The steamer Elizabeth arrived in J. E Conger was up from River­ ton Saturday. the Coquille on Friday. For a 1713.acre stock ranch at For all kinds of animunifiou call For Sale.—One dozen Brown on J. S. Lyons. Leghorn bens; apply at this office. $11 per acre, see W. B. Neathery. L. D. Carl, of Norway, was in J. Mende, of North Bend, was a R. W . Haughton was down from town Monday. Coquille visitor a day or so last Norway yesterday. J. L Crosby, of Gravel Ford, was Archie Kruse, the ship builder, week, in town on Saturday. came over from the Bay Monday. Mr. aud Mrs. Thomas Anderson of Bandon, visited friends up this For bargains in shoes, see Drane Children’s hats and caps in large at bis new store. variety and style at O. Wilson & way a few daj s last week. C J. Itaudleman, of Parkersburg, Co’s. Thoroughbred Berkshire pigs LOCAL N E W S . E. N. Smith was a passenger from Myrtle Point to Bandon Saturday. New and uptodate guns of all description at J. 8. Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Roberts lien Grant, of Gravel Ford, was a were up from Riverton yesterday. Coquille visitor on Monday. Registered Berkshire pigs for Full stock of grass seed at sale— both sex. J. C- WatsoD, Co­ quille. Knowlton's Drug Store. Mrs David Mathers, of Riverton, Oapt. O. P. Ellingson,of Parkers­ had business in Coquille on Satur­ burg, bad business in town Thurs­ day. day. James Richardson, of Parkers­ Full stock of school books at Knowlton’s Drug Store. Cash burg, was a Coquille visitor on Monday. only. was in town Monday. Avoid the annoyance of preparing D. McNair, the Bandon hard­ ware man, was up to Coquille on Sunday dinner by going to the Baxter. Monday. Mrs. Boone is over from Marsh­ Make your washing easy by us­ field visiting her sister, Mrs. Edw. ing Washing Tablets at Drane’s Boyd, of this city. store Mrs. G. Boak and Miss Wald- Bia Barrows, of Bullards, was in vogle, of Bandon, visited up-river Coquillo last Saturday shaking friends the last of the week. hands with old friends. Fine sash wood delivered any Those wash suits are just the where in town at $2 per tier. Ap­ thing for you to buy at O. Wilson ply at this office. & Co’s. The Randolph Lumber Co's mill D. H. Dollar, the lumberman, re­ on the lower riyer started up yes­ turned last week from a business terday, They have been advertis­ visit to Sau Francisco. ing for men. Parties wishing coal from the The steamer Fifield went into Rouse mine will apply to Harry Coos Bay Monday, and yesterday F landers. came around to the Coquille for a William Norton, of LaDglois, re­ load o f lumber. turned Thursday after spending a Lost.—-Road and Poll tax receipt day or so here at court. book for Dist. No. 9. Finder Knowlton’s Fruit Jars, pints 90 please return it to this office. cents; quarts $1.10; one half gallons, | Married.— In Coquille, Oregon, September 15, 1909, Mr. Will Strain $1.25, at Lairds. M. E. Arthur, of Corvallis, Ore­ and Miss Alma Bushnell, Rev. C. gon, la in this county looking j H. Cleaves officiating. parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Rowan, returned home by way o f this city on Monday, accompanied by her father and little Miss Belle Stevens. n OREGON Enroll for Fall Term Now Registered Durock Jersey pigs, the kind that latten on clover, for sale by J. D. Carl, Myrtle Point, | Or. Phone 101. A 320 acre South African Veteran Bounty Land Certificate issuer) by the Department of the interior, Government of Canada, Ottawa, | under the Volunteer Bounty Act, 1908. Good for 320 acres of any j Dominion land open for entry in | Alberta, Saekatewan, or Manitoba. 1 Any person over the age of 18 S E N D F O R L E A F L E T . years, man or woman, can acquire D n n ifl fC C D I t lP __ Practical, Substantial; as in any business House. \ this land with this certificate, with- oUUMVttrlnU Three months here equals at least eight months ont further charge. For immedi­ under class instruction. ate sale— $800 00. Write or wire Legibility to Students. One of the Y _ Speed, Accuracy, L. E. Telford, 131 Shuter street, items—Recognized by experts. < most complete systems—Recognized Toronto, Canada,” fjl Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmanship f Rapid Calculation and Commercial Usage. Endorsed by the business men of Coguille. Its attendance has been largely drawn from th at class. V SHORTHAND J M en ’s Stylish Suits We have ju st re­ ceived a nice line of Men’s Suits and are showing some snappy styles th at have the g o o d quality stamp and the small p r i c e mark for Something that is Well Made and Dressy—-Can’t be Beat Elsewhere for $15... House Moving. Business College COQUILLE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ¡Coquille, * Oregon Office in Skeels Building OFFICE HOURS—9 to II a. m. 2 to 4 p.m . 7 to 8 p. m. Residence Phone----- Office Phone----- J F ob S ale .— Horse and buggy Wm. Vore returned f-om San cart and harness, saddle and bridle Francisco Monday and is out sell­ O. Wilson & Co. have just re­ ceived a full aud complete line of ing Richmond lots, with which he Call at Lyons & Jones’ store. is meeting good success. childrens’ hats and caps. Mrs. E. E. Hayes, of North Bend, Born.— Near Johnson's Mill, C. M. Goodman & Co., dealers who has been over to see her mother, September 2, 1909. to Mr. and Mrs. ! in new aud second hand goods, Mrs. G. A. Brown, who has been j Phone No. 364. quite ill of late, returned home Mon­ P. W. Laird, a daughter. D. C. Krantz was down from his day, taking her mother with her, W a n t e d — Girl for general house work. Wages $25. Apply to Jul­ farm at Arago yesterday, the first she being much better the past few time for some weeks, he having days. ius Larson. Marshfield, Ore. been down with rheumatism. Remember that J. ■». Lyons gives Isom Walker, the Curry county stockman, was in Coquille last j L. E. Elliott went to the Bay away a $2.50 knife each week for the highest off hand score at his Monday shaking hands with old j Satuiday for a lot of bridge timbers shooting gallery. to be used along the railroad by friends. The Misses Ellingson, Maud and Clyde Collier and his bridge gang. Remember, school will open soon. Ruby, of Parkersburg, started the The shoes lor woodsmen; Tozier’s Get your books and school sup­ —S. F. Shoes. The gloves for wear last of the week for California, the plies at Knowlton’s Drug Store. Logger Fear Gloves. E. L. Tozier. former going to Oakland where she J. R. McGee has purchased the Miss Grace Savage, of Marshfield, will attend high school, and the lat­ White property in Riverton, where who had been visiting friends in ter to San Jose to attend the Slate he will make his home while operat­ Myrtle Point, came down Monday Normal. ing the Rouse mill. Get your table legs turned at and stopped over a day or so with W. B. Neathery has made ar­ her brother, J. O. Savage, editor Quick & Curry’s. They have some rangements by which he is prepared patterns already out. Hard wood, to send those wishing to look at of our worthy contemporary, the $ i per set. real estate about in an automobile. Sentinel. H. H. Grenold, the gentleman Miss Edua McDonald, of this who traded properties with W. A. C. R. Callaway, of Cottage Grove, Oregon, arrived here last week and city, who has been visiting in Port­ Goodman, having come in poses- is taking a look at the county with land the past two months, returned sion o f the house-moving outfit, will Inst week,accompanied by her aunt, continue that business. a view to finding a location. Anyone Mrs. Luckey, who will visit her having a building to move will do Thoroughbred Brown and White sisters, Mrs. McDonald and Mrs. J. well to call on that gentleman. Leghorns and White Plymotb Cockrels for sale, $1,00 each. J. T. Nosier. F ob S ale — First class restaurant C. Watson, Coquille, Oregon. Tczier’s Celebrated Logger with fine business on reasonable Joe Windle was up from Lampa Shoes have won popularity with the terms, also new piano. Write or woods boys. E. L. Tozier maker, call at tbis office. on Thursday. He informs us that Coquille. . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hink, of he, with his family, are preparing H. K. Bullard, late of Nebraska, Winslow, Arizona, who have been to make California an extended who has been looking about for here for a week past, visiting the visit. some time for a location, arrived brothers of Mrs. Hink, I. N. De Knowlton’s Drug Store has the here last week and is taking in our Long, of Riverton and C. A. De largest stock of all school supplies, valley He is highly pleased with Long, of this city, started home yes­ including books, tablets, pens, the appearence of our section from terday via the steamer Fifield, pencils, etc. School books are an agricultural point of view, and which came into Coos Bay Monday. strictly at cost. being a farmer, is able to judge. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Cessna, who If you intend seeding any ground For sale or trade for Ranch. this fall it will pay you to call at have beeu residing at Riverton for Eight-room house and five lots, several years past, left on the last large barn, henhouse and yard, Knowlton’s Drug Store and get prices and examine quality of seed. Fifield on their way to southern woodhouse, city water. For sale G. C. Cox, of Port Orford, who on easy terms. E. H. Kern, Co­ California. They go for a change had the misfortune to sustain a quille, Oregon. for Mrs. Cessna's health. broken leg in a stage accident on April 12th, while visiting at G. W. Harry’s recently, fell on his crutches and broke the limb over again. He was taken to the Bay for treat­ ment, since which he is rapidly im­ proving. He aud wife passed through town Friday on their way down the coast. FRANK B. ANDERSON. Principal OR J. D- KELLY All who can should attend the big Large congregations were pres­ carnival which opens tomorrow at ent at both of the services held by Bandon. A grand time is assured to all who take this entertainment Bishop Scadding at St. James’ In both sex, for sale by I. C. Watson in. It will extend over Thursday, Episcopal church on Sunday. the morning a baptismal service E. Arnison, of the Myrtle Point Friday and Saturday. was followed by a fine discourse, section, received a nice engine and The order of Owls of Coos coun­ and in the evening the Bishop con­ boiler for bis mill Monday. ty held their annual picnic at tbis firmed a class of five and delivered An excursion E J. Michael, of Myrtle Point, city last Sunday. a most able and impressive sermon, wag in town Saturday with a load of came from the Bay and boats from giving each one of his hearers much Bandon, bringing large crowds, in­ vegetables, fruit, melons, etc. food for thought. The ladies of Sam Stout, who has been looking cluding full brass bands from each the Episcopal Guild gave a recep­ Through a misunderstand­ about considerably of late, seeking place. tion on Saturday evening at the a location, has returned to Coos, ing there was a bitch in the man­ residence of Mr. L. H. Hazard, that agement in regard to the entertain­ fully satisfied to remain. Bishop Scadding might have an op­ ment, an admittance fee being ask­ J. M. Riley, a former resident of portunity of meeting the people of ed to the fat men’s ball game, but tbis county, who has spent the past this mission. On Monday morning this was soon stopped. The pic- twoyears at Yuma, Arizona, return­ the Bishop, accompanied by Mrs. nicers brought their baskets and ed last week and is looking about Scadding and the ltev. Mr. Hors­ enjoyed their luncheons in a grove for a location. fall, proceeded to Gardiner to hold Dear town. services in the new mission there. Wm. Cox, of Port Orford, has Fred Kruse, of Marshfield, was Bishop and Mrs. Scadding will re­ been visiting bis daughter, Mrs. J. W . Leneve, of tbis city, the past severely injured last Saturday by turn to Portiand by the first of the locom otheon the Smith-Powers October. few days. Mr. Cox is thinking of Isthmus road running over him. moving to this city for residence. Wehave both new and second The engine was moving slowly hand in the following lines, dressers, Buy yuur school supplies at Knowlton’s Drug Store. The very when he stepped off and attempted commodes, iron and wood beds, bed to pass in front of the train, but springs, mattresses, floor matting, best values in tablets. his foot missed the ties and went ¡sewing machines, in fact almost Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Marshall, of the trestle. The engineer I everything needed for the house or through Bandon. made our office a pleasant , , . i camp. Come and look through, had turned ' | you will be surprised at the great call while in town Wednesday of last week. They had with them Mr. Kruse could extricate himself VB,iety of articles to be found in their new baby girl, of which they the locomotive passed over him. our store. O. M. Goodman A Co The space between the eegine aud , ■ n.... arc justly proud. the ties was but six inches, an d! __________________________________ Now is the time to have your while be was considerably bruised windows and doors re screened. Quick & Curry has the galvanized will no doubt recover rapidly. screening. Our public schools opened Mon­ H. H. GRENOLD, Prop. Mrs. George Barklow, of Myrtle day with a corps of eleven instruc-J Poiot, who had been visiting her tors and good attendance of pupils. | Successor to W. A. Goodman for a dairy farm to rent. ANDERSON’S Grandma Leneve visited her old friends, Mr. and Mrs. Danil Grow, of Coaledo, several days lately. Orvil Dodge came down from Myrtle Point Monday and spent the night with his daughter, Mrs. Capt, Willard, and family. - - Oregon The teachers are, Prof. H. O. An-J Coquille, derson, superintendent; Cecil K. j Lyons and Lula M. Porter will be j Is prepared to do all kiuds of in charge of the high school de- j House Moving on short notice. partment, consisting of the ninth, j Jack Screws for Rent. tenth, eleventh and twelfth grades, ! Miss Helene Hughes, eighth grade; Charges R e a s o n a b l e . Miss E. May Beaver, seventh grade; Miss ReDa Anderson, sixth grade; Miss Eva May Howe, fifth grade; M. E. WHITMORE. E. F. MOKRISSY MisBLilliaDC.Ullmann,fourth grade; Coos Bay Paving and Con­ Miss Carrie M. Shaw, third grade; I struction Company. Miss Clare G. Partridge, second GENERAL CONTRACTORS grade and Miss Lottie M. Kelly, first grade. It has been found nec­ Plans and Estimates Given essary to secure rooms for the two grades laBt named outside of th e{ ' Concrete Bricks Stone and Timber. Contractor. public school building, and the Phone 151-J board has secured rooms in the Offices 117 Front Street, Marshfield Ore. Academy. Roberts, Look Over Our Line and be Among the Satisfied O .W I L S O N & C O The Store of Big Values and Little Coquille, Prices Oregon As to Reliability of Quality A L L the thought, time and care spent upon the prescribing and the dispensing of your prescription is wasted unless the very Johnson & foundation, the used in it, ingredients are correct and de­ pendable in quality. Rand Shoe There is no other drug house that w e know of that goes to more trouble and pains in selecting the best goods and in trying to find fault with its own goods than does this drug store. W e prefer that no fault be left for H a v e y o u seen a n y in t o w n ? T h e y our customers to find. are th e S ta rs B ra n d mical test is made to find that the an d Every practical, physical and che­ y o u get th e m a t goods in this store are in right con­ dition. These are our claims for absolute LYONS & JONES. C a ll a n d see o u r n e w sto ck . reliability. Fuhrmans Pharmacy PHONE NO. 213 The S h oes and P rices are su re to p lea se you. W e a lso carry G ro cerie s, D r y G ood s, F lo u r a n d F eed . ...F R E E D E L I V E R Y ... Call and See Us Hear the Music. Coquille, Oregon and Aretino Talking Machine FREE with $25.00 cash trade and a cash payment of $2.50 on delivery of machine. One 10-inch record FREE with $10.00 in cash trado. One 10. inch record FREE with $5.00 iD cash trade every Saturday. Remember the Aretino record fits all kinds of disc talking machines. P. E. Drane 2d St - Coquille DEALER IN L a d le » * and G e n t»’ F u r n is h in g » , F a n c y a n d S t a p l e G r o c e r ie » , F lo u r a n d F ee tl.