misses Orford, and will become perma­
Get your table legs turned at Lena and Grace, who are living nent citizens of that locality.
Quick & Curry’s. They have some there temporarily, while Mr. Linde-
Ed Rackleff, the merchant of
patterns already out.
Hard wood, beck is employed on the new Cody
Langlois, passed through town Sun­
SI per set.
day on his way to see his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Rackleff, of
Myrtle Point, the latter of whom
has been in ill health for a short
time. He returned Monday.
^.wszxszszszszszffisaz ^izsasszszszszszszs2s^
>>; Coos County’s Favorites Return |
O. Wilson & Co. have just re­
ceived a full and complete line of
childrens’ hats and caps.
Pratt Nelson and family arrived
here from Woodward, Oklahoma, on
Friday and proceeded to BandoD,
where it is their intention lo locate.
Mr. Nelson seemed well pleased with
the country as far as he had seeD.
James Anderson, the upper-river
miner, weut to Bandon yesterday
to take the Elizabeth to San Fran-
cisco, having been called to look
after property interests.
Full stock of graae seed at
Knowlton’s Drug Store.
The steamer Elizabeth came in
Monday from San Francisco, bring­
ing a number of passengers and
freight for our merchants. She ex­
pects to sail tomorrow at 12 m.
Get your Boys a pair of those
High top shoes at Lyons A Jones.
Beat These For Prices.
J. W. Brewer, a son of P. H.
Brewer, of Fishtrap, arrived here
last week from his home in Guate­
mala, where he has spent the past
sixteen years.
He has a little
daughter with him wbo speaks only
Spanish, that being the prevailing
language of that section. He is
enjoying a visit with his father very
F or S ale .— H orse and buggy
The Farmers’ and Merchants'
cart and harness, saddle and bridle Bank has completed arrangements
Call at Lyons & Jones’ store.
to transact a regular savings bank
Mr. aud Mrs. John Kronenberg, business in connection with its
ol this city, who had been visiting regular business. Deposits in small
their daughter, Mrs. James Blakley amounts received, thereby enabling
and family, of Lodi. California, re­ the boys and girls and older people
turned Monday, coming up from to place their small earnings where
San Francisco by the steamer Eliza­ it will be safe and at some time earn
beth. Mrs. Kronenberg’s health something. The management will
has not been improved by her trip. be pleased to explain the working,
o f the system to any one on applica­
For Sale.— A good, young saddle
mare, also young work horse.
Frank Burkholder, Coquille, Oreg.
William Campbell, a well kuown
coal mining man o f this county,
Dutch collars at The White House.
died at Libby Sunday afternoon at
Be ready for the General Sale at
the advanced age of seventy-six The White House Saturday the 16th.
years. He was a native of Scotland. Call at The White House and see
He is survived by a son and daugh­ the elegant line of suits and coats.
ter, David Campbell of San Fran­ Mrs. Tipton will be there Wednes­
cisco and Mrs. Pat. Hennessy of day and Thursday,
CAPITAL STOCK $ 2 5 .0 0 0
o f Your Business Solicited
Deposit Boxes For Rent
A Reasonable Sharfe
First Class Safety
Spend, the More W isely
You Should Spend It.
Syrup, best grade, 1 gallon
Coffee, you can’t beat it for 25 cents
Soap, the best, 6 bars for
Tomatoes, 3 cans for
Toasted Corn Flakes, 2 packages for
Baking Powder, 25 ounces for
Carnation Milk, per can
5c, 10c, 15c.
Grocery Department
Mrs. J. F. Lee, of RivertoD.
Wanted. A teacher for Dist. No.
20, Curry county. Two months at
$ 5 0 per month. Address the clerk
1 at Port Orford.
s e llin g
L L the thought, time and care
spent upon the prescribing
and the
dispensing of
prescription is wasted unless the
foundation, the
used in it,
are correct and de­
pendable in quality.
T here is no other drug house that
w e know of that goes to more
trouble and pains in selecting the
best goods and in
trying to find
fault with its own goods than does
this drug store.
W e prefer that no fault be left for
our customers to find.
Every practical, physical and che­
mical test is made to find that the
goods in this store are in right con­
These are our claims for absolute
Fuhrmans Pharmacy
Coquille, Oregon
s h ip ­
m en t o f n ic e fre sh C r a n b e r­
ries, an d are
Big Values and
A s to Reliability
o f Quality
What’s Better
re ce iv e d
Best Values Ever Offered.
Buttons, buttons, who wants but­
tons? They can be made at The
The Margaret lies Co. expect to White House. Ivory or plain, large
be here about November 18th to be- and small, black and colors. Jet
giu a tbree-nights engagement. buttons in stock.
Their many frieuds will be highly
pleased to see them again, as their
performances may always be de­
pended upon as being of a clean,
bigb class nature, to which the most
fastideous could not object.
W e have
Com e
in a n d get o u r
P r ic e s o n a ll C a n n e d
G ood s.
W e can
sa v e You
M oney.
th e
R ig h t P rices.
Miss Cora Belloni keeps delieious
home-made taffy on sale at the
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Smiley, of
W. C. Laird, the House Furnish­
er, has just received a full and com­ Ferndale, Cal., who have been
plete line of wall paper.
visiting Mr. J. A . Davenport and
J. R. McGee, who recently leased family of this city, the past few
the Rouse coa' miDe at Riverton, weeks, started on their return home
bad business which called him to yesterday. They were accompanied
town Wednesday.
He is getting by Frank Kelly and Thos. Purcell,
along very well with the mine, hav­ also of Humboldt county, who had
ing already completed 250 feet of been to the Seattle exposition and
tunnel in order to tap the vein at a other points in Washington and
lower level.
October 13 and 14
Letter heads, bill heads,envelopes,
cards, invitations, everything that
pertainB to a first-class printing es-
tabliabment can be had at the
H esaed office.
T h e n w h y n ot let u s se ll y o u y o u r G r o c e r ie s at
The Least Money You Have to
Eureka out of the Bay. Mrs. Fife
After October 16th our mails will
has been enjoying a visit with her
go btek to the winter schedule, ar­
old time friends, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
riving at 9:30 a. m., and departing
Davenport, of this city.
at 4:30 p .m .
It is to be hoped
Anything in the photographic that by another winter we will have
line made at Hill’s . Studio. En­
an automobile road through to
largements a specialty.
Roseburg and that a schedule even
L. J. Cody, the lumberman, came far better than that maintained
up Saturday from Bandon and pro­ during the summer may be estab­
ceeded to the Bay on his way to lished for the entire year, until a
Portland on business. He was ac­ railroad or electric line is con­
companied by G. W. Moore, of Port structed.
Huron, Michigan, who is interested
Here is your chance, IU packages
in lumbering with the Cody com­ of soda for 25cents at Lyons A Jones.
This week only,
of Coquille
You Surely Are.
Several large boys or young men
were heard acting unbecomingly
near a church during services Sun­
day evening.
Bettei be careful,
boys. The night watch is likely to
show up when least expected.
For Sale.— A gray mare. Guar­
Make your washing easy by us­
Apply to Thos. Ashton,
ing Washing Tablets at Drane’ s
near Lampa Creek, Coquille River.
C. A. Smith and A. H. Powers,
Wm Meeker, of this city, who
has been in California for several the lumbermen, wbo recently re­
months, came over from Marshfield lumed from Minnerota, came over
This Company Will Appear and Name the New
Saturday, having arrived at the from the Bay Monday and took a
Opera House.
Bav a few days previous.
He has look over their legging interests on
been as far south as San Francisco.
i Cunningham, near this city.
Those wash suits i
J«» * .
talks as though he might
thing for you to buy al
• spend some time in Coos county
A Co’s.
this trip He is enjoying our fine
Thomas Smith and granddaugh­
weather very much—in fact, he
ter, Miss Dora Smith, of Riverton,
found it very warm in places up in
J \ went to Myrtle Point by Saturday’s
the woods
train on their way to Portland and
R e s e r v e d S e a ts N o w o n S a le a t
Thoroughbred Brown and White
other valley points, where they go
to see relatives and friends.
They Leghorns Rnd White Plymoth
Cockrels for sale. $1.00 each.
will be away several weeks.
ROUTE AHEAD. — M\rl!e Point 11th 12th
Riverton 15th.
C. Watson, Coquille, Oregon.
Registered Durock Jersey pigs,
Bandon Kith 17th. Langlois 18th 19th.
the kind that tatten on clover, for j
L. A. Le6, of Riverton, who has
sale by J. D. Carl, Myrtle Point, been spending a considerable time
Or. I bone 101.
mining in Alaska, passed through
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Fish, of Ban- this City on Thursday on his wav i
don, were in town Saturday on their north for another season. He has
R 8. KN OW LTON, President
home after a visit of some weeks whst he considers a very valuable
R. II MAST, Cashier
with their son, H. A. Fish, of Fish- claim 100 miles from Valdes.
trap, who csnje down with them went out by way of Cottage Grove at
this far.
These old people are
. . . . . . .
enjoving very good health at pres- wh,ch P°'Bt Mr8’ IjCe W,H re,na,D
ent, Mr. Fish being much stronger j duriDg his absence.
He was ac-
tban be was a year or so ago.
I conipanied to the Bay by bia mother,
Are You
Going to Eat?
th em
Call and See Ua
Hear the Music.
15c per lb. 2 lbs fo r 25c
The Store of Big Values
and Little Prices.
W ickham
Board by Day, W«tl( or Month
Sanyplc ffoortjs
S p e cia l
Hie* Batljs
A tte n tio n
P aid
th e T r a v e lin g P u b lic.
FREE with $25.00 cash trails
and a cash payment of $2.50
on delivery of machine. Oiie
10-inch record FREE with
$10.00 in cash trade. One 10.
inch record FREE with $5 00
in each trade every Saturday.
Remember the Aretino record
fite all kinds of disc talking
P. E. Drane
L a d le » ’
G e n ts’
K u rn iH liln gH ,
F a n c y a n d S t a p l e G r o c e r ie s , F lo u r
a n d F eed.