Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, September 15, 1909, Image 2

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    Coquille Herald.
l.o ca l R ilv ertiseroen ts
a m o n g lo ca l
rea lin g five ce n ts p er lin e ea cli in ie r -
t io i. C ard s o f th a n k s 60 c e n ts e a ch .
O b itu a ry p o e t r y five ce n ts p er line.
R e so lu tio n s o f C o n d o le n c e a n d lod ge
a d v e rtis in g five ce n ts p er lin e.
What Seems to
Proposition for an E lec­
tric Line.
f ..- $
r '
L .
Couple Die Within a Day.
Less than twenty-four hours in­
tervened between the deatli of Wal­
ter Oldland, the South Iulet pio­
neer, whose wife was stricken late
Sunday o f apoplexy and who died
about 7 o ’clock last evening at the
Marshfield General hospital.
Oldland, wdio had been ailing for a
couple o f years and who had been
bedridden for about six mouths was
in a critical condition when his
wife died, and while his children
tried to tell him of her paising, it is
believed that he was too far gone to
comprehend their statements. Yes­
terday morning, he was brought to
the hospital and last evening he
passed away.
The funeral of Mrs. Oldland which
had been announced for 2 o ’clock
today has been postponed until 2
o ’clock Wednesday afternoon when
a double funeral will be held at the
Wilson undertaking parlors, Rev.
H. I. Rutledge officiating.
Mr. Oldland would have been 71
years old October 7. He was born
in England, and in 1869 came to
America. He settled in Pennsylva­
nia and in 1878 married Miss Izora
Myers who preceded him in death
less than twenty-four hours.
1883, they moved to Coos County,
settling near Libby where they have
since resided.— Times.
BY J. H. o ’ BBIKS.
Messers. Haas and Cuettner, the
P irtland railroad men mentioned
last week, having looked over the
field pretty well, are willing to go
ahead with an electric project for a
r til outlet for Coos county, if the
people will show the proper spirit
and oiler the right encouragement.
It will be loft, in a measure, to them.
There are plenty of places bidding
for capital to invest in the different
enterprises of their respective sec­
tions, and particularly in transpor­
tation lines. Therefore it behooves
our citizens to fall in liae and do
the things necessary to cause these
gentlemen to nnderstand that we
nre in dead earnest and really want
a road.
If there is not hustle
onough here to offer the proper in­
ducement to get a road there
District Lodge Convention.
would probably be but little for one
The District Convention, No. 1C,
to do after it is built, or at least,
be held at Bandon, Sept. 24th,
we may expect road builders to take
1909, The following lodges are in
this view of the situation.
this distsict:
Mamie, No. 20,
Western Star, No. 27, Riverside,
Rural Notes.
No. 100, Sunset, No. 114, Una, No,
120, Ocean, No. 12G, North Bend,
J. Powers has harvested a large
No. 143.
crop of potatoes. He declares it a
There should be a large repre­
superior quality.
sentation from each lodge, as Ocean
The McCurdy residence is near­ Lodge iB sparing no pains to make
ing completion. It is one of the this convention a success.
most artistic home buildings in lodge should give their hearty co­
Coos county. The great dairy barn operation in the coming work of the
on tho place is in keeping with the convention, making it a success and
dwelling, in fact the whole place spreading its influence in every
shows that progressiveness is the lodge in the district, so that we
theme of the master.
may be more closely united by the
The farmer in the vicinity of the triple links of Friendship, Love and
Smith Powers Camp No. 2, where Truth.
the fire has been dangerous for the
W I i j ' D i ' i i e c H h 1C<-<’ o 111111 «• m l C l i i i n i -
past week, welcomed the Thursday
h c r lu ln * « C o l i c , C n o le r a uu«t
■ H a r r h o r n I I p iik m I)',
night and Friday morning rain.
All of them haye been standing
Mr. Frank C. Hanaran, a promi­
night and day on watch, ready to nent druggist of Potsinouth, Va.,
give the alarm in case of a spread. says. ‘‘For the past six years I
have sold and recommended Cham­
berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar­
Supt. McLeod has garnered in his rhoea Remedy. It is a great remedy
crop of wool. Sheep shearing was and one of the best patent medi­
I handle
the order of the day last week. Mr. cines on the market.
some others tor the same purposes
McLeod is well satisfied with re­ that pay me a larger profit, but this
sults. This gentleman is planning remedy is so sure to effect a cure,
to make the farm self supporting and my customer so certain to ap­
and he insists that with a little help preciate my recommeuding it to
for one year he can put the place in him, that I gave it the preference.”
For sale by R. 8. Knowlton.
such a shape that it will pay, ns do
----------- . • «-----------
the best managed private farms.
A G o o d P osition
Mr. McLeod states that a few acres can be had by ambitious young
of strawberries could be handled
men and ladies in the field of
protafibly, which with the dairy
“ wireless" or railway telegraphy.
and garden truck, as well as home Since the eight hour law became
raised feed for stock, the county
effective, and since the wireless
would have little to do but audit companies are establishing stations
returns. The gentleman has made throughout the country there is a
good in the past; it might be well great shortage of
for the powers that be to co-operate Positions pay beginners from $70 to
with him.
♦ 90 per month, with good chance
for advancement.
The National
In The W oods.
Telegraphic Institute of Portland,
Ore., operates six official institutes
The Smith Towers people have
in America, under supervision of
a new departure; in the sense that
R. R. and wireless officials and
they are seeding down their land
places all graduates into positions.
as fast as they clear it. This means
It will pay you to write them tor
timber for the coming generations.
full details.
Camp No. 1 is working twenty
men at p-esent, while forty are lo­
F or S a l e .
cated at No. 2. A part o f this num­
A No. 1 Dairy Ranch of 157 acres,
ber is doing railroad work, as the
about 120 acres cleared, about 100
company is extending a road which
acres uuder plow, 40 head good
will paralel the Sumner wagon
grade Jersey cow, 50 tons hay, 130
tons corn ensilage, plows, wagons,
Win. A. Brown, the chef at Camp harness, cultivators, mowrrs, cream
No. 2, is nursing a very sore lower separators, milk caLS, etc. One-
limb. He takes an evening walk 8 horse-power gasoline engine, one
after his work is done and on last 10 ton per hour ensilsge cut'cr,
Friday night while on his way home 10 or 12 head of hogs, two good
he met a wandering calf, mistaking barns, two dwelling houses, two
it for something else, he started to orchsrds, all kinds o f fruit, wagon
play ball from a sprinting stand road, railroad and river, about
point. He fell, tho rest is easy.
200 rods of river frontage. A snap
The Smith Powers people have from ten to 15 years to pay for it.
been greatly annoyed by forest
Pacific Real E fate Co.
• •
fires, during tho latter part of last
For Sale.
week tho whole force of Cauip No. 2
was out night and day fighting the
J. M. Bright of Gravel Ford is
flames. They are now past the offering his fine dairy farm of 187
danger mark, in so far as that par­ acres, 40 acres good bottom land,
ticular blnze is concerned, yet there with new residence, burn, and
is no telling when nnother will large, bearing orchard for sale, to­
break out. The cause is attributed gether with all the stock, farming
to the locomotive and donkey en­ implements, crop etc.
This place
gines shootiug live sparks from is located 1.1 miles from creamery,
their fin; ’ ts. Tin' farmers in the and less than J mile from t w o good
vicinity arc muon alarmed, since schools.
e v e r y ! i i , i s > dry that the m< st
Anyone wishing such a location
minute ipark M ,i l tie apt to ig­ will find this a bargain. Write to
nite and destroy their all.
01 call on him at that place.
ru n
Few people have competition in
truth telling.
B y J. W.
The man who falls and gets up
again is worth a dozen sycophantic
The uorth pole will doubtless be­
come a popular summer resort in
the near future.
Society works overtime in order
to ' make ladies and gentlemen.
Gpd turns out men and women.
Have you seen them?
The fe­
male gossiper and the male bache­
lor. They are a menace to society.
It is wonderful the amount of
beatuy, grace and wit which has
been hidden away in the rib o f oue
male man.
I will give ten dollars to the
first person who delivers to me a
four leaf clover, a crowing hen and
a nine foot panther.
Leave them
with the postmaster, we differ in
Carpenters, Farmers, and Plane
The following seven (7) Portland,
Ore. Hdw. dealers have lately
ordered shipments of the celebrated
Self-Setting Planes direct from the
makers; Gage Tool Co., of Vine-
land, N. J., viz. J. J. Kadderly,
Coleman Hdw. Co., Adolph Dekum,
Oregon Hdw. Co., Freer Cutlery A
Tool Co., Winters Hdw. Co. and
Honeyman Hdw. Co.
Most 20 years ago Avery &
Opdyke sold these planes in Port­
If local or nearby dealers don’t
keep the Self-Settiug Planes the
above shows where they can be had.
Several Portland orders for Self-
Setting Planes are now on the way.
he College Chap Jr., in
one of the most brilliant
styled models in young
men’s suits ever shown
in this city.
Like all our
it was made for us especially
by Brandegee, Kincaid & Co.
A bit extreme perhaps—
but it is those little unusual
touches here and there that
add individuality to a gar­
These suits are well worth
looking at. Come in, then,
to-day—if only to look. The
prices are very modest.
The McKenzie Merry Makers
This company appeared at the
opera house in this city before large
and appreciative audiences.
Monday night they presented “ Lord
Chumley,’ ’ a very lively play with a
deeply laid plot, but containing
enough of the comic to keep the
people good natured.
The members of the company
did good work, the parts being all
very well sustained, and the vaude­
ville stunts were enjoyed not a
Last night they presented “ Mary
Jane’s Pa,” with equally as good
effect, having a large house, and
all present seemed very well pleased.
A good young work mare, weight
1350, and two fine Bonaparte colts.
G. O. L o w e , Norway.
For Runt Cheap.
100 acre ranch on Myrtle Creek,
18 miles from Myrtle Point, 7 miles
from Bridge.
20 acres cultivated
and fine orchard, good 5 room house
and fairly good barns. 2 years
lease wanted. Address, Mrs. A. C.
Kurtz, Bancroft, Oregon.
Notice to Taxpayers.
D. L. Perkins
and most handsome
line o f Gents’ Furnish­
ing Goods in the City.
The Newest and most
handsome thing in the
City in
W H Y ?
Do you want to work all your life? Its up to
you, you know. Come in and see us ana
make yourself better off. Other
* People are doing it.
Stutsman & Vore
At Coquille, in the State of Oregon, at the
close o f business 8ept. I, 1909.
Loans and discounts..........................$r>4, 229 05
U. S. bonds to secure circulation... 0, 250 IK)
Bonds, securities, e tc........................... 85, 110 66
Banking house, furniture and fix­
tures .................................................. 9, 032 88
Due from National Banks (not re­
serve agents)...................................... 3, 172 10
Dne from State and private Bunks
and Bankers, Trust Catnpanies
and Savings B au k s.....................
4, ,404 92
Due from approved reserve agents. 124, ,41» 13 1
Checks and other cash item s............ 3, 458 34 ’
55 00
Notes o f other National Banks-----
Fractional paper currency, nickels
127 44 j
and cents..........................................
Lawful money reserve in bank, viz:
S p e c i e ...................... $26,165 05
Legal-tender notes-----
855 00
r,020 05
Redemption fund with IT. S. Treas­
312 50
urer (5 per cent of circulation) —
Store Your Potatoes
Five Cents Per
Forthe Season of
and iQio
io o lb s
W h y keep your potatoes at home
the roads are bad, when you
to handle
iq o q
the above price for the season
W areh ou se
Capital stock paid in ..........................$25,000
Surplus Fund .................................... 5,000
Undivided profits, less expeuses and
taxes paid........................................ 12,083
National Bank notes outstanding.. 0,250
Due to State Banks and B an kers.. 12,871
Individual deposits subject to check .228,792
Demand certificates of deposit........ 27,703
R. S. KNOW LTON, President
R. H. MAST, Cashier
T o ta l................................................ 0318,301 40
A Reasonable Share
First Class Safety
o f Your Business Solicited
Deposit Boxes For Rent
S ubscribed a n d ew orn to b e­
fore me this 8th day o f
Sept., 1909.
L . A . L iljeqvist ,
N otary P u b lic.
C apital stock paid i n ...................... $21,000
Surplus f u n d ......................................
In d ivid u a l deposits su b ject to
C h e c k ................................................ 34,837
D em and certificates o f d e p o s it .. . 2,310
C orrect —Attest:
A . J. S h e r w o o d , )
L, H a b l o c k e b
> D irectors
R . E. S hine ,
S kal
• of Coquille
8tnte o f Oregon, \
C ounty o f C oos, )
I, L . H . Hazard. Cashier o f the above
nam ed bank, d o solem nly swear that the
above statement is true to the best o f my
know ledge and b elief.
L . H . Hazard,
Cora Belloni
R ead
L I A B IL I T I E S .
Notice is hereby given that the
Board of Equalization for the Coun­
$4500 buys 45 acres improved
ty of Coos, State of Oregon, will at­
ranch with buildings.
tend at the office of the County
$12.50 an acre buys a fine tract of Clerk of said County, at Coquille,
land 360 acres, 35 bot­ Coos County, Oregon, on the 18th
tom balance grazing.
day of October, A. D., 1909, the
$800 buys an acre all in garden same being the third Monday of
house and barn. See us for said month, at the hour o f nine
bargains. Com« in and see o ’clock a. in. of said day, and pub-
us and list your property lically examine the assessment roll,
with us. We will give you and correct all errors in valuations,
a square deal.
descriptions, or quality of lands,
lots or other property.
Noiv, therelore, all persons having
business before the said Board of
Equalization will take notice, and
New location first door east of W. j
appear at the time and place afore­
O. W. Building.
said. and make due complaint, oth­
___________________________ ^_____
erwise the assessment will stand as
returnd by the Assessor.
Witness my hand this, the 15th
day of September, 1909.
and inspect the largest
1 Assessor of Coos County, Oregon, i
East Richmond Park is six months old. There
have been over 400,000 dollars worth
of lots sold.
T o ta l................................................ 0318,301 40
Foit S ale
Big Bargain
R eport o f the Condition of
Southern Oregon Company.
Sunday, August 2 9 .
Lot 50x100. Front Street, Co­
quille. A bargain if sold soon.
If you intend seeding any ground
this fall it, will pay you to call at
Report of the condition of
Go to the People’s Market, Rrd- Knowlton’s Drug Store and get
man & Hensley Prop’rs, for the prices and examine quality of seed. Farmers and Merchants Bank
of Coquille, at < oquille in the State o f Ore­
best bacon, lard, hams, and meat of
gon, at the close o f business, Sept. 1, liK)9.
everv description. They treat you
Registered Durock Jersey pigs,
the kind that fatten on clover, for L oans and d iscou n ts..................$18,720
B onds, securities, etc................ 2,155
New line of white iinens, butch­
B an king house, furniture and
er, embroidery or round thread, Or. Phone 101.
Fixtures.................................. 5,194
india, fronting, flaxon, and hand­
E xp en se.......................................... 1,346
M aterial, e t c ................................
kerchief, also brown and blue in
Timber Land for Sale.
D ae from approved reserve banks 23,764 30
dress linens at Robinson’s
118 acres ol good timber land for C hecks and other cash ite m s ........
725 90
sale at a bargain. One mile from Cash on h a n d ............................... 6,106
river. For particulars address box
T o ta l
$58,545 52
197, Coquille, Oregon.
Any person cutting timber or
bark of any description on the lands
of the Southern Oregon Company,
or removing same, or other proper­
ty, from said 1 mds, without being
duly authorized iu writing, will be
prosecuted according to law.
Any person furnishing sufficient
evidence for the recovery of pro­
perty so taken and conviction of the
parties concerned, will be given one-
half of the property recovered.
T H E R E W E R E 1500 P E O P L E A X
f East Richmond Parl{
120 acres timber land—about 4
million feet of cedar and fir— j ce­
dar, quarter mile from river. Per
acre $20.
Don’t condemn the man or woman
who has fallen. You are not sale
this side of the grave.
I am not afraid of a bad man.
But I am dubious about coming in
contact with a male saint.
C o q u il l e ,
160 acres of land, about 15 acres
bottom, balance hill. Very little
cleared; fairly good house, quarter
of a mile from school. Price, $900.
I admire hogs. They are never
hypocritical- They never pretend
to be anything else.
Your old associates will work
overtime oiling the track for you
when you begin to slide.
k n ev e ,
160 acre ranch, 25 acres or moie
bottom land, mostly cleared, good
orchard, house, barn, 5 or 6 tons of
hay, 5 head cattle, one horse and
i mil0 from school. Price
$ 2 , 000 .
The man who attempts to advise
a woman is crazy.
I would like to live to see a dog
sweat, a truthful man and Coquille
become a metropolis.
T o t a l ......................................$58,545 52
S tate of O reuon , C ounty of C oos — bs
I , It. H . M ast, cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that the above
statement is true, to the best o f m y knowledge
and belief.
R. H . M ast , Cashier.
C orrect —Attest:
R. S. K
K nowlton ) tv
J. F . fc’C HRoRDKR \ Director».
Subscribed and sworn to be-
\ fore me this 10th day o f Sep-
( t i e über,
J. J . S t a n l e y ,
N otary Public.
Price of Preferred Stock of the
United Wireless Telegraph
i t l
• • • i
Is the Official County Paper
Is the Best Advertising Medium
Has the Largest Circulation
Does the Best of Job Work
Note the steady and rapid ad­
vance in the price of stock since
the organization of the Company.
per share
February 23, 1907.... .............$10.00
September 1, 1907_________ 11.00
October 1, 1907,......
November 10,1907.....
January 1, 1908______ _____ 15 00
March 1, 1908
. ................. 16.50
June 1, 1908
August 1, 1908 .................... 18.50
October 1, 1908...................
December 15, 1908 ....... ... 22.50
February 15, 1909
May 1,1909..............
August 1, 1909..................
The price will remain at $35.00
for a short time only. It’s a chance
of a lifetime to make a safe invest­
ment and large profits.
O. L. Hopson, Fiscal Agent
Cou< and Curry Counties. Box323
Office in the "Chandler"
%t Iij7
“ I took two of Chamberlain’s
Fiom a small beginning the sale
Stomach and Liver Tablets last and use ot Chamberlain’s Cough
night, and I feel fiftv per cent Remedy has extended to all parts
better than i 1: ive for weeks, says ol the United Stales and to many
J J. Fire
if Allegan, Mich, foreign countries- Why? Becau&
"They ate ccr'ainlv a fine article it has proved especially valuable
for bilious».
For sale by R 8. for coughs and colds. For sale b y
Knowlton. Samples free.
i R. S. Knowlton.
• • • I 1 •••
Is Prompt in the Delivery of all Work
Prints all the Latest Hews
Is Equipped With the Best of Material
Is First Established Paper in Coquille
LtlO<l |»r