Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, September 22, 1909, Image 2

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    Coquille HerQkL
On Thursday the committee held
a meeting at which A. T. Morrison
was elected to attend a meeting of
W E D N E SD AY, S E PT. 22, 1909 like delegates at Rostkurg, an d ;
upon his return gives the following:
Local advertisements among local
The committee reports everything Messrs.
reading five cents per line each inser-
lion. Cards ol thanks 50 cents each favorable at Roseburg and all along
Obituary poetry five cents |>er line the proposed line.
Between Co­
Resolutions of Condolence and lodge
and Roseburg there are|
advertising five cents per line.
day Evening—W ill Sup­
several farmers who offer free
rights of way and money besides.
It is time the people of this valley
should wake up. This is the best
proposition ever put up to us, and
another thing we should think
about is, with six lines contemplated
to Coos county tho Inland Electric
is the only one that gives Coquille
a look in, or even recognizes that
we are on the map. L et us all pull
On Wednestay eyening of last together for the read that gives us
week the Coquille chamber of com the best offer we ever had and will
merce met in Nosler’s Hall, Judge furnish a bond to secure us a road
E. D. Sperry, president, in the in two years.
The meeting being austen-
Cupid B u sy Again.
sibly for the purpose of discussing
the railroad subject; the routine
On Wednesday, Sept. 15th, at
business was deferred till the fol­
noon a pretty home wedding
lowing evening. There was a good
attendance and intense interest was celebrated at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. I. T. Weekly, when Miss
J. H. Somers was present and Maud, their second daughter, was
by request stated the purpose of the united in the holy bonds of wedlock
p irties back of the proposed elec­ to Mr. James Albert Brockman,
tric line, with the full assurance Rev. Cissna, of Gravel Ford, offi
The bride and groom
that this is no real estate boom dating.
scheme, but a bona fide railroad were attended by Miss Doris W il­
proposition, and one that would do liams, of Myrtle Point, and Mr.
to tie to.
The gentlemen offering Vance Weekly, brother of the bride.
to back this road are known rail The wedding march was played by
road builders, and all they ask of Mrs. Chas. Southmayd, of Myrtle
our people is enough to assure Point.
port Electric
them that want, and would support
a road, if they had one, and in re­
turn, and to show their own good
faith, offer to pat up a good and
sufficient bond that they will either
build the road within two years or
refund the money.
Several good and enthusiastic
speeches were made, among the
speakers being Judge Sperry, E.
H. Kern,
Walter Sinclair, and
Judge Sehlbrede.
A committee was appointed by
the chair to draft resolutions along
the line of thought as expressed by
our people, and the following was
submitted and unanimously adopt­
Whereas, Ths Coos Bay and In ­
land Electric Railway Company
proposes to build an electric rail­
way line from Coos Bay via Co­
quille and M yrtle Point to Rose*
burg, and
The contracting parties took their
places under a large green and
white bell, and after the solemn
words were said which united them,
they received the congratulations of
their friends.
The bride looked very pretty in
a pearl gray silk daintily trimmed
with whit« lace with a long bridal
veil falling from a wreath o f white
lillies of the valley. She carried a
shower bouquet of white carnations.
The groom was dressed in the con­
ventional black.
Miss Williams
was charming in a pale blue crepe
tie chine. The house was prettily
decorated in green and white.
Huns And Kucttnef
Make Statement of
Their Plans.
We take the following letter from
Coos County Granges.
The charter list of Coos Bay
Orange at Marshfield was closed
last Saturday by State Deputy
Cyrus H. Walker with ¡14 members.
It is the intention of the officers to
increase the membership to at least
100 before the next meeting of the
State Grange, in May,1910.
Mr. Walker expects to put in a
grange this week at or Dear Bandon,
thus giving Coos county five
Granges which will entitle them to
two sets of delegates in tbe State
Grange, which meets at Oregon
There are many things of vital in-
terest to the public, that the Grange
as a body is seeking to accomplish
The parcels post, postal savings
banks, keeping in force the law tax
ing colored oleomargerice 10 centB
per pound, etc.
A matter of local interest is that
Linn County
Business Council
made up of delegates from Linn’s
15 granges and several of Benton
county’ s Granges, passed a resolu
tion at its last meeting, May 1st
favoring a law making a uniform
rate of not more than three cents
per mile on all rattroads doing Inisi
ness in Oregon.
Some lines still
charge four cents per mile.
The State Grange at its meeting,
May 11th, at McMinville, endorted
the resolution, hence all the Granges
in Oregon are expected to help se
cure this law at the bands of our
next Legislature.
The Grange is working for the
best interests of all the people, it
is especially dsvoted to the agri
cultural classes. Every farmer and
dairyman should belong to the
j the Coos Buy lim es which is self ex
| plaontory:
Portland, Ore., Sept. 13.— Editor
Coos Bay Times:
Referring to
your article printed iu your valu
able paper ou September 10, re-
garding the railroad situation at
Marshfield, Ore., we wish you
would be kind enough to give us
space in your valuable paper to en­
lighten the people of Maishfield in
regard to the situation as it really
stands, and to correct the erroneous
article appearing in your paper on
September 10.
In the first place, we desire to
call attention to the fact that the
undersigned did not come to Marsh­
field to disrupt your community,
nor antagonize your people against
the Coos Bay, Boise and Idaho
Railroad Company, but that we
came th^re in the interests o f the
Coos Bay and Inland Electric Rail­
road Company to make arrange­
ments with your citizens toexpedite
the construction of an electric line
between Roseburg aud Marshfield.
In order to justify ourselves, we
herewith give you the facts ot the
procedure taken place in your good
city during our stay there, and
hope that you will print this in
your paper, so as to set us right
before the people, and also give you
an opportunity to print true facts.
W e met a number ot citizens of
C losed b y C reditors.
Marshfield, who are interested to
obtain communication between the
The People’s Market in this city
given points, aud have been so for was closed last Saturday by the
years. Those citizens appointed a sheriff at the instance of the many
committee to look after the inter­ creditors of the concern.
It seems
ests of the Coos Bay and Inland that Manager Hensley bad gone on
Electric Railroad Company, and a supposedly visit and pleasure
while this committee met we were trip, but it has developed that be
invited to a meeting of the commit­ has hiked for parts unknown, while
tee o f the Chamber of Commerce, an exanimation into the business
in which they asked us to make shows him to be seme five or six
them a proposition pertaining to thousand dollars short in his ac­
the taking over o f the survey o f the counts.
Many farmers are heavy
Coos Bay, Boise and Idaho Rail­ losers, having furnished m any beef
road Company.
How’ever, we animals for which they had not re­
found ou our return to Roseburg ceived their pay.
--. <------
that parties who had been interest­
A n Endorsem ent
ed in the Coos Bay, Boise and
Notice is hereby given that the
B y J. W. L knevi , Coquii.LX, O h .
Board ot Equalization for the Coun­
160 acre ranch, 25 acres or moie
ty o f Coos, State o f Oregon, will at­
Synopsis o f the Proceedings of tend at the office o f the County bottom land, mostly cleared, good
Clerk of raid County, at Coquille, orchard, house, barn, 5 or 6 tons of
the County Court, Septem­ Coos Couuty, Oregon, on the 18th hay, 5 head cattle, one horse and
ber, 1909 Term.
day o f October, A. D., 1909, the buggy. \ mile from school. Price
same being the third Monday of $ 2 , 000 .
CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE. said month, at the hour of nine
160 acres of land, abo^it 15 acres
2 OO o'clock a. ra. o f said day, aud pub
C H L a x .................
bottom, balance bill.
Very little
A O H ooton...........
2 OO 1 lically examine the assessment roll, cleared; fairly good housp, quarter
2 OO and correct all errors in valuations, of a mile from school.
Anders Anderson.. •• 79
Price, $900.
2 OO descriptions, or quality of lands,
John N L u k e ......... .. 81
120 acres timber land— about 4
lots or other property.
2 OO
John S h u fe r .......... .. 83
Now, therelore, all persons having million feet of cedar and fir— j ce­
2 OO
Simou Erickson, Joint 2
business before the said Board of dar, quarter mile from river. Per
In Re Officers’ and Deputies Sal- Equalization will lake notice, and acre $20.
appear at the time and place afore­
Lot 50x100. Front Street, Co­
School Superintendent's Office
said, and make due complaint, oth­
quille. A bargain if sold eooo.
erwise the assessment will stand as
W H Bunch,Supt’ssal and
returud by the Assessor.
230 75
Wituess my hand this, the 15th
A G Rabb, Cor, Mss, e tc ..
37 50 day o f September, 1909.
W D Reedy, 11
37 50
T J. T H R IF T ,
Clerk’s Office
Assessor of Coos County, Oregon.
Any person culling timber or
Jotty Watson, la b o r ....
57 5°
bark of any description on the lands
Ray Collier, labor.........
117 50
of the Southern Oregon Company,
B ig
Inez F Bunch.................
n o 00
$4500 buys 45 acres improved or removing same, or other proper­
Assessor’s Office.
ty, from said lands, without being
ranch with builditigs.
Geo O Leach, labor.........
91 25
duly authorized in writing, will he
N Osmundson “
50 00 $12.50 an acre buys a fine tract o f , prosecuted according to law.
Katheryn C Wells, labor... 302 50
Any person furnishing sufficient
tom bnlance grazing.
J S Lawrence, labor.........
123 00
evidence for the recovery of pro­
$800 buys an acre ull in garden
L W Oddy, labor, sheriffs
perty so taken and conviction of the
house and barn. See us for j
125 00
parties concerned, will be given one-
bargains. Come in and see i
Walter Culin, health offi­
half of the property recovered.
us and list your property
cer, salary, etc.............
46 78
Southern Oregon Company.
with us. We will give yon
a square deal.
Judge, etc.
E A Anderson, per diem
and mileage.................
121 to
W T Domeut, per diem
and mileage.................
134 20
John F Hall, 2 mo salary 166 67
T T Nosier, bailiff, probate
c o u r t.............................
6 00
In Re Bills Continued or not al­
State vs Calvin Wright, W B C ox,
constable, claim for launch hire
$4.00, not allowed.
State vs Pierson, W B Cox, con­
stable, claim of $3.00, launch hire,
not allowed.
A H Derbyshire, defending McDon­
ald in J P court, claim of $ 10.00
not alllowed
Lawrence A Liljeqvist, claim of
$3 60 mileage Mosena vs Mosena,
not allowed,
Recorder Publishing Co, claim of
$17 30, returned for approval of pet-
sons ordering the printing.
S S Shields, accompanying Spaul­
ding family to Coquille, claim $3.00
not allowed.
8 S Shields, hired help for Spaul­
ding family, coniinued for itemized
statement, claim $10.00.
Bandou Livery Stable, moving
Spaulding family, claim $14.00, re­
duced to $7 .00.
Hotel Gallier, meals and room for
Iradel Post, claim $ 10.00 not al­
W A Bean, supplies for Winters,
claim $ 18.00 continued for itemized
B. F. Adams. 5 trips with gaso­
line launch for Lighthall, claim
$15.00 not allowed.
allowance of
$10 00 per mouth discontinued I
from Aug. 1 , 1909.
Josh Nelson, allowance of $ 10.00
per month be discontinued.
Maria C. Grant, allowance of
$20.00 per month be reduced to
After the ceremony the guests
were invited to the dining room,
where an elaborate dinner was
served. Pink and white carnations
formed the decorations in this room.
About twenty partook of the re­
freshments, to which they did Idaho Railroad Company had gone
San Francisco, Cal., Sept. 13, ’09,
to Roseburg, while we were at
Whereas, The said company, to ample justice.
My Friends in Coquille:
show their good intentions, pro­
happy couple were the
I have been out to East Richmond
had already
poses to enter into bonds for the receipients of some very pretty with them,
pledged their support to the Coos Park and purchased property there,
building of said electric road or to presents.
aud Inland Electric Railroad and am very pleased to recommend
refund any subsidy or expendi­
Among the guests were: Mr. and
tures made in securing the right Mrs. Crosby, Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Company, and one o f those gentle­ it to anyone luoking for a good in
of way and making surveys, there­ Weekly, Mr. and Mrs. M. M Minard, men in the party was at the meet­ vestment. I found that everything
Mr. Vore had represented in regard
fore, be it
Mr. and Mrs. E Arnison, Mr. and ing ol the committee appointed by
Resolved, By the Coquille Cham­ Mrs. C. H. Southmayd, Misses Dora the Chamber o f Commerce to con­ to the property was true iu every
ber of Commerce, that it heartily Williams,
Stout, Josie fer with us, the undersigned, and
Yours truly,
endorses the building of said Elec­ Weekly, Messrs. M. Arnison and
C. O. D ryukn .
tric Railway Line between and Vance Weekly.
ness like, and acceptable to us. This
through said points, and, be it
shows that one or more o f the
The thermometer stood at 105 in
gentlemen on the committee were
Resolved, That an electric line the shade at Myrtle Poiut on W ed­
AH Coos County warrants drawn
“ double dealings.”
of railway is best suited to the im­ nesday.
on the general fund and endorsed
imposition was made in good faiih,
mediate needs of our county, and
prior to February 1st, 1908, will be
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Broadbent and we expected that the commit­
paid on presentation at my office in
said Chamber of Commerce hereby
went to Randon the middle of the tee which invited us would ncl in Coquille, Oreg. No interest will be
heartily endorses the building of
week for a little ontiug.
like manner, but it, evidently, did allowed on any of these warrants
such road and hereby pledges its
after September 30th, 1909.
support to the construction there­
Dated this 22nd day of Sept. 1909.
Now with regard to the state­
volunteer work on thP’road on a
T. M. D im m ick ,
J. L. Mosena, Co. wt. No. 373
grade. They are doing very good ment by Col. Grimes, through your
County Treasurer.
W. Sinclair,
Z for $ 10.00 be cancelled.
M. O. Hawkins,
T. J. Thrift,
resentatives of the Southern Pacific
G o o d Ranch for Sale.
State ot Oregon, 1
Mrs. McMullin and son took their
E. D. Sperry.
County o f Coos, \ ss'
Company, we must say that this is
departure for Roseburg on the lGtk.
A well improved place of 26 acres
absolutely absurd, and anybody
I, James Watson, County Clerk
A committe appointed to ascertain Mrs. McMullin has been at Portland with good common sense in your with n fine borne and good build­ for Coos County, and State of Ore­
the sentiment of the people here in and Seattle all summer and came community will easily understand ings, crop, etc., on Fishtrap. A p­ gon, ex-officio Clerk of the County
Court for said County and State,
regard to this line secured the home for only a week.
that if the Southern Pacific Com­ ply to S. Eilwards, on the place.
custodian o f the records, archives
names of over 400 in a short time,
pany was going to build into your
and files of said County, do hereby
F ob S a l e
and found no opposition whatever.
territory, they would do their own
certify that the foregoing is a true
Resolutions by this committee were
Fur Sale.
A good young work mare, weight and correct statement of the amount
surveying; furthermore, would not
adopted as follows:
J. M. Bright of Gravel Fold is abandon a line which is already 1350, and two fine Bonaparte colts. ot bills of expense, in whose favor
G. O. L owk , Norway, drawn or allowed, continued or not j
Whereas, the Coos Bay dr Inland offering his flue dairy farm of 187 commenced, as that company would
allowed, on the various funds of,
Electric Railway Company propose acres, 40 neri s good bottom land, not require anv agents, or (he hack­
tbeCounty, as audited by the County
to build an electric railway line with new residence, good barn, and ing up o f the people; further, that
Court o f said County and State, at
from Coos Ray via Coquille and large, bearing orchard for sal*', to­ from reliab'e information that we
the regular September 1909 term of
said Court, as the same appears in
M yrtle Point to Roseourg, and
gether with a I the slock, farming obtained while there, the Southern
the Journals of said Court now in
Note the stead/ and rapid ad­
This place Pacific Company has a good por­
Whereas, the said Company, to implements, crop etc.
my office and custody.
show their good intentions, propose is located 1 } miles from creamery tion of the right of way deeded to vance in the price of stock since
Witness my band and the seal of
to enter into bonds for the building and less than 4 mile from two good ! them east ol the Myrtle Point which
the County Court affixed this 10th
came into their posessiou by the
per share day of September, A . D. ¡ 909.
of said electric road or to refund schools.
Anyone wishing such a location purchase of the fr e c k le s road.
any subsidy or expenditures made
j September 1, 1907.................. 11.00
in securing the right ot way and will find this a bargain. W rite to
Now . summing up all o f these October 1, 1907,......................12.50
01 call on him at that place.
making surveys, therefore, be it
facts, it shows, in itself, that the November 10, 1907____
January 1, 1908
statement made iu
Resolved by the Coquille Elec­
, „ , „ .
>OUr paper' March 1, 1908 ,Z Z Z Z Z Z l6 .5 0
« i , j :
tric Railway Committee, that we
through Col. tînmes, is erroneous ’ j , lne j 1 SKIS
Fiom a small beginning the sale and misleading to jo u r people.
heartily endorse the building of
August 1, 1908
said electric railway line between 1 Lnc* use °* Chamberlain s Cough
Wo will again state that onr visit October 1, 1908
_ .......
Remedy has extended to all parts! to your progressive city was not to December 15, 1908................ 22.50
and through said points, and, he it
ot the United States and to many
February 15, 1909. _
foreign countries
Why? Because antaK0Di^ any faction ° f the peo May 1,1909....................
Resolved that an electric railway it Ins proved especially valuable | P*e- ,>ut to harmonize, so that w< August 1, 1009 .................... .35,00
is beet suited to the needs of our for coughs and colds. For sale by all might work toget. er lor .the
The price will remain at $35.00
R. S KnowIton.
long-looked-for end.
for a short time only. It ’s a chance
county and we hereby signify our
Thanking you i:i advance for in­ of a lifetime to make a safe invest-
preference for an electric line as
Timber l.nml for Sale.
serting this letter in \ our valuable n#ent * nd large profits.
aforesaid, and hereby pledge our
118 acres of good timber land for paper, we remain,
O. L. Hopson, Fiscal Agent
hearty support thereto.
j sale at a bargain. One mile from
Yours very tru*y,
Coos and Curry Counties. Box 323
(Signed) R. H. Mast, Secretary.
j river. For particulars address box
J acob H aas ,
M arshfield.
W. I.. Kistner, Chairman.
197, Coquille, Oregon.
F. 1). Kt e i t n e k .
Office in the “ C handler”
N otice to T axpayers
J ames W
Neathery & May
The following seven (7 ) Portland,
Ore. Hdw dealers
have lately
New location first door east of W. ordered shipments of the celebrated
O. W. Building.
Self-Setting Plains direct from the
makers; G**ge T ool Co., of Vine-
W l i j l > r n s c i * t f t I C r c o i i i i H 4 ‘ ii<| f l u t i i i -
b o r l u t n * » C o l i c . < n o l c n i it m l
land, N. J., viz. J J. Kadderly,
O ia rr lio c n Itciu cily .
Coleman Hdw Co,, Adolph Dekum,
Mr. Frank C. Hanaran, a promi­ Oregon Hdw. Co., Preer Cutlery &
nent druggist of Potsinouth, Va.,
Tool Co., Wiuters Hdw. Co. and
says. "F o r the past six years I
have sold and recommended Cham­ Honeymau Hdw. Co.
Most 20 years ago Av-ry &
berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar­
rhoea Remedy. It is a great remedy Opdyke sold these planes in Port­
and one of the best patent medi- ! land.
cines on the market.
handle i
I f local or nearby dealers don’t
some others tor the same purposes j keep the Self-Setting Planes the
that pay me a larger profit, but this above shows where they can be had.
remedy is so sure to effect a cure, Several Portland orders for Self-
and my customer so certain to ap­ Setting Planes are now on the way.
preciate my recommending it to
him, that I gave it the preference.”
Saws gummed, filed and set at
For sale by R. 8 . Knowlton.
Quick <fe Curry’s shop.
T he place to buy property is where nature
has done her best in scenic effects, and
climatic conditions. W hen this is found,
in harm ony with the greatest financial
investm ent is
Come in and Hear About
Large Lots
Easy Terms
Stutsman & Vore
Store Your Potatoes
Five Cents Per 100 l b s For the Season of 1909
and 1910
W hy keep your potatoes at home to handle when
the roads are bad, when you can store at
the above price for the season
C o q u ille
W a reh o u se
R. S. K N O W L T O N , President
GEO. A. R O BINSO N, V. Pres.
R. H. M AST, Cashier
D. L. Perkins
and inspect the largest
and most handsome
line of Gents’ Furnish­
ing Goods in the City.
The Newest and most
handsome thing in the
City in
Small Prices
atson ,
County Clerk.
CarpenterH, Farmers, and Plane
ai)d Merchants
of Coquille
A Reasonable Share
First Class Safety
$ 2 5 ,0 0 0
o f Your Business Solicited
Deposit Boxes For Rent
Cora Belloni